Date: Thu, 29 Jun 2006 14:35:40 -0700 (PDT) From: Christian Garcia Subject: The Gyllenhaal Encounter - Part Eleven Disclaimer: I do not know or claim to know Jake Gyllenhaal and I don't mean to imply any knowledge of his personal lives or sexual preferences. This is FICTION and nothing more. If your under 18 or don't like to read fan-fictions about same sex romances then DO NOT read this story. Now that that's out of the way, sit back and enjoy! +++ Christian and Jake spent more time together. They hung out constantly and no matter what they were doing, they made sure to make it a good time. Earlier on, Christian planned on taking his dog, Sargent, on an afternoon walk around the park. The two left at around one noon and got to the park a short while later. Before beginning on their adventure, Christian decided to stop by a local pet store near by to pick up doggy treats and a few chew toys since Sargent had mutilated the ones he already owned. Christian didn't want him to take his aggression out on the furniture at home. The store allowed people and their pets to walk in together since leaving them outside was hardly an option if you came alone. Christian and Sargent strut inside the shop and looked around for their needs. The people inside all walked around with their pets, searching, hunting for the perfect item. Chris noticed two girls giggling in unison, awing and swooning at the small dog beds near the back. Their small Chihuahuas held closely to their breast, shaking and looking as if they were being choked to death. Owner and pet walked through the endless amount of isles, picking up toys and looking for treats. The thing that surprised Christian was the fact that near the back of the shop was an exhibition showing the edible goodies for dogs. They all looked exactly like desserts you'd find at any bakery around the world. It was astonishing. Christian had a hard time picking what to get for his dog but fortunately there was a woman behind the glass exhibition. "Excuse me." He said. The lady turned to him and smiled. Her shiny name plate pinned to her shirt shun brightly in the bright shop lights. "Hello, how can I help you?" She asked. "Hi, um... what's the simplest dog treat available?" "Well we have this little pastry called 'The Wish Bone', it consists of a chocolate like flavored kibble shaped like a bone and inside is a small box that you use to keep your dogs wishes in." Christian stared at her with a polite smile. "Are you kidding me?" He thought to himself. "Um, do you have any of the small bone shaped dog treats that come in, like, a jar or anything?" He asked her. The smile on her face faded and she looked at Christian as if she couldn't believe he didn't want any of the more expensive of them all. "We sure do. If you head down that isle and turn to your left you'll see big display box of 'Kibble Bites'." "Thanks." Christian took Sargent and went in the path the woman had told him to take. He arrived at the big card board sign and pulled down the top jar filled with small green, brown, and white doggy treats then looked at the back label. Just then, Christian heard the shop doorbell ring, signaling someone's entrance to the store. Chris didn't pay much attention so he turned around and looked through his wallet, picking out fives and tens to pay with. He walked a few feet and heard someone calling out his name. Christian turned to see Jake standing not two feet away with his own dog on a leash. "Jake, hey." Christian smiled. "Hi, what's going on?" Jake asked. His German Sheppard sat quietly besides his legs while Sargent sniffed around him. "Just getting some stuff before we head over to the park, you?" "Same. We're actually just getting back from the park but if you want, maybe we can come with you?" "Sure." "Okay well I'll be back I'm just going to grab a few things." Jake left and Christian walked up to the man behind the large cashier to pay for the toys and doggy bones. He then walked out and waited around the corner for Jake to come out and join him. "Alright, lets go." Jake lead the way down the street while Christian followed at his side, Sargent and Atticus walking proudly side by side. "It's such a great day today." Christian said joyfully. "Yeah, it is. Are you working today?" "Not until three. I wasn't supposed to go in but one of my co-workers is getting off early so I'm going to put in the time being lost." "That sucks." "What are you doing today?" "Hang out, maybe call up a friend and have lunch, I don't know." Jake said while he and the others crossed the street to the grassy field of the park ahead. There were several people already there, some jogging, and others tossing around a football. "Do you want to go around or through?" "Lets go around a few times." Jake, Christian, Sargent and Atticus walked around the edge of the park, enjoying each others company and soaking up the afternoon sun. Jake and Christian got to talking about life and future gatherings they were planning. Shortly after, their brief conversation was interrupted