Date: Mon, 22 Dec 2014 20:42:08 -0800 From: MWE Subject: X-aspects chapter 3 I held my lunch tray tightly as I walked over to Bobby's table, I had never been around so many people my age before, well that weren't trying to kill me anyway. That word ringed in my head again at this moment. 'Friend' When I was a kid and I heard that word on the playground I actually went to the library and looked up the exact definition of the word. A person whom one knows and with whom one has a bond of mutual affection, typically exclusive of sexual or family relations. At the time my life was all about sexual so I didn't know how to detach myself from that. Hopefully I don't end up sleeping with everyone here. Well maybe not 'everyone' Bobby sat me down in the shade of the tree with some new kids I hadn't seen yet, there was Roberto the saucy South American, my second roommate Evan, two new girls and another guy. Bobby, with his ever loving personality introduced us all, "Guys this is my new roommate, Clark, Clark this is our cute Kitty Pryde, loud and proud Jubilee, and silent hulk Piotr Rasputin, you've already met Roberto and Evan I presume." "Actually I haven't met Evan yet," I shook the boys hand in greeting, "I just hope you're not as loud as this guy," I jerked my thumb in Bobby's direction. Bobby looked indignant while Evan laughed, "Only Jubilee matches Bobby when it comes to sound volume," His food blew up in his face smearing him with what was probably spaghetti. I chuckled then turned to Jubilee who I could see had some Asian features along with short cut wild black hair, "Let me guess, blowy uppy power?" I asked Sh smirked and made a ball of energy that I had to guess was what she used to blow up Evan's food, "Beautiful just like fireworks, aren't they?" Well the power fit her look, "And how," Am I being cordial? Can I be cordial if it doesn't even involve sucking someone's dick or getting my ass pounded slower than a turtle in a race. I then turned my head to the next person Bobby introduced me to which happened to be the girl named Kitty, "Kitty, right?" She smiled, she seemed to be a nice girl, don't see much of those around these days, "Yep, how are you liking the school so far?" The inevitable question came "Well I have to say the people," It wasn't technically a lie, I truly enjoyed everyone I had met so far, "I don't get to meet that many people moving around a lot." They all looked confused and that's when I remembered that no one knew my backstory except Logan, "Your parents force you to change schools a lot?" Bobby asked "Well I don't really know who my parents are, I've been on my own since I can remember," I gave a shrug, all of them looked shocked that I've been living alone for who knows long and without any parentals. I don't know their stories but I doubt they envied me, "It's alright, I mean I've traveled the world numerous times, learned a few dialects here and there. I did a few easy jobs for some money," No pun intended, took a bite out of a pretty nice french fry, "And now I'm here hanging with some pretty nice people." I gestured at all of them Kitty grabbed me in a hug and rubbed her face on my own, her skin was really soft I have to ask what she used on it, "Aw thanks, just know that any mutant looking for a home is welcome here and with us." Everyone around us, even Piotr smiled at me, some strange feeling welled up in my chest and for a second I felt like I actually had some place to belong. Then I remembered that I said that I wasn't going to stay...well maybe that could change, my instincts were screamed at me. "Oh yeah, Clark you didn't even tell us what your power was?" Kitty asked Bobby tapped me on the leg when she asked that, I knew what he wanted me to do with that mischievous look in his eye I am really going to like Bobby, "I can summon Satan," They looked at me confused, I stood up and let my eyes roll to the back of my head, "!em erofeb raeppa ,eman yht ni tsohg yloh eht ,nos eht ,rehtaf eht fo eman eht nrub I ,ssenkrad fo drol eeht nommus I" A black circle appeared behind me and out stepped a creature of pure darkness that took the form of what humans believed Satan looked liked. A few people screamed, I'm pretty sure a kid pissed his pants, I fell on the ground laughing with Bobby and Roberto while the shadow demon disappeared and the clouds receded somewhat. "Dude I freaking love you man!" "Same same!" "The look on Kitty's face, priceless," "Hahaha," I felt extremely warm again, I hadn't laughed this hard in ages and especially around people, I really really like people all of a sudden. There was this sound that cut off our laughter and Bobby told me that was like a school bell the dismissed people to their next classes, my next class was physics with Ms. Jones. I headed towards that class and saw that I had it with Piotr the silent lug of Bobby's friends. He surprised me by offering to walk with me (First time the guy's ever spoken to me) and I nodded. "You said you travel all over world, yes?" I looked up at his strong muscular form and nodded, "Yeah I've been everywhere really, a better question is where I haven't been." It was true, I traveled all over this planet seeing the best and the worst that it threw at me. This is probably my fifth time being back in the US this year just because I felt a pull to this country. "Have you been to Russia?" I nodded again "??????????, ???????? ????, ???? ? ?????????? , ??? ?????????? ????? ?????, ? ? ?? ????, ????? ? ???????? ????? ???????? ???????????? ????. (Pozhaluysta, prostite menya, yesli