Date: Tue, 13 Aug 2002 23:58:46 -0400 From: Jonathan Subject: The-Ultimate-X-Men: Chapter 1 First, I know nothing of the sexuality of any person mentioned in this story. And I don't know any of them and never will. Second, X-Men and all its characters are created by Stan Lee. Copyright of Marvel Comics and 20th Century Fox. Third, email if you want.:) This story is based off The Ultimate X-Men comic strip. The story, however, will be quite different from the comic book. So read on if you want. The Ultimate X-Men: Chapter 1 Paul could help but be happy. Everything was going great. He had an awesome best friend, he had a really cool job working at the studio, and he had come out and he was for the most part accepted. He couldn't ask for things to go any better. While, he could meet a really hot guy and they could start dating. That would make things better. He liked going to his school all right. It was your typical high school with, for the most part, typical students. Harmony was a pretty small town, but it had its bright spots. Everyone got a long well in the Harmony (hence the name!) and people liked live there. About 500 kids went to Harmony High School and the soccer team was the best the district. "Hey Sam. What's going on?" Paul asked excitedly. Paul and Sam meet every day in the school's courtyard for lunch. It was a pretty big courtyard and it always let the sunshine in well. Lying in the sun was one of Paul's favorite things to do. It just made him fell so energized and ready for anything. "Ah, not much. Just really, really tried of taking mid-terms." "Well, I was tried of taking mid-terms until I got finished with mine. But you still have to take another one done you now Sam?" "Yup, I sure do Paul. And thanks so much for rubbing it in." said Sam. "No problem. What are friends or?" said Paul. Sam was his best friend in the world, and knew everything about him. Well, almost everything. Except the fact that his was a mutant. No one knew that. Oh everyone knew that he was gay, and no one really cared about that. But Paul had the feeling that a whole lot of people would care that he was a mutant. He didn't think that Sam would abandon him if he knew, but he didn't want to take the chance that someone might take his own mutancy out on his best friend. So he kept it quiet. "So what are you up too tonight?" Sam asked. "Nothing. And nothing is getting really boring! Hey you want to go clubbing or something?" "The type of clubbing I would want to do is different from the clubbing you want to do. So I don't see that working out. But something is good with me." Sam answered. "Oh, what you don't want to go into a large room with a whole lot of hot sweaty men? Darn. I bet you can't dance can you?" he joking asked. "I can dance just not with a bunch of guys!" Sam exclaimed. Paul kept feeling something. He had no earthly idea what it was, but he could feel something nonetheless. Something familiar but strange at the same time. "Hey, who are those guys? I've never seen them on campus before, and they don't look very happy." Sam said. Paul turned to look at the guys in question. "Oh my God. That guys looks exactly like you!" Paul couldn't believe what he was seeing. He thought that Seth was out of his life forever, and that he wouldn't have to deal with the psycho ever again. 'And who the hell are those two strange looking guys with him?' Paul thought to him self. 'The one on the left of Seth was pretty big. Actually, he was huge. And the other wasn't very intimidating, but you never know these days.' "What the hell are you doing here Seth?" asked Paul softly in a kind of frustrated tone. "What, I can't pay my own twin brother a visit? And I hoped we'd get along this time Paul. And it's been so long Paul." Seth said sarcastically. "No, you can't. Not since you tried to kill me. And 7 years isn't anywhere near long enough." Paul answered trying to stay calm. "Hey, Paul? Who are these guys?" asked Sam. "Well, I'm Seth, Paul's smarter older brother, and these guys are just here to help me kill Paul." said Seth with a small grin on his face. "I'd like you to meet Syphon and Crush." "Woo Hoo, what original names you given yourselves. You must be the brains of the group right Crush?" Paul asked curtly hoping to piss him off a little and slightly laughing to himself. "Why do I need a brain when I can rip yours out without to much effort?" answered Crush trying to defend himself. "Paul, what's