Date: Tue, 16 Feb 2010 13:55:24 -0500 From: Subject: The Further Adventures of Justin & Billy, Chapter 18, Part 4 The Further Adventures of Justin & Billy Chapter 18, Part IV From Billy's viewpoint I could hear Justin on the phone with Joe in the kitchen, but I couldn't be bothered to pay any attention to it. How could I? Not while I was on my back on the sofa with Tom's cock down my throat and mine buried even deeper in his. The feeling was awesome. There was something different Tom did when he sucked cock. Or at least when he was sucking mine that afternoon. When Justin or other guys had sucked me, I could always feel their tongue and the roof of their mouth and all. Like I knew what all the parts were and what they were doing to my cock. That felt good. Really good usually. As long as I didn't feel their fucking teeth. But with Tom it was different. It was like he didn't have lips and a tongue and a throat and shit. When he got going on my cock it was like a . . . like a glove, or a vacuum, or being deep in a guy's ass. I don't know what exactly. All I knew was my cock was surrounded by warm, pulsing, sucking flesh that was so fucking alive it was scary. It completely surrounded my cock. Like I'd stuck it into warm sucking mud or something. Only so fucking hot. So alive and like it knew exactly what I was feeling. Knew exactly what it needed to do to make this blowjob the fucking best it could be. It had me so worked up! My heart was racing. My mind was like totally into sex. It's hard to explain but if you can imagine your brain getting a blowjob . . . some hot guy sucking off your brain . . . and having it be like the best blowjob you ever got . . . That's what I'm talking about. That's how it was. I was so wrapped up in getting this awesome blowjob I could hardly remember I was supposed to be returning the favor. I was probably giving pretty terrible head just then. The only good thing I was probably doing was finger-fucking Tom the whole time. I was pumping both my middle fingers in and out of his hole as best I could. Like pistons. He seemed to be getting off on that. So that's what was going on when Justin came back from the kitchen, telling us, "Get a room." That fucking broke the moment. Tom looked up at Justin and asked, "Why? Is that professor guy gonna be dropping by?" "No, but I need to talk to Billy about something," Justin said. He paused as though he expected Tom to get up and leave. But that didn't seem about to happen. Not with one of my fingers still up his butt. And my hard cock just inches from his lips. How could Tom leave? Where would Tom go? He didn't have a car. If Justin expected a private chat with me, I didn't think that was gonna happen. "Well, I guess you can hear this," Justin finally said to Tom. Unfortunately for me, Tom eased his butt from my invading finger and settled in at the far end of our sofa. As he tucked his legs under himself, I saw his hand stray to his hole and stroke it. Checking it out. I knew he was trying to hold on to the feeling. His cock still hard. Still wet with my saliva. His cocklips kinda swollen from my sucking him so hard. Pre-jizz leaking. A clear strand of his sweet goo dangling from the tip of his cock toward his tanned tummy as he leaned back against the sofa arm. He was like the perfect twink. He looked so young and innocent, even sitting there with his leaking hard-on. It was his face, I guess. Fuck me! He turned me on! I looked down at my own cock and it was in pretty much the same condition as Tom's. Saliva sloppy and dripping. Still mostly hard. Still mostly throbbing with the pleasure Tom had been giving me. When I looked back up at Justin and Tom, I knew I had this shit-eating grin on my face. I couldn't help it. I looked from Tom to Justin and said, "Tom gives the best fucking head. Sorry, Justin. But he really does." "We can talk about that later," Justin said. It was clear he was a little on edge. I couldn't imagine what the big deal could be. The night before we'd told Tom pretty much everything there was to tell about us and Joe. Shit, we'd told him pretty much everything. Except about H.R. and our project. So there really wasn't much any need for secrets anymore. Justin sat on the edge of the table. "You know Joe's wife is in England visiting her parents," he said as he looked at me with his no-nonsense look. Then he paused as though he was making sure Tom and I were both up to speed on all this. "I thought they lived in New York," Tom said. "They do, but they vacation this time of year for three or four months in England, where her father, I think it's her father, has family," Justin clarified. "Anyway, she called Joe today to say that she thinks she may stay in England for a month or so, instead of coming back this week as they had planned." Justin paused again as though that was supposed to get some sort of reaction out of us. It didn't. "Anyway Joe said he was 'feeling kind of lonely' and wondered if we'd like to come over." As Justin said the words "come over," he put special emphasis on them as he raised his eyebrows and sort of cocked his head. I got it. Joe wanted us to come over and fuck around. "That's OK, guys. I understand. You