Date: Mon, 31 Dec 2007 22:50:53 -0800 (PST) From: Christian G. Subject: The Gyllenhaal Encounter - Part Twenty-Six Disclaimer: I do not know or claim to know Jake Gyllenhaal and I don't mean to imply to know any knowledge of his personal life or sexual preferences. This is a work of FICTION and nothing more. If you're under 18 or don't like to read fan-fictions about same sex romances then DO NOT read this story. For everyone else, sit back and enjoy. +++ Quick note to the reader!!!!: Thank you ALL for making this writing thing so fun and worth while. If no one was reading this then I probably would've ended the story in the third installment. I did this for you guys because you all seemed to like what I was doing (and because I love Jakey. Haha.) This is the last chapter of the story and I hope it's good enough for your likings. Thanks Avy and Michael and Brett and everyone else who helped me out with the story and sent me feedback and thank YOU for reading. I'm not going to completely disappear because I'm starting a new story soon so it aint the last of me quite yet. Now, on with the story... +++ The room was still and dark while the heavy, grey window curtains hung down around the curved bed Randy lay on. Christian slept in the uncomfortable visitors chair at Randy's side, the only thing keeping him warm was the sweater he wore over his chest that belonged to Jake. He buried his nose in the collar, inhaling Jakes scent to block out the smell of the unnerving and sterile hospital. The respirator and heart monitor made it difficult to stay asleep for long while Randy slept soundly due to the absurd amount of drugs being pumped into his arm. Christian sat in the chair and stared at Randy, following the cuts and bruises on his face like a roadmap leading into a pit of unbearable pain. Looking closer, Christian could see Randy's eyes moving under their protective blanket as if looking for a way out of the unfortunate predicament he was in, finding comfort in a dream that took him away from the reality of what was happening then and there. It wasn't long before Randy slowly began to come through, breaking away from the comfort blanket of his dreams. Christian leaped up from his place and sprung to Randy's side. "Randy?" Christian whispered. Randy tried to sit up in his bed but Christian pushed him back down after Randy winced from the pain of his fractured ribs, "Don't get up." "What are you doing here?" Randy groaned hoarsely. "I wanted to make sure you were alright." "Why? So you could feel better about yourself?" "Don't be like that." "How long have you been here?" Randy asked. "Since last night. Ashley came too but she had to work today so she'll be by later again." "You can go if you want. You don't owe me anything and I certainly don't expect you to be at my side right now." Randy's cut and bruised lips spoke delicately. "I know but I wanted to come. What the hell were you thinking, Randy? How could you get into your car after drinking?" "Don't tell me what I should know." "Fine, I came because I was worried but forget it." "Wait," Randy took Christians wrist with a weak grip. "Where's my wallet?" "Why? You don't need it now." "Give me my wallet!" Christian walked over to the small table at the opposite side of the hospital room. He picked out the pair of dirty jeans from under and equally dirty t-shirt. After checking the pockets, Christian slid a worn leather wallet out from within then walked back. "Open it," Randy ordered. "Get the pictures out from behind my driver's license." Christian searched the many pockets and found what Randy referred to. He pulled out the two small Polaroid pictures from their hiding place and looked them over attentively. "I wasn't driving drunk. After you left I took those to have them published where ever they would take them. Sort of a last 'fuck you' I guess. I was coming back home when I was hit from behind... They're not making it into any magazines." Christian shoved the images into his pocket. Randy looked up at Christian's eyes staring back down at him. There was nothing he could do except let his emotions flow out. Randy began to quietly cry to himself and said, "My perception of you has completely changed and I don't like it. There's nothing left to say anymore except that it's been fun." "We can still be friends, right? I mean, we can still call each other every once in a while." "We shouldn't. It'll be too weird don't you think?" "Yeah...right." Christian could feel the corners of his eyes beginning to burn. "Anyways, I'm going to go get some coffee, do you want anything?" "Sure." Christian bent down and kissed Randy on the forehead before he exited the room. Just beyond the door, Dr. Herron walked forward with his trusty clipboard at hand. He greeted Christian and asked about Randy. The two talked for a brief moment until the doctor had to go in to see how his patient was