going on?" asked Sam sounding slightly scared. "Sam, get to the office and tell them to evacuate to High School. There's gonna be a pretty nasty fight going on." Paul said. "No, I'm not leaving you here alone!" Sam demanded. "GO Sam, I can handle it!" "Oooo! Someone actually cares about you bro. He must be a faggot too! Well, no matter. We can kill you both." said Seth. "Hey, did my brother actually tell you what my abilities are, or did he just ask you to help him kill his brother? Because one might think if he could kill me himself then I must be pretty powerful." Paul said. "Enough talk, more violence." Syphon said. "I didn't catch what your powers are. And I don't much care for violence. It's always so messy." Paul said. "Well, you're about to find out how messy it can get." returned Syphon. At that, Crush started his charge, but was quickly picked up off the ground and thrown halfway across the courtyard. Suddenly Paul felt as if all the energy was being drained for his body. It was getting harder to stand and Paul went down on one knee in his tiredness. "Feeling a bit weak Paul? Syphon here has the ability to dehydrate your whole body and draining you of all your energy. All he has to do is stay close to you." stated Seth. "Thanks for the info bro." said Paul. "Hmmm. That rhymed." Paul then focused all his strength and managed to throw Syphon about 20 feet into a nearby brick wall knocking him out upon impact. Returning his attention back to the others he realized Crush was on his way back for his little trip. "Just in case you hadn't noticed, I'm a telekinetic. I can move things with my mind. Big things. Things like you." Paul confidently stated. "You can't hurt me Crush. There isn't a point in trying to hurt me." "Well, try this on for size." Crush said as he was picking up a concrete park bench and hurling it at Paul. Paul easily stopped the bench in mid-air and threw it back at Crush. Crush easily side step the bench and charged at Paul again. "Pointless!" said Paul tossing Crush back across the schoolyard and turning to Seth. "Stay out of my head Seth. I'm just slightly telepathic enough to know that you are trying something. And I can stop you. Something small called a mental barrier." "Stop hiding behind your powers and fight me like a really man Paul!" demanded Seth. Seth then dropped into a fight stance and prepared for Paul to approach. "Fine!" Paul said agreeing and closing the distance between him and Seth by levitating himself high into the air and landed close to Seth. Paul readied himself for Seth's attack and focused on his surrounding trying to become as relaxed as possible. Seth was the first to attack with a front kick meant to hit Paul is the face. But Paul easily sidestepped and released a punch to Seth's stomach. "The one good thing that our father did for us was start us in martial arts. You should have kept up. I still take martial arts and you are no match for me." Paul said. "He," speaking of their father, "did nothing for us! Neither did our mother!" exclaimed Seth. "Our mother loved me, but she couldn't handle you. You! You drove her away!" Paul now screaming at Seth. "She was weak and pathetic just like you." replied Seth. "No, she wasn't!" Paul said. As they both recovered Paul steadied himself for the next attack. This time Seth took a shot with a left hook, which Paul blocked, and he followed up with a right jab. Paul ever so slightly sidestepped the jab and grab Seth's arm and turning his own body into Seth throwing him over his shoulder. "Had enough yet Seth?" Paul asked. "I think I'd quit while I was behind if I were you." "I think I've seen enough. How about you Sabertooth?" said an unknown voice. There, floating in mid-air, was a large man who Seth could but help wonder who he was. "My name is Magneto, and I am here to offer you boys the chance to make a difference in the world for the good of mutant kind. All I ask is that you is too join me and we, together, will build a better world." "Hey Boss, you left out the part about making all you humanity our slaves. And the part where we get to kill anyone who gets in our way." stated Sabertooth. "Well, I meant to leave that part out, but I guess that doesn't matter now does it, Sabertooth?" Magneto said kindly agitated. "Sorry Magneto." replied Sabertooth. "Hey, anything which includes ruling the world count us in!" exclaimed Seth still trying to recover from his bruises from the