Date: Sat, 24 Feb 2001 15:21:17 EST From: Subject: You Wanted More: Chapter 1 Hello everybody out there! This is my first time ever writing for Nifty and I am not really sure how it is going to go. Depending on how much feedback that I get from the first couple of chapters, I will keep on writing. So its up to you people!! I am pretty sure that this is going to be a Josh and Justin story, but then again it could be something else if you give me a good idea. Well, enjoy the story. Disclaimer: I don't know anything about the sexuality of the people in this story and it is not meant to imply anything about them. So there! ************************************************* Chapter 1: The Shadows in The Night**************** ************************************************* For all of my life I have always felt as though there was something not quite complete. I never could figure out what it was or why it was there, I just knew. And I suppose that it was this part of me that was missing that has always pushed me to continue on in life. I am looking for answers, yet I have no real question. Please help me..... +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ Justin rolled around in the queen sized bed in his room, becoming entagled in the sheets that lay on his bed. Sweat covered his body even though the room was cold. Very cold. A low moan escaped from his lips, which alarmed his bandmate, Josh. Josh looked over to Justin and saw his hands shaking violently. He got up out of his bed and made his way over to Justin's. "Justin...Justin, wake up. Come on man." JC said as he lightly tapped his sleeping friend on the shoulder. He shook his shoulder a little harder when Justin suddenly shot up from his bed. "You ok, Justin? It looks like you were having a nightmare. Do you want some water?" Josh asked. "No, its ok. Thanks anyways. I...I will be fine. It was just nightmare." Justin replied rubbing his left eye and looking around the hotel room with his other. "It was just a nightmare..." he repeated to himself. "Well, ok, if you say so. You wanna talk about your dream? Sometimes that helps me get over the nightmare and get back to sleep." JC asked with a hint of concern in his voice. "No, really...I...will be ok. It was all just a dream, nothing more." Justin replied violently as though his privacy was being invaded. "I'm sorry Josh. Its just...well...I don't know. I'm just sorry I yelled at you. I know you were just trying to help me." Justin apologized. "Don't worry about it, Curly. If you ever do wanna talk to me about it, just remember that I am right here for you." Josh replied with a smile painted across his face. "I know, Josh. Sorry for waking you up...again." Justin said looking into Josh's eyes. He opened his arms to hug JC, but was greeted with an arm on his chest pushing him back. "Yeah, right Curly! Now you get all emotional and crap. You don't get a hug, just a pat on the back." Josh said with a grin, patting Justin on his back. "Get to bed, Justin. Its already 3 in the morning and we have to be on the plane by 10 in the morning tomorrow." Josh said. "OK...Night Josh." Justin said. "Night Curly." JC said. He looked into Justin's big puppy dog eyes and couldn't resist. "Fine! Gimme a hug already! You know I could never say no to you." JC said laughing and pulling Justin into a tight hug. "Sweet dreams" Josh whispered into Justin's ear, but it was too late, he was already asleep. He slowly placed Justin's head onto his pillow crawled off of his bed and into his own. Once again the hotel room was silent and dark. Yet there was something missing from the scene. JC stared up at the ceiling until he drifted into slumber once again. JC awoke to the ringing of a phone in their room. He rolled over and reached for the nightstand to pick it up. "H.Hello..." he mumbled groggily. He was met with a recording saying that it was his wake up call. He hung up phone and sat up in his bed. As he rubbed his eyes, he looked over to his friend's bed, but it was empty. "Justin are you in here?" he hollered. No response. He rolled out of bed and stumbled around the room looking for his friend, but he was nowhere to be found. Then he saw it, a note scribbled in Justin's writing left on his bed. "Dear Josh, I woke up again last night and couldn't get back to sleep, I am going to go jogging to the store and get some cereal. The hotel sucks. They didn't have anything good except for 'Frosted Oat Bran'. Be back soon. -Justin" 'OK, so I guess I should take a shower before he comes back and jumps in there.' Josh thought to himself. He gathered some clothes brought them in to the bathroom and turned to water to hot. Meanwhile, at a small grocery store 5 blocks away... "Good Morning!" Justin said waving to cashier in the small store. "How are you doin' this morning?" he inquired. "I am doing just great, is there anything I can help you with?" she replied. "Nah, I am fine." he said. Justin walked up and down the aisles looking for anything that looked good. Eventually he settled on 2 boxes for Frosted Mini Wheats, 3 candy bars, gum, and some Gatorade. He struggled to carry all the junk as he walked up to the counter to pay for everything. "That be all for you?" the cashier asked with a strange look on her face. "Yeah, thats it." he