doing. "How are you today?" the doctor asked Randy. "As good as I can be in a situation like this." "Any new pain or discomfort?" "No, it's the same pain," the doctor checked on Randy's stats and ran some short tests before heading for the door. "Oh, I almost forgot," he turned back around. "Your friend left this for you." Randy watched his doctor reach into his scrub pockets to pull out a silver chain. The Dr. Herron laid the chain on the small table beside the bed and finally left. Randy painfully turned his head and realized that the chain was the bracelet he had given Christian for his birthday, the inscription underneath taunting him. +++ Christian was frustrated by the lack of available positions around the city. He had spent nearly his entire week driving around Los Angeles in hopes of finding a place that needed an extra worker but no such luck. Fortunately for him, he managed to score an interview with the owner of a club, the position: waiter/server boy. It was going to be his last chance to find and hold a steady job. He arrived home early after his interview and was surprised to see no one around. He figured that everyone was out taking care of the needs their careers called for so, after a lonely dinner, Christian went upstairs and crawled into bed. It wasn't until much layer that the trio finally arrived. Jake, Maggie, and Peter spilled into the house after each taking care of business and poured themselves a snack. "Christians home." Maggie said, referring to the set of fresh plates and cups sitting in the drying rack. "I'm anxious to see how his interview went," Jake added, taking a swig of his beer. "Hopefully he got the job." "He's been on a job hunt for a while now, right?" "Yeah. He said he feels guilty about living here unless he has a job to help out. I told him Peter barely does anything even when he has a job so he shouldn't be too worried." "He wants to help contribute, what's so wrong with that?" "I don't want him to feel like he needs to earn his place. I invited him here because I want him around." "Don't worry. Everything will work out for the best. I'll see you tomorrow morning, I'm going to bed." Maggie dumped the water in her glass down the drain and left the kitchen. After Jake finished his beer, he locked up and walked up to the second floor of the house to join Christian in the quiet, sleeping bedroom. The room was black while Jake undressed and hid underneath the covers. He could feel Christian lying next to him, the warmth of his body emanating under the covers. His breathing playing like a night time song that eased every muscle in his body. Jake turned to Christian and wrapped his arm around Christian's hips, feeling the subtle movements he made every time he exhaled. "How was your day?" Christian asked tiredly. "Good," Jake replied, breathing into the back of Christians neck, taking in the smell of his skin. "How was your interview?" "Okay. The guy who interviewed me was pretty nice and laid back." "Do you think you got it?" Jake buried his nose in Christian's hair. "Hopefully. It'll help out a lot." "I wouldn't worry about it." The next morning Christian paced around the room in a panic. Jake still lay in bed, hugging the pillow Christian slept on the night before. He watched Christian as he ran to find what ever it was he searched for. He was running late for another early job interview and a date with an old friend who would later stop by to visit. "What time's your interview?" Jake asked. "In an hour but I want to get there early," Christian threw his bag over his shoulders and rummaged through his dirty laundry. "What are you looking for?" "My goddamned wallet. I can't find it." "It's in the kitchen. I saw it there last night." Jake sat up in bed and ran a hand through his frazzled hair. Before heading out of the room, Christian placed a tiny kiss on Jakes unshaved cheek, Jake replying, "Good luck!" +++ Christian walked out of his interview feeling good. The entire atmosphere and feel of the meeting was welcoming and friendly. The man who interviewed him was drawn to Christian's ability to capture his attention, a skill that was cherished in the field of work he hoped to enter. Now that Christian was feeling upbeat, he was ready to meet his friend Jimmy at The Ivy. After a brief phone call, Christian walked into the restaurant, to the table inside marked as "Reserved." It was awkward being served rather than being the one who's serving. Looking at all the tables, Christian remembered how it felt to serve and deal with high end and snotty people. His thoughts were broken by the sight of a tall, brown haired man in a brown argyle sweater over a light tan shirt and khaki pants. "Boys..." Ashley laid two menus on the table after Jimmy took his place across from Christian. "Thanks, Ash." "Two glasses of water?" Ashley asked. "Yep," Christian and Jimmy replied. After Ashley left, Christian