Date: Fri, 2 May 2003 08:21:00 -0400 From: JT Poole Subject: Boybands - X-Sync - Chapter 1-13 Warnings and Disclaimers: 1) If reading this is in any way illegal in your town, state or zip code because of your age, religion, or other government rules you shouldn't read this. 2) If you don't want to read about male/male gay sexual relationships, go away. You shouldn't waste your time with this story. 3) I don't know any of the members of 'N Sync or any other celebrities that may be mentioned in this story. This story in no way is meant to imply anything about 'N Sync and any other celebrities sexualities, personalities, or anything else. This is a work of pure fiction. Questions or suggestions can be sent to "". I want to hear from everyone out there that is reading this story, tell me what you think whether it is bad or good. X-Men are copyrighted by Marvel Comics and Stan Lee. Psychic Warrior, Hellfire, and Psion are the ownership and copyrighted by John Poole All other characters used that are not part of Marvel Comics, are the sole ownership of John Poole ============================== X-Sync -- Chapter 1-13 Enter X-Sync... by JT Poole // Salem Center, NY -- Xavier Institute -- Danger Room // "Now!" JT screamed as Justin jumped up and started blasted the projectiles with explosions. "Psion could you slow these things down?" Justin asked. "Nope, you can't ask projectiles to slow down during battle, so don't ask me here." JT stated. "Dang, they are going to fast for me to keep up with." Justin stated. "Okay Joey. Are you ready to join him? Remember what I said about focusing your anger on what you want to project your power at." JT stated as the door opened and Joey ran into the room and for the second time, Joey projected flame from his eyes and from his hands, helping Justin destroy the projectiles in the room. "Cool Joe. Seems like our powers are a little bit similar. I have explosions and you have fire. Cool man." Justin stated as a projectile approached him fast from behind. "Duck Curly!" Joey screamed as he blasted the projectile with a beam of fire. "Damn man, thanks for having my back." Justin stated as JT stopped the simulation. "Okay you two need to be more coordinated." JT stated. "Justin you need to pay more attention. The mistake you just made would have cost you dearly if this was a real battle of some kind." "I'm sorry baby. Are you going to start the thing over?" Justin asked. "Yes I am and I am raising the simulation to the next level." JT stated as the room went black, and a beam of energy flashed from the eyes of a robot running towards Justin and Joey. "What da fuck!" Justin screamed as the energy beam nearly missed him. "Come on Curly, let's get out of the way before those things kill us." Joey stated as he and Justin both started running. "What are you guys doing?" JT asked as he ended the simulation and teleported into the Danger Room. "Trying to continue living." Justin stated. "Were you trying to kill us?" "No but you guys need to learn how to use your powers. You two are still fighting at Level 1, I am trying to move you up so you would be level pegging with the regular students here at the school." JT stated. "So we are below the students here?" Justin asked. "Yes you are." JT stated. "You guys need to be able to effectively use your powers so you can defend yourselves if the Sentinels or any other threat threatens you." "Well baby why aren't you in here with us?" Justin asked. "Aren't you supposed to be a part of this team too?" "I am a part of this team, but I already know how to use my powers." JT stated. "You two are not going to be able to rely on me or Bobby to get you to safety. You have to learn to fight for yourselves." "We are trying baby, but you must remember this is our first day doing this." Justin stated. "This is your second day doing this, and Joey's first day, so get over it." JT stated as the room went black again as the Sentinel robot appeared and started zapping energy bolts at both Justin and Joey. "Alright, here goes nothing." Joey stated as his hands started to glow red heat and streams of fire projected from his fingertips. `JT be prepared to accept JC into the battle. Don't alert Justin or Joey, I want them to be able to experience JC's powers.' Professor X stated telepathically. `Okay he able to effectively defend himself using his powers?' JT thought. `Yes. It seems JC was a quick study. Everything I showed him, he picked it up right then and there. He might be as strong as you or Jean.' Professor X stated telepathically. `Well I guess I better be on the look out then.' JT thought as JC, or at least an image of JC appeared in the Danger Room next to Justin as he and Joey were still fighting the Sentinel robots. "JC what are you doing in here?" Justin asked as his hand went through JC's body. "What the hell is going on? Why can't I touch you?" `Calm down Juju, I am not actually here. This is my telepathic image of myself.' JC stated telepathically. "What is a telepathic image?" Justin asked as a Sentinel grabbed him and carried him away. "Let me go you freakin' tin can!" `Justin concentrate and use your powers to make the Sentinel let you go, blow off his hand.' JT telepathically spoke. "How am I supposed to do that, he's squeezing the hell out of me." Justin stated through his wheezing. "Think about what you need to do Justin, then focus your power on it." JT stated, speaking through the Danger Room's intercom. "I guess I will join the party now. "Great. Help me!" Justin screamed out, still not able to get away from the robot that had him. "Pay attention!" JT screamed