Date: Thu, 26 Jan 2012 21:01:34 -0500 From: Odin Subject: Second Shot Chapter 22 Apology Not Accepted Disclaimer: Story characters belong to the author, any resemblances to real people are entirely coincidental. Content Advisory: Adult situations, language, sexual references Copyright, 2010, Quonus10 I hope you enjoy it. Please comment to: 22. Chapter 22: Apology Not Accepted Checking the time on his phone, Jason left the Java Shack, coffee in hand. Darryl would laugh at him for drinking coffee on a hot August day, but then Darryl wasn't waiting for Peter to finish working before he could eat. "Jason!" Hearing his name, he froze. It couldn't be him, he thought. Rather than look, he decided to keep walking. Maybe he would get the hint. "Jase, stop." The voice was closer now. "What do you want?" Jason didn't try to be civil. "C'mon Jase," Jordan jogged over, refusing to look at his ex-friend. "I just want to talk." "Seems to me you did more than enough talking last winter." Jason's heart was thumping so hard he thought he heard it. "We really have nothing to say to each other." "Jason, we've been friends since we were five." If Jordan thought this was going to help, he was wrong. "Yeah, don't remind me how fucking stupid I was for fifteen years." Jason never wanted to punch someone as much as he wanted to hit Jordan. "No one I want as a friend would ever do what you did to me. Too bad it didn't work out as you planned." "What's that supposed to mean?" Jason obviously struck a nerve as Jordan glared at him. Rolling his eyes, Jason almost walked away. Instead he said, "Please, do you think I don't know why you outed me? Sorry, but my real friends didn't react the way you hoped. They are still my friends, my REAL friends. If you wanted me to feel alone and isolated, you failed." Staring at him, Jason realized what Jordan wanted. He wanted to beat the smug look off his ex friend's face. "That wasn't what I wanted Jason. I only . . . ." "Yes it is, you lying piece of crap." Jason had almost six months to stew about how his one time best friend tried to ruin his life. "Just like you always do, you tried to make yourself look good at someone else's expense. Only this time it didn't work out how you planned did it? Everyone stopped talking to you instead of me." He didn't need Jordan to admit it was true, Jason could see it in his face. It wasn't just Darryl and Wendy who avoided Jordan, all their joint friends, with one exception, took his side over Jordan's. "Jason." Gone was the arrogant attitude Jordan displayed when he showed up. Maybe he thought Jason would buy his schtick and now that he wasn't, Jordan needed a new angle. "I know sorry isn't going to be good enough, but . . . ." Jason's laugh caused him to stop. "Are you kidding me? You're sorry? Please." Shaking his head, Jason started to walk away. "Really Jase." Jordan put his hand on Jason's shoulder. Jason flinched at the touch, nearly dropping his coffee as he cocked his left fist and turned around. Jordan jumped back, both hands raised in defense. "Whoa, Jase, I just want to talk." His shock made him almost believable. "What's there to talk about?" Jason wiped the coffee off his wrist and arm. "Seems to me the time is past for that wouldn't you say?" "I know I was wrong, really I do." Jordan tried to maintain eye contact this time. "I just felt I was losing my best friend to . . . that guy." "Losing me?" Jason couldn't believe what he heard. "Peter wasn't taking me from my friends. In case you missed it, the night you attacked him, we were hanging out with my friends." He was shaking so hard, he spilled coffee on his hand again. "Fuck!" Checking first to see if anyone was nearby, Jason tossed the barely touched cup across his body onto the grass. Jordan's eye went from the cup back to Jason. "I didn't say what I felt was rational, only that is how I was thinking at the time. We used to be tight Jase, then suddenly we stopped speaking. The only thing that changed was him." "He has a name; it's Peter." Jason's mood was only getting worse. "Sorry." The apology at least sounded sincere. "When you screamed at me with your fists all balled up, I was mad, really mad, but I know what I did after that was wrong. What I am saying is I over reacted; completely over reacted. I was hoping for a chance to fix things between us." "Why?" Jason stared at him, squinting his eyes slightly. "Why do you want that?" "We've been best friends forever, it feels weird not talking anymore." Jordan continued to avoid eye contact. "I am really sorry, Jase." "Whatever, I don't believe you." Jason didn't try to hide his contempt. "The only thing you're sorry about is that it didn't work. I'm still happy and you realized that most of your friends were