ate: Tue, 16 Jan 2007 23:51:44 EST From: Subject: part one of matthew fox Alright, this is a total test trial sort of if ya'll want the story to, and lots of it. Anyway, i do not know Matthew Fox (unfortunately) and do not know anything about his sexuality or anything. Let it be known that Matthew Fox is 40 and the original character is 28 (ew? yes or no?). Also, Matthew Fox is married with two children, but for the sake of the story, we'll pretend that he just got a divorce. Anyway, don't read this if you're too young or if it's illegal! Feedback goes to Enjoy! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- There's five of us on a cruise ship, heading to Hawaii. The New Year's party is happening downstairs, and the five of us are on the deck, breathing in the fresh air. The five of us being myself (Alex), Bailey (my sister), Michaela (friend), Eric (Bailey's boyfriend), and Isaac (friend). Isaac had just turned 28, and we celebrated by going on a cruise ship to Hawaii. The ship just happened to have a huge party for New Year's. "Let's go back down to the party you guys." Michaela says, grabbing my hand and Isaac's. "Yea, alright...come on." I follow after Miki (that's what we call Michaela) and Isaac. The five of us walk down the spiraling staircase. People are dancing even more, now that it's closer to midnight. A group of 6 people are on stage, singing a song. Miki and Bailey are already dancing with each other, and Isaac has magically made a drink appear in his hand. " you spit up alcohol or something?" Eric asks, laughing at him. "What...the drink's are right there man." Isaac says, pointing to the table right behind him. "Hey you guys...there're celebrities on this ship." Bailey says, coming up to us. "Really? Who?" asks Eric. "Well we saw Elijah Wood and some of his friends here, and then we saw Matthew Fox with his family." Miki says, coming up behind Bailey and resting her head on her shoulder. "Hey...there're 20 minutes left until midnight...let's go dance it up." I say, making my way through the people. I can see Elijah Wood and his friends from where we're dancing. The people on stage are singing a song that sounds like it should be in Spanish. Eric and Bailey are right next to me and Michaela enjoying themselves and having a good time. Isaac is dancing with some girl he met at the bar. This New Year is going to be the best so far. Better than driving around looking for something to do, and ending up at a red light at midnight. "Alright party people!!! 5 minutes until midnight!" the announcer says into the microphone, soliciting a cheer from the entire party. "Hey guys i need to get some's stuffy as all hell in here." I say, walking towards the stairs. I push my way through the people again, climb up the narrow spiraling stairs, and open the metal door. A couple people are on deck, but barely enough to even notice. I walk over to the railing, lean forward and watch the foaming waves passing by. A man walks up next to me and leans forward too. I look up at him, and see that it's Matthew Fox. He gives me a smile and nod, and i give him a smile in return. I close my eyes and breathe in deep, almost from reflex. "Great night huh?" he says. "Oh...yea, perfect for New Years." I smile, turning my head towards him. "2 minutes left." he says, looking at the clock by the door. "Oh...i've gotta go then." I say, smiling at him and walking through the door. "Happy New Year." he says, walking down the same stairs and then going the other way. "Happy New Year." I say back, walking towards my friends. Looking at my friends, i can see them smiling and laughing. It always makes me happy to look at them like this. Just as i get to them, the entire party erupts into a countdown starting from 20. We all count along, yelling it out like our lives depended on it. 5...4...3...2...1!!!!!! A scream of HAPPY NEW YEAR reverberates off the walls, and everyone starts to kiss and hug and laugh. "Happy New Year baby!" Bailey says, throwing her arms around my neck and giving me a huge kiss on the cheek. "Happy New Year!" I say, planting a kiss on her cheek and lifting her up. We all hug and kiss each other, joy visible on our faces. Nights like this are my favorite. By the end of the night, we're all drained and exhausted...but happy, it was an amazing night. Eric and Bailey are sitting on a recliner in the corner, laughing and whispering. Miki's in the bathroom washing her face and Isaac's collapsed on the bed. The knocking on our door shakes me out of my thoughts. "Um...can you help me?" a little boy asks. "Yea...what's wrong?" I say, crouching down so i'm face to face with him. "I...uhh...I can't find my dad." he says, his lip quivering a little. "Oh...well you know what, let's go find him together." I smile at him, getting a smile in return. "Thanks!" he says. "Hey you guys, i'll be back soon." I say, closing the door behind me and taking the kid by the hand. "Mister what's your name?" he asks. "My name is Alex." I say, looking down at him. "How old