Date: Thu, 27 Dec 2012 03:28:05 -0500 From: Mike XD Subject: Psych - Chapter 7 No copyright infringement intended, just a fun story I wrote about the tv show Psych... Whether or not my character portrayal is accurate, these stories are intended for adults (or curious teens who are, of course, of legal consenting age...)... if you don't like men having sex... why the hell are you on Nifty and do us a favor and go away... seriously. If you have comments please send they will be welcome. Please leave positive and negative feedback so I know whether or not to hang up my computer. Again no money is being made so no copyright infringement is being done. This story is fiction and is not intended to imply anything about the true sexuality of the celebrities mentioned or any personal knowledge about their private lives. Copywright belongs to the company USA network. I am trying my hand at a new tv show. If you have not read my previous works and like this one, check out "Chuck" and "Merlin" in the Celebrities section. Have fun reading! (Author's note = A/N ) Please RE-READ MY CELEBRITY sexuality clause that I will repost just so I cannot be sued by anyone... and remember that this is JUST A STORY! This story is fiction and is not intended to imply anything about the true sexuality of the celebrities mentioned or any personal knowledge about their private lives. A/N - The only way I can decide how the story progresses for sure is from.................... you guessed it... COMMENTS! *********************************************************** Last time on Psych.... Lassiter felt anger seethe beneath his skin. So the psychic was just playing the police department to give him free food and access to a celebrity so that he could get his fifteen minutes of fame? Lassiter threw his newspaper at the floor. He was mad. He should go to the hospital and tell Shawn that his little liaison was over and that the police would no longer be requiring his services. Probably Mr. Levine wouldn't need them either. The thought left a bitter taste in Carlton's mouth. Why did he care? His mother was gay... was that the issue? NO! Lassiter thought hastily, it's because Spencer isn't taking the case seriously. Another voice in his head said, When has he ever? SHUT UP! Thought Lassiter forcefully. He wasn't sure why he was mad. He thought about Adam's gentle gestures towards Shawn. It made Carlton's blood run hot. Was it envy? No... I don't give a rat's ass about Adam Levine. The other voice, which sounded suspisciously like his ex-wife said, 'Carlton... even you are not so oblivious!' Lassiter thought, Oh, I'm in love with Spencer... WHAT!? No! I despise him with every fiber of my being! He is what is wrong with the detective system! Carlton's mind waged war with itself for another hour. It finally came down to two major conflicting ideas in Lassiter's mind, I love Spencer but I cannot respect him. Where do I go from here? Lassiter sat down on his bed and thought about calling Juliet O'Hara. Maybe in the morning... yes. The morning would make things clearer for him. And as Carlton lied back in his bed he felt a sense of internal catharisis. Finally, he understood why he had always responded to Spencer's comments in such a wound up manner. I was afraid he didn't mean it. Thought Carlton. *********************************************************** Shawn had been getting major chronic headaches, even though he couldn't see and finally the doctors had agreed to release him the next morning. Adam had come in to take him back to the hotel, unsure if Shawn would be able to get around without help. Shawn had trouble not getting frustrated when the staff gave him a tipped cane. It's not like I'll be... oh. He thought sadly. The hospital was fairly easy to exit and Shawn had needed no help getting out to the car. Adam had gotten in the passenger seat, Shawn could smell him, and turned the key in the ignition. The duo sped back to the hotel with a police car following close behind, which Adam hadn't noticed but as soon as Shawn asked he said, "Oh! Yeah... it's not marked though." Lassie, thought Shawn, just because I can't see... He sighed and Adam turned to him. "Are you okay Shawn?" Shawn's response was non-commital and he put his head against the window, what I wouldn't do for a vacation, he thought. The drive back was uneventful and as they pulled in to the hotel Shawn felt a hand rest against him. Adam said, "Your sight will come back Shawn. Don't worry... I'm psychic." Shawn heard the smile in his voice and Shawn felt a genuine smile play