really my friends who tolerated you because I asked them to." He knew he should have left it at that and gone home, but he finally had a chance to tell Jordan what he really wanted. "You know, I always defended you, always. When people talked smack about you, I stood up for you. If they didn't want you along, I made sure you were included. No matter what other people told me about you, I always told them they were wrong; that they didn't know the real Jordan like I did. God I was so stupid." Jordan stood quietly listening to Jason talk about the hurt he felt. For the first time since it happened, Jason felt himself get emotional. How could his best friend betray him like that? "All I can keep saying is I'm sorry." His voice was soft, but this time he looked up. Trying to stay calm, Jason met the eyes and for a moment thought he saw genuine remorse. That look took some of the sting out of his pain, but didn't change his feelings. "Listen Jordan," his voice remained steady. "What you did was unforgivable. You were supposed to be my best friend, my best fucking friend. Whose best friend does what you did to me? Forget that betrayal, the worst thing is you destroyed my relationship with my mother. Nothing you say will fix that; nothing. I understand you say you're sorry and maybe one day I'll believe it, but I can't make this any clearer; you and I will never be friends again." He walked off, not looking back. What was left to say? Did Jordan really think they could be friends again or was this all a show? Despite how sincere he acted, Jason couldn't shake the feeling it was an act. Jordan wanted something; something more than being friends again. Six months after the fact, Jason acutely felt the sting of Jordan's betrayal. At the time he was too worried about what would happen next to feel the pain of the knife Jordan stabbed in their friendship. Between his mother's reaction, the need to deal with the team, trying to be on guard for people bashing him, he was too busy to fully process Jordan's actions. After the initial panic waned, he threw himself into his relationship with Peter. Free from hiding, they used their new freedom to enjoy being a couple. Again Jordan's treachery wasn't on his mind. Today it was hitting him like a sledge hammer. Checking the time again, he realized it was still more than two hours before Peter would be finished. Darryl had a date and Wendy wasn't back at school yet. Fuck, fuck and double fuck. Passing a bench, he sat down with a thud. Closing his eyes, he tried to squeeze the images of Jordan, then and today, form his mind. When that didn't work, he leaned forward putting his elbows his knees so he could rest his head on his hands. All he saw were the times he defended Jordan to Darryl and their other friends followed by the image of a disgusted Jordan screaming, `You're a Faggot too?' That betrayal hurt worse than how foolish he felt for not seeing the true Jordan. "Jason?" He picked his head up when he heard his name called. Standing alone, book-bag over his left shoulder and a soda in his right hand was one of his teammates. "Hey, Blake." Jason twisted the kinks from his neck. "What are you up to?" "Heading back to the dorm," he eyed Jason carefully. "You okay?" "Um," Jason looked at his feet, rubbing his eyes. "Yeah, fine. I'm waiting for Peter to get done work so we can have dinner." "Ah, that explains why you weren't at dinner with most of the team." "Yeah." He looked up to see his teammate staring intently at him. "You don't look okay." Blake sat down on the bench. "What happened?" "How offended would you be if I said, `piss off?'" Jason tried to smile, but it didn't last long. "I won't push you, but I'm here if you want to talk about it." Blake gave him a reassuring smile that made Jason laugh. "How did we go from me watching out for you to you making sure I'm okay?" Jason tapped him on the shoulder with his fist. Blake grinned before punching him back. "Sometimes even the captain needs someone to talk to." Taking a deep breath, Jason nodded. "Do you like coffee?" "Coffee?" Standing up Jason smirked. "Yeah, coffee." When Blake didn't answer he said, "Never mind, just walk to the Java Shack with me and I'll tell you what happened. I threw my coffee away before I drank it and now I need a new one." "Need it eh?" Blake winked at him. "More than you know." **** "C'mon Jase, cheer up." Peter reached across the table and grabbed his hand. "Sorry, Pete, I really didn't mean to ruin dinner." Jason forced himself to smile. "I just can't believe the fucking balls Jordan has to ask me to forgive him." Pointing a finger toward Peter, he quickly added, "He is up to something, I'm sure of it." Peter laughed, "You give him too much credit, Jason." "No, I