and Jim commenced their afternoon meet and greet. "Did you find your way alright?" "Yeah, I had a bit of trouble locating the street but I saw this place right away. So how've you been?" "Okay." "Okay? You're in the most beautiful place in California and you're just okay?" "Well, you know how things go" "Uh-oh, what happened?" "Nothing, why do you assume something happened?" "Because I DO know how things go." "Well nothings happening now, not anymore. What's going on with you? You just moved down to San Diego, right?" "Yeah. Eliza and I just got done settling into our three bedroom apartment. We only needed one room but we figured we can turn the other rooms into a guest room and a nursery." Jim smiled wide. "Nursery? Are you guys having a kid?" "If things go like planned." "But I thought you..." "We're taking a donation from a sperm bank. Since we can't have a biological baby from both of us, we figured one of us should be blood related." "That's great but wouldn't it be weird though? The baby being someone else's kid too?" "Well yeah but its not like were going to hide the fact that the baby came from a sperm bank. If it wants to know who the father is then we'll take care of it when the time comes." "That's pretty grown up and mature of you." "Yeah, well I want to handle this with as much sensitivity as possible." "You'll make a great dad." "What about you? Are you thinking about having kids?" "Are you kidding? I'm only 20 years old and living in L.A. If I wanted to be a young father I would have stayed in Jersey. Besides, having a kid here is a death sentence. No more parties, no more drinking, no more casual sex. You have a kid here then you might as well move into a nursing home." "Wow. It's like that, huh? You should come down to San Diego. It's not as fast paced as it is here but it's pretty nice. It's kind of like the older brother to Los Angeles." "Sounds nice. How's the housing there?" Christian asked. "Good. The area we moved to is in the process of adding a few more town homes and duplexes. You can probably find a good price if you looked but I'll tell you what, if you ever come and visit us down there you can stay in our extra room. It's only a three hour drive south." Christian began to wonder about San Diego and the possibilities that could come along with the change of settings. It was certainly enticing. +++ Christian still hadn't heard back from any of the places he applied for. Time was ticking down and he was becoming more and more impatient. One night, after he and Jake finished a round of their usual intimate time, Christian brought up an amusing idea. Christian still straddle Jakes hips, stretching his tired torso and arms up to the ceiling while Jake lay under him, feeling his heart rate slowly come back down to normal as Christian slid away from him. He entered the restroom to clean himself off while Jake pulled off the used condom, tied it in a knot, and tossed it in the trash. Christian came back into the bedroom and asked, "Do you like L.A.?" "That's pretty random of you but yeah, I like it here. I've spent most of my life in Los Angeles. Why?" "Would you ever move away?" Christian asked while he pulled up his briefs from the floor, "Move out of Los Angeles?" "Maybe... someday." "Soon?" "No, someday as in someday when I give up acting and I'm ready to retire. Why the sudden questions? Are you thinking about moving?" Jake wondered. "Maybe." "How come? Don't you like it here?" "I don't know. I feel like I'm tired of Los Angeles. I want to start new, you know?" "What about us? We were just starting to settle in together." "I know. That's why I asked if you'd ever move out of here. You don't have to live in L.A. to have your acting career." "No but it helps. Everyone I know is located in Los Angeles. It'll be pretty stupid of me to go move somewhere else." "It wouldn't be stupid." "Well it wouldn't be the smartest thing to do." "Why not? We can get a place for ourselves and not have to worry about anyone finding out." "You don't think they know who I am down there? Everyone has a connection these days." "Well you don't have to get so defensive." "Well when you bring up a stupid idea like that..." "Did you just call me stupid?" Christian snapped. "What? No, I said your idea was stupid." "Yeah, my idea. You just called me stupid." "No, I didn't!" Jake giggled. "Alright, I'm sorry. It's not funny but I'm not calling you stupid." "Go to hell." Christian pulled the bedspread off and grabbed a pillow then stormed out of the room. "Where are you going?!" Jake called out. "I'm sleeping in the living room!" Christian shout back. Jake put on a pair of cargo shorts and chased Christian downstairs until they both reached the darkness of the living room. Christian flipped on the light and tossed the pillow and bedspread on the couch while Jake tried to defuse the situation, "I don't mean you're stupid." "I