are you?" he asks again. "I'm about you?" I ask. "I'm Byron...i'm 5 years old." he says. "Well Byron, how'd you end up getting lost?" I say, chuckling at him. "I don't know." he pouts. "You don't know? Well you just gotta be more careful from now on...alright Byron?" I ask him, giving him my friendliest smile. "Alright!" he says, smiling back up at me. "Byron!" a man yells out behind us. I turn around to see who called Byron's name, and see Matthew Fox's face. His rugged, handsome, sexy, adorable ( gay as it is, go look at a picture...he's adorable) face. Uhhhh...what do I say? I'm stuck...I probably look like the biggest dipshit right now. Finally Byron speaks up, saving me from further embarrassment. "It's alright daddy...this man helped me find you." Byron says, smiling up at his dad. "Oh did he? Well I suppose I owe him then." he says, taking Byron's hand and smiling at me. "Uh wasn't any trouble at all...really." I smile at him, looking at the curve in his lips. "Well...then thank you." Matthew says, giving me another heart-melting smile. "Byron...behave for your dad...alright?" I say, getting a nod from him. ====================================================== "Where'd you run off to?" Miki asks me, flipping the page in her magazine. "Well...I just helped this little boy named Byron find his dad...who happened to be Matthew Fox." I say, walking away towards the bathroom. "What? You met Matthew Fox?!" Miki says, running after me. "Yes...only for like a few minutes though." I say, taking out my contacts. "You lie!" she yells, slapping my arm. "I do not...he was really friendly." I say, brushing my teeth. "Wow...well lucky you...maybe you could introduce us?" she says, pouting at me. "I said I met him...not became his best friend." I say, walking past her towards my bed. "Oh whatever...big difference...good night." she says, slipping into the bed next to me. "Good night." ============================================================= "Daddy...are you alright?" Kyle (my daughter) asks, putting her head on my shoulder. "Oh yea...i'm fine...just tired." i say. No i'm not. I can't get that guy who helped Byron find me out of my head. It doesn't feel right...but it does...fuck I don't know what to do. no no Matthew...get him out of your head. "Daddy...come read me a story." Byron calls. "Alright...i'm coming." I say, putting on a smile. =============================================================== "Good morning sunshine...the forecast for today is some beautiful weather and I say we go take a dip in the pool!" Miki says, jumping on me and shaking me away. "I say you drop the newscaster voice and go drown yourself." I groan, rolling over and putting my head under the pillow. "I'm hurt!" she says, faking anger. "Oh...i'm so sorry." I say, pushing her gently. "Breakfast's on the table...we'll be in the pool." she says, walking out the door. Privacy at last. I can sort my thoughts finally. I had a dream about Matthew Fox last night...and i'm not sure why. I mean...he's attractive to a point of unfairness...but I don't remember liking him. He did have that cute little smile on his face...the one that makes you feel all nice inside. And then the way stubble looks good on him. Maybe I do like him. "Alex...come to the pool!" Bailey says, poking her head into the door. =============================================================== It's nice out...barely any clouds in the sky.'s so warm for January by the Hawaiin islands. I feel Bailey push me into the pool, and when I get out of the pool, she's still laughing. I pick her up and throw her in, laughing at her face when she gets out. "Ass!" she yells, sitting in her chair. "Alex! Alex!" I hear a voice behind me. I turn around and see it's Byron. "Hey Byron! Lost again?" I ask, crouching down. "Nu-uh...will you play with me?" he asks. "Well yea...what do you wanna play?" i ask him, smiling. "Will you make a sand castle with me in the sandbox?" he says, his entire face lit up by his smile. "Yea I will...why doesn't your dad play with you?" I ask him, letting him take my hand. "I wanna play with you." he said, smiling up at me. "Alright...what kind of castle do you want to build?" I ask, sitting in the unusually large sandbox. "BIG!" he says, smiling. I took some water from the kiddie pool and poured it onto some of the sand. Byron immediately started shaping the sand and laughing. We kept doing that, occasionally throwing some sand at each other. I like this kid...usually I don't like kids too much, but there's something engaging about him. We ended up making two different sand castles, and as sad as it is, Byron's blew mine out of the water. "Mine is better...I win!" he says, getting up and laughing. "Nu-uh!" I say, playing around with him. "Byron...lunch time." Matthew Fox (why do I use his full name?) says, coming up behind me. "Aw dad...a little bit more?" Byron whines, pouting. "He sure does like you." Matthew says, smiling at me. Oh sweet Jesus...Matthew's in swimming trunks. GAH! Dude...stop