Date: Wed, 14 Apr 2010 18:30:08 -0200 From: Wesley-Jade Wyngaard Subject: Bleach: Sumiregusa chapter 1 Disclaimer: All the "Bleach" characters are owned by Tite Kubo and are not mine except for those of my own creation. If you are familiar with the "Bleach" anime, you should know who they are.If not, just enjoy the story. No part of this story may be reproduced, by any means, without the prior permission in writing of the author. Do not read this if you are under the age of 18 or the legal age in the country or state you live in. This story contains scenes of explicit homosexual sexual acts between two individuals, if this offends you, please leave now. Author's Note: "Bleach" is my all time favorite anime series, so I decided to try out my own little storyline to it. Tell me if it needs some work. Send your Comments to Bleach: Sumiregusa Glossary: Shinigami- Death God Zanpakutou- Souls slayer Taicho- Captain Fukutaicho- Vice-captain san- honorific added to the end of someone's name chan- honorific added to the end of someone's name dono- honorific added to the end of someone's name kun- honorific added to the end of someone's name sama- honorific added to the end of someone older or important Ohayo gozaimasu- Good morning. Nii-sama - Big brother Yama-jii- Grandpa Please note: All character's names are written in the Japanese way, with their last name/family name first and there first name last. Chapter 1: "Is he going to make it doctor?" said a crying woman from beside the bed. She was a beautiful Japanese woman, with long blue-black hair and wild, feral light brown eyes with long eyelashes. She gripped the boy's hand as he lay silently in the hospital bed. "I'm sorry Mrs Yasahiro. There is nothing we can do for him any longer..." The doctor gave a sad smile and left the room. Mrs Yasahiro cried softly. "My son, Shouhei, please don't leave me!" I sat up straight from my bed. What was this dream about? Who was that woman, and why was she calling my name? All these questions were going through my mind right now. These dreams I've been having have started recently. Why did it have to star now, during my last few days at the Central Spirit Academy? I sighed and got up out of bed. The sun was just starting to rise, so I decided to get ready for my last day of official lessons. I put on my clothes and went outside for a walk. The air was still cool this morning in Seireitei (the Court of Pure Souls) and I could hear birds chirping all around me. Let me introduce myself. My name is Yashiro Shouhei. I don't know how old I am. I have waist length blue-black hair and light brown eyes. I'm 6ft tall. Come to think of it, I look somewhat like the woman from my dreams. And she called me her son... I live in Soul Society in a place called Seireitei. Soul Society is a place where the souls of the dead come to live. Me, I'm a Shinigami in training. Shinigami or Death Gods are souls trained in Martial arts and kidou (Demon Art) as well as hakuda (hand to hand combat) and hohou (speed and agility). They go down to the human world and give souls who haven't moved on a soul burial and send them to Souls Society. Seireitei is where the Gotei 13 Protection squads live and work. All who become Shinigami live there in the barracks. All normal souls stay in the surrounding area. My sword was tied to my waist as I strolled. I took in the beauty of the cherry blossoms in full bloom. I loved all things beautiful. I stopped and sat on a bench under the cherry blossom tree and waited till the appropriate time for me to get to my first class. "Oi, Yasahiro-san! Dreaming again?" a boy called to my right. It was Senzo Daichi, my friend at the Academy. I smiled and nodded my greeting. He looked ruffled in his red and white garb of the Academy. He had short spiky blond hair and brown eyes. He was a little shorter than me and more muscled as well. He had a strong jaw and sharp eyes. "Daichi-kun, I would have thought that you'd still be asleep right now." "Aw, pretty boy, you don't know me that well then," he replied as he plonked himself down next to me. I narrowed my eyes and gave a sneaky and looked at him, "Would you like another bump to go with the one I gave you yesterday on your head?" His eyes widened and he grinned, rubbing the spot I socked him in yesterday. "You know I don't like it when you call me that.," I said as I looked up at the sky. "I know, that's why I tease ya," he rumbled in his deep voice. "So we're starting off with our last kidou class today and then we have one more mission before we're finally finished with all the learning stuff," he said again. Yes, I thought. Then we graduate and get assigned to one of the thirteen division squads. "I hope we end up in the same squad," Daichi said after a few minutes of silence. "I hope so too. Which one would you like to be in?" I asked curiously. He pursed his lips and rubbed his jaw in thought, "Hmm, I don't know about you, but I like the eleventh squad. Strength is my forte and I'd fit in perfectly there. Zaraki-taicho is so strong! But I don't see why he has that little brat girl as his vice-captain. She doesn't look strong." I chuckled lightly. "Appearances can be deceiving, Daichi-kun. And besides, look at me. A pretty boy like me would never fit in there." Daichi scowled and then put his hand on my shoulder. "I'm sorry about all the pretty boy comments. I really don't mean anything bad by them..." I waved my hand