at his lips. "Well then Mr. Psychic-sexy-singer... that rhymes. Are we ready to go in the hotel?" Adam said yes and Shawn felt his door open. "Well that was quick Ada-" He stopped as he heard the driver's side door close and Shawn felt his heart beat race. He took in an inperceptible sniff and smelled... "Lassie! What a gentleman getting the door for a blind man..." Shawn turned to get out and pretended to trip as he stood. Lassiter caught him and Shawn said in a slightly gruff, quiet tone that he hoped was sexy, "Thanks, Carlton." He felt his body press against Lassiter's and it felt good. Shawn quickly straightened himself and moved his cane out in front of himself. He wasn't sure, but he could have sworn Lassiter had blushed at the compliment. "Wanna know the best part about being blind? Okay... two... no... three things?" Lassie took in a breath that Shawn was sure meant 'No... but you're going to tell me anyway aren't you?' "I am definitely gonna tell you." Said Shawn and he was sure Lassiter was either annoyed or surprised. "Number 1... I can whack people with this cane and get away with it scott free." Shawn swung his cane out in a wide arc and caught a business man carrying a briefcase. The man yelped and walked away quickly. Lassiter growled and said, "That could be an assult charge Spencer." Shawn laughed, "Against a blind guy... how stupid would they have to be? Second, it amplifies some of my psychic abilities... meaning I'm that much sharper. Hey lady watch out for that grate!" A woman in high heels walks right over a grate and her heel slides between the slots. Lassiter helps her out and said, "Impressive Spencer... what's the last thing?" "It makes me seem both more wise and more mysterious... *makes a spooky "oooooooooh"*" Shawn was sure Lassiter was rolling his eyes and Adam chuckled softly. "Alright Spencer, go back to the Hotel room and work on the case with your 'enhanced gift.' Try and find the culprit soon... Mr. Levine, you are still considered a suspect. Don't leave town." When Lassiter had said 'enhanced gifts,' Adam had let out a snort which made Shawn blush. Shawn wondered if Lassiter saw it. The two men went to Adam's room and sat quietly for a few minutes. Adam finally said, "Do you know if there are any...?" He let the question hang there and Shawn stood up quickly, navigating the room without his cane, from memory, he walked around the apartment and felt surfaces, checking for bugs. He had found five by the end of his search and suspected that there were two more in the bathroom. He heard Adam make a quiet gasp as Shawn walked towards him. Shawn mouthed, 'need to check the bathroom.' And he made his way around, finding three more in the bathroom. Adam followed him, mouth agape at the psychic's ability to navigate all the surfaces without the aid of sight. He was also surprised at how many bugs were planted in his own hotel suite. Adam moved in close behind Shawn and whispered very quietly, "What should we do with them?" Shawn shivered from the close contact and sexy voice radiating in his ear. He moved into the Kitchen and grabbed the lid from their breakfast from the previous day, placing it gently over the bugs. "Will that stop the transmition?" Asked Adam. "No... but this will make them sorry they bugged you..." Shawn turned the lid over and placed the bugs in the lid. He then grabbed a knife and began to mercilessly smack the metal bell-shaped lid which cause a crescendo of metal ringing. Shawn stopped and said, "Now... Lassie. It's not nice to spy on other people!" He then walked over to the window and tipped the lid, causing the bugs to tumble and crash against the steps outside of the hotel. Adam started to laugh and moved over to hug Shawn. Shawn returned the hug and smiled. Then Adam kept laughing, he was laughing so hard... oh no. Thought Shawn. And Adam began to tear up and cry softly into Shawn's chest. "Adam? What's the matter?" Adam pulled Shawn closer and fell to his knees, sobbing into Shawn's stomach. "It's all gone! I've worked so hard to be a good person... and it's all gone! I fell for you and got you hurt... like Nate! And even if I get my name cleared, I'm going to lose you... Shawn I'm sorry. I've never had a real friend before, everyone has just been interested in my fame. You genuinely didn't care that I was famous! You treated me like... like..." Shawn understood. This was the one time Adam could let his guard down and not be judged by someone, not be taken advantage of by the paparazzi or people he thought were friends. Shawn was