Date: Mon, 3 Dec 2007 22:52:23 -0500 From: Jake Toksmer Subject: College and Grad School 20 Thanks, as always, to everyone who's been reading, and thanks to those of you who have written to me - I do appreciate it. I will try to be good about posting, but am apologizing in advance if there's a bit of time between now and my next posting. I'm applying to graduate programs and need to focus on personal statements and statements of academic interest (whatever that means)! ;-) Chapter 20: Um, Say that Again? So I packed up my stuff in Russia and then headed to the airport. We all flew to Paris and then a few of us stayed there - we weren't flying back to the US right away. Because it was a six-hour flight and we weren't in Paris until fairly late in the day, we all decided we'd crash at a youth hostel... all but one of us. A girl named Andrea had a cousin who lived in Paris, and she was going to stay there. I can't remember Andrea's cousin's name - she was a nice lady, looked a bit like Isabella Rossilini, aged 35. She was very sweet, and after meeting the four of us invited us all to stay with her as opposed to sleeping in a hostel. Fine by me! The promise of fresh hot water, even if I would be sleeping on the floor, was fine by me. So we followed "Isabella" back to her apartment. It was PALATIAL! I've never seen anything like it - I can only describe it as very, very French, very light and airy with big windows looking over a small side street but just right off a main street. It seemed to be a nice area, but I have to be honest I don't remember what it was called. And contrary to almost every depiction of Paris I've ever seen, it did NOT have a view of the Eiffel Tower. The four of us were Andrea, a girl named Julie, and Kevin, who had noticed when I had stared at the sailor boys playing around in their underwear in the fountains in St Petersburg. We all got along well, though we were probably a little tired of one another's company. Nothing to speak of that night, though I enjoyed the best shower ever. I tried to be quick about the shower so that everyone would have enough hot water. While Kevin and I had enjoyed "hot" water in Russia all summer long, the girls had not. There was enough, it turned out, and after a nice dinner the four of us crashed. I slept on a chaise lounge, Kevin on the couch, the girls in the guest room. The next morning we all went our separate ways. Andrea stayed in Paris and Julie and Kevin went with me to the train station to head in various directions. They both caught a train to Amsterdam while I boarded the Eurostar to London. Within a few minutes of pulling out of the station we were shooting through the French countryside at lightning speed. It was great! My plans for London were nothing special. I wanted to tour the city a bit and then maybe head up to Scotland before returning to the mainland of Europe and visiting some friends on their study abroad programs in Germany and Austria. But to make it a bit more fun, Ben was going to be joining me. He was flying into London from Austria, where he was doing a summer program - I'd be heading back to Austria with him. For no reason I could figure out, I was supposed to make the arrangements for a place to stay in London, even though Ben was closer and presumably had better email access. Fortunately, my friend Anna let me know before I left for the summer that I could probably stay with her boyfriend. He was going to be in London all summer with some kind of study abroad program through a different university, and she was sure it would be fine. I had never met him. I had no idea what to expect when she sent me directions through a very tenuous email system at the Russian post office. I knew his name was Greg and that he'd be in London. That was pretty much it. I had been lucky enough to email Anna when I was in Paris, but had never even spoken to Greg when I boarded the train. Racing across the French countryside I was slightly nervous. I had an address in London and some directions, but really no idea what to expect. But I figured I could find my way - I've never really been "lost" and though I wouldn't know where I was going, I could probably pick up a map the moment I got off the train and would be able to find Greg's place when I got there. Or just take a cab. Getting Ben there was going to be tougher. I forwarded him the emails I had from Anna and how to get there, but as we didn't have cell phones or any kind of way to get in touch with each other, I could only hope that he'd have as good a sense of direction as I (rather conceitedly, I'll admit) think I have. So I was nervous about getting there, but that was a very small part of my anxiety. The other part was that Anna didn't tell me until