Date: Thu, 18 Feb 2010 21:54:57 +0000 From: Jake Baker Subject: HighSchool X Style 1 DISCLAIMER I do not own anything in this story whether it be the setting or the characters etc. Nor do I know anything of the sexuality of any of the creators or characters that are involved with this story, or in any part of the Marvel Universe. This story also contains descriptions of gay sex between men. I'll use < around telepathy or personal thoughts > :D FEEDBACK PLEASE ! As I feel the last of my energy start to deplete form my body, and all the strength I have and could ever muster at this point in time start to leave me, one final thought runs through my mind. How proud my team members are going to be for my sacrifice, how sad they will all be after my inevitable death, and oh not to mention my one true love. The love I never thought I would find, a love that will live on through him even though my physical body will be gone, I will live on through him and the love that we share. But before my story, my life, has to end let me take you through my life starting with the beginning shall I ? Hi, my name is Carlos Marine, I'm your average teenage boy. 17 years of age, half Brazilian and half Black, tall, black messy surfer hair, a dark and tanned complexion, body of a Greek God, if I do say so myself, and I'm interested in everything I should be, doing well in school, sport and well life in general. Oh but one thing, I'm gay ... Oh wait I forgot, I'm also a mutant. And not just any mutant, but rather powerful one by every one's reckoning, well whatever ... I just like to think of myself as normal, or well as normal as a gay mutant can get. Lets just say that when I told my parents of my newly found revelations they were hardly pleased, my father an avid church goer and training to become a minister, and my mother a worldly woman with a lot of prejudice after years of being taught that is the only way by my, how do I put this politely, overly protective and completely up their own asses, grandparents. They tried to reason with me, tried to snap me out of this trance like state they had thought Id fallen into, not believing that this was the real me that someone had corrupted me. Telling them to go and fuck themselves, for lack of better wording, I packed my things and fled my house never to return ... Somehow, I cant exactly remember if I'm honest with you all, I ended up at The Xavier Institute, at the time I didn't know it was a safe haven for mutants and a school in which young mutants learn to control their powers. So let's just say my sudden awakening ta the school didn't exactly go as smooth or as planned as any of us would have liked it to of gone ... I suppose this is a good of a place as any to start my story ? ... -- As my eyes began to slowly open from this unnatural sleep, the first thing I can sense is this throbbing pain in my head and strangely enough the sensation of being comfortable, which is something I hardly expected after living on the streets the past week and a half. With sudden realisation that I have no idea where I am my survival instincts kick in and with my eyes now fully open I jump out of bed, at the same time ripping the IVs out of my arms, only for them to heal within a second, but regardless OUCH. I'm sure I must of looked a state to all that had saw me in a hospital gown, snarling wide eyes at the people that were in what appeared an isolated hospital/medicine room made out of pure silver metal. Two people, one sitting and one standing, stood the other side of the room to me just watching, perhaps they hadn't encountered a mutant before ? Or perhaps they were too scared to even move ? ... The sitting woman was beautiful beyond measure with white hair, a chocolate brown complexion and a kind face, while the standing woman a vibrant redhead with green eyes that appear to be able to melt any man on queue, well any straight man anyways. As the red headed woman began to approach me all that ran through my mind was the need for protection so by instinct I picked up a tray of medical equipment and threw it at the woman, hoping the distraction would give me a chance to escape and to return to the streets ... But before I could move the equipment stopped dead in the air, and were set back in place with the red headed woman just watching the equipment do this. " H-How -- did you do that ... " Barely able to speak due to the shock of what I had just seen, that was all I could muster at this point in time. The white haired woman finally stood up from her chair and came to stand next to the red headed woman, just staring at her until with a nod the red head left the room through a giant door with an X across it which I had failed to see previously. Now looking at me the remaining woman said to me, " Hello Carlos, my name is Ororo Munroe, and the woman who has just left is Jean Grey. We are mutants much like yourself, and you're at The Xavier Institute For Higher Learning, we are a school dedicated to training and protecting any and