Date: Mon, 22 Jun 2020 20:11:16 +0000 From: James Leete Subject: My Maquis Lover - The Re-Building - Chapter 12 Disclaimer: This story is based in the "Star Trek" universe. The use of anything related to "Star Trek" in this series is not intended to infringe upon the rights of Paramount Pictures,. The author is in no way associated with the owners, creators, or producers of any media franchise. All other content or otherwise are works of my own imagination. All events are fictitious in nature. Any similarities to persons living, dead, or otherwise are purely coincidental. This story contains strong themes of homosexual content, if this offends you in any way, please refrain from reading further. If you are not of legal age to read this, please leave now. Ok as well before we start this is based on the series Star Trek Voyager but with a twist from the original story line and I hope you like it. Chapter 12: Target -- Earth ABOARD VOYAGER "Return fire." Captain Paris ordered. "Six more ships directly aft". Croft told him. "Aft torpedoes. Fire". Paris ordered. The ship took a direct impact. "Armour is gone. Shields at 93%". Kyle reported. "Evasive pattern Omega 5. All weapons fire at will." Paris ordered. The ship continued to take a beating. "Sir, they're opening a vortex." Croft reported. "Kyle ready the deflector pulse." Paris ordered. "Deflector standing by," he replied. "Do it." Paris reported. The deflector pulse was activated and Paris watched as the vortex began to collapse. "It's working, Sir. The vortex network is collapsing," Croft said. "Are the torpedoes ready?" Lee asked. "Yes, commander armed and ready." Croft replied "Lock on target." Paris ordered. "Locked on," Croft replied. "Vortex integrity at 46%." Kyle told them. "Fire." Paris bellowed. 2 Bright White Tri Cobalt Warheads were fired at the vortex. The bridge crew watched as the two torpedoes detonated, collapsing the vortex. "The vortex network has been destroyed. The days of travel are over." Kyle said. "Sir, they re powering weapons and targeting us," Croft reported. "All power to Shields." Paris said. The ship was struck as everyone was thrown from their feet. "Direct hit. Shields down to 23%," Kyle said. "Return fire." Paris shouted "we've lost engines." Croft advised. "Sir, the Xindi Are turning." Kyle advised. Paris watched as the large Xindi Fleet went to warp. "Track their course" he ordered. "They're heading straight for their target. Earth." Kyle responded. "Do we have communications?" Paris asked. Kyle shook his head. "Sorry, captain short range only. We have no way to warn them." Kyle said. "Defeat Kyle, never." Paris said. "How much damage is there to our engines?" Paris asked. "The Warp Core is offline. I need to inspect the damage." Kyle said. "Then do it. Get me slipstream drive." Paris said "aye, captain." Kyle replied, leaving the bridge. "How long until they reach earth?" Paris asked. "At their present speed, they will arrive in 51 hours 8 minutes." Lee replied "then we don't have long. Commander, get every crewman with a competent engineering rating to assist damage control. Weapons, Shields, Armour and engines are top priority. We will not lose this war," Paris said, leaving the bridge. On Earth. "All right, Thomas 5 more minutes. And then I need to leave for the Admiralty meeting". I said. Commander Daley and I were trying to complete my paperwork. Before the meeting. "Transfer requests," he said, giving me a pad. I read through the 13 requests, "yes to all except Lieutenant Dean." I said "reason" he asked. "Not enough experience to warrant joining the Achilles as Chief Tactical Officer." I said "noted" Daley replied. "Next" I said. "Requests for meetings," he said, giving me another pad. "I'll meet captains Sisko, Dax and Riker next week. The other slot in when availability" I said. "Okay next is the Academy timetable." He said. "Well, I'll let you handle that. Arrange my calendar and then advise the Academy." I told him. "No problem", he said. "Is that it" I asked? "For now", he said, smiling. "What would I do without you, commander?" I said smiling. "You would have to do your own paperwork for all change." He said. "Rude," I said standing up and putting my jacket on. "But true". I said causing him to smile. It had been six weeks since I found out I was pregnant and life was on the up. Kathryn had returned to work. Tom and I will be making wedding plans. The Xindi were being quiet. I was happy. When I had handed over to Kathryn on her return. She was shocked by Harry and B'Elanna That actually told me off, by not Pulling them in front of a court martial. I gathered up the pads I needed for the meeting. I exited my office to find Daley already back at his desk, buried in paperwork. "Well, I'm off. You know where I'll be", I said. "Have fun, Sir," he replied. "Oh