after I was in Russia and had supposedly had everything settled with staying with her boyfriend that they had broken up. I was very worried about that - would he be pleasant? Would he be a jerk? Not give her the correct address (everything was arranged before anyone flew overseas that we could stay there - the address just came later)? No idea, but for all I knew he could have decided he did not want to host two gay guys, only one of whom was friends with his ex-girlfriend. The train darted through the Channel Tunnel and then across the British landscape, though at a markedly reduced pace. As we got closer to London I got more and more excited, ready to see a city I knew I loved, but hadn't been able to explore on my own and I knew there was plenty on offer. I exited the train and started following signs for the Tube. I was fairly certain I could find where to go and really wanted to use the subway system, so I was more than a little surprised to see someone standing near the exit for the train platform holding a sign with "JAKE" written on it. And the guy holding it, well, I couldn't help but gasp. Anna had GOOD taste, even if it didn't work out for them! He was about my height, maybe half an inch shorter. He had brown hair, gelled out and spiky all over (which I find sexy, personally). He looked kind of stocky - a thicker build than me but clearly in very good shape in his half-a-size too small t-shirt. He had a 2-day (or more) growth of beard on his face - enough to be very, very sexy in a rugged way but not enough to be shaggy or unkempt. Capping off these looks were the most astonishing bright blue eyes I'd ever seen. "Hi, I'm Jake," I said, offering my hand. "I'm Greg. Good to meet you. How's it going?" he asked. "I'm good... you?" "Good... is that all of your stuff?" "Yeah, though I want to find a place tomorrow to mail this bag," I said, indicating my obscenely large duffel bag, "I've got everything I need in my backpack here." And I did. It was the kind of backpack that you see people traveling with when they're clearly living out of it for a month. It was large, but easily manageable, and had plenty of space for all the things I was going to need for the next month before I found myself back in the USA. "Oh, there's a place by my flat if you want to send it when we get there - no need to deal with it if you don't need it," he pointed out. He led me to the Tube, chatting constantly about London, what there was to do, what he had planned, what he was doing that summer, etc. He didn't mention Anna once, and I felt like I shouldn't mention it myself - I didn't know what had happened, nor did I really want to find out if it was painful for him. Also, lost in those blue eyes of his, I didn't want to think he was capable of hurting my friend when he broke up with her. After traveling across London to the Finchley Road Tube Stop, we exited and went right to a Post Office. I gave them my bag, they boxed it up, and it was on its way. I had everything I needed and was glad I wouldn't have to cart that thing around any more than I needed to - it had served me well in Russia but it was just too big for extensive traveling. Down the street, no more than 1/4 mile from the Tube stop was the apartment Greg was living in... sorry, the flat Greg was living in. It was a nice place, too - he shared it with three other guys, all of whom were from his university and all currently out doing whatever it was they were supposed to be doing in London all summer. We deposited my bag and then headed back out for a brief tour of the area and some chips - traditional and served with malt vinegar and salt. They were fantastic! We went back to his flat around 4PM and decided to wait around for Ben. I had no idea what time he'd be arriving, only that his flight landed at 6PM and he'd head over. Not realizing at the time he had flown into Stansted, Greg and I thought we'd just chill for a couple of hours before Ben arrived. But I couldn't just sit there and stare at him and conversation ultimately came around to why he and Anna had broken up. She hadn't seemed upset, I told him, and while it was none of my business I had no idea what had happened. "Oh, well, it's just that it wouldn't have worked out," he said, kind of turning back to the television. "Oh really? Well, that's too bad. You seem like a great guy, you know, smart and hot," and then I froze, hearing what I'd just said but having no way to have covered it up. It had just slipped out, telling him he was hot. "Um," I stumbled, "I realize I just met you like a couple of hours ago or whatever and barely know you, but from what I've seen you're pretty cool." "Haha, thanks man," and he went back to watching tv, kind of distant. "And, er, sorry