Date: Sat, 10 Apr 2004 06:03:56 -0700 (PDT) From: James Harrison Subject: Circle Of Love - Chapter One: The History (Allen) Circle Of Love - The History (Allen) [from the author: I have been inspired by recent readings of 3-way relationships. I find the concept very interesting and therefore I have developed this new story idea. Each new chapter will be from a different character's point of view to mix things up a little bit. I hope that you like the way I have put these characters together. If you want to read more of my writings, check out my other college series, boyslife. I always appreciate comments and suggestions. This story, as all others of mine, is pure fiction. Any relation to any person that I may know is because I feel you are so awesome that I have to write a character based on you. Any relation to any person I don't know is pure coincidence.] The night air was clean and crisp as I walked hand in hand with my partners down the quiet city street. We had just come from a friend's party in a beautiful 12th floor penthouse suite. On my right was Phillip McMurray, 20 years old, typical hot boy. He was leaning on me, trying to walk steady. He had been drinking quite a bit, since it was a private party and he could actually have the drinks. On my left, David Ray, 24, strong, mature, walked with his hand holding mine with a firm grip. He and I had known each other since our early childhood years. It was David who I shared my curious childhood experiments. We had played together, learned the power of touch together. He was the first person that I kissed, the person I lost my virginity to. David and I came out to our parents together. There were many things we had done together, shared together. We started dating in high school. David was the masculine one; he was a member of the school soccer team and was well respected. He made high school an amazing experience for me. By the time he graduated, a year before me, I had filled his role of popular student and people had finally gotten the message not to mess with us. And then came along Phillip. David and I had moved away from our families and enrolled in college together. We had managed to rent a small house close enough to the college, and things were going very well. Phillip and David actually became friends during their first class together the first semester of our second year. Phillip was like any other freshman from halfway across the country, nervous and timid. During the first week he was at the school, Phillip had been involved in a fight with some members of the football team who decided to call him some gay names. David had witnessed the fight and had gotten involved, breaking them up. David and Phillip became instant buddies. Soon Phillip became a frequent visitor to our house. Both David and I knew there was something special about him. He had a sparkling personality, once out of his shell. He was small, but strong. He had been though a lot of hurt and pain through his lifetime. As I got to know him, I felt myself deeply caring for him, falling in love with him. Little did I know that David felt the same way. During the third semester that year David approached me about asking Phillip to be a part of our home. As we talked and shared our feelings, we realized that it was more than asking Phillip to come and live with us. When we shared all of it with Phillip, he completely understood, feeling the same way. Until that point, I had never really given thought of a 3-way relationship. David and I had been together for a few years and had been happy. But Phillip was like another part of our life that we had been missing. With him a part of us and us a part of him, everything seemed more complete. Now I can't imagine living without him. Without David and Phillip, I, Allen Strayer, am not the same person. I know others may look at our relationship and say it's strange, but I never would have understood it without experiencing it for myself. We walked in silence until we got to David's Explorer Sport Trak. I sat with Phillip in the back seat, his head lying on my lap. "You feeling ok Phillip?" David asked, as he drove out of the parking lot. "I'm all right," Phillip said in a weak voice. "Just tired." "It's ok," I said, running my hand across Phillip's cheek. "You just rest until we get you home and put you to bed." We drove most of the way home in silence, Phillip moaning every so often. When we got to the house, David and I helped Phillip inside and up the stairs to our bedroom. We took off his clothes and put him into our king-size bed. We stood there looking at him lying naked there in the bed; David slipped his hands around my waist. I leaned back into his strong chest. I felt his lips on my ear, and a chill went down my spine. David laughed. "You're so sensitive," He whispered. He took my hand and pulled me along with him as he went out of the room. "Are you guys coming to bed soon?" Phillip asked from the bed. "We'll be up soon baby," I said, turning back to him. His eyes were barely open but he caught my gaze and smiled at