yeah, wonderful, mean, a lot of boring admiral's," I said. "I do hope you're not including me in that Jack". A Voice said behind me. "Of course not. Kathryn," I said turning around. "Let's go". She said as I headed for the door with her. She smiled as we exited. Kathryn and I walked across the courtyard heading for the command centre. It was an odd sight for some to see his both walking across the bar together. "So how is baby Ellie" I asked? "Doing well, she's not sleeping through the night yet". She said. "How's your pregnancy going?" She asked. "The Doctor is keeping close tabs on me and my husband is. Well, in simpler terms, has put me in a bubble for the next Seven months." I replied. "So no different than usual", she said. I smiled as we entered the command centre. We entered a Turbolift and went up 3 levels and exited the conference floor. "Heard from Voyager lately" I asked. "No, but they are still involved in the mission with Starfleet intelligence." She replied as we entered the biggest conference room. "Afternoon everyone." Kathryn said as we headed in and walked down to the other end of the room as all of the Admirals rose. I took my place next to Kathryn on her right. She stood at the head of the table. "Thank you all. Let's get started," she said sitting down. We all sat down. I looked around noting people present. Next to me was my mother. Then Admiral Brooks, the head of Starfleet Medical. Admiral T'Lara was next Who was the head of Starfleet science . Admiral Wright was next. The head of Starfleet core of Engineers. Then Admiral Montgomery, Admiral Paris, Admiral Jellico Admiral solock. Admiral Khan head of Starfleet Academy. There were also several others around the table until it got to add more black. The deputy chief of Starfleet Intelligence and finally my dad opposite me the head of Starfleet Intelligence. "So let's kick this off. Where are we with Starfleet Medical?" Kathryn asked. "So far we are up to date. Medical transport continued to deliver supplies to our outposts. I'm of course still concerned about security. The Xindi are continuing to target our supply runs." He said. "Security is still an ongoing issue across all fronts". Jellico said. "It is something I'm coordinating with fleet operations. Star ships will continue to escort convoys of supplies and medical needs," I said. "Understood." Brooks replied "I'm still waiting on an up to date medical supply stock update." Kathryn said. "I'll have that to you by the end of the week," Brooks replied. "Very well," Kathryn said. "Now, seeing as it's already been mentioned, there's the Xindi. Admiral Carter." Kathryn said. My mother, father and I looked at her. "Sorry Julie." Kathryn said. I stood up and poured Kathryn and I a coffee. As my mother started. "Well, as we all know, does indeed have been quiet as far as the War Office is concerned." She said. "Jack" Kathryn said. "I concur. As I'm sure you all know, the negotiations I went to didn't exactly go to plan". I said "that's putting it mildly." Montgomery said. "Something you wish to say Ken" I said. "No, Sir", he replied. "Good. So as I was saying, the Xindi have been quiet and keeping to their borders. We're unsure why at the minute, which is why I merged with Starfleet intelligence to find out why." I said looking at my dad. "Matthew". Kathryn said. "Well, on that front we recruited Captain Tom Paris and Voyager for a mission. Outfitted with a cloaking device loan towards by the Klingon intelligence I ordered Voyager to go behind enemy lines to get us an update and a progress report. Plus the movements of the Xindi Fleet. The last report indicated that there was some activity at their shipyards and they were going to investigate further. That was five days ago." My dad explained. "Given the idea that a large Xindi fleet is building up, should we not be building up our own defence? ready for a potential attack." Admiral Wright asked. "I have been considering it and coordinating with Starfleet security and tactical. Jack back to you." Kathryn replied. I activated the holo imager on the table. "So far the 2nd and 4th fleets are still protecting Earth. The third, 7th and 9th fleets are .2 light years away on a standard patrol route. The first 5th, 6th, 8th and 10th fleets are all spread out across the following sectors." I said hitting a Control, which highlighted where they were. "Very well continue." Kathryn said. "So far I have a round the Clock standing fleet wide yellow alert that is in effect. As the earth defences, we now have the extra turrets in place and the Department of planetary operations has advised me that the new planetary shield grid is in operation." I said "good so we are prepared should the worst happen." Kathryn said. The Door chime went off, interrupting her. "Come in." Kathryn said. The doors