about that." "What?" he asked. "The whole 'hot' thing... I suppose Anna told you - I hope it's not a big deal." "Told me what?" "That I'm gay... same with Ben. I hope you don't think it's a big deal." And he just laughed. "Hahahaha! No, it's not a problem. Hahahaha! Wow! Thanks for that, I haven't laughed that hard in two months." I was clearly confused and just sat there, deciding I should just let it be. Greg kept chuckling to himself, though, shaking his head and totally not paying attention to the news on the television. After a couple of minutes, thinking it wasn't really that humorous, I asked him, "What's so funny?" "What do you mean?" he asked. And he legitimately looked perplexed at my question. "Really, I don't get it, what's so funny?" "Are you serious?" "Yeah," I said, very confused. "Um, well, I didn't know you were gay, and, um, I'm gay, too," Greg said. "Say that again?" "I'm gay, too. That's why Anna and I broke up! I can't believe she didn't tell you! Hahaha! This is too funny!" At that point I couldn't help but laugh, too. I don't know if Anna was trying to set us up or not, or if this was her idea of a joke, but it was now hysterical to me. We had a good laugh and then watched the rest of the news before cutting off the tv and turning to each other to chat some more. He told me how he had come to this realization and how he told Anna, and just as I expected she made it a big joke, pretty much unconcerned that she was losing her boyfriend to boys everywhere. We agreed she was one of the coolest people we'd ever met, and certainly the funniest. He went on to see that he'd been dating a guy while in London for the summer. They both knew it was never going anywhere, but they were having fun and enjoying each other's company. It had apparently caused some tension in the apartment, as the other guys weren't so open-minded, but his actual roommate that shared the room with him was okay with it - which worked out since Greg had had this guy sleep over a couple of times and they shared his extremely small single bed, while his roommate was only a couple of feet away. Knowing that I batted for the same team so to speak, he was glad he could invite this guy, who's name was Raviv, out with us for dinner and it wouldn't be a problem if he stayed over. Ben had a bit of trouble getting there, and it wasn't until 8PM. We all learned a valuable lesson about flying into London that evening, which was Stansted is NOWHERE near London. He arrived by cab, however, and he looked better than ever. He looked so "European" standing there in the doorway - with his tall frame, blond hair, blue eyes, he probably could have been a poster child back in the late 1930s for a particular regime that shall remain nameless. He really looked amazing, and unable to control myself when he stepped out of the cab (we went outside when the cab honked the horn), I couldn't help but throw my arms up around his shoulders and kiss him full on the lips. He reacted perfectly, throwing his arms around me and picking me up off the ground. Greg just laughed and grabbed the bag from the cab driver. We went back inside and Greg called Raviv and told him to meet us at an Indian restaurant nearby that Greg liked. We met Greg's friend, who for a lack of a better word was his fuck buddy. Raviv was handsome - short, olive-skinned, and Israeli. He had moved to London about a year before Greg arrived in order to go to university. He was very intelligent and had dark eyes and always had a rough five-day scruff - I don't believe he ever could look clean-shaven for more than about three minutes. We all went back home, finding that Greg's other roommates had returned home. His actual roommate had gone to Paris for the weekend, so Ben and I (if we so chose) could share that tiny single bed across the room from Greg's, where he and Raviv would be sleeping. I was happy to, ready to curl up in my handsome friend's arms and get a really good night's sleep. After Ben and I showered (traveling all day always makes me feel a little dirty), Ben and I climbed into the single bed in nothing but our briefs and it took a few minutes for us to get settled into a comfortable position. Fortunately the bed was up against a wall and Ben propped himself up against it and I basically curled up in front of him. He wrapped his arms around me and I started to drift off to sleep. Greg and Raviv had stayed up until sometime around two in the morning and I woke up as they climbed into Greg's bed. Raviv, I noticed, walked in and stripped naked immediately, climbing into bed with Greg, who was in normal cotton boxers. I was back asleep in no time, comfortable in Ben's arms and really happy to be spending time with him. Around nine in the