dismissively, "Enough, I know what you mean. You're my friend. Now, if we don't get moving now, we'll be late, and we're supposed to have a guest trainer today." "Yeah, yeah, lead the way!" We made our way to the field where we'd be practicing our Kidou. When we got there we didn't see our usual trainer. Instead, we were surprised to see the vice-captain of the fifth squad, Hinamori Momo. The rest of the students assembled in rows in front of targets. "Ohayo gozaimasu!" she greeted. She was shorter in person and her eyes were so sad. I knew it was because of the loss of her captain Aizen Sousuke. He was a traitor and caused much chaos throughout Seireitei before he escaped to the Hueco Mondo, the Hollow world. "Ohayo gozaimasu, Hinamori-fukutaicho!" We all greeted in return. "Today we will only be practicing the spells you've all learnt," she said in her light voice. "You will aim at the targets. Once you've completed the spell, move to the back of the line where you will rotate to the front again. Is that all understood. I will guide where necessary." "Yes, Hinamori-fukutaicho!" "Begin!" She commanded. I was in front of my line of students and Daichi was in the one next to me. I started with a strong spell first. It needed an incantation first. I took my stance and began. "O lord, mask of flesh and bone, all creation, flutter of wings, ye who bears the name of man, truth and temperance, upon this sinless wall of dreams, unleash but slightly the wrath of your claws! Hadou number 33, Soukatsui!" A big blue ball of spiritual energy came out of my hand and flew at the target I aimed at. I had perfect precision and it hit the target right on. "You can do that spell perfectly?" Daichi asked, slack jawed. "Of course I can!" I grinned and went to the back of the line. "What is your name?" said a voice from behind me. I startled me and I turned around quickly to see the vice-captain. "Hinamori-fukutaicho! You scared me," I stuttered. She laughed. It was a bright laugh and it took a little sadness away from her eyes. "Sorry", she said. "What is your name?" she asked again. I smiled, "Yasahiro Shouhei," I said. "That was a powerful spell you displayed there. You seem to be good with Kidou." She nodded to the other students who I saw were not nearly as good as me. I rubbed the back of my head bashfully. "It was nothing, fukutaicho, just a lot of practice." "Yes, and all of them practice just as much as you do. I only know of three other people excluding myself, who are extremely good at Kidou," she praised. I knew she was telling the truth about herself. She was one of the best kidou users in Soul Society. "Please, fukutaicho, you praise me too much." She shook her head and smiled. She moved away and we continued with the rest of class. Later after a brief break, all the students met in a field outside of Seireitei. Our instructor told us that we would be tested in real battle situations. He told us that device would be used to attract Hollows to this field, where we would have to battle and destroy them. There would be no interference from instructors, which basically meant we were on our own. Hollows were dangerous monsters that came from Hueco Mondo. Hollow are basically human souls that turned evil or were evil when they were alive. A soul can turn into a hollow if they are not taken to Soul Society in time. They devour the souls of humans as well as other souls. Every Hollow has two things in common. They wear a hideous mask and they have a hole right through their bodies. "Everyone stand at attention. The mission will now begin. Draw your Zanpakutou!" the instructor shouted. A Zanpakutou is a soul slayer. It is basically the Shinigami's katana or sword that they use. Each Zanpakutou is different. But in order for it to be so, and not just an Asauchi (nameless Zanpakutou), you have to find its name. When the Shinigami has found the Zanpakutou's name and gains his cooperation, the Shinigami comes into even more power. I haven't discovered mine yet... The instructor activated the machine and we waited, gripping our Zanpakutou tightly and tensed up for battle. Nothing happened at first and we were all getting nervous. Then were heard it. It sounded like a loud tear and it looked like a piece of the sky was ripping open. It was dark behind the tear. Then there was the howling. We knew those were the Hollows. Finally we saw them appearing one by one sporadically throughout the field. Then chaos ensued as we attacked them. The only way to kill a Hollow was to break its mask. But there were many hollows appearing, all with varying degrees of power. This was no game, this was life or death. I saw a fellow student being cornered by two vicious looking Hollow and I used shunpo (flash step) to get to him and help him. I jumped up behind the biggest hollow, raised my arms up high and slashed down onto its head. It screamed and crumbled into nothingness. "Are you okay?" I asked the guy. "Yes, thank you Yasahiro-chan." He huffed as he knelt to the ground. I saw another hollow come up fast behind him and had to think fast. "Hadou number 31, Shakkahou!" A destructive blast erupted from my hand and impacted with the oncoming hollow. It flew back and disintegrated with a scream. But something was wrong. I could feel it. The breeze had died down and there was no other sound except for the fighting and screaming. Hours had passed already. Shouldn't the mission be over already? I