don't." Jason shook his head even as his eyes looked far away. "He wants something and it's not to be friends again." Peter silently rubbed Jason's hand as the Harvest Moon staff cleared away the last plates. They were seated in `their' booth, but even that couldn't get Jason to forget about what happened earlier. Sighing, he put his other hand over Peter's. "Enough of him." This time his smile came naturally. "We should get home so I can tuck you in. Tomorrow is your tournament. You need your rest." "Tuck rhymes with something else we could do together." Peter raised both eyebrows suggestively. "Um, what happened to no sex the night before your meet?" Jason felt blood rush where he didn't need it to go if they were getting up in a minute. "I don't see what the harm is in my kicking back and letting you do all the work?" Unable to hold it back, Jason started laughing at how serious Peter tried to look. "Should we check with Mister Lee first? "You can call him if you want, but I can't promise how cordial he'll be in the morning if you wake him up." If Peter were nervous, Jason couldn't tell from his behavior. "Hmm," he tried to play along. "Anything that will hurt your performance I'll avoid." Their waiter smiled at Peter, his eyes lingering too long, before he put the check down. "Thanks again for coming in guys." Jason felt a twinge of jealousy. He knew it was irrational, Peter wasn't encouraging it, but he still wanted to tell the waiter to back off. Grabbing the case with the bill, he watched Peter's reaction. "Oh no," Peter pulled out his wallet. "We agreed to split this." "That was before the waiter started flirting with you." Jason put down his card, closing the leather top. "I'm leaving the tip, just in case you thought you might be overly generous." Peter stared at him for a moment before shaking his head with a smirk. "You're jealous." "Damn straight . . . err . . . gay . . . YES!" Why hide it, he thought. "I think I'm allowed to be jealous." "It's so cute." Peter looked pleased. "I didn't think you got jealous." "Why wouldn't I be?" Jason knew they were going to end up in another self esteem discussion. "Well, I mean I know I'm a great catch," Peter said sarcastically. "But you always say you're fine with everyone eyeing me because you enjoyed seeing them envy you." "Okay, I lied." Jason tried to hide his annoyance. Peter didn't deserve his pithy attitude. "From now on, it's eyes off my man." Raising both eyebrows Peter looked down at Jason. "Your man? When did you get so possessive?" "Not sure, but I am so get used to it." Jason inserted a hint of humor in his voice despite how serious he was about this. Their waiter returned, Peter made a point not to look up. Instead he reached across to rub Jason's hand. "You know I love only you, Jase." "Course I do." He handed the check to the waiter, keeping his eyes on Peter. "Thanks." Squeezing the hand he held, Peter said. "You bet. Now you know how I feel when we go out." "Sorry." Watching someone flirt with Peter sucked. "It never bothered me when it happens at a gay bar. Not sure why I got so jealous." "Feel free to be possessive." Peter winked to go with his smile. "Yours are the only stares I welcome." The arrival of the credit slip prevented Jason from answering. This time the waiter glanced at both of them. "Have a great night guys." "Thanks," Jason mumbled as he walked away. Scribbling a tip on the receipt before signing it, he put the pen down to find Peter looking at him. "What?" He asked when Peter didn't smile. "Are you sure you're okay?" Peter nodded for the exit. "Sorry, Pete," he needed shake off the day's events. "I don't mean to bring you down." "He really upset you, didn't he?" Peter grabbed Jason before he could walk passed. Looking around nervously, Jason almost pulled his hand back. "I never really dealt with it. Jordan's attempt to be friends again just doesn't feel right. It feels like he's trying to play me; he must think I'm so stupid I'll buy his shit." "Bye, Annette." Peter released Jason's hand when they reached the host stand. "Thanks for coming in sweetie." She gave Peter a hug before turning to Jason. "Why so glum?" Jason shrugged at her, but managed a smile. "Bad day, but it got better around dinner time." He put his hand on Peter's back, trying to forget Jordan and his antics. Annette gave him a hug as well. "That's the spirit. Now you two run along and have fun." She winked as she waved them out the door. Still light out when they left the restaurant, Jason noticed more than a few people milling about. Scanning the crowd he caught himself wondering if they would run into Jordan. They never ran into him, so why was he worried tonight? "Feel like getting coffee?" Peter's voice broke his