can go. You should go. It sounds like it could be fun . . .. And lucrative." As soon as the words had left Tom's mouth, he seemed to realize almost immediately that it might have been the wrong thing to say. "Well, sorry about that, but I've got stuff I probably should do anyway," Tom said, looking like he was about to get up. But he didn't actually budge from the sofa. "No, that's OK," Justin said. "I told Joe we were busy. Maybe some other time." Tom got this surprised look on his face. "You mean you turned this guy down? Really? If he's everything you've said he is . . . hot and sexy . . . good looking . . . well built . . . And he's already given you so much great stuff . . . a car and an apartment and clothes and . . ." Tom seemed unable to finish a thought. He was obviously really hung up on the idea of Joe as our Sugar Daddy. "Man, I would have been there in a flash. Fuckin' A, I'd be headed there right now if I knew where he lived." Justin and I both laughed, but then Justin turned serious again. "It isn't that easy," he said and then he laid out the rest of it: After Justin had said we couldn't get together with Joe that day, Joe had invited Justin and me to spend the following weekend at his in-laws "country home." It seems he made it completely clear that he wanted to continue to "explore the contours of our relationship." Justin was sure he was trying to say . . . without actually saying the words . . . trying to say he wanted to fuck us both. You should have seen the look on Tom's face when Justin said that. He was like a little kid opening gifts on Christmas morning. Only he was a lot cuter. A lot sexier. And he was still naked. Still fucking hard. When Justin said Joe wanted to fuck us, Tom did everything but clap his hands together in excitement at the thought. But I could tell from Justin's tone and from the churning in my gut that this would not be a good thing. We didn't want to go there with Joe. Didn't want to fuck him or be fucked by him. Not together. Not alone. We both knew that. We'd agreed it wasn't gonna happen. I was just scared that Justin was gonna say he didn't think we had a choice. Or even worse, that he'd decided he wanted to. "I tried to make it as clear as I could that we had decided that we couldn't do that. But since he hadn't actually said he wanted to fuck us, it was hard to tell him he couldn't," Justin said. "So where does that leave us?" I looked over at Tom as I asked this, trying to figure out what he was making of this whole conversation. It was clear he was dying to know just where that left us, too. "I told him I'd have to check with you and that you were busy entertaining a guest. It's a good thing I didn't tell him what you were actually doing in here or he'd probably be on his way here right now. Kind of like Tom here in reverse. "But Joe just went on and on. I think he was probably sitting there with his phone in one hand as his cock in the other. I think he'd really gotten himself turned on with the idea we might get together today. "Anyway, it was like since I'd told him no about today, he wasn't gonna take no for an answer about next weekend. He wanted to make that clear. He said something about all the money he had invested in me and the opportunities he is creating. It was all true and I really appreciate it. I told him that. And that you do, too. "I told him how excited we were about the new place and how convenient it would be to be living that close to him. I lied and told him I was wearing a shirt and slacks we'd picked out in New York. "He seemed really pleased by all that. We talked some about what he needed me to do this week. Some slides he wanted me to critique. And a couple of people he wanted me to talk to. Probably dinner Wednesday. You're welcome if you want a good dinner." "You're gonna talk art all night, right?" I asked as nice as I could. I wasn't feeling nice toward Joe at all. "Yeah, I guess," Justin said. "Anyway, the work part . . . that was all good. But something about the way he talked about what he'd done for us and then later about the country house thing . . . It seemed all mixed up in a way that didn't feel right." I got really mad when I heard that. I was ready to go over to Joe's place and kick his fucking ass. He didn't own us. Justin was talented and deserved to be picked to be mentored. If we got along as good friends and exchanged some good times that was OK. But we didn't owe him that. I thought that's what his little test was about. Justin had said "No," and still got picked. So what was all this about? As I got madder and madder, Justin seemed to backpedal. To make excuses for Joe. Justin tried to explain that Joe never actually said anything that was like, I gave you this; you owe me that. "That connection may have just been in my head. I mean he was really nice and talked about what a great place the country house was to get away. It could be that it's just something he really wants to do for us. We may just have to get used to the fact that he is gonna be giving us a lot of great experiences. He didn't say anything about fucking him . . . or even mention sex. I guess I just felt it was sort of underneath what he was