Date: Thu, 25 Mar 2010 11:25:47 -0500 From: Paul Tolbert Subject: The Unit 10 Disclaimer: I don't own these characters. WWE does. Chapter Ten -- Decision "WHAT?!" Dave shouted. He continued to shake his cuffs as if by sheer strength he could unlock them. "I said calm down! Besides where will you go if you were to be released from here hmm? Back to drinking your ass off at a sleazy bar? Or perhaps moving forward to the next step with the drug experimentation." Maryse said with a slight hint of sarcasm in her voice. "You don't know a damn thing about me lady so I suggest you hush." Dave said in anger. "Oh but I know lots about you Mr. David Michael Batista. Care to look?" Maryse said as he slid a manila envelope towards Dave. He picked it up and began to scan the documents inside. He couldn't believe what he was seeing. The folder contained information about Dave's entire life, from the hospital he was born in all the way to his recent firing. It's as if they've dug up his entire history for this confrontation, whatever it was. "Why in the hell do you have all of this?" He said. "Because Mr. Batista we wish to... recruit you into our organization. Your friend Agent Jackson has told us many great things about you, and looking at your file--" "You mean the dossier you put together on me?" Dave asked" "Oooh Comment intriguant d'entre vous!" "Look, just tell me what you're trying to sell so I can get the hell out of here." Dave said impatiently. "Fine" Maryse said. "But you first need to know what this place is and what we are trying to accomplish. Dave shifted in his chair, crossing his arms. "NO INTERRUPTIONS!" Maryse shouted as she began. "Years ago, Kelencine came across a discovery, that humans are being capable of supernatural abilities. They found test subjects and voila over 85% of the subjects exhibited supernatural like abilities. They decided to help the US government solve cold-case crimes using test subjects who volunteered to stay with the organization. Now comes your part my dear." Dave was stunned by what he was hearing. 'People can't have supernatural abilities' he though to himself. 'it's... just not possible'. "OK so what about me?" Dave asked. "Well first I must inform you about 'The Dollhouse'." "Wha--" Dave began. "Silence!" Maryse spat out. She got up from her chair and started to stalk around the room. "The Dollhouse is a code name for our place of business, however we refer to ourselves as 'The Unit'." "Yeah Jackson told me about The Unit. What about me?" "You will be one of our Handlers, paired up with one of our 'Actives' or 'Dolls' as some people refer to them as." "Why me?" Dave asked. He was curious to know why Jackson recommended him for this job. Dave was a wreck and everyone knew it, including this mystery woman. He wasn't in any position to be anyone's handler. "Because we believe you will be a great candidate. We're usually right about these things. Now hands out so I can uncuff you." Maryse grabbed Dave's hands so she could undo his handcuffs. As soon as she did, Dave quickly stood up and walked over to the door. "Just remember David dear," Maryse began. "We'll be calling you soon. In the meantime we want you to visit this address tomorrow at 7am sharp." She handed Dave a card stock. "Where is this?" Dave asked. "You'll soon find out. Someone will be expecting you." Maryse gestured for Dave to exit the room. Dave took in a deep breath as he opened the door and... ZAP! Once again, Dave was tasered, this time by Randy. He fell backwards and hit his head on the hard floor, drawing a bit of blood. "Take him back to his apartment." Maryse said. "You sure this guy will be a perfect fit for Lincoln? I mean he's already been through like several handlers." "DeWitt insisted this partnership will work. Now take him away" Randy cough as he dragged Dave's body from the room. ** Dave awoken to find himself in his bed, head hurting and a bandage on a small cut on the back of his head. He rubbed it and began to curse. After he regained himself, he looked on his beds tand and saw the card Maryse handed him. 4577 Vestavia Ln. "Great" he said. "A new job opportunity. ...