concentration. "My treat since you got dinner." Not wanting to be out, Jason almost said, `no' before he realized Peter was trying to cheer him up. "Sure, sounds great." He managed a thin smile. Peter must have noticed how forced it was. "Cheer up. You won't run into him for at least the next two days." Remembering they were going away got a real smile. "True." "So what's up between you and this Blake kid?" Jason filled him in at dinner about Blake's offer to listen. "First he calls you a fag, then he comes out to you, now he wants to console you. Sounds like he might have a thing for you." "Would suck for him if he did." Jason finally managed to get out of his funk. "Not only am I taken, he's not my type." "Sure," Peter laughed. His mood told Jason he was not serious. "What's not to like; he's cute, smart, a soccer stud? I mean those are all things I look for in a man." "Hmm, sounds to me that I better watch myself. You have my replacement all picked out." "Sweetie, no one can replace you." In front of whoever was watching, Peter planted a kiss on Jason's cheek. Despite his best effort, Jason still froze for a second. Two girls walked passed them smiling. "How cute," one of them said. "Thanks." Peter smirked at them, slightly embarrassed as they continued toward the coffee shop. "Sorry Jase, I know PDA's still freak you out a bit." Realizing Peter regretted the kiss, Jason leaned over and returned the favor. "That doesn't mean I don't like it." The Java Shack was packed when they arrived, which was fine by Jason. He wanted to go home and Peter needed to get some rest. Ordering their drinks to go, they were about to leave when Jason heard his name. Matt, seated with a female wearing a Graydon Field Hockey shirt, waved them over. Matt introduced his new girl friend Mary then invited them to grab some chairs. Not wanting to interrupt, Jason was about to decline when Mary insisted. Peter didn't objection so they found two chairs. "Matt tells me I have you to thanks for the free weekend." Her smile was genuine as she patted Jason's hand. "Um . . . not sure that is completely accurate." Embarrassed by the attention, Jason turned to Matt and Peter. "Sure it is, Jase," Matt cut in. "You wanted to see your man compete so you got us all a day off." Now he was really embarrassed. "Everyone else ran laps for this." "Only after you started it." Matt didn't let him off the hook. "Even Darryl didn't run that first day." "Can we talk about something else?" Jason, wanting to get the conversation off himself, turned away from his teammate. "How's field hockey practice going?" The four talked for a few minutes before Jason decided it was time to leave. Two was company four was an entourage. He also wanted to get home. Between waiting for Peter and talking to Blake, Jason never made it home after his run in with Jordan. Jason held out the keys when they got to his car. "Do you mind driving?" "Um, sure." He missed the look Peter gave him as he got in the passenger seat. It was bad enough Jordan wanted him to forgive and forget, but now he ruined Jason's evening out with Peter. "Sorry, Pete, I didn't mean to spoil our night." Why did he let Jordan affect him like this? "I shouldn't let him get to me like this. Guess I'm just stupid." Peter gently turned Jason's head. "Jase, you're not stupid. You're upset because you're not like him. Being friends with someone means you're there for them when they need you; not betraying them. Jordan acting as if what he did was no big deal shows how different you two are. To him, friends are disposable. He tosses them away when he doesn't need them anymore." "Exactly why I think he's up to something." It was a feeling he couldn't shake. Even if he overlooked things, Jason still knew Jordan well enough to know what he was like. "Which is why you need to forget about him." Peter didn't let Jason derail him. "How about we go home, take a warm shower together then go to sleep?" The image of what Peter suggested brought a smile to Jason's face. When Peter responded in kind, Jason forgot Jordan and whatever he wanted. Why look back when his future looked so much better. "Sounds good to me." ***** Opening the door to their room, Jason felt a twinge of annoyance. Left to his own choices, he would have booked them a room at a better hotel. Traveling with Peter's family meant they were not free to stay wherever Jason wanted. At least their room was not adjoining Amanda and Erin's. Not that they were going to spend the night having wild sex. Peter had the semifinals and hopefully the championship match tomorrow. Tonight would be about resting. In fact, avoiding any nocturnal activities was a popular theme for the evening. First Mister Lee, then Peter's mom and finally Erin all