Date: Mon, 26 Feb 2001 19:56:23 -0000 From: Widget Subject: Making it count with Leo - Part 4 Making It Count by Widget Warning: This story contains gay sex. If you are under the legal age to read such material in your country, or are likely to be offended by such material, then read no further. This story is fiction and in no way implies the sexual orientation of the real Leonardo DiCaprio. I have never met Leonardo DiCaprio, and this story is a fantasy about what could have happened if he had replied to a fan letter that I sent to him. This is my first attempt at erotic fiction, and any feedback would be welcomed although flames will be ignored. Leo, if you read this I apologize if it offends you, on the other hand if you enjoy it I would love to hear from you. If you missed the previour parts they can be found on my site at Part 4 We slept late into the next day, waking around 11am to the smell of stale cum from our session the night before. As we sat up in bed the dried cum on our bodies started to fracture and break off. I reached towards Leo and gently stroked my hand against his face before drawing him towards me for a good morning kiss. After a brief kiss I took him by the hand and led him toward the shower, this morning we would wash each other clean before starting another perfect day. I knew the day would be perfect. How could it be anything else when I was with him. We showered quite quickly and were soon sat in the kitchen having some breakfast trying to plan the day ahead. That afternoon I would be on my own as Leo said that he had an interview to publicize his new film "The man in the Iron mask", which would be followed by a meal out with some of the cast at some showbiz venue where there were sure to be lots of press hanging around. We both agreed that it would be for the best if I stayed at the house that evening. I spent the afternoon shopping (one of my favourite pastimes, even though I can hardly afford the prices some of these shops charge). I bought myself some black silk shirts (black always was my favourite colour), some dark lightweight trousers and some jackets which I thought I would be able to wear when I went back to work. Thinking about being back at school, away from Leo made me feel quite sad, so I had to combat that with some more shopping. When I eventually got back to the house it was about half past four and I was feeling quite hungry. I decided on "Inspiration Pasta" for dinner (you cook the pasta then throw in whatever you happen to have in the cupboard), a quick and easy meal yet surprisingly filling. After dinner I decided to relax in front of the television with some of the magazines that I had bought during the day. There was a brief item on the news about the party that Leo and the others were at which made some comment about the great romancer Leo being surrounded by models and seemingly enjoying the attention. What an actor he is I thought when he can convince the press that he is actually interested in those models. By eleven O'clock I had decided to turn in for the night, after having a bedtime wank of course. I woke up at several stages during the night each time expecting Leo to be lying in bed next to me. On seeing that he wasn't I would check downstairs to see if I had been woken up by his coming in to the house. On each occasion there was no sign of him. When there was still no sign of him by five in the morning I really did begin to wonder just how much of an act all that flirting with the models had been, but reasoned to myself that he knew that I was here waiting for him, and that I knew he was gay so there couldn't possibly be anything in it. At seven am I gave up on getting back to sleep and decided to shower and get dressed. Nine am came and went and still no sign of Leo, by this stage I was really starting to panic and picked up the phone. Using the speed dial I called his mother to ask if he was there. "No, he's not here", she said, "but he often stays out all night when he has one of these parties, especially if he's picked up a.....". She suddenly stopped. "Picked up a?" I said waiting for her to finish her sentence, knowing full well what she had just stopped herself saying. Irmelin started to stammer to think of something to say, but I just didn't want to hear it. I dropped the phone, letting the receiver dangle on its wire, Irmelin still on the other end of the line. In a complete daze I wandered around the house, not knowing what to do or think. Of course it was obvious what had happened. He had been flirting with those models, that much I had known from the news bulletin, and it didn't take a genius to work out what he had got up to when he still wasn't home by ten the next morning. Eventually my dazed walk led me to his bedroom and the edge of his bed. Without thinking I sat down and lay on my side on the bed. I felt so alone. The previous night I could have been the only person on the planet and I wouldn't have felt lonely because I knew he was coming home to me, now I felt like the whole world was closing in on me and I was so small in such a huge world. I curled up and began to cry. Soon I was crying so hard that I was literally shaking and could hardly see. It was at that point that I knew what I had to do. I had to get out of there. I'd had my heart broken too often and couldn't stay here any longer. I phoned the airport then called a taxi. While I waited for the taxi to arrive I gathered together all of my belongings. Then finding a piece of paper I scribbled a quick note for him to explain. While I was writing the not I could hear a strange whistling sound. It was then that I realised that I had never hung up the phone and it was still hanging from its wire. Replacing the handset I made my way to the door and the waiting taxi. When Leo eventually awoke it was with a thumping headache and a feeling of disorientation. This was not his house. He was in a small guest bedroom of someone's house. He had been so drunk the previous night that as the party drew to a close his manager had half dragged and half carried him out of the club and putting him in her car had driven him to her house. She had managed to get him up the stairs and into the guest room. He flopped down onto the bed in a near comatose state. Once she had removed his shoes she pulled a blanket over him and then went to bed herself. Leo finally worked out where he was when she walked in to the room coffee cup in hand and said to him "here drink this, it'll make you feel a little better, then we'll get you home". "Thanks", Leo said taking a large gulp of the strong coffee. The day was a bright warm one and it was nearly lunchtime when Leo finally got home (with his manager driving him). As the car neared his house she spotted a taxi pulling out of his driveway and heading off in the other direction. "Looks like we missed a visitor", she said "although from the state of you I would say that you're not up to visitors yet". Leo's head snapped up at this as he too spotted the taxi. He suddenly remembered that I had been left alone all night. "He must be worried sick" Leo thought as he raced out of the car towards the front door. What got into you his manager said when she finally caught up with him in the hallway. Leo spotted the note straight away. I had put it on the table next to the phone where he usually put the keys once he got in the house. He picked up the note and silently read it. An agonised look came over his face as the note fell from his hand and fluttered to the floor. "What's up" his manager asked. No response. Leo just turned and walked further into the house. Confused she picked up the note and read.... "By the time you get this note I will be gone. I saw you with that model all over you on the news last night. It doesn't take a fool to work out where you were all night. What a fool I was to believe that you lived me. I just hope she was worth it." ***************************************************************************** Comments or suggestions will be welcomed at although I cannot promise to reply. Should I continue this story with a fifth part? What do you think should happen next? I would love to hear your ideas. Please remember this is my first attempt at an erotic story, so any advice as to how to develop it would be welcome, but please keep comments constructive, I get hurt easily.