me. I went downstairs into the family room with David and we sat on the sofa. "I had a good time tonight," David said to me, pulling me to sit on his lap. "I'm glad," I said. The party had been at held by our friends Chad Jacobson and Scott Waters. Scott was 32 and a very successful criminal lawyer. Chad was 27 and worked as a manager at the largest bank in the city. So they were doing very well for themselves. They had parties like tonight at least once a month to allow all of their friends to get together and have a good time. It had been a while since we had seen everyone so it was nice to catch up again. "I'm glad that Phillip had such a good time too," David said, giving me a grin. "Yeah," I said, smiling back at him. "He doesn't get to drink that often, so it made him happy to let loose a little." "He's a little party animal once he gets over being shy," David said. "It makes him very sexy." "He's always a sexy little boy," I said. "This is true," David said. He leaned in close to me. "And that makes me lucky." I giggled as I felt David's breath on my face. "Why lucky?" "Because I have the two sexiest men alive," David said, leaning in to kiss me. We kissed for a moment and then were interrupted by someone knocking on the door. "Who the hell?" David asked. "It's almost 2am." I got up off the sofa and gave David a puzzled look. "I'll go check it out." "I'm coming with you," David said. I could see the protective look in David's eye, and it made me smile. I went to the door and looked out the side window. When I saw who was standing outside, I quickly opened the door. "Brandon!" I said, as my little brother came quickly inside. He was wearing only a light jacket and was shivering. "Allen, I'm sorry to crash on you like this," Brandon said. I shut the door and looked at my brother. I could tell something was wrong. "Brandon, you're freezing cold," David said, putting his arm around Brandon's shoulder. "I had a friend drop me off earlier," Brandon said. "You guys weren't here, so I went walking around." "Come on," I said, taking Brandon's hand. "You need to warm up." I led him to the bathroom and turned on the shower. "You get in here, I'll be back in a minute and we'll talk." "Thanks," Brandon said. I left the bathroom and closed the door. David was waiting there with open arms to hold me. "You think it was a problem with your parents?" David asked me. "I don't know what it could be," I said. "It has to be something serious if he got someone to drive him two hours to get here." "I guess he's going to be staying for a while then," David said, raising an eyebrow at me. "I really don't know baby," I said, snuggling close to his chest. David stoked my hair. "Hey, I'm gonna go up to bed with Phillip. You talk things out with Brandon." I gave him a quick kiss on the cheek. "I love you," I said, as he let go of me. "I love you too," David said. He turned and went up the stairs. I went back into the bathroom, where Brandon was in the shower. I could make out his shilouette behind the tinted glass doors. "Are you okay in there?" I asked, sitting on the closed toilet lid. "Yeah, getting warmer," Brandon replied. "Thanks for not freaking out with me." I chuckled. "You're my favorite brother. How could I freak out on you?" "I'm your only brother," Brandon said. "Yeah, well that's even more reason why I should take it easy with you," I said. Brandon shut the water off and opened the door. "Can I have a towel?" He asked. I reached over to our towel rack and pulled one off for him. "So, you wanna talk?" I asked. Brandon began to dry himself off. "Things got out of hand with Mom and Dad." I nodded. "Is that all?" Brandon looked at me and then looked away quickly. "You can tell me," I said softly. "I'm not going to hate you." "They said they were going to be out for the night," Brandon said. "So I called this guy I had been talking to and he came over." I could see where he was going. "And then Mom and Dad came home." "We were in the living room fucking," Brandon said. "Dad walked in first and then the screaming started." I knew how it was when I came out to my parents. They already had a pretty good idea that I was gay, seeing as I spent so much time with David. But Brandon was very straight acting, and my parents had been unaware that he was gay. Brandon had wanted to tell them once he finally came to grips with his sexuality, but after seeing my coming out experience unfold, he had decided that it was his life and they didn't need to know. "God, I'm sorry," I said. "It was bad," Brandon said, wrapping the towel around his waist and stepping out of the shower. "Mom came in and this guy was so freaked out. Dad grabbed his arm and threw him out of the room and I was gonna hit him." I stood and wrapped my arms around Brandon. "I'm glad you came here to me," I said. "I can't go back there to them," Brandon said. "Things are such a mess." Brandon had been heavy into drugs after he graduated from high school. Once he had been almost arrested, he got himself together and went through a rehab program. Then he moved