looked around for the instructor and found him kneeling next to the machine. I rushed over to him to find out why it was taking so long. "We have a big problem," he cried. "The machine is not working to stop the attraction. It must be broken!" "What? Then how are we supposed to stop them from coming?" I asked, looking around at the carnage. I was startled to see that some of my classmates were falling to the Hollow. No! I wondered if Daichi was alright. "We need to destroy all of them and seal the tear up in the sky, but we'd need a high-level power blast to do that!" I groaned and turned around. We needed to rally the rest of the students. "Everyone regroup!" I shouted. "Work together and concentrate on killing all the Hollow in the area!" I ran all the way to the area where the tear was. It was up in the sky. I wondered if a high level Kidou spell could close it up. I concentrated on focusing my spirit energy in my hands and aimed it at the tear. I began chanting, "O lord, mask of flesh and bone, all creation, flutter of wings, ye who bears the name of man, truth and temperance, upon this sinless wall of dreams, unleash but slightly the wrath of your claws! Hadou number 33, Sou..." Before I could finish the incantation, I was hit from behind and flung a few feet away. I groaned from the pain and struggled to sit up. The hollow that attacked me was huge and fearsome. Then it spoke to me... I knew hollows could speak, but only ones of higher power. I was in trouble if I couldn't get up. I quickly looked around for help, but there was no one. I saw Daichi in the distance and it looked like he had his hands full too. I looked back at the Hollow. "Ah, a tasty Shinigami just for me. Mmmm, you look and smell so good. I'm going to enjoy killing you," it cackled as it raised it claws to cut me. What do you think you're doing? I heard someone speak but I couldn't see them. "Who's speaking?" I said softly, knowing it wasn't the Hollow. Sigh... Shouhei, why do you not hear me? "Um, I'm kind of in the middle of a battle hear and about to die!" I said angrily. The Hollow was really close now and I something didn't happen now, I was dead. If you'd hear me sooner, this would have been over. There was a flash and suddenly I was sitting in a meadow. I was beautiful and filled with flowers in bloom. Most abundant were the wild violets in different hues of purple. There was no one else around and the wind rustled warmly around me. I ran my fingers through my hair to get it out of my face. Where was I? This is your inner world, Shouhei, said the voice again. It was a male voice and sounded young and boyish. "Who are you, show yourself!" I said, peering into the distance. Can't you see me, Nii-sama? I'm right behind you. Big brother? I had no brothers. I turned around quickly and nearly gasped. A boy stood in the middle of the beautiful meadow. He was as beautiful as the meadow, almost feminine. He had shoulder length purple hair that glowed in the sunlight. His eyes were a brilliant green and he had a bright smile on his face. You finally see me, he said, but his lips didn't move. "Who are you?" I asked again. His smile dimmed a bit. Nii-sama, you know who I am. I have been with you the whole time. He walked closer. He had a tight pair of green leggings on and he was bare foot. He wore nothing else and his smooth and defined chest was bare. He had a purple violet tucked into the side of his ear. Call out my name, and I will help you. My eyes widened in surprise. He was my Zanpakutou! A peaceful smile appeared on both our faces. I know felt like I knew him... like brothers knew each other. "You are beautiful..." I stood up and walked to him. Tears formed in his eyes and he rushed into my arms, Nii-sama! Finally, you're here. He cried into my arms. I hugged him tightly. I felt one with him. He was my Zanpakutou. He was beautiful. I love all beautiful things. Say my name, he said, nestling his face against my chest. "You will help me?" I asked as I stroked his soft hair. For my big brother, I will always be there, he said. I nodded and kissed the top of his head. "We are reunited," I murmured unknowingly. "Come, let us go and do away with the monsters that seek to destroy all that is beautiful. Come... Bloom and make everything beautiful, Sumiregusa!" My eyes snapped open back in the field. I looked at the Hollow right in front of me. "You will not have me, Hollow!" I exclaimed. I was strangely calm. I gripped my Zanpakutou in my hand and lifted it up, "Bloom and make everything beautiful, Sumiregusa!" There was a flash and the Hollow flew back. I stood up and held my Zanpakutou in its shi-kai released form. It was a daishi style katana, which meant it was two katana. It had the normal katana called the daito and a second, slightly shorter katana called the Wakizashi. The blades were clear and beautiful, the handle had violet ribbon wound around it and hung down at the end below my hand. The guard was a plain bronze and looked like it could connect with the Wakizashi's guard as well, sticking the two katana together. There was an engraving of a wild violet just above the hilt on the blade. I didn't feel tired anymore. I knew that it was because of Sumiregusa's healing capabilities. The Hollow stood up again and charged me. "You will pay for that!" it roared. I don't think so, I thought. Gripping Sumiregusa with both hands, I used shunpo to move myself directly in front