morning we all started to wake up, starting with Raviv. I'm sure he had disciplined himself while doing his mandatory service in the Israeli army before coming to England. He got up, strolled out of the room stark naked, and came back after using the bathroom. He climbed back into bed with Greg, who was now awake, and they started making out rather furiously. Ben cleared his throat, and they apologized and Greg got up to use the bathroom and shower. After I heard the water turn on, Raviv got up and joined him. I could hear them through the wall - they weren't loud, but they were certainly into it. I rolled over and looked into Ben's eyes. He smiled and we kissed each other and made out for a little bit. We got up and got dressed before Greg and Raviv got out of the bathroom. We sat down in the living room and started planning what we'd do for the day. We decided to go on a tour of the city - one of those double-decker bus tours. We figured we'd get a feeling for the city and then go back and see what most interested us. Greg and Raviv had the day off from their jobs, but they had plenty of other things to do besides sit on a bus tour. We agreed to meet later and went on our way. Fortunately Greg gave us a key in case we got home before he did. After riding all around London and hiking to the top of St Paul's to get the bird's eye view of the city, we headed back to Greg's since it was getting to be about four o'clock. When we arrived at Greg's he was nowhere to be found, so we decided to have a bit of fun. I'm not sure how long it had been for Ben, but aside from Kolya, I had not had sex in two months. We walked in and went ahead and walked into the bedroom. Pretty quickly we were making out, tongues buried in one another's mouths. After a few minutes of kissing, I pulled Ben's shirt up over his head - well, I tried, he's just so tall. With Ben's shirt off I was just the right height to start kissing and sucking at his nipples, licking his chest all over as I moved from one to the other. He had clearly found the time to work out over the summer in Austria, and it showed in his abs and pecs. He just looked fantastic, and I was hoping to let him know how much his hard work was appreciated. We went back to kissing and making out as Ben reached down and pulled my shirt up and over my head, then straight back to kissing, Ben's tongue almost reaching the back of my throat. After a couple of minutes he pulled back and leaned over, sucking at my right nipple while lightly playing with the left one, pinching it fairly gently. I was loving it, and threw my head back enjoying the attention. He switched on me, kissing across my chest to my left nipple, moving his hands doing to start rubbing my dick through my jeans. It felt great, and knowing Ben as well as I did made it more fun than randomly hooking up with someone. I leaned forward as Ben pulled his lips away from my chest and we kissed while he unfastened my belt and began to unbutton my fly. Within a couple of seconds he had my jeans open and was shimmying them down, breaking off from kissing me and kissing down my chest to my belly button. He rubbed my dick a bit more through my briefs - I was rock solid - and eventually slid them down, finally releasing my swollen cock. Within two or three seconds I had stepped out of my shoes, jeans, and briefs and was standing there in nothing but socks. Ben didn't wait for me to shed those, however, and wrapped his warm lips around my dick, taking all of it at once. He sucked away, coming off several times to lick up and down my shaft and then focusing heavily on the head of my dick. I was definitely leaking some pre-cum at this point, and could see Ben rubbing his own dick through his jeans. He went at my dick for a while, running his tongue up one side, around the head, and then back down the other. It felt amazing, and I told him to keep it up. He went on for some time, taking my cock all the way down his throat and sucking hard before releasing and licking and playing all the way off before doing it again. I was sure I wouldn't be able to stand it much longer, but I held off... then told Ben to get up so I could return the favor. He stood up and I undid his jeans, sliding them down to his ankles. His cock was rock solid and leaking, and I went down on him immediately. I sucked right at the end, treating his dick almost like a straw, running the pre-cum around in my mouth with my tongue before diving hardcore onto his dick, swallowing the whole thing ravenously. I slid my mouth up and down Ben's cock a few times before moving on to his balls, sucking them into my mouth and rolling them around with my tongue. Ben breathed more and more deeply as I did this until asking me to stand up, at