reminded them to avoid being physical; though Erin was more blunt, telling them point blank, `Don't have sex tonight.' Despite being called a non-smoking room, it was evident prior guests disobeyed that rule. Sitting on the end of the bed while Peter got ready, Jason failed to convince himself this place wasn't so bad. Tired, worn and shabby were adjectives he used when he sent Darryl a text. God, he was such a snob. Who cared where they stayed? Being here for Peter was what mattered. For one night he needed to think of someone other than himself. Leaning back, he stared at the ceiling. Peter did all the work, so what was he exhausted? All he did was watch from the bleachers with Amanda and Erin. That and make a fool of himself cheering when Peter won the last match. Why didn't anyone tell him not to cheer until after the competitors bowed? Coming to competitions for more than a decade, Mrs. Gregory knew many of the other parents who were in attendance. Throughout the day Amanda would either stop to greet someone she knew or have others stop while they were seated. Each time, after exchanging pleasantries, Jason's presence became obvious. The first time it happened he froze, unsure what Peter's family expected him to say. Without skipping a beat, Amanda introduced him as Peter's boyfriend. Doing his best to be polite, he noted those who were friendly and those who were not. While Peter's sexuality was not a secret, neither was it announced before his matches. Those who knew before hand either didn't care or didn't come around. According to Amanda, the shocked reactions were from those who didn't know before. Jason sat through countless matches - soccer, baseball, basketball, whatever - but this was so different. Watching Peter, alone, with no one to rely on but himself, made Jason nervous and proud. Here was the source of Peter's mental toughness and self reliance. This is where Peter learned to be strong enough to weather anything life threw at him. Out there, in front of the crowd, there was no one to pass off to, no one to pick him up if he made a mistake. He couldn't take a breather knowing there was someone else who was covering. Peter sailed through the preliminary matches, winning easily. Huddled with Mister Lee between matches, Jason could see the two deep in conversation, with the teacher demonstrating something for his student. Occasionally Peter would look up and give a small wave or a smile. Jason wanted to believe it was just for him, but he knew how much Peter's family supported him. Long before Jason, Erin and his mom were there. Unfortunately the luck of the draw left Peter with a very difficult quarter final opponent. Like Peter, the other competitor was highly ranked. Both realistically could have medaled, but the bracket meant one went on while the other went home. Happily Peter won without hurting himself. "What are you smiling about?" Jason opened his eyes to find Peter standing at the foot of the bed. "Thinking about your last match." "Seth is a tough opponent." Wearing just a towel, Peter crawled next to his boyfriend. "I felt bad he didn't make the medal round. He's easily good enough to make the championship match." Jason rose onto his elbow, running a hand over Peter's back. "So is the guy who beat him." Before Peter could answer, Jason scooted over until he was straddling Peter's butt. "Um, didn't you hear everyone say, `no sex' tonight?" Aside from his question, Peter didn't try to make Jason move over. "Actually, I've been reading up on massage techniques." Jason ran his hands up Peter's spine, pushing outward with his palms. "But if you want me to stop, I can move over." Despite suggesting he would get up, Jason continued to apply what he read to ease Peter's tension. From the soft moan Peter let out, Jason figured he was doing something right. Resisting the urge to get up, get naked, then remove the towel that separated him from Peter's butt, he stayed where he was, working the tired muscles beneath his hands. When his hands started to tire he bent forward, softly kissing the smooth skin of Peter's back. Moving slowly up Peter's body, Jason stopped when he reached the neck. Knowing they were dangerously close to doing more than going to sleep, Jason rolled over. "That felt so good." Peter turned on his side to face Jason. "Who have you been practicing on that you suddenly learned how to give a decent massage?" "Ha!" Jason wasn't sure how serious Peter was when he didn't see a smile. "Didn't you know? I'm now the team masseur; I get to paw everyone on the team naked - except Darryl, that would be gross." Peter reached out to touch Jason's face. "Did you really buy a book just to learn how to do this?" "Yup." Looking at Peter's bare chest, it was