heard you the first time." "Then why are you getting angry?" "Because I thought you'd at least think about it instead of shutting out the idea completely." "I'm sorry but you can't just say you want us to move because you're bored with where you are. It's not that easy." "Well I'm doing it. I'm moving to San Diego." Christian confessed half petrified. Jake looked at him in dismay, half believing him, have knowing that Christian was merely testing him. "No you're not," Jake replied. "Yes I am. I'm going to stay with a friend of mine there until I can get my own place. I really want you to come with me." "This conversations over. You're not going anywhere." "Yes I am." Christian stood firm on where he stood while Jake placed his hands on his hips, trying to figure Christian out. After a brief moment, Jake turned around and walked back upstairs, turning the lights off in a bold silence. +++ Christians mind was set and, although he didn't want to leave Jake or his friends, he just couldn't stand to be in the city where so much had gone down in such a short amount of time, most of it being negative. It wouldn't be the first time that he would flee from his problems instead of facing them head on. Christian left New Jersey earlier to get away from his issues with his family that was disintegrating behind closed doors. Now, only his third year in this new niche, Christian was once again ready to run away only this time it wouldn't be to a different state, except only three hours away to San Diego. Unlike Christian, Jake didn't think that he needed to move away from L.A. to be happy again. Jake dreaded to think about the day Christian would pack and move away but for now, he was skeptical about whether it would happen or not. Even with his doubts, Jake was filled with tremendous anxiety. He tried to avoid the subject as much as he could but it was all Christian could talk about. Jake became agitated disconcerted with the way Christian talked about San Diego; As if it were a marvelous and whimsical place that would magically solve his problems. If anything it would only create more issues that Christian and everyone around him would have to deal with but Christian mostly cared about his own. A bit selfish but that's how it was. +++ Christian sat in the living room early in the morning with a cup of coffee in one hand and a cell phone in the other. He was still in his briefs and t-shirt when Jake walked down from his bedroom. "Is that the amount I have under my name at the moment?" Jake heard while he followed the scent of fresh coffee heating up in the kitchen. He poured himself a cup and stood in the kitchen archway while Christian continued to talk over the phone. "Okay, thanks so much." Christian hung up and noticed Jake watching him from afar. "Hey, good morning." Jake raised his eyebrows in response while drinking from his mug, "Who was that?" "The bank. I wanted to see how much I had before getting everything together." "You're actually doing it, huh?" Jake asked, taking a seat beside Christian on the couch. "Two months and I'm gone." "Is there any chance that you might change your mind?" "Nope." "Everything up to now has been for nothing then?" Jake asked. "What do you mean?" "I mean you and me. Every day we had together was leading up to you leaving. Every time we got back together was a waste of time" "No, you know it hasn't." "I'm sorry but that's how it seems. Maybe you were right, maybe were not meant to be in a relationship right now. We probably rushed into things too soon." Christian quietly looked at Jake sitting to his left. He knew he was upset and the words coming out of Jakes mouth were expected. It wasn't comforting to hear Jake speak in such a manner but he understood where it was all coming from. "It's hard to explain..." Christian began. "You don't have to. It's fine." Jake stood up and walked away. "Did you come down here to make me feel guilty?" "No, I wanted some coffee." For the remainder of the time, Christian and Jake grew further and further apart as the days became shorter and quicker. It was the only way the two could live with each other with out having to deal with each others conflicting views about the future they may or may not have together. On the week before the scheduled move, everyone had gone out to spend the night around the city starting off with a joyous dinner at a local restaurant. Afterwards it was a free for all at the Gyllenhaal hangout inside club Hyde. Everyone seemed to be having a good time except for Jake who kept to himself inside their booth. It was like that for the remainder of their time there. No matter how much Maggie, Peter, or Christian begged Jake to let loose, he continued to keep to himself and the drink in his hands. The following week was even more traumatic on him. It was almost time for Christian to move away and it was starting to hit Jake like a boulder to the