opened and to my surprise, commander Daley entered. "Yes, commander." Kathryn asked. "Forgive the interruption, but I need to speak to Admiral Carter urgently." He said. "Excuse me," I said getting up and heading over. I took his arm and pulled him out of the room. "This better be important." I said "I'm sorry Sir, but it is," he said, handing me a Pad. I took it from him and read it. "Has this been confirmed" I asked? "Yes, Sir, long range sensors have detected them. Eta 21 hours." He told me. "Understood. Thank you commander", I said. He turned and left. I re entered the room and took my seat as Admiral T'Lara Was updating everyone on the latest scientific finds in the Delta quadrant. "Admiral, I'm sorry I must interrupt." I said she nodded. "Ladies and gentlemen, I need your complete and undivided attention. Commander Daley has just informed me of something quite disturbing. I said pausing. Captain Paris has made contact from Voyager. And our worst fears have been realised. There's in the world amassing ships and troops. Paris has advised that 1709 ships in the first wave left xindus 3 days ago. They are on course for Earth. A second wave of 827 ships left on course for Earth 21 hours ago. Captain Paris was successful in collapsing the Xindi Vortex network, meaning they are now travelling at high warp in open space towards us. The first wave will arrive in 21 hours. The second wave in just under 30 hours," I said. Everyone sat there shocked for a moment before the whole room erupted in a frenzy of shouting and questions. "All right, that's enough!" Kathryn bellowed the room went silent instantly as everyone sat down. "Now" she paused. "We can sort this. Jack over to you." She said. "I'm going to recall the third 7th and 9th Fleet's immediately. Hopefully that along with planetary defences should hold them off to start with. But we have to be prepared for a ground assault. I will organise security. You will all return to your respective Department and advise your staff. In any event, all Admirals will remain at your Department posts. Until they arrive. In the unlikely event that we do experience a ground attack, then you will all proceed to the emergency operational command centre. Kathryn and I will command from the main command centre. You will each manage your departments respectively. Admiral Khan. Effectively immediately I am assigning the entire core cadets to field duty. You will issue assignment. Get most of them to security." I ordered. "Yes, Sir", he replied. "I'll inform the president and vice president to go with the chairman of the Joint Chiefs to the PEOC. At the White House." Kathryn said. I nodded. "Remember people. We are Starfleet. No one is going to take earth from us." I said they all looked at each other. I tapped to control as I stood up. "To all Starfleet personnel. I am initiating a planet wide red alert. All hands to battle stations. Tactical alert I said. This is not a drill. I repeat, this is not a drill tactical alert." I said "all right, everyone, let's move." I said standing up as they all left. "Kathryn, go to the president. She needs to address the people." I said "will do. Will you be okay here," she asked. "I live for this shit" I said she smiled and nodded as we parted ways. After leaving the conference room, I headed straight to my office. "Jack, what's happening?" Tom asked as I walked in. "The Xindi are on their way. You need to start getting security teams in place and armed. Kathryn and I will be in the command centre. Cadets will also be arriving. Get them assigned To teams and get them Going. Planet wide." I told him. "On it," he said, leaving. "Commander Daley with me." I said turning and leaving. We walked out of my office as people in the building were frantically running around getting organised. I left the building with commander Daley and walked down towards the command centre. "Sir, are we sure there is nothing we can do to stop them from arriving?" Daley asked. "Not this time Thomas, but believe me we will be victorious," I said. "You sound like a Klingon," he said. I smiled. "Today is a good day to die." I replied. We entered the command centre where people were all Manning their posts and others running around like headless chickens. "All right, people listen up." I said as I stood around the table. "For the next 21 hours, this room is going to be a hub of activity. All I ask is stay calm, remember your training and follow all orders given. Thank you." I turned to commander Daley. "Send out a general message to the Klingon's nearby. Advise them of our situation and request assistance" I told him. He nodded and moved to a console. "Lieutenant open a channel to the entire fleet," I said. The Man at Communications nodded as he tapped his controls before giving me the thumbs up. "To all ships this