killing him not to reach over, push him back and pull the towel off. Instead he jumped off the bed, heading for the bathroom. "All the times you massaged me after practice or a run, I figured I owed it to you to at least try to learn." Finishing quickly, he found Peter asleep, still in his towel. "Peter?" Gently he rubbed his shoulder. "C'mon, let's get you ready for bed." Half asleep still, Peter reach down, pulled the towel off and dropped it on the floor. "Okay, I'm ready." This was going to be a difficult night, Jason thought. Hanging the towel on a hook, he removed the rest of his clothes. Peter was asleep again, or at least pretending, when Jason crawled over, with his back to his sleeping boyfriend. Pulling the sheet over them, he felt Peter reach for him. "Love you, Jase. Thanks so much for being here." Unable to resist, he twisted around for a quick kiss before shutting the lights. "I love you too." ***** Having the second match of the day, Peter spent time speaking to his mentor and relaxing. Sitting around waiting for Peter's match left Jason bored. Amanda and to a lesser extent Erin, spend much of the morning speaking to other families they knew. Jason wanted to go for a run, but they checked out before coming to the venue. Instead he engaged in a text-a-thon with Darryl, Wendy and some of his teammates. The first semifinal match was a grueling, hard fought affair. By contrast, Peter cruised to victory, having less trouble than with his previous match. A little payback perhaps for a difficult quarterfinal Jason thought. When it was over, Jason looked at Erin before he cheered, not wanting a repeat of yesterday's faux pas. Understanding why Peter remained apart between matches didn't make Jason any less disappointed. Sure he wanted Peter to stay focused, but Jason also want to share this time with him. Now he knew how everyone felt coming to his games. Even though the outcome didn't affect Peter's bout, Jason paid close attention to the third place match. Peter's opponent from his last match seemed to have the upper hand for most of the contest. In itself that wasn't a good indicator of what Peter could expect, but it didn't hurt either. By the time the winner was decided, the cheering ended and the championship match announced, Jason felt like he did before his own games. He couldn't remember being this nervous watching someone else compete. Then again, he never watched his boyfriend compete before. Just as the match got underway, he felt someone grab his left hand. Amanda was squeezing both his and Erin's hand with an anxious look on her face. Watching hundred of matches before did not quell her nerves. "Thank you for being here, Jason." She never took her eyes from the mats. "Peter told me what you did to get the day off. It meant a lot to him to have you here, but to do all that meant even more." "Me too, Jason." Erin reached over to put her hand on top of his. "Peter's a great guy. Not just because he's my brother, but because he really is a good person. Unlike mom, I met some of the jerks he dated. It means a lot to me that you make him so happy. Even if I can't call you a hottie any more." Embarrassed by the attention, Jason was grateful she made him laugh. "Thanks. I'm trying, but I don't always get it right like he does." "Trying is what makes it right dear." Amanda's smile reminded him of happier days when his mother looked at him the same way. "Sometimes it really is the thought that counts." Everyone's attention was drawn to the mats as the match was announced. Jason watched Peter walk out for his introduction. The audience cheered for both participants for making it to the championship round. It appeared for a moment Peter looked up them and smiled, but it was so brief Jason might have imagined it. When he sat down, Amanda locked his hand in a vise grip. Her eyes never left her son's match. The pressure vacillated depending on the progress of the match. Even when Peter was doing well, her hold would tighten, easing up only when the pair separated. Still frustrated by how a match was scored, Jason watched for signals he understood. So far he knew Peter scored points, but his opponent had not. This would have him on the edge of the bleachers, except Amanda was still squeezing his hand like she was willing Peter her strength. When the official raised his hand, both she and Erin let out a scream before hugging each other. Shaking his hand to get the feeling back, Jason watched Peter face his opponent, bow to different people, then hug Mister Lee. "Jason!" Amanda waved at him as she left the stands. Confused, he checked on Peter. Mister Lee was still congratulating him, but Peter's eyes were locked on Jason. His mentor followed Peter's eyes and smiled. "Jason! Move