stomach; Christian was going to leave and there was nothing that could be done. It was too late. The grains of sand had completely fallen through and there was no flipping the hour glass. +++ The bags were packed and the furniture was coming out of storage. The movers were packing Christian's things from the rented storage containers and were being packed into the towing trucks. Christian's alarm went off early in the morning while he and Jake slept soundly in bed. Christian put on some clothes and took what he had down to the front door while Peter helped carry the luggage to the car parked outside. Before heading out the door, Christian went back upstairs and found Jake still under the covers. He was disappointed but wasn't going to force Jake out of bed if he didn't want to. Instead, Christian kneeled down in front of Jakes closed eyes and whispered, "I'm leaving." At first, Jake was silent but then let out a soft moan. That was all Christian needed to hear. Christian kissed Jake on the lips and left the room, closing the door behind him. Jake secretly opened his eyes just as the light from the outside was being pushed out and Christian's leg disappeared out the door. Christian arrived at the storage units just as the movers were putting the finishing touches on their trucks. Before they left he handed one of them a spare key, directions, and instructions on what to do once they arrive and with that, they were off. Christian had some paperwork to fill out before he could leave but as he did that, Maggie, Ashley, and Peter showed up to say goodbye. "I want to go with you." Ashley said, smiling kindly. "Go get your stuff and let's go." "I'm going to miss you, Hun. Who's going to take me out to watch late night screening of The Rocky Horror Picture Show?" "Randy will be around. Once he gets better you two can be best friends." "I'm going to get my days off next month and I'm going to go to see you. Deal?" "Deal. We'll go to the beach and see if there are any places to see late night movies about drag queens." Christian wrapped his arms around Ashley as she did the same. They held onto each other for a moment longer before swapping friendly kisses. Next in line were Maggie and Peter. "Jake didn't come with you?" Christian asked. "No, he didn't but if you ever come back to L.A., you know where to stay," Maggie replied. "Take care of yourself, Christian." Peter shook Christians hand and pulled him in for a quick hug. After handing out a few last waves of goodbye, everyone mounted their cars as the sun began to peak out from behind the silvery buildings of the city. Christian was about the get into his own car when he suddenly realized that his keys were nowhere around. He scrambled to look for them in his pockets but found nothing. He walked into the building where he filled out the paper work minutes earlier and found them on the counter where he last them. Christian walked back outside and opened the driver's side door where Sargent sat and brushed him aside. Just as he was about to step inside, Sargent started to bark and wine out the opened window on the opposite side. "You need to use the bathroom?" Christian asked him as if he were able to reply back. When Sargent didn't quiet down, Christian let him out and Sargent dashed off towards the street heavily populated by traffic. "Sargent!" Christian yelled out as a big black SUV pulled into the compound. He ran to his dog and was stunned when the car stopped and Sargent jumped at the driver's side door. Just as Christian was going to call him away from the car, the driver stepped out and caused Christian to freeze in his tracks. Jake slammed the door shut and marched towards Christian while he watched on. As soon as they were close enough, Jake pulled Christian's face into his own and set a bold kiss on Christian's mouth. Jakes fingers gripped onto Christian's neck and back, pressing him closer to his body until they could feel each others pulse. "You came." Christian smiled wide. "Of course." Jake took Christian's chin in his hands and kissed him one more time, "I have been an ass and I want to apologize. If you have to go then I want you to leave on a good note. I wish I could rewind time and make your last week here one to remember." "You have. You've made my last year here one to remember," Christian stared deep into Jake's bedroom eyes and saw his reflection. "I love you, Chris. I love you and I don't care if you don't want to say it back or you can't say it back or whatever. I love you." "I have a secret: I'm really a woman." There was a brief moment of silence followed by explosive laughter coming from both sides then Christian added shyly, "I love you, too." "You do?" Jake asked, tiny drops of tears forming in the corner of his eyes. "You know I do." "I know. I just wanted to hear you say it." Jake's crooked smile made Christian smile along with him. They stared