Date: Thu, 22 Jan 2009 10:22:07 -0600 From: Clarence Nash Subject: The X-Men?s Other Phoenix & New Weather Wizard- Chapter 2 Disclaimer: All usual standard disclaimers apply. X-Men and all other related elements are properties of Marvel. This work is purely fan FICTION, and may also contain sexual of situations of the homosexual nature, not suitable for minors. Any storyline not true to the Marvel original is only made up by the author's non-comic book aficionado imagination. This includes sexual orientations. Any remote resemblance to real life, or any other fan fiction, is entirely coincidental. No pretenses, insinuations, infringement, or any other legal issues intended nor desired. Consider yourself warned. Ok, this is just the pilot, so to speak, and this is my first try at this. So please give me feedback and be honest. Thank you for reading the following: The X-Men's Other Phoenix & New Weather Wizard {Telepathic conversations} appear like this. appear like this. Chapter 2- Invitation I woke up in a warm blanket in a warm room. I tried to keep my breathing even and didn't open my eyes. I just relaxed and then I began to hear whispers, but there wasn't and noise coming through my ears, they were all inside my head. I got worried and thought that I was going crazy but then they whisper got loud and clear someone started to talk because someone walked in, it was two females: Female 1: "When is he gonna wake up, he's been asleep for half a week. You said that he'd wake up in a day, it's been 4!" Female 2: "Miss, we can't be sure that he's going to wake up anytime soon, but we do know it won't take long." Female 1: "How long!? I need to know!" Female 2: "Look, miss--" Female 1: "My names Lily." Lily? What's she doing here? Well, if that was Lily then the other female must be a nurse. Nurse: "Miss Lily, please you need some sleep, we'll make sure to contact you when he is awake." Lily: "Well what's wrong with him?" Nurse: "We're not sure but we think that he might be a mutant." A WHAT!?!?!? FIRST I'M BISEXUAL AND NOW I'M A MUTANT TOO!!!??? OH GOD WHAT NEXT? Lily: "A... A mutant? But how?" Nurse: "We don't know so we've called a specialist." A specialist? OK time to end this conversation... a moan ought to do it. I moaned and that sure got their attention. Lily: "Jamie Lee! Oh, Jamie Lee, are you awake?" I could feel her heat close to my body. I opened my eyes and I say that I was in a hospital room, it was bright. "Lily? What are you doing here? Where am I?" Lily: "You're in the hospital, and you've been asleep for a few days." Nurse: "I'll go get a doctor to come check on you, Mr. Thomas." Lily: "Yeah, you do that." When the nurse left and the door was close Lily turned back to me: Lily: "OK, how much did you really hear?" "That I'm a mutant." I looked the other way, no one likes mutants, but me and Lily have always wanted to be mutants, ever since we met in 6th grade. I don't know how she feels now that I'm one and she's not. Lily: "Yeah, looks like you get to go to that mutant school in Winchester." "I know, but I don't want to go without you, that's how we always planned it." Lily: "No, I'm happy with you being one; from what you did at school you have all your favorite powers." "Are you serious? So I'm Psionic and Elemental?" Lily: "Yeah, but can you read minds?" "I think so, but while I was faking sleep I only read whispers." Lily: "Wait lets test it out, I'm gonna practically shout in my mind, remember to visualize a beam coming from your brain and going into mine, like we read, OK.." "Yeah, OK, concentrate." I focused and found my inner thoughts, me and Lily practiced doing that so that we could think clearer, it helps me to sing in my mind. Then I received a nice surprise: Lily: {Jamie? Jamie are you singing?} {Yeah! It worked!} Lily: {So you have to sing Beyónce's If I Were A Boy I concentrate?} {Um, since you already know that I'm a mutant then I have something to tell you.} Lily: {Oh, I already know that you're bisexual.} {How?} Lily: {You hide your journal in your top drawer of your second dresser in your closet.} {Damn, you snoop.} Lily: {The real reason that I did it was to find out who you like, but you never put it in there.} {That's because you and Hannah were the only ones I had eyes for, besides the only hot boy was Michael.} Lily: {Are you serious? All those times we could have both been talkin' about Michael's butt, you left me alone to admire by myself.} {Yeah, besides he's a real whore.} Lily: {Yeah, a whore with a nice firm butt...} she had the audacity to start day dreaming about Michael naked while we were a talking telepathically. {Whoa, hey I'm in your sick little mind here.} Lily: {Yeah? Then I have an image for you,} she sent me a picture of herself naked. {Ew, gross! You shave?} Lily: {Yeah, now send me a picture of you.} {NO!} Lily: {Come on.} she even pouted physically. {OK,} I sent here a picture of me naked too. She laughed. Lily: {You shave too?} {Great minds think alike.} Lily: {And from the looks of it you're gonna make somebody happy.} she was already makin' jokes! {OK! And next time you send me a picture, strictly PG-13.} Lily: {More like R,} again she sent me a picture of me and Michael makin' out! {Oh gods, no matter how I like that picture, please stop.} Lily: {OK, hey, someone's coming.} The nurse walked in: Nurse: "Mr. Thomas, your parents are here, and so is the specialist." "Thanks send them in." Nurse: "OK." And then she left and my parents came in and were followed in by 5 other people: a bald man in a wheel chair, a black woman with snow white hair, a white woman with red hair and bright green eyes, and two boys that looked about 2 or 3 years older than me, one with blonde hair and ice blue eyes and one with dirty blonde hair and brown eyes with a weird flare to them, but me and Lily both thought the same thing about boys: Me/Lily: {HOT CENTRAL!!!