as he appeared in the room. "This is what I call Take Down and Drag Out." JT floated to what was the center of the room and started glowing brightly. JC, Justin and Joey stood there watching him as they shielded their eyes, but what they saw scared the hell out of them. JT changed his body into purge energy and wrapped himself around each robot and caused the robot to combust. After each robot had been destroyed, JT created gusts of wind in the Danger Room and opened a portal and used the wind to push all the robot debris into the portal. "Ughhh!" JT screamed as the portal closed and he started falling to the ground. "JT! JT! Something's wrong with him. He's falling from up there. I must help him." Justin screamed as he started to glow and his body lifted up from the ground and he started flying in JT's direction. "Wow Justin's got a new power." Joey stated. "So he can fly, that's so cool." `Well I can to this way.' JC stated telepathically. "Why can't we touch you?" Joey asked. `I am not really in here with you guys. The professor taught me how to fully use my powers.' JC stated telepathically. `I can use my powers like this to keep me from getting hurt, but I can do lots of things.' "Such as?" Joey asked. `I am a telepath like JT is and I can move things with my mind and create psychic objects.' JC stated telepathically. "Cool. So you can read my mind?" Joey asked. `Yeah I can. But I wouldn't because you are my friend.' JC stated telepathically. "Something's wrong with him guys. He's not moving at all." Justin stated as he figured out how to land, while he was carrying JT. "We must get him some help." `Let me tell the Professor.' JC stated telepathically, as his body disappeared. "Where did he go?" Justin asked. "He wasn't really here." Joey stated. "So you have another power, you can fly. Man that's way cool. I wish I could." "Well it's okay, but I haven't fully learned how to use the other one. What 's taking them so long? He might be dying here!" Justin screamed, as the door opened to the Danger Room and Storm and Jean came flying in. "What happened to him?" Jean asked. "He was showing us how he was going to take out the robots. He started glowing, and then his body looked like some kind of energy then the energy jumped on to each robot, and made it blow up then the wind started blowing in here and he open up a hole and pushed all the robots into it. Then he screamed and started falling down until Justin went to catch him." Joey stated. "Well that was a whole mouthful, do you talk like that all the time?" Jean asked. "Not unless I am excited about something." Joey answered. "Well we will get him into the Med Lab and see what's going on." Storm stated as she and Jean headed back to the Med Lab with JT. // In Professor X's Office // "You did very well Joshua. But you need to practice using your powers more. You didn't have to leave from where you were to let me know what was going on, all you had to do was project your voice to me." Professor X stated. "Well I didn't think of that at that moment, I was just trying to do what I could to get help for JT. What's wrong with him, is he going to be okay?" JC asked. "We don't know yet. We are still trying to find out what made him do what he did." Professor X stated. "Something's wrong professor, I can feel it. I don't know what it is, but we need to get out of here." JC stated. "Out of the office?" Professor X asked. "No out of the school. Something's coming and it's coming fast." JC stated as he and the professor left the room and Professor X started calling out to everyone to go to the Command Center. // In The Med Lab // "What's going on? What's that sound?" Joey asked. "Something's wrong. We must be under attack from an outside force." Jean stated. "You two stay here." Storm stated as she and Jean flew down to the Command Center. "Wonder what could be happening?" Joey asked as JC's astral image appeared. `The Sentinels are attacking us. They have found us.' JC spoke telepathically. "No! We can't win!" Justin stated as his eyes glowed and he blew a hole into the Med Lab's far end wall. "Damn Justin, look what you did. Calm down before you destroy this place." Joey stated, rubbing Justin's shoulders. // Outside the Mansion // "Scott look out!" Jean screamed as a Sentinel grabbed him. "Gambit wait! Don't!" Rogue screamed as a Sentinel grabbed her too. "We are going down fast. We are already loosing." Jean stated as she, Nightcrawler and Storm seemed to be the only ones left fighting. "Professor we need help. The Sentinels are getting the upper hand." Storm stated, hoping that the professor could hear her. "Look on the roof, it's Justin and Joey. What are they doing out here?" Jean asked. "The Sentinels would surely get them too." `Have faith my X-Men.' Professor X stated telepathically. `Blaze and Catastrophe are here to help where they can.' "Blaze and Catastrophe?" Jean asked as Justin grabbed Joey by the hand and flew the two of them towards Jean. "I'm Blaze and he's Catastrophe." Joey stated as they came out wearing standard X-Men uniforms. "Let's get this party on the road." Justin stated as he started glowing and blasting the robots that were close by with explosions. "Come on Jus, you are stronger than that. You just destroyed the wall in the Med Lab." Joey stated. "Don't call me that out here, Professor X said that we go by our codenames out here." Justin stated. "Sorry Catastrophe, but you can still do better than that!" Joey stated. "Why don't you do better then Blaze." Justin stated as he floated to the ground and Joey cut loose with a surge of fire at the Sentinels