Date: Thu, 18 Nov 2010 22:00:56 -0600 From: Paul Tolbert Subject: The Unit 25 Chapter Twenty-Five - The End "It's for the best." Dave kept his focus on the road as he drove to the Kelencine building one last time to make his intentions known to Lincoln that he was resigning. He kept telling himself that it was for the best and that his partner of a short run would understand. They've only worked with each other for one day so no attachment could have possibly formed in that short span of time, at least on Lincoln's end. Dave was sure of it. As he continued to drive he began thinking about the dream he had. It felt so real. "What was I thinking? I wasn't ready to take on something like this. Dammit!" Dave frowned as he continued to beat himself up over his decision to join The Unit. He knew he wasn't ready to take on such a big job like that but he felt depressed just staying in his apartment all day drinking. Besides he needed a job to pay his rent. "I should have just settled for private security." He said to himself. He slowed down as he came to an intersection. He looked to his left and saw the Kelencine building coming into view. This was it. How was he going to break it to Lincoln, someone he'd grown close to in such a short period of time that he was leaving? As Dave parked his SUV he sat in the vehicle for a few minutes thinking about what he was about to do. He placed his hands on the dashboard and began lightly tapping them against it. What about the two murder victims Cheryl Gillett and Kathleen Baker? What about the promise he made to Kathleen's mother that he would find the killer? "It's for the best. It's for the best. I have to do this. I'm too much of a liability." Dave stepped out of the vehicle and began walking towards the elevator. He noticed the hand scanner in front of him and became concerned. 'Would my handprint even work?' He though. He had no other choice but to try. He placed his palm on the scanner and waited as it began reading his palm print. A few seconds later the panel flashed green and the elevator doors opened. Dave looked on surprised as he stared at the LCD panel. Identity Confirmed: Special Agent David Michael Batista He entered the elevator and leaned against the guard rail as the doors closed. He looked up at the ceiling as the elevator made its decent downward. It was in an elevator just like this that he first learned about The Unit from his old partner Jackson. He hated Jackson for even bringing up The Unit to him. The elevator came to a stop and the doors opened. Dave stepped out and looked at his surroundings. Busy as usual in the dollhouse. People walking around looking like that had important work to do. He looked around to see if he could find Lincoln in the mass of bodies but there was no sign of the young psychic anywhere. 'He's probably in his office.' Dave said to himself. He walked down the stairs into the main hub-like area and began to make his way to Lincoln's office. He entered the office to find that no one was there. 'Where is he?' Dave thought. He walked to Lincoln's desk and saw a massive pile of files cluttering the small surface. Dave picked one up and read it. They were DMV records of Cheryl Gillett. He placed the file down and decided to go upstairs to see if maybe he was with Topher Brink getting another "Chair Treatment". "hmm? Lincoln? Oh um he's...somewhere...around here...i...not sure..." "TOPHER!" "YEAH! Oh um I saw him earlier but um he's like somewhere else now dude." "Excuse me?" "He's gone! Vanished. Disappeared. Possibly Hidden. Now if you would please give me some room here." Topher had his complete attention focused on his workstation where he was typing ferociously. Dave looked at the monitor and saw that he was looking at a 3D image of a brain. It looked fascinating. "Topher look I know we've gotten off to a bad start but--" "Look this isn't about you choking me, assaulting me and um well um basically beating me up or anything." Topher rolled his eyes and continued to work. Dave was growing ever impatient with the funny looking nerd. He sat down next to him and began to make his plea. "Listen to me Topher i... I don't need the attitude OK? I just want to know where Lincoln is." "Do you always act this aggressive with people you just meet? I mean really you should get that checked out or something. Anger management is a beautiful thing you know?" Topher criticized Dave drew in a deep breath and frowned. This wasn't going to end well