is Admiral Jack Carter of Starfleet security. You are ordered to change course and return to Earth immediately. Earth is facing an Armada of Xindi warships due to arrive in the next 21 hours. I'm initiating a fleet wide red alert. In the absence of the Starship Voyager, the enterprise would assume command of the fleet. Carter out." I said as the channel closed. "Well, let's get on with it, shall we?" I said, noticing that people weren't moving. "Sir", a woman said pointing to the main viewer. It simply read `a presidential address.' "People of Earth. This is the president of the United Federation of planets. It is my duty to advise you all that as of one hour ago I have declared a state of emergency here on Earth. I have been advised that our enemy, the Xindi, is on their way here. Under the command of Admiral Kathryn Janeway and Admiral Jack Carter. Starfleet is preparing to defend this planet. I must ask you all to stay in your homes and stay alert. We will come back to this threat like we have so many others before. May God have mercy on our souls. Thank you", the president said, as the transmission ended. "All right, people. Let's get to work," I said. The hours seemed to fly by. I was being handed progress reports, security updates, security team deployments and much more. "Jack, we need to call it a day." Kathryn said moving over. "Ensign, how long until the Xindi arrive?" She asked. "13 hours 16 minutes" she replied. "Jack, it's gone midnight for heavens sake. The night duty officer can monitor. Let's both get some rest and return here in the morning." She said. Commander Daley had been by my side throughout the whole of it. "Don't make me get the Doctor", A voice said in the doorway. I turned to see Tom. "Okay, you win". I said surrendering and rubbing my eyes. "Captain, run another test on the shield grid. And make sure the torpedo torrents. Make sure they're all fully operational." I said I stood up and moved away with Kathryn, Commander Daley and my husband. "Let's meet for breakfast At 8:00 AM." Kathryn said. "All of us", she added. I nodded as we entered the transporter room and we beamed home. "Where are Matt and Emma?" I asked. "Your dad took them earlier", he said. "Good", I replied as we sat down. "You need to eat. What can I get you?" He asked. "Cereal please". I replied. He stood up and left, returning moments later with my favourite cereal and a coffee. I ate and drank while we talked. We chatted about times gone by and also spoke about Matt and Emma. "Jack, if anything happens to me during this..." He started as I held up my hand. "Don't. Nothing will happen to either of us. We are on the emergency evac list right behind Kathryn and Shane." I explained. "And Matt and Emma will be being looked after by the day care centre. Which I have been advised has extra security." I said he smiled. "Good now how about we get to bed?" He said. "Why Mr Walker are you trying to seduce me?" I asked. "As much as I'd love that we need sleep." He said. "True," I replied. He took my hand. We headed up the stairs and into the bedroom. We stripped off and climbed into bed. The minute my head hit the pillow, I was out like a light. When I woke up 7 hours later, I felt refreshed. "Morning" Tom said, smiling at me. "What time is it" I asked? "7:00 AM" he replied. "So this is it" I said. "Yeah, impending doom yet again." He replied. "Well, why don't you shower first I want to check on things at command." I said He nodded. I got up and put my robe on before heading to my office. I activated the monitor and started to check things over. I started by looking at the time left until they arrived. Six hours on 9 minutes. I then reviewed the diagnostics done overnight. The planetary defence grid had checked out, as had the weapons torrents. Security teams were now all deployed and in place. The third, 7th and 8th fleets had all returned and were in orbit. The first and 9th fleets were two hours out. The rest were on Their way. "Showers free babe. Get in We are meeting Kathryn in a half hour." Tom shouted. "Coming" I shouted back. I switched off the monitor and went back to the bedroom. I went into the bathroom where I shaved and had a Sonic Shower. I dressed in my uniform before heading out with Tom. "Ready for this?" I asked. "Always", he replied. I kissed him as we strolled down the path and arrived at the Transporter. We beamed over to headquarters and we found the place alive with activity. "Carter to Janeway." I said tapping my combadge "go ahead". She replied. "Where are we meeting for breakfast?" I asked. "Commanders Daley and Mears and I are at the Replamat waiting on you." She said. I smiled. "On our way," I replied. "Good, because these two are hungry." She said. "Understood Carter out". I said Tom and I walked across the courtyard and soon arrived at