causing two of them to topple on each other. "Well I am impressed." "Good, but the fight isn't ever yet." Joey stated. "Look, those robots over there. One has that Rogue girl and the other has Cyclops." "I see, let's go." Justin stated as he grabbed Joey by the hand and the two of them flew up to attack both of the robots carrying Rogue and Cyclops. "Hey guys, what do you need me to do?" JC asked, his voice scaring the two of them. "JC what are you doing out here?" Justin asked. "I'm Spirit, and I am here to help." JC stated. "Who's winning?" "The robots are winning." Justin stated. "We must stop the robots from leaving. Those two there have Psylocke and Gambit and those over there have Wolverine and Angel." "Well I think we need to change those odds." JC stated as he flew over to the robots and let loose with his powers. Floating in midair, Justin and Joey watched as JC/Spirit swooped through the air, grabbed the Sentinel that was holding on to Gambit and saw how the robot fell into parts on the ground as JC caught Gambit and the two of them flew to the next robot, the one holding Psylocke was destroyed the same way. "Man look at him go. I think he's the best one out of all of us." Joey stated, as Jean and Storm joined them as they all stared at JC taking out the Sentinels all by himself. "The professor said he was strong, but I hadn't imagined." JT stated as he appeared behind all of them. "Baby. What are you doing here? Are you okay?" Justin asked. "Yes I am okay. I was just a little tired." JT stated. "I guess he doesn' t need our help. Look at him go." "Yeah, he reminds me of a kid that acted the same way when he first came here." Jean stated looking at JT. // Orlando, FL // "Just as you suspected he would be around here too. I have spotted Magneto and some of his goons here. I might need some help here." Bobby stated. "Well that's okay. I will be sending help your way pretty soon." The voice stated on the phone. "Okay, wait...there's someone else here too and the mini Cerebro unit is going crazy. This person must have a lot of power." Bobby stated. "There shouldn't be any other signatures there. Any other signatures are of those that are not already recorded into the unit. Bobby stay hidden, but don't do anything until your help arrives." The voice stated as he hung up the phone. "Great. Wonder what's going to happen now." Bobby stated as he got back into the truck and hid himself. // Xavier Institute -- 2 Hours Later // "Damn JC I was shocked when I saw how you took out the robots. You were so cool. I can't wait to develop my powers like that so I can kick ass like that too." Joey stated. "I must admit it did feel good to do that." JC stated. "I bet it did." Justin stated. "We did our share too." "Yes you did and that's what counts is that we all did our share, well I didn't I was unconscious until the end, but I saw what my team was capable of." JT stated. `JT you and your team are needed in the Command Center, there are some problems that you and your team are going to fix.' Professor X stated "Guys we are need in the command center, lets go." JT stated. "What's wrong?" Justin asked. "I don't know, but the professor sounded kind of strange, the sooner we get there, the faster we will find out." JT stated as he faded away. "Hey! He could have at least taken us with him." Justin stated as he, JC and Joey ran down the hall towards the Command Center. "What's up Professor?" JT asked as he appeared in the Command Center. "That's what's up." Professor X stated, pointing to the giant sentinel robot that was in Orlando destroying stuff as he spoke. "What the hell!" JT screamed. "It's devouring Orlando!" "Why is that thing there?" Justin asked. "It just found the rest of X-Sync." Professor X stated. "The rest of X-Sync?" JT asked. "What do you mean professor?" "The Sentinels have located the other members of X-Sync." Professor X stated. "There are no other members of X-Sync, well except for Bobby. The Sentinels shouldn't have sent out a robot that big just to get him." JT stated. "They are not after Bobby. They are after Lance Bass, Chris Kirkpatrick and Wade Robson." Professor X stated as JC, Justin and Joey gasped. "All of the members of N Sync are mutants? How?" JT asked. "I don't know, but I think it had something to do with a radioactive explosion that happened near one of their concert sites. I theorized that they became mutants because the radioactive elements of the explosion altered their bodies and gave them a powers." Professor X stated. "Lance and Chris have powers too. Man this is so strange. We need to help them and bring them here so that tin can won't hurt them." Justin stated. "That's what you guys are about to do." Professor X stated. "JT are you up to teleporting all of you to Orlando?" "I guess I can. I can always touch one of these guys and steal their energy." JT stated, laughing as Justin and JC looked shocked. "What? You guys forgot that I can absorb energy from you guys by touching you?" "I did. You have touched me all this time, have you been stealing my energy?" Justin asked. "No, I can control what I do with my touch, unlike Rogue." JT stated. "Look what that thing is doing now. It has someone in its hand. Professor can you enlarge that person?" Joey asked. "Look it's Bobby." Justin stated. "Come on guys, let's go before there's nothing left in Orlando to save." JT stated as he threw his hands in the air and everyone started to fade away. ============================== TO BE CONTINUED... Comments or Suggestions Contact Information E-Mail: AIM: SwainsboroGuy1 Yahoo: johntpoole ICQ #: 146925768