Date: Tue, 15 Apr 2003 01:43:29 -0400 From: JT Poole Subject: Boybands - X-Sync - Chapter 1-2 Warnings and Disclaimers: 1) If reading this is in any way illegal in your town, state or zip code because of your age, religion, or other government rules you shouldn't read this. 2) If you don't want to read about male/male gay sexual relationships, go away. You shouldn't waste your time with this story. 3) I don't know any of the members of 'N Sync or any other celebrities that may be mentioned in this story. This story in no way is meant to imply anything about 'N Sync and any other celebrities sexualities, personalities, or anything else. This is a work of pure fiction. Questions or suggestions can be sent to "". I want to hear from everyone out there that is reading this story, tell me what you think whether it is bad or good. X-Men are copyrighted by Marvel Comics and Stan Lee. Psychic Warrior, Hellfire, and Psion are the ownership and copyrighted by John Poole ============================== X-Sync -- Chapter 1-2 by JT Poole // Someplace in Orlando, FL // "The X-Men! You mean like the cartoon on television X-Men?" Justin asked. "We are the real X-Men." Cyclops stated, "Jean can you get a fix on him?" "No. He had shielded himself from my probes.. I can sense him within a 20-mile radius." Jean stated. "We got problems, it seems that someone was attacked by a mutant on the street moments ago and Sentinels have been dispatched. We must go." Storm stated, listening to the reports on her headset. "Get him, let's get moving." Cyclops stated. "I am not going with you guys. I have enough problems to deal with. If these Sentinel things you are talking about are like the things in the cartoon, then I need to get far away from here, those things hunt down mutants." Justin stated. "That's correct. If you come with us, you won't be in any danger." Nightcrawler stated. "Well for what that guy was saying you let him die, even though he was walking around, kinda shocked me, but if he doesn't trust you guys why should I?" Justin asked. "JT is a long story, just trust us. Our jet keeps us protected from those mechanical monsters. We will do what we can to protect you." Cyclops said as Storm created some fog to cover them up as they heard the Sentinels coming. "We don't have much time come on young man." Storm stated, eyes glowing, winds blowing. "Okay, but as soon as we are out of danger, I am leaving." Justin stated as he followed them. // Orlando -- JT's Home // "Finally I am home. It took me that long to get home. I am rusty, but I didn't know I was that rusty." JT stated as he went to his closet and pulled out a box that he thought he would never see again. "Where the hell have you been?" Mike asked as he walked into JT's bedroom. "I've been out walking. I needed to clear my head." JT stated. "You do realize that you freaked the hell out of me tonight. Is it true?" Mike asked. "Is what true?" JT asked. "That you are one of those mutant freaks. Are you?" Mike asked. "What if I am? Are you going to give me flack for it?" JT asked. "Why didn't you tell me? Did my brother know?" Mike asked. "Yes your brother knew. That's how we met." JT stated. "My brother met you because you are a freak?" Mike asked. "No! I met your brother after I saved his life." JT stated. "How did you save his life?" Mike asked. "He was trapped in a burning building and I used my powers to fly in and get him out, that's how." JT stated. "You can fly?" Mike asked. "Well back then I could, I don't know about now." JT stated. "Why you don't know now?" Mike asked. "Well for the last couple of years my powers were supposed to have been locked away where I couldn't use them. For some strange reason, the psychic locks that were on my mind to keep me from using my powers broke. Now I can use them again. But for the strangest thing, I can't feel them. I have only been able to use my psionic powers. I haven't been able to use my sonic powers, my magic or my morphing powers." JT explained. "You're a witch too? How did you turn out like this?" Mike asked. "I was born this way. I have been using my powers since I was 7 years old." JT stated. "Seven years old. So you have known for a long time and you didn't tell any of us about any of this." Mike stated. "Your brother knew. He knew what I could do and he wasn't afraid of me or my powers." JT stated as he walked over to Mike and telekinetically lifted him up in the air. "Are you scared of me now?" "Yes I am! Please put me down!" Mike stated. "Since you are scared of me, I suggest you don't return here again. Leave here Michael and don't come back." JT stated as he returned to the box that had his attention. He opened the box and pulled out a costume that he thought he would never have to put on again. While holding the costume in his hands, it started to glow and he started to remember all of the things that had been locked away in his mind. Sitting there on the floor crying, JT heard a voice, a voice that he had forgotten. `JT can you hear me?' Professor X asked. "Yes Professor I can hear you." JT spoke aloud even though the voice was in his mind. 