ya sderzhannyy , moy angliyskiy ochen' plokho, i ya ne khochu, chtoby v konechnom itoge govorit' nepravil'nuyu veshch') ." I completely understood what he said and smiled at him, "Don't worry about it, ? ?? ???? ???????? ??????? , ?? ? ???? ??????. (YA ne mogu govorit' russkiy , no ya mogu ponyat',)" That was the only thing I knew how to say in Russian, while I had taken trips to Russia I found that it was harder to stay there due to cold weather periods being especially brutal and the Russians were versed to a lot of pain during sex that had me cringing. He smirked at me and was silent for the rest of the walk, while I could handle Bobby and his behavior I mostly enjoyed Piotr's silent but friendly behavior. Peace and quiet was a comfort that most couldn't afford, especially In this place it seems. Physics was boring, that's what I really expected from a class called physics, I entertained most of my time with making faces with Piotr, he was really childish when he wanted to be. I hadn't called on the fact that he was built like a tower either, I'm pretty sure that he was packing something that could definitely do some damage, that's the reason I went back to Russia after the first time. Physics class was let out after that and I went to self defense, I had no one in that class so I guess I was on my own which really sucked since I was getting use to having someone to talk to. I know Logan said that the teacher would be someone called Psylocke and I had to wonder what that class would be like. Someone helped direct me to that class which would be held outside and there were only ten people in the class altogether. The teacher was a female with purple hair, first time I've seen that one. She was dressed in a spandex uniform that had a giant X on it, I'm guessing for Xavier. We stood in a row in front of her and she walked down that row examining each and every one of us, she stopped at me for a second then moved along. If I had been just a regular mutant then I wouldn't have noticed that look on her face but I've been trained to know fake from fact. "If you chose this class because you wanted to learn to fight but not ever have to rely on those skills then I suggest you leave now." She had some kind of accent that I couldn't place my finger on, it was almost British really, "Because in this class you will learn to fight in order to join this schools main force of defense: The X-men." The X-men? Sounds like this club I went to in California She stopped in front of us, "As most of you know the X-men are comprised of both students and faculty, and our job is to ensure safe relations between mutant kind and the humans. Though we are always for more promising members who can show the skill needed to protect the weak." She looked directly at me and even pointed me out of the bunch, "Since you're new here I would like to demonstrate how to properly defend oneself by light sparring." "I don't know ma'am, I usually don't fight with others." Usually because my powers sometimes take a mind of their own and start massacring others when I'm in danger. ' She huffed at me, "It will be fine, come on let's go," We stood a few feet from each other and waited, my instincts were going crazy since I was fighting again, though this time I would be in sync with my body. I got the feeling that I could have killed her if I wanted to, which made me hold back a great deal when fighting her. She launched at me with a punch but I dodged and did an elbow jab to her ribs, she tried to counter by kicking me in the head but I jumped and landed on her outstretched leg. She looked at me with some vain confusion while I returned with a look of boredom. For someone on an elite team, she was really slow I jumped off of her leg and high into the air before coming back down and kicking the back of her head with the heel of my shoe. With a front flip I landed back on the ground and I put my hands in my pockets. When the other students went to go help the teacher I realized the error of my mistake and waited patiently with my head held down. Lesson one, when fighting with a teacher hold back your strength at least ninety nine percent instead of ninety. She stood menacingly in front of me and I wisely kept my head down, "Head to your room and do not leave until the Professor calls for you," I mean I had no choice, I messed up royally and I had to take whatever these people dished out at me to stay. I really liked it here and I wasn't going to jeopardize that by fucking up at every turn, I waited in my room, idly messing around with a few things here and there. I looked on Bobby's nightstand and found that he had a picture of his family, looks like it was just him and his parents but they looked really happy. I could also see the same thing on Evan's desk, there was a woman in there that I had seen around the school for sure but there was more pictures of another woman that was probably his mom. A family huh? I might have friends but I don't think I have a family to call my own. My sword could use some polishing even after never have used it, I idly tossed around a ball of darkness like a baseball until I had something to actually do. 