Where they were. "Finally." Kathryn said. "Good morning to you too", I said. "What can I get you, baby?" Chris asked Thomas. "The usual", he replied. "Sirs" he asked. "Will sort ours you go". I said "I'll take pancakes", I said to my Tom. "With coffee" I added. "I guess I'll get the food." He said. "Admiral". He asked. "Coffee with eggs Benedict." Kathryn said. "Coming up," he replied. He went over to the Replicator as I sat down. "Sleep well, Jack." Kathryn asked. "As well as can be expected given the circumstances" I replied. "Jack, when Have you ever known me? To lose a fight". She Asked. I opened my mouth before Tom and Chris returned. "Saved by the Bell". Kathryn said. "Breakfast is served", they said, setting down 2 trays. One with coffee, one with food. They handed them out as we ate. "The Kazon attack. Where they took over Voyager". I said. "Come again." Tom said. "Kathryn asked me when I have Ever known her to lose a fight? That was my answer". I said she smiled shaking her head. "Typical that you would bring that up." She replied. "You asked". I said "so commanders. How is it that you two are still in the same roles since you graduated the Academy? Surely, given your ranks, you might enjoy some field experience." Kathryn said to them both, changing the topic of conversation. I smiled. "Don't be trying to take the best aid around off me." I said. "Actually Sir." Thomas said before Kathryn raised her hand. "Kathryn", she said. "Kathryn. Chris and I have actually been talking a lot recently about taking field assignments." Thomas told her. "Well, I'd be sad to lose you both, but it was bound to happen eventually." I said "once, this crisis is over, I can do some work in getting you an assignment." I told them both. "That would be great but don't worry I'll try and my replacement up before I go." Thomas replied, looking at Chris. He nodded as he tucked into his full English breakfast. As we rounded off food, we chatted for a while. "Well, it's nearly nine. Let's get to work." Kathryn said. Tom and I headed for the command centre with Kathryn for the morning briefing. As Thomas and Chris went to the security building. When we entered the command centre, we were greeted by the entire core of Admirals. And Starship captains were also waiting. "Everyone to the conference floor", I said. They all filed out and made their way to the conference rooms. Kathryn and I soon joined them. We headed into the biggest room. Admirals were all sat around the table, captains stood around the outside of the room. We headed to the bottom of the room where Kathryn sat down as I sat next to her. "All right, everyone, let's get started," Kathryn said. "We all know why we are here. For the purposes of this briefing, Admiral Jack Carter will lead." She said nothing to me. I stood up. "All right, ladies and gents, here's The plan. The first, second, and third fleets will take up defensive positions around Earth. The 7th Fleet will defend Luna. The eight fleet will depend Mars and The San Francisco yards including McKinley station. When the 5th, 6th and 10th fleet arrive, they will do the same. Ground forces will remain on full alert. However, we do expect heavy resistance. I received a message from captain Paris on Voyager. He will be in time for the show. Therefore, Voyager will remain as the command flagship for the fleet. I hope that all your staff are well prepared. We know what we have to do. We were all trained for this situation. I'm confident we will succeed. Are there any questions?" I said I looked around the room and no one spoke. "Then let's do it." I said. at that the whole room moved as people began to leave. "Jack," my mum and dad approached. "Hi," I said hugging them. "We just wanted to let you know. Matt and Emma are all checked in and set up. Good luck today, son. You look at us through this." My dad said. "Thank you", I replied. "Stations please". I said to them both. "Yes, Sir". They both said in Unison. "I bet you never get used to hearing them salute you". Kathryn said coming next to me. "I doubt I ever will". I replied. "Come on, Jack, Let's end this war". She said. "You're on," I replied. We headed out of the conference room and down to the command Centre. "All right ladies and gents, this is it. We are 20 minutes away. Take your stations", I said as everyone sat down. Kathryn touch to control. "To all personnel. This is Admiral Kathryn Janeway. We are 20 minutes away from a make or break situation. I ask that you remember your training. Follow all orders and prepare to engage the enemy." She said as the com line closed. "Jack", she said, looking at me. I nodded. "Red alert, battle stations engage planetary shield grid arm all weapons systems. Open a channel to the fleet" I said. "Channel open" the officer at Communication said. "To all ships