} Mom: "Jamie Lee baby, are you OK?" my mom came up and hugged me in front of the other people, I was beyond embarrassment. Bald Man: "Excuse me, sorry to interrupt but we need to speak with your son." It was then that I remembered who the three adults were, the school had a website: {Lily, that's Professor Charles Xavier, he owns the school for mutants, and there's two teachers Ororo Munroe and Jean Grey!} Lily: {Yeah, cool they are already trying to get you in the school!} Mom: "About what?" Dad: "Who are you, sir?" Pro. X: "I am Professor Charles Xavier, this is Ororo Munroe, and Jean Grey, we are teacher at my school, The Xavier Institute of Higher Learning, and these are two of my students: Bobby Drake, and John Michaels." Lily: "Hey, don't you own that school for mutants, and you're like one of the greatest mind to ever live." Pro. X: "Well it seems that you've heard of my school and of me" Dad: "Heard of it? These two love it; they've always wanted to become mutants." The professor smiled, Jean and Ororo shared a look, Lily and I both blushed, then Bobby and John laughed and we blushed harder. Pro. X: "Well then, you must know why I am here." I finally got a chance to talk: "You want me, to join your school, to teach me how to control my power?" Pro. X: "Yes, that is exactly what the school is for, but we also give you a regular education." Mom: "Well the decision is up to Jamie Lee, these are his power therefore, his decision." Pro. X: "You're giving the decision to Jamie?" Dad: "We raise our children to be good people, and to be a good person you have to be able to make your own decisions." Pro. X: "Well said, very well then Jamie, would you accept this invitation to my school?" I looked at Lily: Lily: {Jamie Lee Thomas, you getter say yes.} I thought it through with Lily: {Lily what about you?} Lily: {Jamie Lee, I'll be fine just call me every few days and do your best.} Dad: "Jamie, are you going to answer the man?" "I'm talking to Lily, one of my powers are telepathy." Dad: "What?" "I can read minds, and while I've been in here me and Lily have learned to communicate with each other." Pro. X: "Ah, a great telepath you must be to already be able to communicate telepathically." "Yeah, Buts that's not all that I can to." Pro. X: "What can you do?" "I'm Psionic and Elemental." Pro. X: "Ah, this is excellent; Jean and Ororo happen to be the Psionic and Elemental teachers." "Wait, let me guess who teaches what, Jean, the red head, is Psionic and Ororo, the African with snow white hair, is Elemental." Pro. X: "Correct, you my boy are correct." "Thank you, its all in their posture." Pro. X: "What do you mean?" "Jean looks a little tense because she must be trying to block out thoughts, and Ororo looks relaxed but her stance means that she is concentrating, my presents must me causing an elemental disturbance, and she is suppressing it." Ororo: "Amazing, simply amazing, you learned all that from our posture?" "Yes, and because I can feel the energy around you like an aura." Jean: "You are a gifted young man." "Yes, and I cannot wait to join your school." Pro. X: "So you accept?" "Yes, and by the way Bobby is a Water Elemental, his eyes are icy blue so he must be better at ice than plain water, and John is a Fire Elemental, his eyes have red streaks like flame but they are slightly dull meaning he must only be able to manipulate flames." Mom: "Jamie--" Pro. X: "No, no, no, my dear boy, you are simply brilliant, all that from eyes, you will make an excellent addition to our school." Dad: "So when will Jamie be leaving?" Pro. X: "It's all his choice." "OK then, I wants to leave Friday, it'll give me 2 days to pack." Ororo: "Excuse me; I would like to ask you a question before we go, Jamie." "Oh, you must want to know what Elements I'm able to control." Ororo: "Precisely." "As far as I know is that I can control the first 4 elements: Water, Fire, Earth, and Air, but with what happened earlier when I got mad it started to storm." Ororo: "Then you must be able to control electricity to have such power." "Excuse me, but what elements do you control?" Ororo: "I can control them to such an extent that I can manipulate the weather." "Yes, that reminds me, Professor what can you do?" Pro. X: "Ah, I am an Omnipath." I look at Lily: {This dudes packin' some serious power!} Lily: {Is he. God I don't want to cross his path.} Pro. X: {I prefer to stick with telepathy.} That scared the shit out of us, so we jumped when he came in to the conversation. Mom: "What's wrong honey?" "Me and Lily were talking and the professor gave us a demonstration of his powers." Mom: "Oh." Then Lily finally had a chance to ask the question she was dying to ask. Lily: "Professor?" Pro. X: "Yes?" Lily: "When do most mutants get there powers?" Pro. X: "It depends; Jean here received hers at the age of 10, while most others receive theirs in their teen years." Lily: "Professor if I receive mutant powers can Jamie Lee come with you to recruit me?" Pro. X: "Yes, yes he can." Lily: "I really hope that I get powers." Pro. X: "Why is that miss..." Lily: "Lily, my names Lily." Pro. X: "Why do you want to receive mutant powers, Lily?" Lily: "Are you kidding? Mutants are so cool; they have all these powers and can do all these things." Pro. X: "I see your point, well I too hope that you become a mutant, its not everyday that you meet someone who wishes to become a mutant." Lily: "Thank you." Pro. X: "Well we'll see you exactly two days from today, see you then." "Bye." Bobby/John: "Bye." And they left. {Lily, they were so waving at me.} Lily: {No, me.} {I was the one who said bye not you.} Lily: {Damn, good point.} END OF CHAPTER 2