into each others eyes; both giggling like if it were their first time meeting then Jake became serious. "Its time to go?" he asked sadly. "Yeah." Christian pulled Jake in for one last kiss and hug then regretfully let him go after taking in the smell of Jakes clothes and hair. A smell he wouldn't encounter again. Jake wiped a tear away from his eye and saw Christian turn his back to leave with Sargent trotting by his side. The two got into their car and drove down to where Jakes SUV stood. "Call me when you get to San Diego." Jake insisted. Christian smiled and nod his head then said, "Take care." "Bye." Christian drove down to the street and turned right, merging into traffic with the rest of the population leaving the polluted and glamorous city that once held him by the throat. He was leaving his the city for good and only he knew if he would ever return although the possibilities were slim. +++ Christian made it to San Diego safely. He was able to settle in with his friend and his wife Eliza. Christian found a job as a receptionist in a hotel in Downtown San Diego where he earns nine dollars an hour. He can afford to help pay rent while living with his friend Jimmy and hopes to get his own place near the coastline once he can. Like everyone else, Christian followed Jake's career momentarily but lost touch once hearing about a film entitled Brokeback Mountain. He was one of the few that didn't see the movie because he feels like he's lived the plot line and doesn't need to be reminded of the emotions he secretly keeps bottled up. Christian never did call Jake like he promised. Starting fresh in a new home meant leaving the past in the past. +++ Ashley remained in L.A. and did visit Christian just like they planned. After returning to the city she quit her job at the Ivy and devoted her time to going back to school where she studied business, and hopes to open a restaurant outside of Hollywood where no one famous would think to visit. A year after Christian left, she found a boyfriend and gave birth to her first child one year after that. She named the baby Evan Alan. Christian is the baby's Godfather. Her motherly instincts are being put to good use. +++ Randy got better and after his accident he remained single until meeting the man he claimed to be "the one." He has not seen any of Jakes movie projects and vows to keep it that way. He has not spoken to Christian since the move. He and Ashley became closer than ever and was dubbed official baby sitter to Evan Alan. A title he proudly holds. Still working at the theatre in Los Angeles, Randy was promoted to manager and oversees all operations of the business although he has no say on what movies to show. +++ Maggie and Peter landed their own movie rolls and remained together, happily engaged with a baby on the way. Jake became a household name following the release of the movie Jarhead and became a public figure with the release of his movie Brokenack Mountain, starring opposite Heath Ledger as a gay ranch hand who falls in love with Heaths character. The film won many awards and recognition as well as an Oscar nomination for `Movie Of The Year.' It lost to "Crash." Jake became godfather to Heaths real life baby girl Matilda. He's been linked with many actresses but none are personally confirmed by him although it was widely speculated that he and fellow actress Reese Witherspoon were dating on and off. There isn't a day that goes by that he doesn't think about what Christian could be doing. The two haven't spoken since although one of the Polaroid pictures taken with Christian still lies under the pile if shirts in his top drawer. Sometimes, out of the blue, Jake will begin to think about a time when he and Christian were just beginning their star-crossed love affair, a time when their love for each other burned brighter and stronger than ever before: Jake lay on his back, his right hand under his head while Christian rolled his fingers over the hair growing from Jake's strong chest. Jake's eyes scanned the textured ceiling high above him, thinking of nothing in particular. Christian laid his head in the wedge between Jake's jaw and shoulder, happily wasting time. "I don't know what I'd do if you weren't here." Christian whispered. "Lucky for you, you won't have to find out." "Good. I mean, how lucky do you have to be to have multiple Gyllenhaal encounters?" "Us Gyllenhaal's are very illusive. We only come out at night. Very rare," Jake joked as he played with Christian's fingers. "Will I ever have to find out how life would be with out you around?" "No. I'm always going to be here." Christian nuzzled his nose in Jake's skin and closed his eyes, dozing off to sleep once again. "Good," Jake answered happily. He kissed Christian on the forhead and exhaled deeply then closed his eyes aswell, holding Christian tightly by his side. The End. +++ How'd I do? Let me know. Email -