his... Gus. Well... okay so Shawn wasn't sleeping with Gus but... ugh... you know what I mean! Thought Shawn. "Adam listen. I know that right now it's rough, you lost someone you cared for and have been stalked and persecuted since. I'm here to help you clear your name. Now that we're friends, nothing is going to change that and... you are welcome to come by the office anytime. I don't know what will happen with Carlton but I hope for the best. And if he and I become an item, I'm not sure Carlton would be willing to share." Shawn reflected on this and smiled. Not Lassie. Adam's sobs had ebbed away but he still help Shawn close, not wanting to relinquish the feeling of another human's warmth just yet. "Shawn, I'm so sorry about...-" Shawn interrupted, "Adam, I know. And it wasn't your fault. I was more worried that the gunman would chase you down and shoot you." Adam stood and hugged Shawn, "Do you mind if we share the bed tonight? I promise not to try anything... unless you want to?" His voice was becoming mischievious. Shawn smiled and said, "Well... we'll have to see where the night takes us. For now let's get some food and a beer or two. I'm starving!" Adam called for room service and Shawn walked over to the bed, resting against the matress while he thought about the case. He had seen something interesting in the warehouse that he had wanted to check. "Hey Adam, did you ever give Lassie permission to search that warehouse?" "Not yet why?" Damn it... "I think I know who the shooter was and why he was trying to keep us out of the warehouse. I think that guy is responsible for the murder of Nathan." "Who is it?" "Well the name eludes me but I know he workds closely with the people who set up the stage for the tours." "Well... *thinking for a moment* the only person who does that kind of thing is our manager. He always wants to make sure our stage is set up just right." Adam hums for a second and says, "Which is kind of weird... he's only supposed to be in charge of booking our flights, setting up our tour dates, and locations, and arranging the meeting between the stagehands we have and our own stagehands. I guess we always thought he was doing it to streamline our rehearsals." Shawn thought for a moment, why hadn't the manager come to bail out Adam before Shawn had, especially with a concert so soon. "Adam I think your manager is responsible for Nathan's death." "Why?" Shawn took a breath. "Well... *screws up his face in a mask of concentration* I see Nathan, he's setting up the lights and he's working overnight. But wait, he sees your manager, Chris coming in with someone... it's way past rehearsal time. Nathan stays quiet and listens to the conversation. Chris has been using your tour dates to purchase drugs from around the world without going through customs. *flash to Shawn staring into the warehouse and seeing crates labeled as drum kits, stage setup kits from various parts of the world* He had just made a purchase of cocaine *flash to Columbian crate* when Nathan began to piece it together. When Chris realized that Nathan knew, he had to take care of Nathan, cutting the chords and causing the light to fall on him. When Chris heard you had hired us to investigate him, he followed us out of the hotel after bugging the food cart. *Shawn had discovered another bug on the cart while reaching for the knife to smack the lid which contained Lassiter's new bugs* He followed us to the warehouse and chased you away but wanted to make sure I wasn't alive to solve the case. He took the ladder away and I'm sure the police will find it if they search the stage. It will have my shoe prints on the rungs *flash to the dirty alley where Shawn had climbed the ladder to look in the warehouse* and his fingerprints on the sides. *The shooters uncovered hands pulling the ladder out from under him*" Shawn stood and said, "Oh no! We need to get to the stage tonight!" Adam sounded shocked, "Why? The concert is tomorrow!" "The sale is going down tonight!" *********************************************************** The duo sped out the door of the hotel, Adam said that there were no police cars parked nearby and so Shawn handed him his phone, "Text my contact, "Jules" now!" Shawn waved his hands to attract the attention of the valets. "I need my car please." The valet's eyebrows rose and he said, "Uh... sir. I don't think you have the right-" "NOW! It's a sports car." He handed the keys to the valet and turned to Adam, "Tell her, "Jules... you and Lassie need to get to the concert hall with a squad of black and whites as quickly