prepared to engage the enemy. USS Voyager take point. Good luck all. Carter out" I said. "Let's end this." I added. Everyone went to work as Kathryn and I began to review things. On the central control table. The 20 minutes seemed to take forever. "Sir, incoming". The Lieutenant at operations said. "Here we go." I said I watched as multiple ships dropped out of warp. Oh my... I said watching as big aquatic ships arrived surrounded by multiple reptilian, insectoid and primate ships. All ships engage. I said I missed being up there with everyone. But I had my place here now. I watched as our ships went into it action. They opened fire. "Sir, a group of ships is heading for earth targeting the weapons torrents." Lieutenant Dawkins said. "Increase their shield strength". I said I watched as the group of ships took out five of our torrents. Opening a hole in our defences. "Get that gap closed," I said. "Trying, Sir". Dawkins replied. The group of 15 ships headed towards the planet taking place over Lisbon. "There are emitting a pulse at the Department of planetary operations". Dawkins said "Increased shield strength." Kathryn said. "Too late Shields are down." Dawkins told us." So they are targeting the shield grid generator". Matthews advised. I watched as a torpedo, struck the building next to the DPO. It exploded. "Shields are gone". Matthews said. "All security personnel standby for hostile incoming", I shouted. "Janeway to planetary OPS." Kathryn said, tapping her combadge "Yes Admiral. Came a male voice. Security lockdown, captain. Transfer planetary operational control to the command centre." She said. "Understood." The Captain replied. Together, Kathryn and I worked to the controls as we completed the transfer. "Sirs I'm reading transporter signatures. They are beaming down." Dawkins said. "Intruder alert Carter to Walker, Incoming." I said "all security personnel to condition 9". I added. As soon as the words left my mouth, six security guards, all carrying phaser rifles beamed in. Two took position at the entrance to the building. 2 on the inside and two at the doors to the room. "Where are they beaming too?" I asked. "A large group beamed onto the base here. A small group has arrived at the Department of planetary operations." Dawkins said "How many?" Kathryn asked. "146 at the DPO And 1109 here". Matthews said. I looked at Kathryn with dread. Up till now, Kathryn and I had refused to arm ourselves. After hearing this I immediately went to the weapons locker and grabbed two phaser out for us. I handed her one whilst I put the other on my belt. "What's happening up there" I asked. "The 2nd and 10th fleets are regrouping. The 5th and 7th are heading for the centre of their lines. So far we've lost 49 ships. Whilst they have lost 708." Dawkins replied "What about the 15 ships where are they?" I said "still in low orbit over Lisbon", he replied, "are the two rooftop cannon's online?" I asked. "Yes, Sir". Dawkins replied I moved over to a control station and activated the cannons. One was on top of the building we were in and the other on top of the security building. I timed the targeting array into the long range sensors and was able to acquire the targets. I fired 30 trans phasic torpedoes that were meant to be reserved for a Borg invasion. I watched as the torpedoes travelled on sensors and finally found their targets, destroying all 15 ships. "That's 15 down only another 1800 to go," I said. Kathryn nodded. As the next few minutes progressed and the attack continued, I was watching more of their ships be destroyed. "Status" I said. "We have destroyed another 330 of their ships." Dawkins said "All the while Sir, The Xindi are making attack runs at us, trying to beam down more Hostiles." Hayes said. "How many have they been able to beam down?" I asked. "So far, Sir 97." Hayes replied. "Carter to Walker report." I said tapping my combadge "so far the fighting is contained to the courtyard, the security building, and the intelligence building." He said. "Understood" I said. "Jack a large forces trying to gain access to the command building." He said. "Acknowledged Press on. Carter out" I said. "Sir, I'm reading more incoming warp signatures". Dawkins said "More Xindi?" Kathryn asked. "Negative, Sir, a combination of Cardassian and Klingon ships." He responded. "Martok to Janeway. We come to aid our ally." He said. "Much appreciated, chancellor. Coordinate with Captain Paris on Voyager." She replied. "Understood," he said as the com clicked off. "Any word from the Romulan's?" I asked. "They should have reached the Xindi Home world by now." She replied. What was unknown to everyone but a select few. That being Kathryn myself, my mother, my father, president and the chairman of the Joint Chiefs was that we had secretly been in contact with the Romulan's