Date: Wed, 2 Sep 2009 08:23:03 +0100 From: Adam McDonald Subject: phoenix reborn part 16 All disclaimers and warnings from my last stories are in effect. I wake up with a smile on my face ... the first time that has happened in years. FINALLY that horrible nightmare hasn't plagued me while I slumbered. Instead, I got to spend my dreams with the man I loved. What a wonderful fantasy! Sighing contetedly as I look around my room, I yawn and try to stretch, but as I do, I find myself unable to move my arms. Try as I may, it seems as if they are being blocked by something. For no reason at all, rage fills me and a strange fire engulfs my eyes. The room swims for a moment as I, the bed, and everything in the room hover a few feet in the air. "Errrm," someone next to me utters sleepily, "Babe, what's going on?" Startled, the room falls back to normal and I try to swivel around. When I do, I see Tim lying there with his arms around me -- which was the reason I couldn't move. "OH MY GOD!" "WHAT, what is it?!" he asks, worried. "Oh ... nothing, I just thought it was all a dream, so I didn't know it was you holding me in bed." "And what's wrong with keeping you in bed?" he grins mischeviously. "Nothing at all," I reply as I lean in to kiss him. We make love again, but this time it is soft and sweet. The night before it was as if the two of us had been wandering in the desert and had finally stumbled across an oasis and were desperate to quench our thirst, but this time, our thirst gone, we savored each other and every moment as one might do a fine wine or a gourmet meal. Wanting to take the time to enjoy every scent and flavour. Lying in bed afterwards, just looking into each other's eyes and talking about memories and times past, I knew that this is what heaven really must be like, and if it wasn't then I don't want to go there. "Well, I hate to break this to you," begins Tim, "But we should go." "Go?!" I ask warily, "go where?" "Take a shower!" he laughs. "You ass!" I yell, as I hit him with a pillow, "after all I've been through, you're still trying to fuck with me!" "Always been a smartass, babe, you know that!" "Thanks for reminding me!" I say as I lean in to kiss him again. "Shower?" he asks. "Shower," I agree. We hop, naked, off the bed, and walk in an awkward hug/shuffle towards the bathroom. Our bodies never leaving contact with each other. We kiss some more in the shower as Tim grabs the loofah and begins to lather up my chest and back. I had forgotten how tender it was for them to show their love to me by, in effect, acting as a servant. And not servant as in some weird BDSM way, but as one who would do anything for you, including washing you. Maybe you don't get it, but I find it incredibly moving. "I have something to admit to you," I begin slowly "What is it?" Tim asks hesitantly. "Well, it's just that ... well ... I never though I'd see you again, so I don't know how to put this ... and ... and ..." Tim shushes me with a kiss and says, "It's ok, babe, whatever it is, I'll be fine with it. Just tell me." "Well ..." I begin, "It's just that ... well ...I just haven't been with anyone else since you. I felt it would be wrong, like even though you weren't here, I'd be cheating or being disloyal to your memory or that ... I don't know, something. I mean, I tried to move on, went on dates, did the whole thing, but I just couldn't ..." "Shhhhh," he interrupts me, "Babe, I know. I told you my soul still lived on. I saw all that happened in your life. I WANTED you to find someone to make you happy. You didn't have to worry about me. I love you and just wanted you to find someone to love too." "But, I'm so happy I didn't, because now I can be here with you, and can be yours, and ONLY yours!" We embrace again, and we both start to 'rise' to the ocassion, when the house suddenly begins to jolt and shake. "What ... what's going on?" Tim asks. "Earthquake?" I opine, "We ARE in southern California." "No, no it's more than that!" he says worridly, "Come on, let's get out of here." We leave the shower, dry off, and dress before hurrying downstairs and outside. As I walk onto the front porch of my mom's patio, I am suddenly brought into the reality of what is really going on as I see that the neighboring homes and streets around my house are gone, and we are looking out on a