as you can." Adam had just sent the message when Shawn heard a car pull up to the curb. "Finally!" He said and Adam turned to him and squeaked. "...oh crap." Said Shawn. He swung his hand up just in time to block the swing of a very powerful arm. "Boss... you said he was blind." "Just get him in the car!" The voice was cold and harsh. Shawn felt the assailant grab his arms and thrust him into the car. Shawn had hoped Adam had enough sense to run, unfortunately the singer was thrust in next to him and the large man climbed into the car. Adam whimpered and said, "I think we're in trouble Shawn." Shawn listened closely and waited for the man to speak again. "You've been causing me a lot of trouble Adam. And you! Mr. Spencer, soooo nosy aren't we." Shawn said, "Yeah... such a pain in the ass when you get caught killing someone isn't it?" The voice laughed and said, "Touche, well I hope it was worth it. Trying to solve the case... now I have to kill my favorite client and a blind man. How did it come to this?" Shawn gave a bitter laugh and said, "When you killed Nathan. Or did you forget his name?" The man put his hand up to silence the psychic, Shawn felt the air current and said, "I cannot see when you put your hand up to silence me... blind remember?" The man's voice reflected his annoyance, "Yet somehow you knew anyway... how annoying." Shawn smirked and said, "Psychic, remember?" This apparently was not the right answer, as seconds later he felt the muscled thug slam his fist into Shawn's stomach. "W-wait, you're going to kill us? Why?" His voice quivered. "You've found out my secret and I can't have the police messing around with my business. Now... we're late for our meeting. *turning to the front of the limo-sized car* Driver, to the Concert stage please." And the car sped off towards the stage. Shawn had begun to feel some pain behind his eyes as the car turned into the backdoor parking lot of the "Almost-Madison-Squared, Garden" L.A.'s attempt at humor. Shawn nudged Adam and whispered, "Need my bandage off. It hurts." Adam slowly reached up non-chalantly and undid the knot at the back. Shawn waited until the car stopped and began to slide the bandage up. "What are you doing?" The voice of the guard said. "My bandage hurts, I'm taking it off. I'm still blind AND what's it matter if you are going to kill us anyway?" The guard, who seemed to be on par mentally with Shawn's six year old cousin, said nothing and Shawn lifted off the bandage. He blinked his eyes a few times and felt his heart beat rise as he began to see a small smudge at the center of his vision. The smudge increased and sharpened and soon Shawn began to see the world through fuzzy eyes. He glazed his eyes over to give the impression of blindness but moved close to Adam as they exited the car and looked directly at him, winking one eye. Adam looked surprised and happy for a second but then felt the barrel of Chris' gun pressed against his back. Shawn felt the thug push him forward and he walked in a perfectly straight line, walking directly into a plastic trash bin, knocking it over and sending debris falling everywhere. "Damn it Mark! Keep him from walking into things. The last thing we want is attention!" Mark, or thugly as Shawn thought of him, grabbed Shawn's shoulder and picked up the trash recepticle, not bothering to put any of the spilled trash away. Thugly turned back to Chris and said, "What now boss?" While the two were distracted Shawn pulled out a Red Vine from his pocket, thank goodness for addiction, he thought. and tossed it in a small pile of garbage. Chris smacked thugly and said, "After the deal, we torch the place... and them. Make it look like an electrical failure. Someone left a light on overnight." "What about these two being there?" "We'll say that they were in the throes of passion when the fire started and couldn't escape." Chris smiled at the two men wickedly and said, "A good way to end a career isn't it Adam? With your reputation besmirched and you... well, Dead." Thugly took the two men to the back of the stage and said, "Get in the dressing room!" Shawn and Adam did and the door was slammed shut, locked and they heard a large scraping noise as something was hefted in front of the door. Shawn looked at Adam and said, "I'm sorry that I got you involved Adam, I should have left you out of the loop. You wouldn't be in jeopardy!" Shawn walked to the door and began to run his fingers over the edges. He couldn't pick the lock but the hinges were on the inside so he could take the door of it's hinges. He made