Date: Thu, 25 Jan 2007 07:33:30 EST From: Subject: part two of Matthew Fox in the celebrity section Alright, this is a total test trial sort of if ya'll want the story to, and lots of it. Anyway, i do not know Matthew Fox (unfortunately) and do not know anything about his sexuality or anything. Let it be known that Matthew Fox is 40 and the original character is 28 (ew? yes or no?). Also, Matthew Fox is married with two children, but for the sake of the story, we'll pretend that he just got a divorce. Anyway, don't read this if you're too young or if it's illegal! Feedback goes to Enjoy! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- "Thank you for taking Imperial Majesty Cruise lines and we hope you have a fantastic stay in Honolulu." the captain's voice comes through the speakers. "Ah yes...Honolulu for three months!" Eric says, stretching his legs. "Can someone tell me why Isaac gets three months for his birthday?" Miki says, putting her hands on her hips and walking down the walkway. "These three months are for all of us Miki." Bailey says leaning against a railing. "Yea, just so happens my birthday is part of those three months." Isaac says, putting his hand on Miki's shoulder. "Alex! Alex!" Byron says, coming up behind me. "Hey Byron! What's up?" I say, turning around. "Are we still gonna get to play?" he asks, shifting his feet. " know what...I don't kn--" I started to say. "Yea...sure you will." Matthew says, coming up behind Byron and picking him up. "I guess I will then." I say, laughing at the noise Miki made when Matthew walked up. "Matthew...Fox?!" Miki says. "Yes's rude to gawk." I say. "No no, it's no problem." Matthew says, giving me that heart-melting smile. "Could you!" Miki says, holding it out for him. "Yea sure!" he says, chuckling at her. "I'm sorry about my star-struck friend...she's lacking some manners." I say, getting a laugh from Bailey. "Oh it's no problem." he says. "Alex...are you gonna eat dinner with us again?" Byron asks, tugging on my hand. "Um...not about tomorrow night?" I ask, looking up at Matthew. "Oh yea, sure." Matthew says, taking Byron's hand. "Do you want my number?" I ask him. After giving Matthew my phone number, and giving Byron a hug, we went our separate ways. Miki, as pissed as she was that she couldn't come to dinner with me, kept hanging on my arm. Anyway, two this like a date? Oooo, a date with Matthew Fox. Actually, it probably wouldn't be that great, what with tabloids and all that. ============================================================== "Hey guys, i'm leaving, call me if anything happens." I yell out, putting on my shoes. "Alex! Are you sure I can't go? I mean, maybe he was just too shy to ask me!" Miki says, laughing at herself. "Yea Miki, i'm sure...bye!" I say, grabbing my keys, walking out the door, down the stairs and driving away ============================================================== "Hey Alex." Matthew says, opening to the door for me. ", this house" I say, staring at his house like an idiot. "Oh, well i'm glad you think so." he says, smiling at me and closing the door. "Where're your kids?" I ask, taking off my shoes. "Kyle's asleep, and Byron's in the kitchen." he says, walking away somewhere. I followed him, seeing as I didn't know the house, and i'm sure i'd end up in his basement or something. His kitchen's huge, and apparently he can cook. Byron's sitting at the table playing with some toys, and Matthew's standing at the stove finishing something up. "Alex!" Byron says, looking up and noticing me. "Hey Byron! What's up?" I ask, giving him a high five. "I'm playing with my toys, do you wanna play with me?" he asks, shifting from his left foot to his right foot. "Dinner first Byron." Matthew says, setting some stuff on the table. "Oh here, let me help you." I say, walking over to the counter. "Oh it's fine, you don't have to." he says, smiling. "I know I don't have to, but I want to." I say, grabbing forks and setting them on the table. "Let me help too!" Byron says, running over and grabbing a plate. Of course, Byron drops the plate and Matthew tells him to go to his room. He doesn't even do it in a mad way, just kinda tells him to go. I bend down to pick up the bigger pieces at the same time he does, and (of course) our hands touch. We look up at each other, neither doing anything. "Uh, we should probably just get a broom." he says. "Oh, yea we should." I say, my voice hoarse like I haven't had anything to drink in years. Matthew walks away