fight. "Good, and you?" Magneto asked Paul who was still a bit stunned from this mutant's appearance. "Sorry, me. I'm not into hurting those who haven't done anything to me. And I don't really care to rule the world either." Paul told Magneto. "Well, ok. But don't say that I didn't give you the chance to live. If you are not with me, you are against me and you must be disposed of. Sabertooth, take care of him." Magneto stated calmly. "Yes, Sir." Sabertooth said enthusiastically. With that, Magneto accented into the air taking Seth and the other two with him. Sabertooth just stood there grinning, ready to kill Paul without a second thought. "So, your boss can't even stay and fight his own battles, can he?" asked Paul. "No, he's just letting me have a little fun. And plus I hate telekinetics. They just seem to generally piss me off.," replied Sabertooth. "Fine, lets get to it then." "You know kid. I think I kinda like you, but you have no idea of what you are dealing with." Sabertooth said. Sabertooth they began to run towards Paul, bending forward slightly as if to tackle Paul. Sabertooth's speed almost took Paul off guard, but he managed to propel himself off the ground in time to dodge Sabertooth's charge. He then landed a few meters behind Sabertooth and readied himself for his next attacked. Sabertooth leaped high into the air and Paul prepared to throw he back into the brick when all of the sudden he heard Sam. "Paul, look out!" Sam shouted In the split second that Paul's attention turned Sam Sabertooth landed right beside Paul and knocked him several meters back with one punch. Paul, stunned, regained his composure and began to stand. "Get away from him you mutant freak." yelled Sam. "Or you'll do what? Stare me down? Huhh. You don't scare me boy." Sabertooth said. Sabertooth then redirected his attention toward Sam and began to walk in his direction. Sam began to realize what was happening, but became even more determined to protect his best friend. "No, stay away from him." Paul said weakly still recovering from the strength of the blow he had taken. Sabertooth reached Sam and delivered a powerful backhand throwing Sam a few feet back. "Nooooo!" Paul the stood and gathered every bit of strength he had within him. He focused on Sabertooth and released his power. Before Sabertooth could reach Sam again he went flying across the courtyard slamming into a large concrete wall. Paul reached his hands out to mimic grabbing the top to the wall and pulling it down on top of Sabertooth. After a few seconds of waiting Sabertooth pushed his way out of the rubble. "See boy? I am not afraid of you." "You should be!" Paul said confidently. Lifting one of the nearby concrete benches and throwing into Sabertooth's back knocking him to the ground. Then picking up the bench and swinging at the now standing Sabertooth. This effectively tossed Sabertooth several meters, but he easily recovered and stood. "You can't kill me boy. No matter what you do, you can never kill me." Sabertooth stated angrily. "How about this?!" Paul asked as he ripped four spokes from the stair rail and floating them by his side. Then in one swift forward move of his hand the spokes went flying forward. Three of the spokes went straight into Sabertooth's chest and the other went into his right thigh. "Arrrggg!" Sabertooth screamed as he fell to the ground. "Looks like you were wrong, Sabertooth." Paul said. "Sam are you alright?" Paul asked as he ran over to where Sam was. "Yeah, but I think he broke my nose. Wait, wait. What just happened?" Sam questioned astonished. Paul knew that there was no avoiding it now. He had to tell him the truth no matter how hard it was. 'Hey, this can't be any harder than coming out.' Paul thought. "Ok, Sam? I'm...a....I'm a mutant. There I said it and now you can go run away in terror because you think I'm a freak." Paul said. "What's makes you think that I would run away in terror? I couldn't abandon my best-friend!" Sam replied. "I just thought that you would be like most everyone else and fear mutants. But I think that right now we should get out of here. I don't know what I'd do if anything ever happened to you. You are the only family I have." "Well besides your psychotic brother that is." Sam said and they both laughed at the comment. "I know what you mean. This world just wouldn't be the same with out you man." Sam added as he hugged Paul. "Ok, let's go!" Paul said running off. TBC