'Why did you leave the others?' Professor X asked. "I don't feel safe around them anymore, nor do I like it that you are in my head." JT spoke. `Join the others; your help is very much needed. The young man that was with you this evening is in much danger and that danger centers around you now that you interfered.' Professor X stated. "Well guess what. I don't care about that." JT spoke, as there was a puff of smoke and a strange smell in his bedroom. "Go away Nightcrawler, I am not returning with you guys, just leave me alone." "JT please listen to me, we didn't know you were alive, we thought the Sentinels had killed you." Nightcrawler stated. "Really! When that Sentinel's foot came crashing down on me, I didn't see any of you trying to help me. If it wasn't for my power to switch bodies with that homeless guy that was in the alley that they had killed, I would be dead." JT stated. `So that's how you got out of there. You switched bodies with a dead homeless man. But why didn't I or Jean sense you?' Professor X asked. "I don't know why Professor, maybe you were not really looking for me. If you were, you would have found me." JT stated, walking out of his bedroom with the costume in his hands. "Come on JT please come back with us." Nightcrawler pleaded, grabbing JT's arm in the process. "Get off of me Kurt, don't make me fry your brains." JT stated as he turned and glared at Nightcrawler, telekinetically hurling him at the wall. `JT please, the others need your help and we would really like for you to come back to the X-Men.' Professor X stated. "No Professor, I can't. I won't go back with them." JT stated, as there was a loud explosion outside of his house. "What the hell was that noise?" `JT you must escape, the Sentinels have targeted you and Nightcrawler, you must get yourself and him out of there.' Professor X stated. "This is all your fault. If you guys wouldn't have come here, they wouldn't have found me!" JT shouted as he went back into his bedroom, grabbed Nightcrawler and disappeared. // High Above Orlando -- The X-Men's Jet // "Are you guys satisfied?" JT stated as he and Nightcrawler appeared in the cargo area of the jet. "You got out of there just in time. The Sentinels just destroyed your house." Cyclops stated. "I see you are able to morph the powers of people around you again." "Well if you call it that." JT stated as he laid Nightcrawler down in a seat and started glowing again. "Wait JT, don't go." Cyclops stated. "Why should I stay here? It was pretty clear that you guys didn't want me around years ago when you let those creeps down there take me away." JT stated as Justin came to the front of the jet. "I thought I heard your voice. How did you get up here?" Justin asked. "I kind of used his powers to get me up here." JT stated. "Is that how you disappeared the first time?" Justin asked. "Yeah. One of my abilities is to use the powers of the people around me." JT stated as he snapped his fingers and created a small explosion so that Justin could see him use his power. "That looked like one of my explosions." Justin stated. "It was. That's my power, besides being a psionic." JT stated as he turned around glowing again. "I think I will be leaving now. Thank Kurt for the use of his powers for me, C-ya." "Wait JT, don't leave me. Take me with you." Justin stated. "No. Stay here with these guys, they will keep you safe from the Sentinels down there." JT stated. "What about you. Who's going to keep you safe?" Justin asked. "I can keep myself safe thank you very much." JT stated as he started fading away. "No!" Justin stated as he grabbed a hold of JT's fading body and teleported with him. "No! They are both gone." Cyclops stated, as there was a slight stench of brimstone in the jet and the two of them were gone. // Many miles away in Jacksonville, FL // "Why did you do that?" JT asked throwing Justin to the ground. "I didn't want you to go. I wanted to make sure you were safe too." Justin stated. "Why Justin?" JT asked. "It's my fault that those things are after you and you have no place to go." Justin stated. "Sorry wrong answer. I have a place to go and I am going there now." JT stated, walking down the street. "Hey! What about me?" Justin asked. "What about you?" JT asked stopping and turning around to look at Justin. "You are just going to leave me here alone?" Justin asked. "No one told you to grab onto me as I was teleporting did they?" JT