saying. "So are you saying you want to go? You want to fuck him?" I asked. Fuck, I guess I screamed it at him. I don't know what Tom made of that. I wasn't looking at him. "No, not at all. That's not what I'm saying." Justin switched into his calm, logical, smooth voice. The one that always seemed to get him what he wanted. What he usually wanted was for me to see things his way. It usually worked, too. I finally calmed down again. Then Tom started asking a bunch of questions. It was weird how much he wanted to know about how we felt about Joe. Did we love him? Were we afraid of him? What did we really want from him? A long conversation followed where we laid out everything for Tom. I guess we talked with Tom we started to realize that maybe we hadn't been so clear when we talked to Joe. The same way we hadn't been clear with each other so often. It was kinda weird at first sitting there naked talking to Tom about all this stuff, but after a while I guess it seemed OK. It was a good talk. A really good talk. The more I talked about Joe and the more I heard Justin talk about him, the more I realized how different it was with a friend like Tom. I kept no reserve with Tom. No protection. No secrets. And I felt completely safe. It wasn't love or any shit like that. It was more like it had been with Jess I guess. Only with Tom there wasn't all the baggage with sex and stuff. When Tom finally seemed satisfied that we'd answered all his questions, Justin said, "Anyway, Joe said he hoped we could come. I could confirm with him after class tomorrow. I have some stuff to do for him then anyway. "Can I just ask one last simple question?' Tom said. He looked from me to Justin and back to me. "So do you guys fuck around with other guys or not? I'm still confused. Sometimes like you're saying that you have fucked with other guys like that Jess. But then when it gets right down to it, like with Joe, something seems to . . ." He left his thought hanging over us. "So I understand how you guys feel about Joe now I guess. But just so you know . . . and you probably couldn't care less . . . if half of what you've said about him is true, I'd let him fuck me in a heartbeat. But that's me. I'd throw myself at his feet to have what you guys have with him." That got kind of a chuckle out of us. "Fuck, I've thrown myself at you. In case you haven't figures it out, I like to get fucked. And I thought you said earlier we could fuck. Didn't you?" He paused until both Justin and I had nodded yes. "So what's the problem? I don't get it. I just want to know. Since you're not gonna fuck with Joe today. And I'm not gonna fuck with him today. Are we gonna fuck or are you guys just all talk?" Tom's question left a resounding silence in its wake. We were sitting there looking from one to the other. Silent. Still naked. Still uncertain what lay ahead. When Tom talked, there was little room for misunderstanding. And at that point I thought I knew the answer. The right answer. My answer. Our answer. "Yeah, we're gonna fuck," I said, "but . . . now don't get all questions again . . . I've got an idea I wanna talk about first," I said. "I think you'll like it." And that's when we started to hatch our plan. It had been sitting right in front of us. So obvious. All we had to do was to figure a way to get Tom and Joe together and hope that they clicked . . . or better yet fucked. And that Joe discovered he liked Tom enough to stop wanting to have sex with Justin and me. In less than 30 minutes our planning was complete and we were all pretty fucking excited about how it could play out. It could be a win for everyone if Tom clicked with Joe the way we hoped he would. Tom was already imagining shopping sprees, a new car, travel, a life of luxury. I was already worried that this might rob Justin and me of our first real fuck buddy. I hoped it didn't, but just in case . . . "Get over here," I said to Justin. He took a couple of steps toward where I was seated on the sofa. As he stood obediently in front of me, I took hold of his semi-hard cock. Grabbed it like it was the handle on his luggage. Then I took hold of Tom's cock. It was still kinda hard too. I stood up, pulling Tom up with me. And then I led the two of them by their cocks to our bedroom. "I think we've talked and schemed enough for one day. It's time to fuck! What do you say?" To be continued . . . AUTHOR'S NOTE: This is the second book in the "I Thought I Knew" series. It is not necessary to read the books in order, although Book 1 chronologically precedes this book. It can be found under the title "I Thought I Knew" in the High School section. /nifty/gay/highschool/i-thought-i-knew/ The characters in this project are real. The names and some other identifying information in this story have been changed to conceal the identities of the characters described. The Copyright for this story is held by Hardreader. The story may not be reprinted or distributed elsewhere in print, electronically or digitally without the permission of the author. I would love to receive comments on this story from readers. Email me at While you're waiting for the next episode, I hope you'll stay happy. And stay hard! -- H.R.