it!" Erin's terse hand movement told him to hurry. Fighting his way through the crowd, Jason understood the urgency; everyone in the stands was making their way to the floor. Separated from Erin and Amanda, he watched as people tried to get closer for the ceremony. There was no way he could make it to the front. "Jason!" He heard Peter's voice, but couldn't see him. How could he lose Peter and his family in so short a time? Frustrated, he realized he was so far back he wouldn't be able to see the ceremony. "Jason!" This time it was closer. Trying to find the source, he finally caught a glimpse of Peter pushing through the crowd. What they wouldn't do for Jason, they were almost obliged to do for the tournament champion. Reaching out, Peter grabbed Jason's hand, pulling him with him back toward the dais. Peter didn't let go as he pushed, cajole and all but threatened his way back toward the front. "Don't lose him this time, Mom." He said, letting go of Jason's hand. Mister Lee stood a few feet away, shaking his head, but maintaining a smile. "Honestly, Jason." Amanda's voice forced him to stop staring at his boyfriend. "When I told you to come with us, you need to listen." Only paying partial attention, Jason only heard he upset Pete's mom. She was shaking her head when he looked at her, then she and Erin began giggling. "Jason, dear, I'm teasing." She patted his cheek affectionately. "You looked so worried when you turned around. Everything is fine, we can watch from here." Relieved, he searched to find Peter. It took a bit of effort, but he located Peter and the other winners standing with their coaches. Various officials were milling around, sorting out things before they could start the ceremony. Twice Peter made eye contact, smiling only after he found Jason. It felt good knowing Peter wanted to be sure he was there. Reliving the urgency Peter displayed hunting him down to drag him forward, Jason found it hard to just stand there. He wanted to run up to the staging area, hoist Peter off his feet and kiss him deeply. Blinking, he cast about to see if anyone noticed who he was staring at. This was Peter's moment. Jason needed to be sure to keep his emotions in check so he didn't ruin this for Peter. No one should leave the tournament with any thought other than Peter Gregory proved himself the top competitor. A huge grin threatened to become a permanent fixture on his face as the four finalists were brought out. His boyfriend was standing on the top step waiting to receive his gold medal. Jason wanted to scream his name, hooting for the crowd. Instead he moved closer to Erin and Amanda. When the fourth and third place winners were given their medals, Jason wondered if he could cheer when Peter got his? Should he act like he was just a family friend? Amanda slipped her arm around his. "It's so good you're here, Jason." She smiled, pulling him closer like she knew him forever. It was a bittersweet moment. At this moment he felt closer to his boyfriend's mother, someone he only met three times, than he did to his own mother. Amanda treated him like her own child. Coupled with the intense feelings he had for Peter, her including him in her family threatened to overwhelm him emotionally. An official called Peter's name, snapping Jason's attention back to the Dais. Peter won a state championship before, but he looked as happy winning this tournament as Jason ever saw him. The medal was barely around his neck when his eyes locked on Jason and he mouthed `I love you.' He knew he turned red, but consoled himself knowing almost everyone who saw it would think Peter was talking to his mother. Amanda probably though it was meant for her. "That was for you, Jason." She squeezed his arm. Jason was sure he turned even redder knowing he was busted. He knew it was for him, but he didn't want Pete's mom to know. "C'mon." She pulled him by the arm. Jason knew she wasn't going to lose him again. Peter stood with his teacher, ready to photographed with his medal and trophy. There were several shots the tournament wanted, some of just Peter, others of him with teacher. When the professionals moved on to the other winners, the family started taking theirs. Mister Lee obliged and took many of the pictures, but then they began passing the camera around, so there could be shots of everyone with everyone else. Finally, when Jason thought they covered all possible pairings, Peter grabbed him around the shoulder. "Smile, Jase." Peter planted a kiss on Jason's lips that surprised him with its intensity. Conscious of the people who were turning, Jason froze. What was Peter doing? "Pete, people are watching." "So?" Peter shrugged as he scanned the crowd. "Who cares? I won, I should be able to kiss