quick work the hinges and pulled the door backwards. The two men saw a giant speaker (about 9 feet tall) in front of the door. It weighed probably several hundred pounds. Shawn turned to Adam, "Any ideas?" *********************************************************** Lassiter had just left the station with Juliet O'Hara riding shotgun. The two detectives had gotten the text and ran out the door. Determined to get to the Stage before "Spencer has his way with the crime scene." Juliet smiled and said, "Sure Carlton, but you'd better give it some gas if we want to get there before he does." They sped through town, only using their light once to get around a semi which was blocking the road. They then pulled in the back parking lot at "AMSqued" as the people of the town called it, and saw the black car. "Who is that?" Lassiter hissed and Juliet shrugged. "Not Shawn's car... maybe he asked Mr. Levine for a ride over." Lassiter scowled and drew his gun, Juliet followed suit and they made their way to the door. Juliet stopped Carlton as he was about to open the door. "Wait Carlton! Look!" She moved over and picked up... a redvine? "Honestly O'Hara, that's garbage. If you're hungry we can get something on the way-" "NO Lassiter! Shawn left this... I'm sure! He's trying to warn us, look at the trash... and the direction came from that car. I think he was taken here against his will... or he was practicing running into trash bins for fun." "He is blind O'Hara." "Yes... but to also drop the candy he loves and would always eat...? Think about it, Lassiter." Carlton shrugged and said, "Okay so he was taken against his will. Not hard when you can't see where you are driving. Maybe it IS the singer's car. So maybe... maybe the singer is the killer and Spencer only just realized. But it's too late and he's inside. COME ON!" Lassiter walked quickly through the door and Juliet rolled her eyes. "Good god Lassie... you're hopeless." She said it quietly as she followed in the other detective's footsteps. As they entered the building, Juliet noticed a light shining above the stage, what the hell is it doing on now? Thought O'Hara. Lassiter quickly made his way to the center of the stage and saw two men approaching. Lassiter dove behind an Amplifier and waved to Juliet to hide. She turned and made her way to the back door, listening closely. "Where the fuck is the cocksucker!? They were supposed to be here with the payment fifteen minutes ago." The agitated man paced while the large thug stood and looked stupid. Juliet backed out the door and ran to the police car. She popped the trunk and grabbed two small guns, a kevlar vest, a wire and Lassiter's briefcase. She then put on the vest with the wire underneath and hid the guns in her chest and leg holsters. She then moved back to the room and saw the men walking towards her. She held her head up and walked confidently in the room. "What the fuck!?" The two men pointed their guns at her. "I'm here about the shipment." Looking at the guns with a withering stare. "Really?" The two men lowered their guns and the shorter one said, "I wasn't expecting a chick. Who sent you?" His voice was teeming with suspicion. "We have a mutual friend who requested a certain 'package.' They want to avoid legal trouble and have sent a third party in case you tried to rat them out. They don't trust you." Her eyes were icy and the two men fidgeted under her stare. "Well... *uneasily* W-we don't trust him either. That motherfucker said he'd bring us...-" Juliet held up a hand and the briefcase, "The money?" The two men looked at her and the leader said, "Yeah. I wanna see it." "You show me you've got the goods first. I know how this works... you see the cash and police swarm in from everywhere to bust my ass. Not happening. I need to know you're on the up and up." Lassiter stared at Juliet, she was a natural. He saw the men fidget more and the brains of the two said, "Fine. It's in the speaker on the stage." Juliet told the man to get it and held her eyes on the two of them as they made their way to the speaker. Just as they opened the front there was a snap and the light that had been turned on crashed to the floor leaving the entire stage dark. "What the fuck! Mark I told you to wait until after the deal to torch the place." Juliet saw flames begin to lick the stage, catching the drapes on fire. "Why were you planning on torching the place?" Juliet asked. "Two guys found us out and we wanted it to look like an accident." Lassiter felt his heart drum in his chest and Juliet said, "Where are they... I'll