by a woman walking in the opposite direction. She wore a white dress that danced in the wind with white sandals that matched. Over her eyes were dark sunglasses and in her right hand was a cell phone that was pressed up against her ear. "Jake!" She squealed in a tone of voice that was laced in surprise while closing the phone in her hand. "How are you?" "Kate? Hey, I'm good. How are you?" Jake replied. Christian watched as the two hugged. "I'm excellent, I've been really busy with work and stuff. It's been a long time, huh?" "Yeah, really long." Sargent barked as if trying to get their attention. "Oh, this is my, uh... friend Christian." Jake said. Chris looked at him with wondering eyes then turned to the smiling woman and extended his hand out. "Hi." He said. "Hello." "This is Kate. She's been a friend of the family for a few years now. It's been forever since we last saw each other." Jake spoke to Christian while looking at Kate the entire time. "Well, it's been more like forever and a few years." Kate joked. "So, going out on a little walk, eh?" "Yeah, it's a nice day so why not, right?" "You were always the out doors type." Christian stood back while Jake and Kate talked. It seemed as if she and Jake went back a long time and had been friends for most their life's, maybe even more. For the first time Christian felt like the third wheel. It was very awkward for him to be there, all he wanted was to turn around and go on his way, give the two some time to talk. "Christian... Christian? Chris!" Jake called. Christian had been out of it for a little bit but Jakes calls brought him back down to present time. "What?" He asked. "Let's go." Jake smiled. Christian looked around and saw that Kate had already left then they started on their walk again. The rest of the way was silent, neither of them spoke for a couple of minutes. "Are you okay?" "Yeah, why?" "I don't know. You seem a little out of it. Are you sure you're okay?" "I'm fine." "Okay." They finished their walk and separated ways. Christian and Sargent went back to the car while Jake and Atticus walked the rest of the way home. The walk was nice and quiet, nothing but their feet hitting the concrete was heard. Atticus huffed while his tongue hung over the side of his mouth. His ears perched up over his head while his nose roam the floor, sniffing out the people who had walked there before. Jake got home and took Atticus off his leash to run free around the house. He walked to his room and slid the shirt of his back off and threw it down in the dirty laundry hamper. He was about to get into the bathroom when he heard his sister, Maggie, calling him from downstairs. "Yeah?" Jake turned around and walked to the first floor of the house again. "Guess who came by." Maggie said. "Who?" "Kate Hemsley, do you remember her?" "Oh yeah. I ran into her in the park earlier." "Seriously?" "Yeah. I was walking around with Christian and we came across each other." "Well, she said she was in town for a week and I invited her over later on." "Great!" Jake smiled. "I'm going to change." "Good because you smell." Maggie laughed at Jakes expense but soon apologized to her younger brother. They had a loving, off-beat relationship between them but every once in a while they got into small arguments. Jake ran up to his room and changed out of his dirty clothes and into a fresh pair. Christian placed Sargent inside the apartment and decided to give Ashley a quick call. The line rang three times and Ashley came on. "Hello?" She spoke sweetly into the receiver. "Hey Ash, It's me." "Hi hunny, what's up?" "Nothing much, I just got back from walking Sargent and I'm bored again." "Yeah? That's too bad. Aren't you supposed to be at work or something?" "Nope. I'm going later on. What about you?" "I have the day off." "Hey, do you want to do something later on? We can go around the boulevard." "Okay, sounds like a plan." Ashley said. "Great. I'll come by your house later on then." "Cool. Listen, I have to go but I'll see you later." "Okay, bye." Christian and Ashley hung up and Chris went into his bedroom to spend the rest of the time available to him. When it was finally time to go to work, he got into his car and headed to the theatre. He arrived and went straight into the locker room to get into his work uniform then started walking around the building to find something that needed to be cleaned or organized. Randy walked around the corner just as Christian did the same. "Oh shit." Randy sighed in surprise and gripped his chest. "Sorry, did I scare you?" "A little bit." Randy smiled sweetly. "I thought you had today off." "Mr. Anderson called and asked me to come in." "Oh that's right, Steven went home early." Christian nodded. "Well, do you need something to do?" "Yeah. Got anything?" "Come on." Randy led Christian to an empty theatre room and handed him a broom along with the dust pan. "What the hell do I do with this?" Christian asked. "Get in there and start cleaning up the popcorn from the floor, cupcake." Randy replied playfully, giving