toward what i'm assuming is the closet to get a broom. I can't help but stare at him. He's so...gah, manly? I'm not sure how to describe him, but he looks...well I don't know how he looks. He's been gone an awful long time though. ================================================================ Oh Jesus Matthew, get those thoughts out of your head. You don't like guys Matthew, you don't. Oh fuck, this isn't what is supposed to happen. Oh god the tabloids and really fucked up this time Matthew. ================================================================ "I'm going to go get Byron and Kyle." Matthew says, walking towards the stairs. "Matthew...uh wait." I say, stepping a little bit towards him. "Yea?" he asks, turning around. "Oh, um never mind." I say, mentally snapping my neck for not doing it. He starts walking towards the stairs again. "Matthew." I say, walking up to him. Just as he turns around, my lips smash into his. I can hear him take a sharp breath, but he deepens the kiss. His hands go to the back of my head. I pull us over to the nearby wall, pressing him up against it. His hands are pressing my lips into his like he craves it, like he's been craving it. His kisses are soft and fierce. "Wow." he breathes out, smiling at me. "" I say, pulling him closer to me. "We should probably stop...don't want Byron or Kyle to see." he says, trying to pull away. "No...can we together right now?" I ask, pulling him back. "What about dinner?" he says, laughing a little. "We can take it up to them." I say, chuckling at myself. "Alright, go make yourself comfortable on the couch." he says, going into the kitchen to get the food ready for Byron and Kyle. Oh sweet Jesus Alex! Matthew Fox?! You've really outdone yourself this time. What do we do now? Do I just kiss him again, or do we talk and get to know each other first...what's supposed to happen? Then, in an act of extreme cheesiness, he covers my eyes. Oh the corniness, but it's still Matthew Fox! "Hey! What'd you tell them to keep 'em upstairs?" I ask, pulling him onto the couch to sit with me. "Told 'em we had to do some adult things and we'd all play later." he says, scooting over a little bit. "Adult things?" I ask, getting a smile out of him, "what exactly are you planning on doing?" "Oh no no no, not like that, just they know adult things means boring things, so they won't want to bother us." he says, laughing. "Well then, tell me, what do you want to do?" I say, scooting over till our sides are touching. ================================================================ We're sitting on the couch...well i'm sitting, he's laying down with his head on my lap. We're talking about everything, like getting to know each other. He told me about his childhood, I told him about mine, and he's currently telling me about why he and his wife divorced. "So like I said, I was just...going through a personal crisis I guess...I realized that I liked men, and she actually understood, and we agreed that divorce was best, and so we have shared custody...everything worked out pretty much." he says, looking up at me. "At least there's no big media rush or anything...and good thing it wasn't messy...for the kids." I say, looking back and smiling. "Yea, and now I get to have you." he says, laughing at me. "Oh ha ha...funny." I say, playfully smacking him on the cheek. After that we end up just kind of staring at each other. Then, I bend over and kiss his lips, and I can feel his smile. His hand comes up and cups the back of my head, kind of massaging it. My hand goes up into his hair, stroking it. His left hand comes up and grabs my left hand, entwining our fingers. "What're you doing tomorrow night?" he asks, pulling his lips away. "Nothing yet...why?" I ask, putting my thumb by the corner of his lips. "Oh great, because we're going to dinner." he says. "Oh, well...did Dr. Jack (from Lost) just ask me out?" I say, laughing. "Yes, yes he all he needs is an answer." he says. "Of course it's a yes...but uh, what about paparazzi and the media?" I ask, a little worried. "I'll worry about that, you just be here at this house at 8 tomorrow." he says, squeezing my hand. "'s a date." I say, giving him another kiss. =================================================================== AH! sorry it took so long, I had dance competitions like all over the place and barely had time. Sorry that this chapter is a little shorter too, but the next one won't be. Once again, sorrrrryyyyyyy! Keep that feedback coming!!