all mutants in need of our aid, especially young people such as yourself. " Speaking with perfect clarity and in such a manner she could charm the President into letting her run the country for him, I was still shocked. " Oh, ummm, okay " Was all I could muster as my brain had gone into some form of shut down where all I could do was think, well and string together barely coherent sentences. " What happened, how did I get here ? " " Perhaps you would be more comfortable laying back down Carlos. I will explain everything momentarily. " Helping me into getting back into to bed, I hadn't realised how tired I actually was until now. " As you know my name is Ororo, but what you do not know is I am a member of The X-Men. I'm sure you have heard of us ... " I had, on the news, they were superheroes or something like that. " My codename, if you will, is Storm as I have the ability to manipulate all aspects of the weather. We brought you here after your mutant abilities flared out of control in the middle of the street, thankfully some of us were eon hand to help you get back here safe. You fell unconscious, but no damage was done to you. " " Oh thank you, I err guess. " I was still a little dazed, but gradually things were starting to make more and more sense in my mind. And then the giant door reopened ... Revealed the woman I now know as Jean Grey and a bald man in a wheelchair, making their way over to me, both smiling. " I'm sorry for ermmm throwing those at you. " Gesturing with my hands to the equipment only an arms length away from me. " Oh, don't worry about it, no one was harmed. " She said with a little laugh and smile, only for me to smile back at her. It was hard not to smile at her, she just had that IT factor which made her likable. " I take it Ororo has informed you on where you are. This man next to me is Professor Charles Xavier, he wishes to talk with you. But if it makes you feel more comfortable both Ororo and I will leave yo-- ... " " NO ! ... Sorry, please don't leave. I'm still a little confused "I managed to say with a weak smile. So we all settled down, using her ability again Jean made two chairs fly next to my bed where her and Ororo sat. " Hello Carlos, as you know I am Charles Xavier. I am the founder of this place, and the keeper of peace between these school walls. " He said with a broad smile across his face, this was a good man, I could tell. " And as your probably already know you have been brought here for sanctuary and also for you to learn about your powers and how to further develop them. Like many of our students here you were found as a runaway homeless on the streets, and I hope you do not mind but I had to read your recent memories in order to determine who you were, which is why we know your name. We also know that you have nowhere else to go, and this is an option for you. A pretty fine option if I do say so myself. Now why don't you tell me about your powers Carlos ? " Starting to feel more and more comfortable with the three adult mutants around me, I didn't even bother to care about him reading my mind. " Well to my knowledge I have a couple of different powers. I can fly pretty fast and high, can create fire, my tears also heal any injury that I have and I can also read people's thoughts and sometimes if I concentrate enough on a small object it can explode. I did some research before I had to leave my parents behind, and most of my powers are linked to a bird in legends, a phoenix. " After I had finished talking a slight look of dismay had begun to spread across Jean's face, but overlooking that I smiled at the professor, feeling good about being able to talk openly about my mutant nature with someone else so understanding. " Wow. That is quite an impressive list of powers for any one person to possess Carlos, a powerful mutant you indeed are. Now I have two final questions for you. Would you like to stay at here at my school ? " With an enthusiastic smile and nod from me the Professor continued "And the last question, do you feel well enough to be escorted to your own room ? " With another nod from me. Everyone started moving and everything started to happen ever so quickly. Charles and Jean left the room, once again leaving Ororo and I the only people here. Telling me that she would wait outside while I got changed into more decent clothes which had been left for me in the cabinet next to my bed, she left the room. I got changed into these brand new, wonderful clothes, and quickly left the room to find Ororo next to an elevator. As we both entered the elevator she began to talk to me. " So Carlos. How do you think you will like Xavier's ? " By this time the elevator had stopped and we had begun to walk down a wonderfully eccentric corridor. With high ceiling, wide wooden walls and full of antiques, you could definitely tell this is a place form people with a lot of money. " I'm not too sure to be honest with you. " We'll see how we go, I mean nothing could be worse that my former home life anyways ...