him a gentle smiled. Chris looked at Randy with one eyebrow raised higher than the other then made his way into the dim room. After he was done cleaning the sticky floors and arm rests, Christian walked out and put the broom and dirty dust pan into the utility closet. "Done already?" Randy asked from behind the concession stand. He was cleaning the glass case where popcorn was popping and cascading down the side of the steel basket dangling over the center. "Yeah. That was fucking disgusting. Is it true people fuck in there when everyone leaves?" Randy laughed at Christians odd question. "Um, I've never seen that personally but I have heard from other people that have said they've caught people doing it in there." "That's sick." "It's all part of the job." "Stepping on a sticky floor that could be covered in DNA is part of the job?" Christian scoffed. "What a great job this is." Randy looked at Christian with a soft look in his eyes and slowly moved in closer to him, sliding the elbow he leaned on along the edge of the glass counter top. Christian noticed the space between him and Randy become less and less and decided to back away, trying not to give Randy the wrong impression. After work was done for the day, Christian got into his car and drove to Ashley's house to pick her up and head out. It had already gotten dark out so all the street lights were shining brightly on the road under the cars' wheels. Christian pulled up to Ashley's drive way and moved up to her front door where the light above the doorway burned brightly and acted as a glowing playground for moths and other night time insects. He pushed on the small white button besides the gate door and heard a ringing inside the house. "Hold on a second." Christian heard Ashley yell out from inside, her voice dulled by the thick door in between them. Ashley came and opened the wooden door that kept her safe from the outside and stepped into the night. "Hey!" She said. "Hi, ready?" Chris asked. "Yeah, let's go." They walked off the house stoop and strolled to either side of Christians small car. After warming up the engine, Christian backed away from the curb and into the street. Maggie worked inside the kitchen, getting down plates from the cupboard and champagne glasses from the hanging display. She had set the large table neatly, making it presentable for the coming guests. Jake stepped down from the second floor stairs and moved in to take over the kitchen. "Wow, you look nice." Maggie told her brother. "Thanks. I'll take care of things here, you can go and get ready." Jake said as he took the stirring handle away from Maggie. "Okay. I'll be back in a few." Maggie walked out of the kitchen and went to her room while Jake stood in the kitchen, mixing a bowl of mashed potatoes. Jake was his best when he was cooking something. By the time Maggie came back out, Jake had already finished two complete dishes. Just then, the doorbell rang and Jake went to answer it. He opened the door and was happy to see Peter standing before him. "Hey." Peter smiled. "Hey, come on in. Maggie's in her room getting ready, food's almost done." Peter and Jake walked into the house and waited for the final guest, Kate, to arrive. She finally did about half an hour later and everyone got seated around the dinner table. "It smells great." Kate said. "You've outdone yourself Maggie." "Oh, no. I didn't cook, Jake did." "Jake?" Kate sounded surprised. "He's a fucking culinary artist now." Peter teased. Jake walked into the room with a large bowl of green salad and placed it down on the center of the table then he took a seat besides Peter. "This looks amazing, Jake." "Thank you." He replied thankfully. "I hope you guys enjoy everything." "You taste it first. If you don't die then we'll eat." Peter said. Everyone at the table laughed at the comment. "Dig in everyone." Hands flew through the air and landed on different entrées. The food level lowered and lowered with every passing minute. They were eating and enjoying the loving atmosphere they had created. After dinner, Jake and Peter cleaned the table while the women relaxed in the living room, sipping champagne from their glass'. Jake washed the plates and Peter dried them off before placing them in their spots inside the cupboard. "Kate seems like a nice girl." Peter said while he dragged a white towel around one of the many plates. "Yeah, she is." Jake replied. "She likes you." "What? How do you know?" "It's obvious." Peter half smiled. "You should make a move. You do like her don't you?" "I don't know. She's been a friend for a long time." "Even better. Come on, man. You have to take advantage of it, maybe she'll even help you get over Kirsten." Peter looked at Jake with a devilish smile. He looked like he was planning something and not letting Jake in on the plan. "You think?" "The water's fine, all you have to do is jump in." Jake knew Peter was right but the thing he didn't know is that he had already found someone to help get his mind off of Kirsten but of course he wasn't