Date: Fri, 9 Apr 2010 11:39:09 -0500 From: Paul Tolbert Subject: Til A Death Do Us Part 2 Disclaimer: I don't own these characters. WWE does. Dave's POV I sat on a wooden bench in the small locker room Rey and I was assigned. I'd just finished taking a shower, something I did often before a match and was putting on my wrestling gear. The show was about to start in 1 hour and all was normal. The usual fuckery from the other wrestlers, the sounds of fans arriving early for tonight's show etc. Last night is a complete blur for me. Bit and pieces continue to stream through my mind. My rage, my anger. It's all gone now. Poor Randy... huh yeah right. "DAVE! DAVE!" My baby is upset. I swear if any of the guys touched him... The small Luchador ran into the room and threw himself on me when I stood up. He's shaking. He must be really upset. I became irate. I knew someone had upset him and I was ready to draw blood, again. "Rey baby what's wrong? Did anyone hurt you?" I ask, trying to keep my anger under control. Rey didn't like when I was angry. Smart boy. "No." "Rey don't lie to me. You don't have to protect any of those pricks." "NO! No one hurt me Dave. It's Randy. He hasn't shown up yet. I asked Hunter to go find him but he couldn't. I...I'm really worried." Damn you Rey. Why do you have to care about Randy so much? WHAT ABOUT ME? "Ugh Rey..." "Dave I know how you feel about Randy but he's NEVER late! In fact he's the first to show up! I'm freaking out right now." Of course he's always the 1st one to show up Rey. He wants to catch a glimpse of you! "Rey don't worry he probably just got caught up with some slut he met at a bar. Nothing to be worry about." "DAVE! How can you say something like that?" Rey was becoming unraveled. "Shit Rey it was just a fucking joke! Geez stop worrying about him. Get your attire on and get ready. We got a tag match tonight. If we win, I'll give you your surprise I promised." I smile at him, but got no response in return. He starts pacing around the room; completely ignoring his treat he was promised. I started to become angry... at Rey. "Rey?" I ask weakly. No response. He starts pacing faster. "REY!" He jumps at the sound of my voice. I scare him sometimes when I'm upset. I hated myself for that, but he knows how I get sometimes. He shouldn't piss me off so much. "Rey baby just relax. Come here. Let me hold you." He weakly walks over to me and I embrace him. I feel him shivering. He's really worried about Randy. No matter, this will all pass and we won't have to worry about it much longer. I loved Rey and Rey loved me. I'm the only one that belongs in his heart. Too bad Randy couldn't accept that.