of it. The Hollow blinked, stumbling a little. But before it had a chance to react I swung and slashed in an upward motion, slicing it clean in half. It disintegrated before I even finished the swing. I turned to look at the tear. I needed to get it closed. I wanted to use kidou but the incantation took too long. I was going to risk it and skip the incantation. I aimed and concentrated. "Hadou number 33, Soukatsui!" Immediately the blue ball of energy flew to the tear and crashed into it. There was a little smoke and when it cleared I was distressed that it was still there. I was lucky I didn't explode myself when I used the spell like that. But it must not have been enough. Can you do it? I thought as I looked at Sumiregusa in my hands. Yes, Nii-sama. Same principle, but not a spell. Right, I thought. I could do this. I lifted Sumiregusa and connected the two swords with a click. There was about an inch of space between the two blades. I gripped both handles tightly and concentrated. Because I am life, I am able to wield the elements, he told me in my mind. I concentrated on a lightning strike. I felt the power drain from me as it went through the sword. It started at the base between the two blades. The blue lightning zigzagged between the two blades quickly to the tips and fired out powerfully toward the tear. It collided and there was a rumble as it continually struck the tear. I could see it close and stopped the flow when it was completely closed. Sumiregusa reverted to its normal one katana state and I sagged to the ground, exhausted. Training was definitely needed to build up strength and endurance. "Shouhei, Shouhei! Are you okay?" Daichi asked as he knelt next to me. "You dare call me by my first name?" I joked. "Oi, you're my friend. You gave me quite a scare there with that display of power." "Will you shut up and get me up!" I laughed. Just then I felt a powerful reiatsu (spirit pressure) in the area. Daichi and I frowned from the pressure. It was stifling. A captain was approaching... Daichi helped me to the centre of the field where the captain level reiatsu could be felt. I tried to see who everyone was surrounding. I was stunned to see that it was none other than the boy captain, Hitsugaya Toushirou, captain of the 10th division. This incident must have been really serious if a captain was required to come investigate. Daichi helped me hobble closer. Who knew using a blast like that could wipe you out so quickly. We heard talking and then most of the students pointed toward me. Oh, no. Did I do something wrong? They parted and the captain approached me. He was shorter than me, and he had white spiky hair and ocean blue eyes. He wore the standard captain's white haori (jacket) with the symbol of his squad on the back over the standard Shinigami robe. He looked intense, but I supposed he always looked like that, with him being the youngest captain in existence. Next to him was his vice-captain, a beautiful woman with long blondish-reddish hair and an ample bosom. She reeked of beauty and some of the guys couldn't help but stair at her. It was Matsumoto Rangiku. She had a pink scarf around her shoulders and draped down the sides of her large breasts. I managed to stand on my own and salute, "Hitsugaya-taicho, Matsumoto-fukutaicho!" "At ease," Hitsugaya said. I relaxed. His voice certainly didn't sound all that boyish. "Ah, Captain, looky here, isn't he just sexy!" Matsumoto said, leaning in closer to inspect me. I blushed and could feel my cheeks heat up. The captain looked irritated and he shut his eyes and folded his arms. "Matsumoto, will you behave!" he grumbled. She smiled and stood back, "Such a spoilsport..." she huffed. "What is your name and what happened here?" he asked a little gruffly. I stuttered a little when he turned those intense eyes on me. "Uh, Yasahiro Shouhei, Sir! All I know is that we were doing our mission here and I saw that the Hollows didn't stop coming, and the tear didn't close. The instructor told me he thought the machine was broken. So I knew I had to close the portal from the Hollow world." "Oh and how were you able to do that?" Matsumoto asked, flicking her hair back over her shoulders and looking at me. "Um... well..." I stuttered. "He called out his Zanpakutou, Captain!" Daichi exclaimed next to me. I elbowed him in the ribs and he grunted. "It was... nothing," I mumbled. The captain raised his eyebrows and looked at me. I blushed harder and noticed that everyone's attention was now on me. The captain then lowered his gaze to my Zanpakutou. "I'm afraid closing a portal is not... nothing, Yasahiro Shouhei-san, it takes power to do that, and you are the only one in your class who is able to call out their Zanpakutou. What is your Zanpakutou called?" "He's name is Sumiregusa," I mumbled, although in my mind I was really proud. He raised his eyebrow again. "That is enough for now, thank you. You may all return to your dormitories. You will all be evaluated by the Captain-commander and a few other captains as well, since the Central 46 has been murdered," he said to everyone. Everyone nodded solemnly. We all knew that the Central 46 were murdered by Hinamori-fukutaicho's captain, Aizen Sousuke. It was a very dark time for Soul Society. Now Soul Society was being run by the captains and the one in charge of them, Captain-commander Yamamoto Genryuusai Shigekuni, the founder of the Central Spirit Academy. Captain