about to tell Peter that the person helping is another man. At least not yet. Jake and Peter walked into the living room to join the girls. Peter was smart to sit besides Maggie on the couch and leave Jake to sit besides Kate. At first things were quiet and awkward but slowly things got warmed up. "Champagne?" Kate asked. "No thanks." Jake politely replied. "So, how are things with you? The last time I saw you were trying to get your medical license, right?" "Wow, that was centuries ago." Kate laughed. "Are you still working towards it?" "No, I have it already. Yeah, I'm actually looking to starting my own cosmetic office." "Really? That's fantastic, congratulations." "Thank you! So What about you? Anything new and exciting?" Kate asked anxiously. "Still doing the whole acting thing?" "Oh yeah, yeah. Still acting, yep. Peter and Me just got done filming a movie out in the desert." "The desert? Really?" Kate gasped. "What kind of movie is it?" "War movie. Lots of guns and cursing." Jake smiled. "You boys must have felt right at home then, huh?" Kate looked over at Peter sitting besides Maggie and then back at Jake. "It was fucking great." Peter added. "Ooh rah!" "Ooh rah!" Jake said in return. Maggie and Kate looked at each other, both sighing at the fact that the boys were acting like manly men. The testosterone in the room rose higher. "Well, if you'll excuse me I'm going outside to have a cigarette." Jake said standing up. "I wish you wouldn't" Maggie snapped. "And I wish you would stop acting like mom." Jake smirked at Maggie. "Jerk." Jake walked to the kitchen, picked up an open carton of cigarettes and stepped out into the frigid outdoors. Standing on the first of four small steps, he knocked a cigarette out and placed it between his lips then lit it with the lighter he kept inside. Jake inhaled deeply then exhaled, letting the smoke curl around his mouth and up into the air. He watched the white billowing steam escape the tip of the nicotine filled stick and dance upwards like a waterfall in reverse. The door behind him opened and closed then footsteps moved towards Jake. He looked back to see Peter with a smug look on his face. "What?" Jake asked. "How about it? Any sparks flying?" "I don't know, man. Don't look forward to any kind of sparks flying for a long time." "You never know. Love can be a surprising thing, never know who you might end up falling for." Jake thought about Christian when he heard what Peter had to say. Jake smiled to himself and looked over at his friend. "Yeah, you're right." Jake agreed. "Come on, let's go back inside." Peter nudged Jake on the arm and they walked into the warmth of the house once again. Across town, Christian and Ashley stood in line to get into a club that they had inhabited several times before. When they reached the front, they handed over their ID's to the big man at the door and he slapped a "Under 21" wristband on Christian. They walked into the darkened building, looking at the sights around them and literally feeling the beat of the music inside. Lights flashed and flickered to the beat of the fast paced music and the people on the dance floor moved around, acting as a wave, everyone sharing the love of the entire scene. Christian and Ashley sat down at an empty table near the dance floor and got settled. A woman holding a tray above her head and smacking a piece of gum in her mouth came over to them and set the tray on the table. "What can I get you?" She asked. Her face showing how boring her job must be, having to go through the same rutein every night, being touched and pinched by the endless amount of horny men stopping by to see if they can go home with one of the beautiful girls moving sensually around the floor, knowing they could never end up with one of them but still trying their hardest. "I'll take a water." Christian tried to speak over the thumping beat of the hard music. "Bud light, thanks." Ashley spoke next. They set the money on the table and the gum chewing waitress with the bored face left to get their drinks. "It feels good to be out again." Christian told Ashley. "Yeah, It's great. It's really packed tonight, lots of people already dancing." "Do you want to go?" "Let's wait for our drinks first." Ashley retorted in a loud tone of voice. Their drinks did arrive finally and the two got up then headed down to the crowded dance floor glowing from the lights above. The DJ on the elevated booth started a new song and everyone in the room cheered to the opening of the song. Ashley danced around Christian, both of them became entangled in the hypnotic trance of the music playing loudly over the enormous speakers. The drug of dance took over their brains and into their veins. Their bodies didn't belong to them anymore, they were all in the palm of the energetic DJ playing the records. For several minutes they became his slaves, his minions spreading love through the heat escaping their now moist skin. Three songs later, Christian and Ashley went back to their small table, hoping to rest their worn