grassy plain filled with warriors of all different kinds and types. It looked like a scene from Lord of the Rings; a countless army stood there made up of mythological creatures mixed in with Navy Seals, tanks and Hum-Vees. I know it sounds utterly crazy, that's what I thought, but that was what was laid out before my eyes. I started laughing, "What the fuck is this?! Am I dreaming?" "No, I'm afraid you're not," rings out a familiar voice. The army in front of me parts, and a familiar woman, clad in a white dress, walks forward. "LIZ!" I cry, "What is going on?!" "The time has come, dear Ryan, for you to use the full extent of your powers for the greater good. We are here to convince you of our cause." "What do you mean?!" I ask increduously, "You and Erik KNOW I support the cause for equal mutant rights!" "Not equal rights ... SUPERIOR rights!" "What, WHAT!" I gasp, "I don't understand!" Liz smiles, cruelly, "Stupid boy! Did you think that we were out for the good of all? Why should WE care about human rights when they have done so much to trample and destroy us?! Why should WE, those superior to the human race, bow to THEIR needs and wants?! WE deserve to rule, and THEY deserve to be in submission to us!" Her eyes seem to glow and flare with a menacing blaze, "You have the choice of helping us, or losing yourself AND the one you love! Make ... Your ... Choice!" As she says this, she waves her hand, and a cry of pain spasms out of Tim who collapses on the ground next to me, writhing in anguish. "TIM!" "No ... no ..." he manages to say between clenched teeth, "don't ... do ... it ... I know what she and ... and Magneto want ... it's not worth my life to give it to him." Turning back to Liz, anger, rage, hatred, and emotions I have never felt before, well up inside me and overtake my mind. "I lost him once, and NO ONE, not even YOU, will take him away again!" "P ... please," Tim murmured softly, "d....don .... don't do this." Turning back, I say, "I have to, babe, I lost you once, never again." "Then ... then ... all ... is .. l ... lo ... lost ..." and Tim passes out. The fire within me burns brighter and stronger now as I look back at my enemy, "LIZ!!! I trusted you! You were the only one I could count on! Why this!?" Liz' smile and eyes burn brighter as she replies, "The weak are always so EASY to train, and you were the WEAKEST of anyone I have ever met. So, do you concede to Magneto's desires yet? Or do I have to make a further example of your FAGGOT lover?!" With those words, something lets loose inside of me. Emotions unknown to man awaken and soar inside me as I realize The Phoenix has finally awoken. "NEVER, BITCH!" I scream, as I spread my arms and begin to ascend into the air. Wthin moments, I am hundreds of feet in the air. Fire springs from every pore of my body, and surrounds me in a cocoon of light. I bend in, suddenly doubled over in agony before my anger takes hold and extend myself, as if stretching from a long sleep. A scream invades every sense that I have, and as I look around, I find myself as the core of a brilliant sun ... a sun shaped liked the fiery bird of yore. My mouth moves and speaks with no intent of its own, "I AM LIFE AND FIRE INCARNATE ... I ... AM ... PHOENIX!" The battlefield, and all the warriors present grow silent, in awe. A still, small voice in my head speaks to me: "AND WHO ARE YOU TO SPEAK TO ME IN SUCH A WAY?!" I angrily respond. a new voice interjects, Looking down, I see Tim writhing in even more agony as Liz continues her mental barrage on his fragile form. "I ... I ... CAN'T AND WON'T!" I scream in anguish as my love is being tormented, "LIZ!" I yell, as I turn my total fury on her and her 'army', "PREPARE FOR MY WRATH!" "SILENCE!," I yell, "MY WILL BE DONE, I SHALL DO UNTO OTHERS AS THEY HAVE DONE UNTO HIM!" I expand my mind, and the power of the Dark Phoenix flows through me even stronger, as the great Fire Bird grows in size and intensity until it outshines the sun. "PHOENIX IS COMING, LIZ, AND WE SHALL DO OUR WORST!" "I am ready," she replies. Her army charges; I swoop down; the battle of the ages begins. That's it for the new part. Feedback at I know where the story is going completely now ... I may find a FEW new surprises as I write, but there is an ending in sight ... don't worry, though, it's not for awhile! :-)