replied. She scanned everything in a matter of seconds and placed it in a bag. "Your total will be...14.25" she said. Justin quickly took out his wallet which was filled with various large bills and then handed the cashier a twenty. She gave him an odd look when she saw the amount of cash that he had with him. "OK. Here is your change, have a nice day." she said with a fake smile on her face. She knew that there was something strange about this boy, but she just didn't know what it was. Justin walked out of the store with the bag in his hand and made his way back to the hotel. Back In The Hotel Room... "Hey, Lance, have you seen Justin? He said he left to go buy some stuff but hasn't been back in a while and I am getting a little worried." JC asked. "Sorry, I haven't seen him since last night. He better get back soon because we need to take off to the airport in two hours and I don't think he has his stuff packed yet. Right?" Lance said. JC simply nodded giving Lance the 'You know it' look and walked back to his room. He opened the door to see Justin sitting on the bed with a bowl of cereal in his hands, watching cartoons. "When did you get back?" JC asked, walking close to Justin. "Whats it to you?" Justin replied with a small grin. "Well lets see...You left this morning without even telling me, which worried me enough, then you go and take your time making me think that you were kidnapped by some psycho freak, AND THEN you come back and don't even tell me you are back! Plus you still need to pack all your stuff because we are leaving to the airport in less than two hours." JC stared at Justin who was now looking down at his hands. "Yes, father!." Justin said looking up to Josh with a big smile painted across his face. He tried to hold back his laughter, but he couldn't. He fell over laughing, but JC failed to see the humor in it. Eventually, Justin noticed that he was the only person laughing and soon shut up. "Sorry" he apologized. There was an akward silence in the room. "Come on, hurry up. We need to get packed." JC said. Justin stood up, and started to put his clothes away into his large suitcase, not even folding them. He eventually got everything in, closed the zipper, and then put the small lock on the suitcase. He moved it to the door and waited for JC to get there. "Ready?" Justin asked. Josh simply nodded before they both walked out of the hotel room towards Lance's. "Knock, Knock!" Justin yelled loudly. "Who is it?" Lance asked from the other side of the door. "Its Danielle! Lance, Hurry, I need love!! Oh Lance!" Justin said mocking Lance. "Haha very funny. Get in here." Lance chuckled. Both Josh and JC walked into the hotel room to find Chris and Joey already there watching TV while sitting on the bed. "Bout time you two get here. Are we ready to go? I am starving." Joey said while grabbing his stomach. "You are always hungry." JC said laughing at his Joey's comment. "Good point!" Joey said, causing everybody in the room to laugh. "Ok. I guess if we are all ready to go we can get going. Lets head out." Lance ordered as he picked up both of his suitcases. They all stood up grabbed their bags and headed out the door. Lance pressed the button for the elevator and they all moved in when the door opened. "You guys just wanna get some fast food?" Lance asked. They all nodded in agreement. Once the elevator opened at the ground level they all walked out of the hotel and moved to the tour bus. Lance explained to the driver just to stop at a fast food place for lunch. Once all their bags had been put into the bus, the driver took off and everybody moved towards the dining area in the back of the bus. "Whats up with you, Curly? You look like you were hit by a car or something." Joey asked. "I just didn't get much sleep last night and I got up really early this morning to for a little walk." Justin replied. "Ahh, did the poor baby have a bad dream last night?" Chris joked as he reached out to pinch Justin's cheek like an old grandmother. His hand was slowly knocked away, but not by Justin, it was JC. He looked Chris straight in the eyes and gave him a look that caused him to shut up. "Sorry Justin, I was just kidding." Chris apologized. "It's OK." Justin replied, looking down at the table. The five men soon felt the bus come to a stop and saw the bus driver walk towards where they were sitting. "Sorry guys, we can't go through the drive through because the bus is too big. You'll have to get out and order inside. Sorry" the driver said. The all got up and started towards the front of the bus. Justin pulled JC's arm before he could get very far and signaled for him to wait. "You didn't have to do that. But thank you." Justin said with a smile. "Anyhing for my boy." JC replied pulling Justin into a hug. "Now lets go, or we are going to be late getting to the airport." JC said. They both moved down the aisle of the plane and got out of it. ******************************************************************************* Ok, thats it for part one. I know its kind of slow and all, but I think it will be good once I finish it. Please, PLEASE, send me your questions, comments, or ideas to me at: I'll try to get the next chapter as soon as I can, but I am going out of town, so that my be in a couple days. Later Dayz!