legs and catch their breaths. "Shit." Ashley sighed. "It's hot down there." "I know, it's great right?" Christian took a long gulp from his chilled water and sighed at the feeling of the cold liquid racing down his throat, causing chills through out his body. "Yeah, you should call Randy down here. Maybe you can get lucky tonight." Ashley smiled devilishly. "No, I don't think that would happen." Christian replied. "Why not? You and he are perfect for each other." Christian shook his head in disagreement. "We're just friends, that's all." "Friends with benefits, maybe." Ashley joked. "No, just friends." "Why? You're not seeing someone else are you?" Ashley asked. Christian thought back to how Jake introduced him to Kate as his friend. If Jake was going to deny him as more than a friend after an intimate moment then he was going to do the same. "No..." Christian said. The night wore long. It was almost midnight when Ashley and Christian decided to start heading home. Before getting into the car, Christian asked Ashley if they could walk around for a bit. She agreed and the two walked down the block. They came upon a magazine stand near the corner and Ashley stopped when she noticed one of the many covers. It was People Magazine with a small picture of Jake, Maggie, and Christian on the bottom right hand side. The picture was from the night when Jake invited Christian to dinner with Maggie. The headline over it read: "Jake and Maggie out on the town... but who is their new guy pal?" Ashley picked up the magazine and looked at the many topics inside. "What the hell?!" She shrieked. "What?" Christian asked, turning back around to face her. She showed Christian the small picture and Chris took it then looked over the cover. His eyes scanned the page and his heart sank when he saw himself on the tabloid. "Is that you?" "No." Christian scoffed nervously. "It doesn't even look like me." His heart began to race faster. The blood pumping through his body rushed to his face, making Christian feel warm in the head. "Are you sure?" She asked. "Hm..."Ashley took the magazine back and placed it down in it's place on the rack. She started to walk away but Christian stayed back, wanting to purchase the tabloid. "Hey!" Ashley called. "You coming?" "Yeah, I, uh... I'll be there in a minute." Christian replied. He then reached for a issue of Entertainment Weekly along with the People Magazine he and Ashley were just looking at then took his wallet out to pay the man behind the booth. He placed the magazines inside a paper bag and caught up with Ashley. Christian got home and went directly into his room. He placed the small paper bag inside the small, wooden drawer besides his bed and threw himself onto the bed sheets, sighed, kicked off his shoes and closed his eyes. It was now 12:48 a.m. Things at the theatre had gotten more and more hectic. There was a heavy flow of customers since a new movie had just opened and everyone wanted so badly to see it. Christian hardly had time to do anything else besides sleep, eat, work and occasionally spend several minutes with his best friend Ashley. Jake and Christian hadn't come to running into each other. Both were busy with their own lives. Jake and his camp were getting ready for all the award shows and special appearances to come and he, like Christian, was very busy with work. While Jake was at home, he received a phone call from his personally assistant Jen. "Jake I need for you to come to my office to pick up your upcoming schedule." Jen said. Her voice dripped with urgency. "Right now?" "Yes, right now. Oh, you also got an invitation for the Independent Film Awards." "Alright, I'll be right there. Give me ten minutes.." "Okay, see you then." Jake hung up the phone and grabbed a hat from his room and proceeded to go outside. Once he was out of the house, Jake started his plunge down the dipping driveway. He got on the sidewalk and walked to meet Jen. He office wasn't far from the house so walking would be no big thing plus it was sunny and fresh outside, not too hot and not too cold even though the bright sun shun down on Jakes covered head and shoulders. About halfway there, Jakes phone went off in his pocket. He looked down to see who it was and saw "Jenipher Wayne" flashing on the small colored screen. Jake sighed and pressed the "talk" button then brought the phone to his ear. "I'm almost there." Jake started. "Okay, smartass. I'm calling because I wanted to know what you wanted me to say to the people from Conan. They want to know if you'll come on the show when 'Jarhead' comes out to promote it." "Can't we talk about this when I get there?" "They just called and I said I'd call them right back when I got your answer. What's it going to be?" "Yeah, of course I'll go. I love Conan." "Okay, great. I'm going to call them right now. Are you almost here?" "Yes, just a few more feet." Jake sighed in an irritating tone. "Okay, bye." In reality, Jake was already at Jens office but he just wanted to frustrate her. It had worked. Jake walked