who I want. My whole life I wanted to win a tournament and share it with the person I love. If they want to stare, smile wider." Before he could say anything, Jason noticed Amanda and Mister Lee setting up for pictures of the two of them. Realizing this was Peter's world, Jason tried his best to relax. Just before the pictures were taken, Peter leaned closer. "Think about all the fun we're going to have when we get home, that should help you smile." Jason's face broke into a wide grin. Why should he care if people gawked. Several pictures later, he leaned over and whispered, "I love you." Peter surprised him by turning his head and planting a kiss on Jason's lips. "I love you too, Soccer Boy. Now let's get home so we can really celebrate." *********** The satisfaction of hearing the whistle did nothing to remove the taste of dirt in Jason's mouth. Brushing off the biggest clumps of mud covering him after being tripped, he jumped to his feet. Noting the spot, he frowned; another five yards and it would have been a penalty kick. "Ten yards, Ref." He called out. Placing the ball while the referee set the defender's wall, he saw Matt coming toward him. Good, he wanted a crack at scoring and Matt had a wicked bend in his kicks. The defender guarding the near post allowed him to set up without the fear of being offsides. Making eye contact with Matt, Jason let him know he knew what to do next. The hardest part was not giving it away to soon. Time seemed suspended as he waited for the whistle and the kick. Too early and he would get ambushed, too late and the keeper would get a hand on the ball. Matt's shot better be on target, because from the way he was being jostled, this play was going to hurt. When the referee was satisfied everyone was in place, he gave Matt permission to shoot. Breaking away from the path the ball took to start, Jason confused his defender just enough to create some space. Eric and Carlos followed the script, drawing defenders with them as they made for the spot the ball seemed like it would go. Shouts rang out as the keeper realized the spin on the ball pushed it left, even as almost everyone broke right. Using the free space he created, Jason got up just ahead of the defender marking him. The goalie lurched, trying to stop his momentum to the right. Just as he broke left, Jason headed the ball toward the right corner. Two defenders converged on him from opposite sides, knocking him back into the mud. When the home crowd cheered, he knew he scored. Darryl yanked him up, right before his teammates mobbed him. Breaking from the pile he scanned the sideline, finding a shirtless Peter standing on the bleacher waving his shirt over head. Jason knew he better not stare too long, but was saved from any embarrassing problems when Matt grabbed him from behind. "That was fuckin' awesome, Jase!" Again Jason found himself on the ground, surrounded by his teammates. Darryl lead a stepped up defense of their goal, keeping their opponents from getting a clean shot for the last 30 minutes. The offense continued to press the attack whenever possible, hoping for an insurance goal, which Eric almost got with ten minutes to go. Only an acrobatic move by the goalie kept Graydon from going up two goals. Jogging back to the side lines after the teams shook hands, Jason notice Peter and Wendy working their way to the side lines. He made sure they understood he had about one minute once the coach stopped talking before he had to run to the field house to be in time for the meeting. Packed and ready to run, he made his way toward the fence that separated the field from the stands. Dropping his bag, he vaulted the fence, using his right hand for support. "Ew, Jason, you're covered in mud." Wendy took a step back when he tried to hug her. "That just gives me an excuse to toss him in the shower." Peter wiped a chunk of mud off his neck. Jason peeled off his sweaty jersey and used it to wipe off as much mud as he could. He was rewarded for his efforts with a kiss. "We need a picture, Jase. Wendy said she would take it." "Pete, I'm filthy." "So?" Peter put his arm around Jason's neck and pulled him in close. "Take a few Wendy." Snapping off several pictures, Jason got one last kiss. "Jase," Darryl called his name from the bench. "Let's go or we're running laps." "See ya soon, Pete." Jason almost left, but remembered Wendy. "Bye. Wendy, you sure you won't let me hug you?" "Go, Mud Boy or I'm going to hurt you if you get dirt on this sweater." She swatted at him as he inched closer. "JASE! C'MON!" Darryl's angry voice spurred Jason into a sprint. This time they didn't hold back, knowing Coach Slewman was dying to catch them being late. Today wasn't going to be that day if they could help it.