take care of them myself..." "NO!" Said the shorter man, "It has to look like an accident. Lassiter had been waiting for the black and whites to arrive on the scene and heard them say that they had arrived in Juliet and Lassiter's earpiece. Juliet drew her gun and leveled it in the darkness, "Is this a trick?" Still playing the part she began to edge towards the exit. "I'm letting my boss know the deal is off." The smoke and fire had spread. Lassiter had sprinted across the stage and made his way to the back area where the band members prepared for the concert. By this time the smoke had begun to spread down the hallway and Lassiter saw flames licking at his heels. He looked down two hallways and saw in the second one, a large speaker blocking one of the doors. He ran to the speaker and said, "Hello? Spencer? Mr. Levine? Are you in here? It's Detective Carlton Lassiter." "Lassie? Is that you? We're stuck in here and can't move the speaker... it's too heavy for us. Even with you it's too heavy." His voice sounded dejected and the smoke started to creep in the room. "Lassie? *his voice sounded nervous* Is that smoke?" Carlton said, "Yeah... *cough cough* Can't put it out." Lassiter strained against the speaker for five minutes before he gave up, unable to budge the large instrument. "Spencer... I can't move it. There's nothing here that will help me move it either." He felt his breath catch as smoke rolled into his lungs. He also saw the fire slowly making it's way down the hall, slowed by the apparent lack of burnable material. Carlton saw a small pool at the end of the hallway that traced back to and under the speaker. Carlton leaned down and smelled, gas. Oh no! Lassiter ran to the end of the hall and threw his jacket on the gas, trying to absorb it before the fire could light it. He had reduced the trail of gasoline by half when his jacket became useless. He then took off his shirt and blotted it some more. Finally he removed his socks and pants to absorb the last of the gasoline, throwing the garments out the emergency exit that was mere feet from the door. The fire continued its journey down the hallway towards the three men. Lassiter felt helpless, he couldn't move the speaker and the fire was slowly approaching. Seeing nothing in the hallway to help him, Lassiter sank down in despair in front of the speaker. "Lassie... are you still there?" "Yeah Spencer. I can't do anything about the fire... I..." His voice cracked and he felt tears sting his eyes. "I'm sorry." He felt like he was giving up. "Lassie... it's okay. Get out of the building before the fire gets to you. *trying to lie* We'll be okay." Lassiter laughed joylessly. "Right... you'll never be out of my hair will you Spencer?" He was trying to hold it together but felt a sharp pain in his chest. "Spencer... I... I..." The words Carlton had wanted to say wouldn't come. "Not like this..." His voice felt weak and he leaned against the speaker in a last ditch effort to clear the doorway. Just as he was about to give up he felt a hand gently grab his. "I've got this Lassiter." The smooth voice of Burton Guster came as a sweet ring to Lassiter's ears. *Gus' voice getting louder* SHAWN! I need you to wrap this around the edge of the speaker, we need to make a full circle." Lassiter saw a long thin cord slide behind the speaker and Gus ran to the other side grabbing the cord and running around the front. "One more time Shawn!" He then did the same motion again and Lassiter just stood, dumbstruck. Gus ran out of the exit, where he had come in, with the cord and attached it to the back of his car. The blueberry started quietly and began to move forward. Lassiter saw the cord tighten and pull on the speaker. As the blueberry's engine revved, Lassiter saw the speaker move slowly. The fire was only about ten feet away and had begun to move more quickly. Lassiter pushed against the speaker, causing it to move a little faster. Soon the speaker had moved enough for Adam to squeeze out but Shawn couldn't fit. The fire was only feet away and Carlton began to feel burns accrue on his back and legs. Gus' car was pulling at full speed and both Lassiter, Shawn. and Adam were pulling against the speaker. The battle was a lost one. As Shawn tried to fit through, he realized they needed more time and did not have it. "GO! There's no time. Adam knows what happened! Don't kill yourselves over me!" Adam moved Lassiter out of the way and spoke quietly with Shawn for a moment, Lassiter turned away from them... trying not to cry in desperation. Adam kissed Shawn