inside the building then walked to the lady behind the oval shaped desk, her left ear covered by a phone receiver. She got off the phone and Jake walked up to the booth. "Hi." He smiled kindly. "I'm here to see Jenipher." Emily, the receptionist, pushed the telecom button on the phone and Jake heard a small beeping. "Ms. Wayne, Mr. Gyllenhaal here to see you." "Let him through." Jen replied. "You can go on in." Emily smiled. "Thanks." Jake walked into a small hallway with doors on both sides of him. He stopped at one with Jen's name on it and knocked. "Come in." She shouted. Jake opened the door and slid inside. "Okay, your schedule..." Jenipher turned around from her desk and slid a manila folder out of the shelve in front of her. She placed the folder on the table and took a seat again. "Where's the invitation to the event?" Jake asked while looking through the many sheets of paper." "Oh." Jen took out a small envelope form her desk and handed it to Jake. "Is this all?" Jake asked. "No, I got a few emails from your stylist. She wants to know where you're going to want a suit from?" "Can't I wear one of the ones I already own?" "She said different designers are asking for you to wear their suits." Jenipher looked at the emails on her computer screen. "Like who?" "Um, Dulche and Gabanna, Ralph Lauren, Enzo Corleone, and Anne Klein." "Email her back and tell her to just pick someone, it doesn't really matter." "Okay and I also got an email from the people over at The Independent Spirit Awards, they want to know if you'll be available to attend next year." "Yeah, I can do that." "Great." "Is that all?" Jake asked while he held the manila folder under his left arm and put his hands deep into his pants pockets. "That all." Jen confirmed. "Okay, I'm going to go now so thanks for everything." Jake stepped close to Jenipher and gave her a hug. They had known each other for a long time so they were more like family than anything else. "You're welcome and I'll see you later." Jen backed away. Jake went to the door, opened it and stepped out into the empty hallway again. He continued down until he got to the front door and moved out. The sun was beating down harder this time. Since Jake was close enough to Christians apartment and seeing as he and Chris hadn't spoken in a little while, he decided to go and stop by for a little bit. He got into Christians building and took the elevator up to the floor Christians apartment was in. He strut to the door with the familiar number sequence and knocked on the white door. He used his thumb to cover the small peep hole on the door to keep his appearance a surprise. The door handle rattled and then swung open as Christian appeared in the doorway. "Jake." Christian said, surprised. "Hey, what are you doing here?" "Just thought I'd stop by since I was in the neighborhood." "Oh, great." Christian smiled. "Can I come in?" Jake asked. "Uh, yeah..." Just as Christian was about to move to the side to allow Jake to step inside the apartment Randy came into view. Jake looked at him and the cheerful look on his face began to fade the closer Randy got to them. "Hey." Randy greeted him. "Hello." Jake replied. He took his foot out of the doorway and backed up. "Uh, where do you keep the flour?" Randy turned to Chris. "It's in the pantry, all the way at the bottom." "Okay." Randy turned and walked away from the two men at the door. "Are you going to come in?" Christian asked Jake who was now looking down at his feet. "No, I uh--- I just remembered that I have a lot of things to do today. But um---I'll see you later okay?" "Are you sure? We're about to have lunch, have you eaten yet?" That familiar feeling of jealousy came over Jake like a bad hang over as he watched Randy move around in the kitchen off in the distance. Of course, Jake knew Christian didn't belong to him but he surely didn't want to see him with another guy. He couldn't stand the fact that he still hadn't told Christian how he felt about him even though they had already shared each other in the past. Christian probably already knew but Jake wasn't sure if he took their intimate moment earlier as a one night thing so he had to let Christian know exactly how he felt before loosing him to someone else, especially Randy. The only problem was that Jake had never had those kinds of feelings for another man and didn't know how to come out and tell him. Should he wait and see how things would end up or say it right then and there? So many questions and scenarios ran through Jakes head at 100 miles a minute, he needed to focus and say something soon. "Yeah but uh---I have tons of things to take care of. I have to go and talk to my stylist about picking out a suit for me and look over my schedule." Jake waved the envelope in his hands. "Okay, okay. I get it." Christian smiled. "Well if you're sure then I guess there's nothing I can do, right?" Jake nodded. "I'll se you later." "Yeah." With that, Jake turned around and walked back to the elevator he had just come out of. Christian watched Jake