in again with our parents and was working on getting his life back together. He had been tossed around through several jobs, just trying to get his feet back underneath of him. The last job he had held was a good one, waiting tables at a nice restaurant. They had fired him less than a month ago unexpectedly and he had been looking for a new job since then. He didn't have a car of his own, so Mom or Dad had been taking him to and from work, and when the weather was nice he rode a bike. "You can stay with us for now," I said. "We'll work something out." I let go of him and looked into his eyes. "If I help you, then I'm gonna need your word that you're gonna do this right, okay?" Brandon nodded. "You know I've been clean over a year now, Allen. I'm really trying." "I know," I said. I leaned over and picked up his clothes from the floor. "Come on, let's get you into bed." I led Brandon into our guestroom on the first floor. It wasn't much, just a room where we kept our computers and a sofabed. I set Brandon's clothes on my desk. "You didn't bring any clothes did you?" I asked. He shook his head. "I didn't have time. I just wanted to get out of there." "I'll take care of getting you something to wear tomorrow then," I said. I helped him unfold the sofa bed. He dropped his towel and got in. I grabbed a pillow out of the closet and handed it to him. Then I sat down on the bed next to him. "Things will work out," I said. "You just gotta take it one day at a time." "Thanks," Brandon said. I leaned in and kissed him on the forehead. "Now get some sleep," I said. I got up and left the room, shutting the door behind me. ***** The next morning I woke up and found only Phillip in bed with me. The house was relatively quiet, so I was not sure if David had already left for work or not. I looked over to the clock and saw that it was almost 8:30, which would mean that David would be at his office by now. He worked for an insurance company as an insurance claims adjuster. He was very involved with his work. And he was good at it. Phillip, still being in school, only worked part time at a clothing store in the local mall. And then there was me. I had gone through school studying to be an elementary school teacher. But there were not many teaching jobs in the area that had opened up since I graduated. So last year I had made my living by substitute teaching and being a teacher's assistant for part of the year. The school that I had been working at had mentioned bringing me in this coming year as a full time teacher, and I hoped to hear their decision soon. But since it was summer time, I did not have to worry about it. I rolled over and put my arm around Phillip. He stirred and opened his eyes to look at me. "Good morning, beautiful," I said. "I don't feel so beautiful," He moaned. I gave him a quick kiss. "You're always beautiful." He rolled his eyes at me. Then he gave me a curious look. "What time did you come to bed last night?" "I don't know actually," I said. "It was late." "Yeah," Phillip said. "I noticed David come in before you." I sat up in the bed, leaning my back against the wall. "We had an expected visitor last night." "Oh really?" Phillip asked. "Who?" "It was my brother Brandon," I said. "I've told you about him." "Yeah," Phillip said. "What made him drop in all of the sudden?" I explained what had happened with Brandon and my parents. "He's here now, sleeping in the guest room downstairs." Phillip's eyes lit up. "Really?" I smiled. "Yes, really." Phillip jumped up. "I want to meet this famous brother of yours." I laughed. "He had a rough night list night. We should let him sleep." Phillip shrugged, lying back down. "Yeah, I guess you're right." I got up out of the bed. "I think I am going to go hop in the shower." "You want some company?" Phillip asked. I grinned. "You just want a quick fuck in the shower, don't ya?" Phillip smiled his silly boyish grin. "You know me well." I shook my head, still smiling at him, and headed into the bathroom. Phillip was a typical bottom, while both David and I were very versatile. Usually during lovemaking Phillip would most always bottom to either David or I, who would be in the middle, being topped by the other. It was great pleasure. Phillip had followed me into the bathroom and was already touching me as I started the water. "You're a horny one for a hangover case," I said. "I'm always horny," Phillip said, kissing me. I managed to get him in the shower before we really went at it. Our little shower session lasted a good 45 minutes. Finally, once we were both spent, we washed up and got out. Phillip went right back to bed, and I threw on my robe and headed downstairs. "Good morning," I said to my brother, who was in the kitchen, sitting at the bar, eating a bowl of cereal, a blanket around his shoulders. "Hey," Brandon said. "You guys have fun up there?" I felt my face turning red. "Were we that loud?" Brandon laughed. "No, I came up to see if you were awake and heard you all in the shower." I shook my head, smiling. "You're too much." Brandon shrugged. I went