which point his put one hand behind my neck and one hand behind the small of my back. He pulled me into him and we kissed. After a minute or two we moved over to the bed, him stepping out of his clothes lying on the floor around his ankles and I shedding my socks. He laid back on the bed while I hoped for the best in the drawer in the bedside table. Maybe, just maybe, Greg had some lube in there. I opened the drawer and no such luck, but Ben reached into his backpack and pulled out a small bottle. "I was prepared for this," he said. "Well, maybe not prepared - just 'hoping,' hehe." "Works for me, man. I'm glad you've got it - it's been awhile for me," I said, taking the bottle from him and popping the top. I poured a generous amount into my hand and slicked up Ben's stiff rod, then poured out some more to rub onto my extra-tight hole. It had been awhile, and I was hoping for as smooth an entry as possible. Sufficiently lubed - or at least hoping - I straddled Ben and lined his dick up. I slowly sat down, trying to relax as I did so. I pushed myself down until I had him all the way in, then started to rock up and down, using my legs to get myself into a rhythm. It felt so good to have a dick in me again. I pushed off as far as I could then slid right back down, sitting on Ben and taking the weight off my legs before pushing myself back up, feeling his dick slide along my insides. I was moaning up a storm. But my legs were out of shape. I wasn't going to be able to keep this up - my thighs were burning. As much as I wanted to, I wasn't going to be able to keep it up. After only five minutes or so, I was clearly slowing down, even though my dick was rock solid, leaking pre-cum, and I could tell Ben had a long way to go. "Go ahead and climb off, we'll switch it around - no reason for you to do all the work," Ben said, putting his hands on my hips and gently directing me up. His dick popped out of my ass, and we switched places, I lying on my back, Ben sitting in between my now-raised legs, lining his dick up with my target. He pushed in and leaned in and kissed me, slowly sliding in and out, kind of shallow. Our tongues danced, he breathed heavily, I moaned softly, and he slid in and out slowly, giving me exactly what I wanted. After a few minutes he picked up the pace, settling into a pretty good rhythm of sliding way in and way out of my hole. I was so hard I could barely stand it, and it wasn't but a few minutes until I could feel the pressure in my balls building rapidly. I clamped down a little, trying to stave it off, which did absolutely no good. Ben asked if I was alright, and I said yes, but that I was close. He didn't stop or even slow down, but said if I wanted him to he would. I told him to keep going - I was perfectly happy to blow my load and Ben to keep going. I was enjoying every second, every inch, every thrust from him. Finally I couldn't take it any longer and couldn't hold back. My dick enlarged as big as it would ever get, my balls contracted, and my ass clamped down around Ben's dick as I shot a massive load, a stream of cum erupting from my dick and flying right at my face. I hit my cheek and down around my chin and neck, the next shot hitting me mid-chest, before the rest pulsed out, pooling where it fell. Ben slowed down and stopped, but didn't pull out. He sat there for a moment and then laughed. "You look way hot with that on your face!" "Haha, yeah, I bet. How far did I make it up?" I asked. "About to here," he said, leaning in and licking my cum off my cheek. He was so tall he could reach my face and not pull out of me - one of the benefits to being the shorter guy, I suppose. "Are you done? Do you want me to stop, or take a break?" he asked. "No way! Keep going - it feels great, Ben." And he slowly picked up his rhythm again. And it felt so good. Spent I might be, but Ben knows what he's doing and he's gently and smooth. I was in post-orgasmic bliss, happy to feel his cock, still nice and stiff, sliding in and out of my ass. Ben has the ability to go for quite some time, and so he kept on sliding in and out of me, heading back up to a good pace and even picking it up a little bit. He grabbed my ankles and held my legs out almost straight, smoothly pleasuring my prostate. This went on for a good fifteen minutes - until I actually got hard again and started to feel it in myself for another eruption - though it was still going to take some time, and hopefully, longer than last time. After another five minutes or so, when I was nice and stiff again, we heard the door out in the hallway open and Greg and Raviv come into the flat. Ben stopped and looked at me, a mixture of disappointment and dread on his face. "Damn it!" Ben whispered. He started to pull