military. They had agreed that they would send a large fleet of 900 warbirds under cloak to the Xindi Home world. And surround the planet. If necessary, they were authorised to begin an aerial bombardment. If the Xindi refused to surrender. I was brought out of my thinking by the sound of an explosion. "The Xindi have penetrated the entrance to the building?" Hayes said. "Seal those doors." I ordered pointing to the entrance to the room. But my words came too late as the doors were blown away. I withdrew my phaser and took cover with Kathryn. We immediately fired at the incoming Xindi, as did others in the room. I was able to get off a lot of shots as was Kathryn before we got up and headed for the Xindi. And began to engage in hand to hand combat. I run for one and struck him in the stomach before striking his face with full force as his neck snapped. I grabbed a rifle from the floor and Drove the handle into Another Xindi stomach before striking him over the back of the head as he fell face down on the ground. I spun the rifle round and fired three more shots. At the last three Xindi in the room. "Stay here. Get a force field in place." I said to Kathryn. I ran out into the corridor and fired at 4 reptilians as they approached. A security team of Seven officers run over. "Sir, are you hurt?" The lead officer asked. "No, get in there and defend the Admiral Janeway" I ordered. They run inside as I pressed on and went over to defend with another group of officers. As we were firing, I looked across the courtyard and saw something. I could hardly believe my eyes. I watched as a younger version of myself and Kathryn run over with junior Q into the emergency command bunker. It was the day junior Q had come to us for help in finding his father. I couldn't help but smile as the fight continued. "Janeway to Carter get back here," she said. "Cover" I said as I crouched run back to the command building. The team I ordered to defend were all in the corridor. I went to the command centre noticing the force field. "What's happening", I said, as the force field was dropped and I entered. "The Romulan's have made contact. The Xindi Council have surrendered." She told me. "Seriously", I asked. "Confirmed minutes ago when they sent this." Kathryn said as she nodded to Dawkins. He hit a control. "This is Chairman Degra of the Xindi Council." Came a Primate on the viewer. "To Admiral Janeway and the president of the United Federation of planets. We, as the Xindi Council, Unconditionally surrender to you. This war is over." He said. "We await your response." He added before the viewer went blank. "Well," I asked. "The president is speaking to him now." She said, "and the battle" I asked. "Captain Paris has been in touch. The Xindi have powered down their weapons and have moved to a safe distance away from Earth. Our fleet has regrouped. Weapons still powered." She told me. "Walker to Carter." Came Toms Voice. "Go ahead," I said. "Jack the Xindi ground troops are surrendering. What shall we do,?" he asked. "Disarm them and take them to the holding cells for now." I said "understood. Jack is it over". He asked. "Yes, Tom, it's over. We won." I told him. "Thank God." He said as the comm clicked off. I then tapped my combadge. "All personnel stand down. Security teams take the Xindi forces into custody for now." I said I looked at Kathryn who smiled. "We did it Jack", she said. "We did it, Kathryn". I said as we hugged. The next two weeks after the battle and surrender had been chaotic. The Xindi took their prisoners back. The Klingon's escorted the Xindi home. The Federation ships went into shipyards or starbases for repair. Admiral Wright and the core of Engineers had begun work on repairing headquarters. The President Kathryn and I had been in contact with the Council of the Xindi. At last we had Agreed, a treaty with them. Which was due to be signed soon. The war was over. As Tom and I sat in the hot tub. We reminisced about times in the battle. Life was returning to normal. "The president is holding a dinner for Admirals and their partners. Captains Picard, Paris, Riker And many others are all invited. As well as Commander Daley and mears. In addition to us Klingon Chancellor. And his wife. And many other Dignitaries, including the Romulan Praetor plus ambassadors and representatives of the Federation Council, are all going to be there." I told Tom. "Sounds like fun", he said. "Then we can actually have our wedding at last." I said "bring it on babe", he replied kissing me. I relaxed into his arms as we lay there relaxing together. It was all over. No matter how many times I said it, I couldn't believe it. I smiled to myself. War was over. Feedback and comments welcome to thanks for being patient with me and for keeping up with the story I am now back into writing.