asked. "No. I didn't want you to go." Justin stated "Don't just leave me here." "Look don't you have some place to go to?" JT asked. "I scanned your mind earlier, why don't you go back to your music friends, let them help you." JT stated. "I guess you didn't scan good enough. My friends don't like me anymore." Justin stated. "Why is that? Is it because of your powers?" JT asked. "Well that has something to do with it all. When my powers first started, I did something very badly." Justin stated as he dropped his head down and started crying. "Oh my, what happened?" JT stated as he remembered what happened to him when he first discovered his powers. "Lets just say that someone got hurt and now no one wants me around. They are afraid of me." Justin stated, still crying. "Oh Justin, I am so sorry." JT stated as he walked over to Justin and wrapped him in a hug. "No you are not. Just go ahead and leave me. I don't need your pity." Justin stated pushing JT away. "Just a minute ago you were just going to leave me here." // Orlando, FL -- Joey Fatone's House // "Yeah he was here earlier, but I haven't seen him since I told him to leave." Joey stated. "I miss him so much. He's my best friend." JC stated. "I know. I miss him too. I shouldn't have told him to leave like I did. He was upset as it was and with Bri asking me about Kelly, I just didn't handle things well." Joey stated. "Joe he's sorry. It wasn't his fault. How was he supposed to know that was going to happen?" JC stated. "I know. But why did it have to happen here?" Joey stated. "Things happen Joey. Maybe it was meant to be." JC stated. "Maybe so, but still. How am I supposed to handle all of this? How am I supposed to raise Bri by myself, I know nothing of being a dad. If it wasn' t for mom, I don't know what I would do." Joey stated. "Well how are you going to explain to Bri about Kelly?" JC asked. "I don't know. I am still thinking about that." Joey stated. "I am getting tired of telling her that she's gone away, the way she sees it, that Kelly will be back." "Well we both know that Kelly isn't coming back unless someone raises her from the dead." JC stated. "This is just too hard, I can't think about any of this anymore." Joey stated, as the phone rang. "Hello?' "Joey it's me Justin. Can we please talk?" Justin stated over the phone. "Justin." Joey stated as JC looked at him. "Sure we can talk." "Can I come over? I would rather talk to you in person." Justin stated. "Sure come on over Justin. I think we do need to sit down and talk." Joey stated. "Can I bring someone with me?" Justin asked. "I have a friend with me that has helped me and we kind of need to talk and get settled for a bit." "Sure. Come on over." Joey stated as there was a flash of light and there stood Justin and JT. "What the hell!" Joey shouted as the smoke cleared. "Justin what the hell is going on?" JC asked. "A lot is going on. Joey, JC...this is JT. JT saved me from that guy I was telling you about a couple of weeks ago. It seems that guy works for a government agency that controls those big robots." Justin stated. "Nice to meet you JT" JC stated waving at JT. "Nice to meet you too JC." JT stated. "So what's going on Justin, what kind of trouble you got into?" Joey asked. "Look Joe, I came to talk to you. I miss you; I want us to get past all of this. You are like a brother to me." Justin stated. "You are like a brother to me too Curly, but you must understand that I have been under a lot of pressure and stress since everything that has happened." Joey stated. "I know you have and I am sorry, so sorry. I didn't mean for Kelly to die. I didn't know that I was going to blow up the wall when I touched it." Justin stated crying again. "I know, I know. Seeing that you were just as scared as the rest of us when everything started happening, how were you to know that something was wrong with the wall." Joey stated. "That's the point Joe, it wasn't the wall it was me." Justin stated. "I am a freak. I have this strange power to create explosions." "You what!" Joey shouted. "I have this power." Justin stated as Joey grabbed him by the shirt. "Are you telling me that you are one of those things on the news?" Joey asked. "Joey please let me go. I am sorry." Justin stated still crying. "So you are one of those power freaks. You killed Kelly with your powers. I hope you die Justin. How could you do that to her." Joey shouted as he started crying too. "JT please get me away from here, I don't care where we go, just take us away." Justin stated as JT walked over to him and wrapped his cape around he and Justin and the both of them disappeared. ============================== TO BE CONTINUED... Comments or Suggestions Contact Information E-Mail: AIM: SwainsboroGuy1 Yahoo: johntpoole ICQ #: 146925768