over and sat down next to him. "Did you sleep well last night?" I asked. "Yeah," He said. "I was all right." "I guess it would have been better if you didn't have so much to deal with," I said. "I guess," Brandon said. "Where's Phillip?" "He went back to bed," I said. "He doesn't have any classes today." "Oh, okay," Brandon said. We sat there in silence for a few moments. "So, what's your plan?" I asked. Brandon didn't say anything. "You said you can't go back to Mom and Dad's," I said. "I just don't need to deal with their shit," Brandon said. "I understand," I said. I put my hand on his arm. "I still need to talk all of this over with David and Phillip. You can stay with us for a few days at least." "I need to find a job," Brandon said. "Once I have a little bit of money I can figure out where to live." "Well, don't count out staying here," I said. "We can always clear out the storage room upstairs and turn it into a bedroom for you. It's a bit small..." "I don't care," Brandon said. "I'd rather live in a closet than stay in a place where I can't be myself." "I won't let you be homeless," I said. "And I'll help you in any way that I can." Brandon smiled. "Thanks." I stood up. "Now let me go upstairs and raid the closet for some clothes for you to wear." Brandon laughed. ***** After I found clothes for Brandon to wear, he and I worked on clearing out the room on the second floor that I intended to be his bedroom. We had decided to use it as a storage room when we first moved in, and it contained boxes of clothes, a bookshelf, an extra chest of drawers with clothes in it, and all kinds of other things we had boxed up and left in there. We moved most of the clothes into the hall. (since most of them were Phillip's and mine, I figured we could go through them and try and organize them) We also took some of the other boxes to the basement for storage. Once we had the room cleared out, we swept the wood floor and washed the walls. "We can always get a throw rug to put down in here," I said. "Whatever," Brandon said, shrugging. "I'm just glad to have a place to stay." As we finished up the cleaning, Phillip appeared in the doorway. "Hey guys," He said. "You must be Phillip," Brandon said. He held out his hand. Phillip shook Brandon's hand, beaming. "You guys definitely have a lot of the sexy genes running through your veins." Brandon and I laughed. "Don't drool over the clean floor," I joked, playfully bumping into Phillip. "I see you put all these clothes in the hall," Phillip said, pointing. I nodded. "Yeah, I figured we could go through and try and get things organized. I'm sure there's a ton of stuff in there I can get rid of." "Hey, don't forget about your poor brother here," Brandon said. "There might be things in there I can have." "You can help us go through it all later," I said. "Maybe there might be some things of mine you can fit into." Brandon was a little smaller than I was, so fitting into my clothes was not always easy. "Hey, you guys wanna go have some lunch?" Phillip asked. "I'm starving." I looked over at Brandon, who shrugged. "All right. Let me get changed into something a little nicer." Phillip and I went into the bedroom and changed our clothes and fixed our hair. Then we went downstairs where Brandon was waiting for us. We were getting ready to walk out the door when Phillip's cell phone rang. "Meet us out in the car," I said, opening the door and walking outside with Brandon. We got into my car and I started it up. Phillip came a few minutes later, hopping in the back seat. "That was Ty," He said. "I asked him to come and join us." "That's cool," I said. Ty Washington was Phillip's best friend. They were in a lot of classes together and studied together a lot. Ty was very athletic, involved in lacrosse, basketball, and weight lifting. They were as different as night and day, but they were good friends. We got to the restaurant Phillip had chosen and saw Ty waiting outside of his car. We introduced Brandon to him, and I noticed Ty giving him a good look-over. I glanced at Phillip and winked. Then we went inside and got seats. Soon we had ordered and were chatting away. "So when did your brother get in town?" Ty asked me. "Last night actually," I said. "Are you gonna be around for a while?" Ty asked Brandon. Brandon shrugged. "We'll see." "If you need someone to keep you company while the guys do their thing, just let me know," Ty said. "Thanks," Brandon said, smiling. "I'll remember that." "We have to try and find Brandon a job," Phillip said. "What about over at the mall?" Ty asked. "There's plenty of places there that need summer help." "We've thought about that," I said. "I'm gonna take him out tomorrow to do some job hunting." "If you need any help..." Ty said. "Yeah, yeah," I said, cutting him off. "I'll let you know." Ty smiled. I looked over at Brandon, who was also smiling. These boys were really turning on the flirting. Phillip seemed to notice as well. He was grinning. "Hey, why don't we all have a little get together tomorrow night at the house? It has been a