Hitsugaya left and we all returned to the dormitories. "May I come in, Yasahiro-san?" Daichi asked me as we arrived at my room. I was exhausted but I said yes. What I needed now was a hot bath and sleep. "Do you mind if we go to the bathhouse though? I feel dirty," I told him as I entered my room. "Oh, sure, then I'll just run along to my room and join you there." He left and I quickly got myself a towel. I strolled to the bathhouse in the twilight and when I got there I could see steam rising from the hot springs. I entered and found it deserted except of Daichi, who was slowly disrobing himself. My breath hitched at the sight. The robe spilled to the ground and revealed his pale smooth and muscled skin underneath. He faced away from me and I could see his firm bubble butt. I suppressed a groan. He wrapped a towel around his waist and turned around. "Oh, Yasahiro-san, I didn't hear you come in," he grinned. I took a deep breath and smiled. "It's okay," I said. I turned around and took off my robe as well. Somehow I could feel his eyes bore into me from behind and I hoped my hair coved my ass sufficiently. I didn't dare turn around to confirm my suspicions. I quickly wrapped the towel around my waist and then tied my hair up. We got into the hot spring together and sat down with a sigh. I looked up at the night sky. Millions of stars twinkled and winked at us. "How did you do it?" Daichi asked me, sinking so that his head remained above the water. "He was calling to me... he was calling the whole time, and I didn't even hear him," I said, thinking back to when I first heard him. "It took the danger of the situation for me to hear him. One minute I was staring at the ugly Hollow and the next I was in this beautiful meadow full of wild violets. I turned around and there he was. You should see him, Daichi! He's beautiful..." I heard a little cough from Daichi and turned to look at him. "You okay?" "Uh-huh, fine, just got a little water in my mouth," he said. His voice sounded a little pinched. "Describe him." I looked up and put my hands behind my head, "He young, boyish and feminine. He has shoulder length Violet hair and bright green eyes. He was smiling when I first saw him. He was only wearing a pair of green leggings. He calls me big brother," I finished and turned to him. He was staring at me intently. "What?" I asked. "You look beautiful too, Shouhei," he said huskily. What? I thought. Where was this coming from all of a sudden? "When you describe him, your eyes light up and you have the sweetest smile on your face." I could feel my cheeks burn up as he moved closer and I felt his hand touch my arm. "Daichi, where is this coming from?" I was feeling light headed and nervous. I'd never thought of Daichi that way before. And now that I did... I couldn't help but feel the attraction. He was sexy in his masculinity, his sharp eyes gazed intently into mine and his jaw was tensed, as if he was holding something back. "Shouhei, have you been blind all along?" he said with wonder. "I've wanted to be with you since I first laid my eyes on you." He loosened my hair and it cascaded down my back and into the water. Then he ran his hands through it, "I've wanted to so that for a long time now." "And... how was it?" I managed to breathe out. Why now? Why did this have to happen now? Why couldn't I have seen it earlier? Because I was too busy admiring the beauty of the world. "It was everything I imagined it to be, as soft as the breeze in the air..." "I'm going to kiss you now," he told me as he wrapped his thick arms around me. I shuddered. The only things between us were the wet towels wrapped around our waist. "What are you waiting for?" I whispered. Then he took my mouth. The kiss was hot, and savage. He'd been restraining himself. It only made me want him more. I sailed my hand up and down his back delicately. He then twisted so I was straddling him. I could feel his manhood rubbing against my butt, and fire burned in my eyes. I'd never had feeling this intense before, and it amazed me. Daichi ripped the towels away between us and I gasped at the total skin on skin contact. The spring water was totally clear and I could see my arousal pointing straight up. Daichi gripped my rigid shaft and I moaned. He pumped up and down twice and kissed me again. His tongue was probing my mouth earnestly and I was reciprocating. I moved back a little so I could look at his erection. It was long and thick and as pale as the rest of his skin, except for the head, which was a light shade of pink. I wrapped my hand around it and he groaned out loud. "Shouhei, I need you." In response I lifted myself up and positioned his penis at my entrance. I relaxed by body and slowly sat down. Daichi gripped my waist tightly and clenched his teeth as I sunk lower. I bit my lower lip at the burning sensation, but continued to slide down. He felt even bigger as he entered me and I could feel it spasming. Daichi's breathing had become shallow and his eyes were shut. "Look at me, Daichi," I moaned. His eyes shot open immediately as I said it and he looked at me lovingly. Was that what it was? Love? I didn't really know. I finally hit bottom and relaxed while I adjusted. A minute later I began the slow oscillating motion and gasped when he touched something deep within me. I was like a shock, much more mentally debilitating than a Kidou spell. Daichi thrust up as I came down and we kissed