'Clark, can you come see me in my office?' The professor didn't sound like he was mad or even disappointed in me, the hallways were empty but I could hear sounds coming from the cafeteria so I guess dinner was going on. I entered the professors office where he was usually behind his desk with his arms folded in front of his mouth. "Pyslocke told me about you today in class." "In my defense I didn't mean for that to happen, I was trying to hold back as much as I could but I didn't know how much to hold back." He raised an eyebrow, "You were holding back?" I nodded, "I try to hold back against a lot of people I fight," I feel that if I went full force that I would end up killing someone or a lot of people actually. "Well the reason I wanted to see you was because I wanted to actually test out your powers and skills, I don't usually do this with all my students, just those I see with outstanding potential." "Potential for what?" "For joining the X-men," He leaned back in his wheelchair, "I can already see that you have more skill than many of the members already on the team, I was hoping that you would consider the position." Leaning on one foot I considered what he was asking, "What was it that the X-men did exactly?" I remembered some of the things Psylocke told us. "What Psylocke told you is what the public knows of our mission, and it's not a lie at all, most of our work is free protection work. However, the other half of our work is defending humans from mutants who wish to exterminate them, as our rivals the brotherhood comprised of society hating mutants led by Magneto." I remember hearing of that man on one of the tv's in the old motel, "Wasn't that the guy everyone's calling a terrorist?" The prof shook his head, "Magneto is an extremist yes but he has never caused outright aggression to the humans rather defend the mutants to a higher degree than the people attacking them. He has notions that we are the superior race and we deserve to rule." "But you are the one that thinks that we should coexist alongside each other?" I got to say that Magneto's idea is sound yes but if we usurped the humans then it would just start a cycle of one species revolting against another. With that logic, Xavier's idea is better since both species would have learn to get along however no one species can get along wholly, there would be small aggression from both sides. But there would be a lot less deaths with one idea "Correct, the X-men stop Magneto in his plans while stopping anti-mutant groups like the purifiers and the MRD from keeping innocent mutants in prison.." When I came to this school I choose not to get involved with anything except getting my memory back but I find myself gravitating towards others like Bobby or Piotr or even Kitty. Logan for sure, I can't wait to get to see him again (Hopefully I'll be on my knees), at that moment I had already decided on changing my life for the better without my own knowledge. I felt that I could do a lot of good here, instead of making people feel pleasure I could actually make a difference in the world. I shrugged for the appearance of not caring, "Sure, why not," Really hoped I wouldn't regret this "I'm glad you accepted, tomorrow we will test your skills after your classes (No need to take self defense anymore) in the danger room. I'll ask Logan to escort you, I'm sure he'll be happy to" "Thanks so much prof-," That was when I realized what he just said. He said that 'Logan' would escort me and that he'd be 'happy to.' Either I was being paranoid after having dealt with Jean reading my thoughts or the Professor heard me say that I would like to be on my knees in front of Logan. We stared at each in silence for a good ten minutes before I quietly walked out of the office. I wasn't embarrased, not by a long shot I love having men know of my attractions, I get off on making people squirm. But this was the professor and he seemed the most uptight least sexual person I've ever met. I contemplated a way to block out my thoughts until my powers figured that out for themselves. I could feel my thoughts being restricted and shrouded. I still knew they were there but it would take actual probing for someone to actually read them. I opened the door to my room to see Evan reading a history book and Bobby... "Um, what are you doing?" I had to turn my head to the side to really understand what I was seeing, Bobby was doing a handstand except both of his feet were planted on the wall and his back was bent to make his ass pop more, "Are you wall twerking Bobby?" "He thinks it's considered a workout," Evan spoke up from behind his book He moved his hips, "It is, it helps your legs and arm muscles as well as back muscles," I never really noticed but Bobby had a nice ass, it wasn't better than mine because I could make mine clap but it was still a nice jiggly butt. I doubted that whole workout story, maybe I could ask Bobby his choice in preferences when we were alone. "What did the professor want to see you for?" Evan asked "He wanted me to join the X-men," Bobby fell on his back hard when I said that, I guess it was like a big reveal for him or something, "I knew it, you owe me five dollars Evan!" He accusingly pointed at Evan as the boy fished out his walled, "I'm getting fifty bucks!" I jumped back on my bed, "You all bet whether or not the professor would ask me to be on the team?" They nodded, I took a wild guess that they and everyone I've met so far where on the team. At least it wouldn't be just adults, I'd have Bobby to make fun of and Roberto to laugh with, "Yeah, you're pretty strong dude, everyone in the school can tell, it'd be stupid to not have you on the team. But I better warn you that the test they use in the danger room can be pretty brutal, Evan almost didn't make it out alive." Now I was more excited than before, this test almost killed someone, it should definitely be able to match up with me.