while since we've had people over." I shrugged. "I guess that's cool. We'll have to talk to David of course." "Well, I'd definitely be up for it," Ty said. He looked across the table at Brandon. "As long as you're gonna be there." "I'm pretty sure I will be," Brandon said. I looked over at Phillip and rolled my eyes. He laughed. "I'll try giving a call to some other people and see who we can get to come over," Phillip said. "You guys wanna do pizza and a movie?" "Sounds good to me," Brandon said. "Good," Phillip said. "I think it's going to be a great time." "I think so too," Ty said. We all laughed, and then the waitress appeared with our food. Soon we were all eating and the subject changed to trivial things, mainly some boi that both Phillip and Ty knew. Brandon and I didn't say much. When we were ready to leave, I noticed Ty slipping my brother a slip of paper, his phone number no doubt. Phillip and I went ahead to the car, and Brandon joined us a few minutes later. "Nice guy," He said, waving to Ty out the window as we pulled out of the parking lot. "Yeah, he really is," Phillip said. He looked over at me and patted my leg. I just shook my head. ***** That evening, Brandon, Phillip and I were sitting in the living room looking through the newspaper for jobs as well as sale papers for things for Brandon's bedroom. As we were searching, David came in. Phillip and I jumped up and met him in the hallway, where the three of us shared an intense kiss. "How was your day?" He asked, setting down his briefcase. "It was nice," I said. "We went to lunch with Ty." David nodded, raising his eyebrows. "Sounds nice." "We were thinking of having a little get together tomorrow night," Phillip said. "No, no," I said, laughing. "You were thinking of having people over." David smiled. "Hey, it's all right. I don't care really." "Good," Phillip said, kissing David on the cheek. David gave me a look, like he knew something was going on. I just smiled. We went back into the living room where David greeted Brandon. The three of us sat down on the sofa together. Brandon was lying on the floor. "So I think the four of us have something to talk about," David said. "Look, I don't want to be a problem," Brandon said. "Hush," I told him. "You're not a problem." "Allen's right," David said. "We're really well off here. Our financial situation is stable. Our bills get paid and we have plenty of food around here. Another mouth to feed is no big deal." "Brandon and I cleared out the storage room upstairs," I said to David. "That was what I was thinking," David said, smiling. "We'll have to get a bed." "I'm gonna get a job," Brandon said. "And then I can give you guys some money each month to help out." "Well, we don't really need the money," David said. "But it would give us a chance to save more." He looked over at Phillip and I. Then he looked back down at Brandon. "I don't see any problems with you living here." "Thanks guys," Brandon said. "I think it's going to be cool to have someone else here with us," Phillip said. "But we will have to have a few ground rules set up," David said. I gave him a strange look. "You've got to be kidding." "No, it's cool," Brandon said. "I understand where he's coming from. You guys aren't used to having another person in the house." "I'm not going to be your parent or anything," David said. "But I just want thinks to run smoothly around here. No loud music in the middle of the night. Don't bring strange guys around here without telling us, no drugs." He shrugged. "The simple things really." Brandon laughed. "I don't think you have to worry about me." "I know we don't," David said. "I just want to make sure I say it." "You're crazy," I told David. "Well, now that we've got that all settled," Phillip said, getting up off the sofa. "What are we gonna do about dinner?" "We'll get it while we're out," David said, standing. "Out?" I asked. "Does Brandon have a bed?" David asked. "Does he have clothes?" "David, you don't have to buy me anything," Brandon said, standing and joining our little group. "You're right, I don't have to," David said. "But I'm going to." "But I don't want you to spend all your money on me," Brandon said. "I'm not spending my money," David said. He grinned. "I am gonna spend the credit card company's money." "But..." Brandon said. I put my hand on his mouth. "You're not going to win this one bro," I said. "Believe me, I know how David works. You better go get your shoes on." Brandon sighed and walked out of the room. Phillip went behind him. I stopped David as he was about to file past. "Thank you," I said, smiling. "You're welcome," He said. "You know I can't let your brother sleep on our sofa bed if he's gonna be living here. He's gonna need some help. And I can do that." "You're wonderful," I said, pulling him into me, pressing my lips to his and kissing him long and passionately.   ... LOOK FOR CHAPTER TWO: PARTY BOI (Phillip) ________________________________________________________________________________ Do you Yahoo!? Yahoo! Tax Center - File online by April 15th