again, savoring the pleasure we were giving one another. A moment later Daichi turned us around and my back was against the side of the natural pool. He continued to grip my waist and his thrust became more powerful, stabbing that button which caused me to give of a soft continuous moan. Daichi was grunting every time he thrust completely in me. I held onto his neck as we gazed into each other's eyes. His brown eyes were burning, just as mine were. "I'm close, Shouhei. Are you with me?" he said huskily. "Yes, Daichi, lets finish together," I purred back. He then gripped my long hair and pulled my head back a little roughly and then his mouth was on my neck, nibbling gently. That was it for me. I shuddered and moaned and felt my cock, spasming in the warm water. I could feel my ass clenching in Daichi's cock and he groaned as I felt his cock thicken even more and start pulsing within me. My name was the last thing on his lips before he relaxed. I stroked his face and kissed him one more time before we separated. We just wrapped our towels around our waists when we heard someone come in. "Well, well, what do we have here?" said the person. We turned saw who it was. It was Abarai Renji, the vice captain of one of the most well known squads in the Court of Pure Souls, the 6th squad. He was tall and had long red hair that was tied up. He had tattoos inked in on his eyebrows and it gave him a fierce look. His brown eyes were piercing. He was the vice-captain to the head of one of the famous noble families, Kuchiki Byakuya. "Abarai-fukutaicho!" We greeted. He smiled, though it looked more like a smirk, and sat down opposite us. "Beautiful evening, hey?" he said his rough voice. "Yes, it is," I agreed, folding my hands in my lap and looking up. "Hey, you're the one that saved those students on the Hollow mission!" he said enthusiastically. News sure travelled fast in Seireitei. "I wouldn't say that," I mumbled. "Yasahiro-san, you're being modest," Daichi said, punching my arm lightly. "I that your name?" Abarai said. "Yes," I replied, "Yasahiro Shouhei." "You were excellent, I'm told," he smirked. "Maybe I could put in a good word with Kuchiki-taicho..." My eyes widened. "After we see your evaluation, of course." Right... evaluation. *** "Shouhei's... dead?" said a little boy. He had tears in his eyes as he looked at his mother. "Y-yes, Masashi," his mother said. Masashi rubbed his eyes, but the tears still came. "No, Nii-sama... he can't be gone!" He ran to his room and slammed the door shut. Masashi's mother cried silently, not knowing what to do. "Oh, Shouhei, I hope you're safe wherever you are?" I sat up in bed again, shaking from the intensity of the dream. That woman must have been my mother, and the little boy... must have been my brother. I shook the dream off and got out of bed. Today was the day. I would be evaluated and assigned to a squad. I was nervous, but not overly so. I remembered all I learnt from the Academy, so it wasn't really a problem. The only thing was, I didn't know how they were going to do that. Daichi had his turn the day before and I hadn't gotten a chance to speak to him afterwards, so I didn't know which squad he got assigned to. Today we were required to wear the standard Shinigami robe with a white obi belt. I looked at my reflection in the mirror. Should I leave my hair loose or tie it up? I wondered. Once students became fully fledged Shinigami, their character usually came out. They'd show it either through an additional piece of clothing or their hairstyle changed to suit their needs. But most Shinigami didn't bother. Me on the other hand, I wanted to be beautiful, attractive. I didn't want to hide anymore. If Daichi got into the 11th squad, that was all well and good. But I would certainly not fit in there. That squad prided itself in brute strength and the glory of the battle. Definitely not me. I sighed and decided to tie my hair up. I left the dormitory and made my way quickly to the building where I would be evaluated. When I arrive I immediately went in. It was a little gloomy inside and I could immediately feel many incredibly strong reiatsu in the building. It wasn't as debilitating as when I met Captain Hitsugaya, but it was still enough to intimidate those who were weaker. I entered the main room and inhaled quickly. I broke out into a sweat. Oh boy! This was not good for me. As far as I knew only a few captains would oversee the evaluation as well as the captain-commander. But in front of me, in two rows on opposite sides of the room stood all the ten captains of Seireitei, minus the three traitorous captains and Captain-commander Yamamoto Genryuusai Shigekuni was at the head, seated. Not only were the captains there, but the vice captain's as well! Why were they all here for me? I slowly walked to the centre and I saw Vice-captain Matsumoto Rangiku wink and smile at me. Her captain looked as serious as always. There were captains here that I had heard of, but never seen before. They were all here, for me. The 2nd squad captain, a woman named Soi Fong; Vice-captain of the 3rd squad, a young looking, blond-haired man called Kira Izuru stood in for one of the bad captains. I felt sorry for him... also here was Captain Unohana Retsu, Female captain of the 4th squad and her Vice-captain Kotetsu Isane; Vice-captain Hinamori Momo stood in for Aizen Sousuke; Captain Kuchiki Byakuya and his Vice-captain Abarai Renji, who