out when I told him not to worry about it, they probably wouldn't come into the room. We had the door closed and they'd probably figure we wanted some privacy or were napping and didn't want to be disturbed. Ben picked up the pace again, hands around my ankles. I relaxed and put both of my hands behind my head, looking up at Ben's beautiful torso as I felt his cock slide in and out of me. The door, however, opened, and Raviv stood there, Greg just behind him, staring. I looked at them and couldn't help but smile. Raviv was smiling and Greg looked a little surprised, but they both looked amazing. Ben stopped and looked back over his shoulder at the door, clearly a little aghast at their arrival. "Sorry guys!" Raviv said. "Don't worry about it," I said. It really didn't bother me that I was lying there naked, Ben's dick in my ass - if anything, it kind of turned me on a bit more. Raviv seemed fairly nonplussed and went ahead and walked in - whether he wanted a better view of my body (Ben's body more blocked most of me from the door, I imagine), or what I don't know. Raviv walked over and sat on Greg's bed, just a few feet from where Ben and I were mid-way through our little activity. We were totally paused, though - Ben wasn't moving at all. Raviv spoke first: "Don't let us disturb you. Greg," he patted the bed next to him, "have a seat." "Yeah, Greg, sit down," I said, and winked. Ben turned and looked at me, the expression on his face changing from bug-eyed surprise to devious pleasure, and he began once again to slide in and out of me, releasing my ankles and leaning down to kiss me. He picked up the pace fairly quickly and sat back up, thrusting in and out of me, really pounding my ass now. I didn't mind, and was so hard now I was sure I was going to shoot again. I closed my eyes, tensing up my body. It wasn't going to be long now and I moaned excitedly. "Yeah, Ben, yes!" I closed my eyes again and arched my back, trying to hold back. What happened next was pretty awesome. I didn't know it had happened until it had already happened, but I heard movement and then felt something around my dick - a mouth! I opened my eyes and saw the back of Raviv's head moving up and down, sucking on my cock while Ben fucked me. I came almost instantly, shooting my load into Raviv's mouth. I heard him slurp a couple of times in between the loud moans I was making. I could feel my entire body convulse, and my ass clamped down tight on Ben's dick, which I could feel swelling ever so slightly. After another thirty seconds or so, Raviv having drank everything that came out of my dick, he came up off my dick. Another minute and Ben's dick erupted in my ass, torrents of cum filling my insides. I know I mentioned it before, but Ben had a rather amazing ability to produce this stuff, and it was a metric assload - literally - of his spunk. He calmed down and slid out, a fair amount of his cum running out of my ass. It wasn't until then that I saw Greg, who was in awe that such things could actually happen. And he'd just watched! I put down my legs, sore from holding them up for so long, and Ben relaxed back on his haunches, turning to the side and leaning up against the wall. I looked at Raviv, who sat back down next to Greg, whom he frenched roughly. Greg kissed back and they broke off, sitting there looking at Ben and me, naked and spent. "That was fucking awesome!" Greg shouted. "Dude, that was... that was SO cool!" Raviv, Ben and I laughed, Raviv saying, "See, there's lots more for you to experience, babe. Let's let them clean up." With that, he grabbed Greg's hand and led him out of the room. Ben and I kissed for a few minutes and then got up and cleaned up. After a quick shower, I was ready to go. Nothing was said about it until after dinner - when we got back from our meal and got ready for bed, when Greg went on again about it being "awesome, cool, hot," etc. Raviv stripped naked, just like the night before, and this time so did Ben and I. We climbed into our bed, though instead of leaning up against the wall Ben laid right in the middle. I climbed on top of him, putting my head on his chest and straddling this body with my arms and legs. I looked over to the side and saw Raviv try to slip Greg's boxers down, but Greg didn't seem to like the idea too much and resisted. I closed my eyes and before I knew it, I was waking up in the middle of the night, having slid over to Ben's right side, up against the wall, with my arm and a leg over him and my head on his upper arm. I was really cozy there and rearranged just a little bit to get more comfortable. Ben woke up and asked if everything was alright. I told him it was and kissed his pec there in front of me before falling right back to sleep.