Date: Thu, 22 Apr 2010 13:42:57 -0500 From: Paul Tolbert Subject: Til A Death Do Us Part 8 Disclaimer: I don't own these characters. WWE does. Rey's POV "Dave? Dave are you OK?" I went into the bedroom, looking around for the source of that loud crashing sound. I notice Dave standing next to our bed, his hands on his hips and looking down at the floor. I knew he was upset about something. "I FINE DAMMIT! Just give me some space OK?" I hated when he was upset. Dave was sometimes a very aggressive person. I know he'd never hurt me but still... "Dave. That Was Hunter." "Duh Rey! I was the one who fucking answered the phone!" Geez Dave It was a slip up. Sorry! "He says that Randy somehow managed to make his way back to the hotel after someone tried to kill him last night. He's in pretty bad shape. We have to go--" "No we don't Rey. There's nothing we can do. Let's just get some sleep OK? We'll talk about it later." I can't believe he just said that. Are you kidding Dave? RANDY ALMOST DIED! SOMEONE TRIED TO KILL HIM!" "On second thought Rey, let's go. Get your things. We're leaving." I'm confused. "OK Dave but why do we need our stuff? We're just going to see Randy and force him to go to a hospital. He's been stabbed for god sakes." "No Rey. We're not going to go see Randy. Look Rey in time you will understand, but for now you need to listen to me." Dave is starting to creep me out now. He did this often but now it was disturbing. "Dave what are you talking about?" "Rey get your things and let's go, now!" He grabs my arm and squeezes it tight. I pulled back and managed to get myself free of his grip. What the hell is going on? Why is Dave acting so fucking weird? I'm scared. I need to get away from him. Is this why Hunter was warning me about? Could Dave have...? "NO! LET ME GO DAVE! I WANT TO SEE RANDY!" "Rey I'm not going to tell you again. We're leaving this place, this city, this country if we have to. I should have made sure Randy was dead." NO! Dave... "W...what? WHAT!?! You Dave? You tried to kill Randy?" I began to back away from him as he had this devilish smile on his face. It was pure evil. This isn't the Dave I fell in love with. It just isn't. "That's...that's why you were covered in dirt last night. You went out to kill him..." How could I have been so blind? Dave hated Randy with a passion. He comes to the hotel one night covered in dirt and the next day Randy is missing and he doesn't care. "OF COURSE I TRIED TO KILL HIM REY! HE WOULDN'T LEAVE YOU ALONE. I WARNED HIM, I BEAT THE CRAP OUT OF HIM IN AND OUT OF THE RING BUT HE STILL DIDN'T LISTEN! I TOLD HIM IF HE EVER TALKED TO YOU AGAIN I'D KILL HIM. I WASN'T KIDDING AROUND REY! YOU KNOW HOW MUCH I LOVE YOU AND I WASN'T GOING TO LET THAT PUNK ORTON GET HIS HANDS ON YOU! YOU'RE MINE REY! MINE!" "Dave how could you?" I began to cry. How could I have misjudged Dave so horribly? He's a psycho and I didn't see it. I knew he was possessive when it came to the other guys but I never knew he would go this far, do something this... horrible. "Dammit Rey we need to leave now. Randy surly told Hunter what I tried to do and--" "NO DAVE! I'm not going anywhere with you. Stay the hell away from me!" "REY! DON'T GET ME UPSET!" he lunge towards me and grabbed my arm and dragged me outside to the hallway. I started to kick and scream, but it just angers him even more. He threw me over his shoulder and led us to the staircase. I can't let him do this. I can't let him get away with this. "FUCK YOU DAVE!" I scream at the top of my lungs and bit the back of his neck. "FUCK! SON OF A BITCH!" He growled. He threw me down on the ground hard and began smacking me. "YOU LITTLE UNGRATEFUL BITCH! AFTER ALL I'VE DONE FOR YOU!" I shield myself from his slaps. I'm scared. Why Dave? Why? I quickly gather myself and kick him as hard as I could between his legs. He lets out an animal like cry and falls to the floor. I need to get away from him. I think to run downstairs but he's blocking my path. Maybe I could get pass him, but I dare not try. I need to get away. I need to get away. "REY! WHERE ARE YOU GOING?" He yells at me as I ran as fast as I could in the opposite direction. The mansion is large. I need to hide. Hunter knows I'm here. He'll come for me. I know he will. In the meantime I need to stay away from Dave. Who knows what he'll do to me if he catches me... Randy's POV "Look Rey you need to leave right now! Dave is the one who tried to kill Randy. Rey? REY!?! Shit! Fuck!" I lay down on Hunter's bed in his room, dirty, bloody and beaten. I couldn't believe what happened to me last night. My former friend Dave Batista...tried to kill me! We've been through a lot together but I never knew he was so disturbed, so violent. He called me under the pretext that he wanted to talk about Rey. I, like a fool agreed and he choose a place to meet up, again being the fool that I was (and my concern for Rey) decided to meet him. He'd been increasing aggressive backstage lately, especially towards me. I wasn't thinking about my safety that night, I was thinking about Rey's. I was worried Dave might hurt him. We met at an abandon building just outside of LA, not too far from the hotel. He began to talk about how much he loved Rey and that he would never let anyone get in between them. Then he...he looked at me with those deranged eyes and said "Not even you". I remember those words perfectly. They're forever burned into my ears. After he said that he began to attack me. I fought back as hard as I could, getting in a few punches but he's stronger than I am. We started wrestling on the ground, getting dirt all over our clothes. I manage to get him in a headlock, trying to put a sleeper hold on him. He starts to relax when all of a sudden a felt a sharp pain in my abdomen. He stabbed me. I fell backwards and he stood over me, yelling at me as he began to stab me again and again. My vision became blurred and after that all I remember is him laughing at me and smiling, proud of what he'd done. I thought I was going to die that night. All I could think about though was Rey... "HUNTER!" I managed to spit out, coughing up a little blood. "Hunter where's Rey? Please don't tell me he's with Dave." "He is Ran" Hunter told me. Dear god. "I didn't get a chance to tell him it was Dave. The phone went dead." "Was it Dave?" I ask worried. "No. Low battery I think." That wasn't reassuring. What if Dave was listening in on their conversation? He might have found out that I wasn't dead and that everything was about to blow up in his face. Dave is going to panic, and Rey could get caught in the crossfire. I can't let that happen. I attempt to get up from the bed and walk towards the door. "What the hell are you doing Randy?!? Lay down while I call an ambulance. I should have called 911 sooner." "I...need" "No. I'll call the police. They will take care of it. You need to lie down." Hunter turns around and grabs the phone and dials 911. "Hello 911? My friends been--" I hit Hunter over the head with a large Webster's dictionary. I need to get to Rey. I knew Hunter wouldn't let me go in this condition but I need to. I have to save him. I...I love him. ...