Date: Wed, 24 Mar 2010 20:37:04 -0500 From: Paul Tolbert Subject: The Unit 8 Disclaimer: I don't own these characters. WWE does. Chapter Eight -- The Note "Dammit!" Dave shouted in frustration as he put his phone away and stood up. He put his head in his hands, sighing as he headed to the front door. "What have I gotten myself into?" He asked himself. As he arrived at the front door he paused for a brief moment. His mind began to race with obscure thoughts about what could be waiting for him. He'd eventually would have to leave his apartment sooner or later he though. With this in mind, he took the plunge and opened the door to discover a manila envelope resting on the right side of the wall adjacent to his door. He carefully picked it up and opened it. A small note was all that was inside. He rotated the piece of paper to check for any writing on the back. He turned it back around and read the note out loud: Go to Avondale Industrial Park near the oil fields "Avondale Park?" He said with uncertainty. He remembered going there on multiple occasions with Agent Carrigan to speak with informants. It was an abandon place where both parties felt safe to discuss confidential information. He took the note and placed it back in the envelope and headed towards the elevator. As he reached his SUV in the public parking garage he turned around to see if anyone was following him. When he was sure that wasn't the case he got into the vehicle and drove off towards Avondale Industrial Park. *** When he reached the oil fields, he saw no one else was there. He got out of his vehicle and began to canvas the area. The sun's rays began to irritate his eyes so he slipped on his Dolce & Gabana Sunglasses. After a good 10 minutes of waiting for something to happen, he became fed up. "Fuck this I'm leaving" He said as he headed towards the SUV. As he opened the door, he felt his phone vibrating in his pocket. He reached down and flung it open. Unknown Caller 000-000-0000 "Who the hell is this? Where are you?!" He screamed to the silence on the other end. "Turn Around" the muffled voice said. He swerved around to find a tall blonde staring him in the face. He hung up his phone and positioned himself to ask who the mysterious woman was. Before he could get a chance to she pulled out a taser gun and tasered Dave with it. The big man fell backwards and hit his head on the side of the car. He stared up into the sky and darkness began to overcome him. ...