for Topher. Dave turned and grabbed Topher's shoulders and got within inches of his face, breathing heavily. "You listen to me you little punk. I'm going to beat you senseless if you don't tell me right now where Lincoln is." Topher eyes widen and he began stammering. "OK OK OK! The food here sucks so he went to go get us some Krispy Kremes. He'll be back soon I swear!" "Thank you." Dave glared and let go of Topher. He got up and headed back downstairs. Dave sat down on a bench in the main hall awaiting Lincoln's arrival. He sighed and kept his eyes transfixed on the elevator doors waiting for them to open. His heart began pounding faster inside his chest cavity. "Special Agent Batista." Dave shot up and turned around to see Agent Paul Ballard standing behind him. "Oh hi Paul." "Hey. So how do you like your new position? I've noticed Lincoln is quite pleased to have you as his new partner." Dave felt his heart flutter. Did Lincoln really feel that way?" "Oh um yeah. Look Paul I not sure if this is going to work out for me. I appreciate the opportunity but I think I'm going to have to resign." "Really...?" Paul had a concern look on his face. He placed his hands in his pockets and bit his lip. "Yeah. I'm just not ready for this." Dave added. "Look I understand you have some past issues you're still dealing with. We have therapist you can talk to--" "I've made up my mind. I'm quitting." Dave replied quickly. A long silence lingered in the air. "OK Dave. If this is what you want then that's fine. You will have to complete a debrief before you will be officially terminated. We can do that tomorrow. It'll give you some more time to think this through. Have you told Lincoln yet?" "Um no. I'm actually waiting for him to come back. Topher said he went on a food run." "Yeah the food here isn't all that great, which is odd considering the budget for this place is massive, or so I've heard." Paul chuckled. "Anyways I'll leave you to tell him. I'm quite sure he'll be disappointed though. You should really reconsider Dave. We think you would be a great asset to The Unit." "I'm quite sure of my decision Agent Ballard. Thank you." Dave said coldly. He sat back down and focused his attention back on the elevator. Minutes past before anything happened. He began to look at the people who were coming and going, noticing who was armed and who wasn't. He'd figure the non-armed civilians were psychics and the armed ones were their handlers. Dave began to think about how Lincoln would take the news of him leaving. The words of Paul saying that Lincoln was pleased to have him as his partner resonated in his mind. Deep down Dave really liked working with Lincoln. Had Lincoln formed an attachment to Dave? A few minutes later Dave decided that it might be best not to tell Lincoln face to face that he was resigning. He got up and headed upstairs to the elevator to leave. 'He'll understand.' Dave said to himself. He pressed the button on the side panel and waited for the doors to open. He stuffed his hands in his pockets and sighed. A few seconds later the doors opened and Dave gasped as he saw Lincoln standing before him holding a white box full of donuts and 2 coffees. "DAVE! Hey." Lincoln exclaimed. He quickly stepped out of the elevator and beamed up at the agent. "Hey Linc." Dave said quietly. "I'm glad you're here because I need to show you something. It's about the case. I think I made a break. I brought us some coffee and donuts. I was here all last night trying to figure this whole thing out and I think I got somewhere." "That's great Linc." Dave replied weakly. Lincoln's face went from a smile to concern. "Dave is there something wrong?" "Actually Linc I um..." Dave grabbed Lincoln's shoulder and pulled him to the side. "What?" Lincoln asked. "Linc I don't think that I should be here. I'm quitting." Lincoln looked confused. "Why? What's wrong?" Dave sighed. "It's just...I don't think I'm ready for something like this." "Oh." Lincoln replied. He began to shift around, juggling the items in his hands with great precision despite his now feelings of confusion and despair. "I really enjoyed working with you." Dave added. "Yeah you too." Lincoln kept his head down. "I'm gonna go now. Good luck with the case and all." "Sure..." Dave got in the elevator and watched Lincoln as the doors closed. He looked sad to see Batista leaving. Dave shook off his emotions and closed his eyes; a tear began streaming down his cheek. He needed a drink. ...