closely, looking to see if he would turn around and change his mind about staying. Sadly, Jake got into the elevator then sent a warm smile and wave in Christians direction. The doors closed and the red numbers above the elevator counted down. Christian stepped back into his apartment and shut the door. Jake walked out of the elevator and into the lobby then moved outside. He got a few feet away from the building and started to panic. He turned around and walked back to the inside but turned around again, facing the direction he was originally heading in. He stood still, looking up at the many windows and balconies of the building and kicked himself for not taking that extra step into Christians apartment. Jakes phone went off in his pocket and he reached in to get it out. He didn't bother to look at the screen and answered. "What now, Jen?" Jake sighed. "Jake, it's Mike. Where are you?" "Oh, hey. I'm out why?" "Are you doing anything important?" His friend Mike asked. "No." "Good, meet me in 10 minutes at Urth Cafe." "What for?" Jake asked. "To solve the mystery of old Ms. Jones, why do you think? To have lunch. I was supposed to meet someone here but they cancelled." "Alright, smart ass. I'm not far so I'll be there soon." "Awesome, hurry. Ms. Jones is not getting any younger." Mike fooled around. Jake laughed and started to walk in the direction of the cafe. "I will, bye." He stuck the phone into his pants again and kept his hands inside his pockets while he walked away from the apartment complex. He arrived at the cafe and met with Mike. They hugged and sat down on a table near the window and started to talk while waiting for their waiter. "Glad I can be your fall out friend." Jakes smirked. "Well, you know. I do what I can. What are you doing out here anyways. Don't you have to be doing something important with your life?" "I went to pick up my schedule from Jen." Jake admitted. Michael took the folder from the table on Jakes side and looked through it. "Award shows, interviews, appearances. Jesus H. Christ, Jake! All this in four months?" Jake nodded with his eye brows raised and weak smile. "Yeah, it's a lot but what can I say? They all want a piece of Jake-Fucking-Gyllenhaal." Jake exaggerated. Just then the waiter came to their table and took their lunch orders. When he left, Jake looked at Mike with urgency in his eyes and opened his mouth. "Can I tell you something?" "Yeah, what's up?" Mike asked as he placed his hands on the table and interlocked his fingers then leaned forward. "Hello! Welcome to Urth Cafe, I'm Marcus and I'll be your waiter this afternoon. Can I start you guys off with something to drink?" The waiting man with the black dress shirt and slacks covered with a white apron said. He stood besides the small table with pen and pad at hand, ready to take orders like a magical genie who was expected to do as told or else. "Actually, can we just give you our full orders right now?" Michael asked. "Yes, of course." "Great. I'll take a turkey wrap and a glass of orange juice." Mike turned to Jake. "I'll have the same." "Okay, I'll come back to bring you your lunch orders in a few minutes." Marcus turned and walked back into the kitchen in the back. "Alright, what did you want to tell me?" Mike asked as he put his hands on the table and interlocked his fingers then leaned forward to hear Jake more clearly. Jake smile and leaned back in his chair, reaching up and taking off the ball cap he had on then placing it in front of him on the table top. "Never mind, it's not important." But it was important. Jake was about to tell him about Christian but couldn't gather the courage let a lone the strength to tell his best friend of six years. After finally getting their orders they began to eat lunch happily as if nothing had happened. In the back of Jakes head he knew he was going to have to tell someone what was going on. It's not that he couldn't trust Michael about not telling everyone else its just that it wasn't the right time for Jake to come out with it. He wanted to wait a little while longer and maybe ease his friends and family into his new found lifestyle. After having lunch with Mike, Jake got his stuff and walked the rest of the way home. As if he didn't have more to worry about with the whole situation he was in with Christian but Jake had to add award show hell to his "To Do List." The first award show on the list was the Independent Film Awards and then the bigger ones like the Academy Awards and The Oscars were not too far behind. +++ Hello everyone. Sorry it took my a while to post this up on Nifty. I've got the next part practically done right now and I wanted to post BOTH up now but I cant so you'll have to wait till next time. I'll post an excerpt from it on the MSN group. By the way, I want to give a shout out to Avy who also has a Jake story on Nifty titled "Jake's Cowboy" go read it and go to the group to hang out and talk about Jake and the story. Avy has posted a Jake poll so go and add your two cents in. MSN Group - Email - -Chris