grinned at me was here; 7th squad captain Komamura Sajin was here. Instead of a normal head, he had the head of a wolf, and it was fierce looking. His Vice-captain, Iba Testuzaemon, was looking nonchalant in sunglasses. The Captain that managed to make me smile was the 8th squads, Captain Kyouraku Shunsui. He wore a pink haori with flowers printed on it. He gave me an encouraging smile and I was somewhat relaxed. His serious looking female Vice-captain Ise Nanao stood resolutely behind him. Vice-captain of the 9th Hisagi Shuuhei stood in for Captain Tousen Kaname. Then it was Captain Hitsugaya and Matsumoto Rangiku. Next was the captain of the 11th squad, the one Daichi wanted to get into. This man looked brutish and wild. He had an eye patch on and his black hair was made into long spikes with little bells jingling at the end. His Vice-captain was a cute little girl with pink hair called Yachiro. There was definitely irony in this picture. She smiled at me. Next was a scary looking captain called Kurotsuchi Mayuri, captain of the 12th squad, along with his female Vice-captain Kurotsuchi Nemu. Was she his wife? Last but not least was the captain of the 13th squad, Ukitake Juushirou. My heart beat just a little bit faster and I could feel my cheeks redden. He was very attractive, with long white hair, the same color as Captain Hitsugaya's. He looked a little frail but I still admired him a bit more than the others. He smiled at me too and I sighed silently. Next to him I was a little surprised to see another member of the Kuchiki family, Kuchiki Rukia. She was Captain Kuchiki's sister in law, or so I heard. She looked solemn next to her captain. She wasn't the vice-captain though. I heard he had died a long time ago. She looked at me with her dark blue eyes but remained still. I stopped and faced the Captain-commander and bowed. "Captain-commander, sir!" He grunted and looked down at me. He sat in a wooden chair, his haori was draped over his shoulders and he held a wooden can in front of him. He was bald and had a long white beard. He as a really old man, but I knew that he was anything but weak. "Yasahiro Shouhei, you are here today to be evaluated by the captains of the Court of Pure Souls. Do you have any questions?" His voice was slow, like that of an old person, but his words were firm and confident. "If I may, Captain-commander, I was under the impression that only a few captains would be present..." I said with all the respect I could muster. "That was the case with all other students, but you are a special case, Yasahiro Shouhei. Out of everyone in your class, you are the only one who has obtained the cooperation of their Zanpakutou and is able to use its shi-kai form. All the captains will watch your evaluation and we will decide which squad to place you in." "How will I be evaluated?" I asked, knowing it could be anything. "You will fight 3rd seat of the 11th division Madarame Ikkaku. You will make use of everything you have learnt at the Central Spirit Academy. Is that clear?" he grunted. I nearly balked. I was to fight a 3rd seat! This officer in a division was the third in command. I was only a student and they were putting me up against someone of that strength? And he was from the 11th squad. Goodness, I'd need to pull out all the stops. "Prepare yourself!" the Captain-commander said. The door opened again and I saw two more Shinigami enter. One of them held their sword in their hand over his shoulder. He was bald and his head was shining. He looked fierce and battle ready. He wore the Shinigami garb but didn't have any socks on with his sandals. The other Shinigami was really cut and young looking. He had jaw-length black hair and what looked like feathers attached to his top eyelashes and eyebrows of his left eye. Bells were going off in my mind about that one. "Madarame Ikkaku, are you ready?" the Captain-commander asked the bald one. "Yes, Captain-commander, sir!" he said. His eyes narrowed and his voice was rough. He smirked as he looked at me, but I was watching the other Shinigami. He looked too soft to be part of the 11th squad. He had no hint of muscle on him; he was too pretty for that division. But I guess appearances were deceiving. When he saw me, his eyes sort of widened and then narrowed again. He looked at everything else as if it were ugly. He's name suddenly came to me, Ayasegawa Yumichika. "Take your positions!" the Captain-commander barked. "Heh! I have to fight this flower?" he sneered. My indignation showed on my face. Such talk just took away from everything that was beautiful. I faced him and drew my Zanpakutou. "Please, talk like that takes the beauty away from everything," I told him calmly. "Oh, you sound just like Yumichika!" He laughed. "Oi, Ikkaku," Yumichika said, flicking his hair. He had a frown on his face. "He's right, you know." "Shut up, pretty boy!" He shot at Yumichika. "Enough!" the Captain-commander ordered. "Begin!" I had just enough time to block Ikkaku's first attack. He was fast! He had his sword in one hand and the scabbard in the other and he was attack with both. It took much of my skill to block. I saw an opening and sliced downward from his left. He switched the sword and scabbard between his hands, which momentarily confused me, and blocked. So he was able to use his sword with both hands. I used shunpo and moved behind him to attack, but he saw this coming and blocked. He retaliated