on the lips and said, "When you make it out... I'll be waiting. Since the concert's off and all..." He then walked out the door to join gus in the blueberry. Lassiter walked over to Shawn, who was looking around the corner of the speaker in a very 'here's johnny!' Shining moment. "Well Lassie... I guess this is what I get for mocking the justice system, eh?" His voice was light but Carlton could tell he was terrified. "Spencer I... it shouldn't happen like this!" He was angry... and sad. Shawn smiled and reached a hand out to touch Lassiter's face. "It's okay Lassie. I do have one favor to ask..." "What?" "Well two..." "Spencer... *voice rising in anger*" "Can you promise to keep this a secret?" *He's going to die...* "Yes." "I'm... not really psychic." "What!?" "I'll tell you about it late-... *winces* oh... yeah. Ask my dad about it maybe... unless you are trying to release those criminals. And YES I am 100% sure that they are all criminals I've put away. Don't tell chief Vick. She'd have too much paperwork to do and bad people would be put back into society." "What's the second favor?" The flames were making Carlton's back ache. "Come closer" Said Shawn. Carlton obliged and Shawn gently took his tie, which he had kept on even without a shirt. "Hey watch the tie Spenc-" Shawn kissed Lassiter on the lips. The kiss, which only lasted a few seconds, felt like eternity and it felt so right to Shawn. His whole body felt lit up and he immediately wished he could escape. Lassiter felt a primal instinct rise from him, protection. He wanted to save Shawn no matter what. As the two broke the kiss, Lassiter roared and strained against the speaker, moving it a few more inches. It wasn't enough though and Shawn knew it. *in a tender voice* "Lassie... it's okay. I-I just wanted you to know how I feel. Please go... I don't want to the world to lose both of us at the same time." Shawn pulled Lassiter in for a chaste kiss and pushed his towards the door. The fire was at the speaker now and Shawn felt the heat begin to build. Well... Crap. He thought. Lassiter walked out of the building in a haze. Nothing felt right. The world kept tilting making him unable to walk well. He was sure it was partly from the toxic smoke... but also a part of him was breaking because he was about to lose someone he had just discovered. The cable Gus had tied around the speaker snapped and the door swung shut as Lassiter, Adam, and Gus heard a yell of pain from the inside. Shawn. Lassiter sat down on the Blueberry and stared at nothing as the buildings upper floors lit and eventually caved in... crushing Lassiter's hope, heart and the man Lassiter had come to love. *********************************************************** A/N - YAY an update... finally. YAY no sleep... on the day before... nevermind... the day of Christmas. Y'all owe me. (esp. if they put this up on Christmas... which I doubt will happen) PLOT TWIST. MWAHAHAHAHA the power of being an author. To all my readers... I started a new story based on the film "Avengers." If you like the film... check it out in the celeb section (Where all my stuff is). Comment if you like/hate/ate cookies last night/had sex/just finished/or just want to bug the hell out of me. (I enjoy all of the above and more... and bugging me has yet to happen so... give it your best shot!) The next update will be posted... well... your guess is as good as mine at some point. Sorry there isn't any sex. (Needed a chapter for plot revival and rekindling the friendship of Shawn and Gus. Whatever... the sex from the last chapter makes up for it. Comments and concerns over my well being are appreciate... same goes for the story. All checks/cash/money orders can be addressed to "Mike XD Supreme Ruler of the Galaxy (and/or) universe (and/or) multiverse." Enjoy! REMINDER: I just wanted to let you know that I have two other stories on Nifty. "Merlin" and "Chuck" so if you enjoy this story feel free to read the other two (also in celeb. section). I appreciate and greatly enjoy comments (the good, the bad, and the ugly) so please, even if you hated this story or want to say hey, shoot me an email. I am completely chill and confidential. Your comments let me know that there are people reading the story and inspire me to write more. Even if you just want to correct something, I don't mind at all. By the way my stories usually don't start with sex... I gotta keep the story flowing. But expect some more sex in future chapters. Oh and if you haven't watched Psych... I'd suggest it. Or just look up James Roday. *drools*