Date: Tue, 02 Aug 2005 12:44:10 -0400 From: michael lemley Subject: Generation X 8 Disclaimer- X-Men is a registered trademark of Marvel Entertainment Studios and this is just a work of fiction and fantasy...if it is illegal for you to view sexual or homosexual stuff, go away. Generation X By Michael Johnson and Kandi Bauer XAVIER'S SCHOOL FOR GIFTED YOUNGSTERS Warren Worthington ran through the halls of The Xavier Institute. He called Chad's name over and over. He burst into Xavier's office. "Professor, Chad's gone." "Are you sure?" Xavier asked. "I've looked all over the school. No one's seen him since last night. Professor, I'm worried. He told me Mezmero would be looking for him. What if he was taken by Mezmero?" Xavier performed a sweep of the school with his mental powers. "He IS gone!" MEZMERO'S ISLAND "Master, he's ready. At midnight tonight, you will be restored and he will be dead." Mezmero spoke to a giant statue of Apocalypse. Apocalypse replied. He mentally fucked Mezmero. The pleasure Mezmero felt was amazing. "Just think, when you have a physical body, we can do this all the time." Mezmero said between gasps. Apocalypse said. Chad was strapped to a chair forced to watch this. It made him sick. Chad was taken by the one person he truly loved. Now he was going to be sacrificed so that he could bring about the end of the world. XAVIER'S INSTITUTE FOR GIFTED CHILDREN A meeting had been called in the war room. All members of the team were attending. "Chad has been kidnapped from the school. We need to get him back." Xavier's voice broke the murmur of the X-Men contemplating about what the meeting was for. "Using Cerebro, I have the coordinates of where he is being kept. They have already been programmed into the black bird." "Do you know who kidnapped him?" Scott asked. "My closest guess is a mutant named Mezmero. He is an extremely powerful telepath, so in order to keep him from turning off your powers; I have created these headbands that will block him from accessing your minds." The Professor said pointing to a pile of black bands with a red X in the center. "If what Warren has told me is true, we need to get him before midnight tonight. Storm, Cyclops, you are in charge of this mission. Jean, you are in charge of actually getting Chad. The rest of you, do everything you can to help this mission succeed. Good luck" The X-Men walked out of the war room. They quickly got dressed in their suits, put their head bands on, and boarded the Blackbird. They flew out to the island to rescue Chad. MEZMERO'S ISLAND Chad was placed in a holding cell much like a cage. The bars were electrically charged so he couldn't grab them. He had shackles placed on his neck, hands and feet. Mezmero sat in front of him watching him drown in self pity. "You know, it's a shame you are going to be killed. Now that I have you back, I could have a little fun with you." Mezmero cracked an evil smile when Chad began to shake with fear. "Luckily for you, in order to be sacrificed, you can't have sex today." Chad looked at him disgusted. "Mezmero, you have controlled me all my life. When I finally experience love and start to get my life together, you come in and tear it all away from me. I might die tonight, but I want you to know that you will burn in hell for what you've done to me." "You fool. Because of my loyalty, Apocalypse is going to grant me eternal life." Mezmero replied. "How do you know that for sure? Apocalypse is evil, just like you. How do you know that he is only saying that so you will resurrect him? Mezmero, you have always been blind to fact. You won't get what you were promised." "What do you know? You were my little slave for twenty years. You weren't even born. I created you. I lied to you all your life. Now who's the fool? You were created for two purposes and two purposes only. One, so that Apocalypse would have his power when we killed you to resurrect him, and two, so that I could fuck you when ever I wanted. I used you, abused you, and now I'm going to throw you away." Mezmero replied. THE BLACKBIRD "The island that we are going to has several main chambers. I suspect that the chamber where Chad is being held is in this portion of the island." Jean said as she pointed to a small portion of a holograph. "How will we get in there?" Bobby Drake (Iceman) asked. "Leave that up to me, kid," Logan grunted. "When I see that Mezmero guy, he's gunna wish he were never born." "Shadowcat and Tigress will go with me. Colossus, Logan and Storm will go after Mezmero. Logan will be in charge of destroying the statue of Apocalypse." Jean continued. "We're closing in," Scott said. The Blackbird began lowering onto a patch of the beach surrounding the island. "Rogue, you and the rest of the gang help Logan with his job, if I'm right, the statue will be pretty hard to break." The X-Men filed out of the Jet and separated into the groups they were assigned. They all entered the cave and split up. MEZMERO'S ISLAND Jean walked with Kitty and Tigress. There was an awkward feel of tension between the two. "I know you two don't exactly get along, but for Chad's sake, get over it," Jean said bluntly. Jean sensed Chad. "Follow me," She whispered. They came to a large door. "Kitty, phase us through it." Kitty grabbed Jean and Tigress's hands and they walked through the door. Jean saw Chad in a cage with a ragged gray robe on. She saw another man from behind. She guessed it was Mezmero. Jean ordered as she telepathically made them invisible. Then to the rest of the crew, she said Kitty looked around. This place gave her the creeps. She leaned over to Kade, "I'm sorry," she whispered. Jean said telepathically to the two of them. On the other side of the door, Storm flew up into the air. The sound of thunder filled the cave and the door crumbled. Mezmero turned around to see the X-Men. How do ya like this one? Please give me some feedback at As always, I wanna give a shout out to my friend and co-author Kandi Bauer!