staring, he's probably said something to you by now. Sure, he's not totally ripped, in fact he's really ripped at all...but God does he look good. "If it's ok with him." Matthew says, and I don't know what he said before it. "I'm sorry what?" I ask, embarrassed seeing as he probably noticed that I was staring at him. "Come eat lunch with us!" Byron says, jumping up. "Oh...I don't know, I don't want to interrupt anything." I say, even though I do really want to eat lunch with them. "You wouldn't be." Matthew says, smiling at me. "Alright then...let me just go get dressed really fast." I say. Hah...dinner with a celebrity...who'd have thought? I run into my room, take my trunks off, get dressed and ready in record time. By the time I got to where Matthew and Byron were waiting, they were dressed also...and sweet Jesus nothing looks bad on this man. Byron runs over to me and grabs my had, dragging me to their room. I give Matthew a look, and smile at Byron. Matthew opened the door and Byron ran in to go to his room. "Thank you for coming to lunch...Byron really likes you." Matthew says, smiling at me. We both start to go inside at the same time, causing us to bump into each other, and our hands to graze.'s like a bad movie. Here comes the awkward staring. Oh jeez...this is all dripping with awkwardness. Thank God for Byron. "Alex! Come play soldiers with me!" Byron yells, running out of his room. "No Byron, we have to eat lunch." Matthew says, still staring at me. "Alright dad...what are we having?" he asks. "We'll order something." Matthew says. "Alright...can we have peanut butter and jelly sandwiches?" Byron asks. "If you want one, i'll make you one." Matthew says, smiling at his son. Byron smiled a huge smile, and ran into a room. I can hear Byron yelling for someone to wake up. I'm completely surprised that I don't want to kill Byron...usually kids like him annoy me. "Anything specific you want?" Matthew asks me. "Oh no...just whatever you want is fine with me...i'm not too picky." I say, getting a smile from him. "I'll just get some Chinese then." he says, picking up the phone and dialing the room service (I had no idea there's room service on cruises). ", do you usually invite random people to your house for lunch?" I ask, chuckling. "No...not usually, but Byron really seems to like you." he smiles, "The food will be here in like 20 minutes." ============================================================== 10 minutes into lunch, Byron was out like a light and Kyle (pronounced Kyleigh) went to go play with some of her friends. Now it's just me and Matthew...and i'm not sure of what to say. I know what I want to say. He keeps smiling, and it's a heart-melting smile. I just want to go over to him and just like trace his lips. Oh Jesus, I haven't stopped smiling at him for like 20 minutes. We haven't really said anything since Byron and Kyle left. We'd already made old are you, where are you from, so on and so forth. "Thank for the lunch Matthew." I say, just finishing. "It's not a problem, and you can call me Matt." he says smiling. "Isn't it about time for Lost?" I ask him, looking at the clock. "Yea, it's a re-run...I didn't know you watch the show." he says. "Sometimes." I say, "I'd better go if i'm gonna catch the episode." "Oh, well you can watch here if you want." he says, looking almost apprehensive about something. "Um...yea sure." I say, smiling at him and getting up. His couch is comfortable...more comfortable than ours. And now I can't find the remote. He comes in with it, sits down next to me, and turns the TV on, then flips to the channel. He smells good...really good. He turns to me and smiles as the show comes on. "Actually, can we watch a movie or something...i've seen this episode a couple times already." I ask him. "Oh yea sure, no problem." he says, flipping through the channels. ============================================================== We ended up watching Poseidon, and he laughed at me because I kept looking out the window to check for rogue tidal waves. Hey, I was thoroughly freaked out by the end of the movie. But, somehow his hand ended up on top of mine, and neither of us did anything about it. Our knees and feet would touch occasionally, and I just realized that i'm flirting with Matthew Fox. "Still checking for rogue tidal waves?" he asks, laughing. "No...but if there is one and I don't see it, i'm blaming you." I say, laughing back at him. ============================================================== "Where have you been?" Isaac asks. "I was at a friends room." I say, closing the door slowly, "Why are you still up?" "I couldn't sleep." he says, looking down at his book. "Alright...well i'm gonna go to bed, don't stay up forever." I say, taking out my contacts and slipping into bed next to Miki. ============================================================== (Please send me feedback...this is a trial kinda deal for now. Tell me what i'm doing right and wrong and so on. It's greatly appreciated! Thank y'all.)