with a swipe from the scabbard, which knocked me back a few feet. I rushed him and made to attack from the side but quickly feigned to his back and kicked him. He flew forward but managed to retain his balance. "Bastard! You'll pay for that," he sneered. He rushed me and attacked with his sword. He nearly nicked my arm, but I managed to lean to the left and block the blow. We separated and looked at each other again. "Not bad, for a flower." He didn't know how dangerous this flower was. Time to up the scale. I attacked again and we exchanged a few blows. He was starting to lose his bluster when he saw that I was managing to hold my own against him. I few blows later and I had my chance to inflict a deadly wound to him. He saw this and raised his hand and connected the base of his sword and scabbard. "Grow, Hoozukimaru (Ogre Lamp)!" he cried and his Zanpakutou transformed into a halberd. It effectively blocked my attack and I flew backwards with his force. I managed to land on my foot and one knee. The sure took a lot out of me. But now he called out his Zanpakutou, which meant I was finished unless I called mine out too. "Heh, I actually had to call my Zanpakutou out," he said as if it was the strangest thing to ever happen. His Zanpakutou was basically a long wooden spear with led feather attached just below the blade and at the base. I remained silent and rushed in to attack again. It was blocked when he raised his weapon. Then I heard a click, "Heh, your dead now... Split!" he cried. Everything happened in slow motion and I could see his spear split into three linked parts, making it a nunchaku. Both end parts were heading for my head. Think quickly! Nii-sama, what are you waiting for? Sumiregusa said anxiously. He was right. "Bloom and make everything beautiful, Sumiregusa (Wild Violet)!" My Zanpakutou split in two and I gripped them tightly, moved them sideways to block his double attack. The force created a gust which separated us. We stood a few feet apart, breathing heavily. There were gasps coming from most of the people present and I wondered why. "Stop!" the Captain-commander ordered. We obeyed, but Ikkaku frowned. His eyes were wide as if he wasn't expecting me to have blocked his attack, let alone call out my Zanpakutou. "How is this possible?" Captain Ukitake said, stepping forward. I still clutched Sumiregusa in my hand. "Hmm, this is quite surprising," the captain-commander said, stroking his jaw. His vice-captain stood ramrod straight next to him. "I thought there were only two twin Zanpakutous in existence, yours, Ukitake-taicho, and yours, Kyouraku-taicho," Captain Hitsugaya exclaimed. This was news to me. I had no idea that my Zanpakutou might be so special. "This is quite strange..." said Captain Kyouraku, rubbing his chin. "In any case," the Captain-commander stated, "Yasahiro Shouhei-dono has passed his evaluation by holding his own against one of superior power. Now we must decide which division to allocate him to. Yasahiro Shouhei, please wait outside until we call for you." I did as the Captain-commander instructed and closed the door behind me as I left. (Inside the room...) "Who would like to volunteer their division to take him in?" the Captain-commander said in his gravelly voice. "Certainly not mine!" Captain Zaraki said, the bells on his hair jingling softly. "He will not fit in with my squad." He glanced at Ikkaku with something akin to disappointment on his face. Ikkaku gripped his Zanpakutou tightly in his hand. Yumichika steadied him, but had a look of guilt on his face. The Captain-commander merely grunted. "Kuchiki-taicho, what of your division? Will he be molded into a good Shinigami under your supervision?" Captain Kuchiki's face was emotionless as he looked at nothing in particular. "I have no interest in him. He has not proved himself worthy to the noble house of Kuchiki," he said coldly, his voice was expressionless, and Kuchiki Rukia looked at her brother a little sadly. "I will take him in," said Captain Ukitake. "But Taicho, will you have enough strength to mentor him?" Rukia said, touching her captains arm loyally. He smiled and patted Rukia's hand, "Don't worry, Kuchiki-san. You will help me of course." Rukia had a doubtful smile on her face. "Very well, Ukitake-taicho. He will be enlisted in your division. Ayasegawa-dono, please allow Yasahiro into the room," the Captain-commander rasped. "Yes, Captain-commander, sir!" As Yumichika went to get Shouhei, Captain Kyouraku stepped forward. "Yama-jii," he said, referring to the Captain-commander. He and Captain Ukitake as well as Captain Unohana Retsu were among the original captains along with the Captain-commander and he was like a father to Kyouraku and Ukitake. "I will help Ukitake-san in Yasahiro-san's instruction. I feel if he were to gain the knowledge and experience from the both of us, he would learn at faster pace as well as give him the wisdom he needs to bare twin Zanpakutou." "Very well," the Captain-commander said as Shouhei stepped back into the room. "Yasahiro Shouhei, you have been assigned to the 13th division under Ukitake Juushirou-taicho. You are to move to their barracks immediately," the Captain-commander announced. I was surprised and a little happy that I was being assigned to this squad. I liked the captain, I'd heard he was kind and gentle with all his subordinates. I hoped this was true and that my life under him would be good.