Date: Sun, 6 Jul 2008 02:40:13 -0400 From: Lone Wolf Subject: Zack and Jay chapter 10 Zack and Jay Chapter 10 Author: Lone Wolf In the morning I'm awoken by Jay getting out of bed. "What time is it?" I ask him still half asleep. "It's six o'clock." He says. "What the hell are you doing up at this time of day?" I ask him. "Well, I haven't been doing any workouts since quitting football and thought I would start training again. I don't want to end up a fat old man." He says with a smile. "Jay, you will never be fat to me. And besides you haven't gained any weight since you quit football. You look perfect to me." "Actually, I have gained about ten pounds. It must be your great cooking. I know you wouldn't care if I gained a hundred, but it's how I see myself that bothers me. I think I look fat. I can't explain it, I know I'm not. It's just how I see myself." He says. "Jay, how can a guy that looks like you have a self image problem?" I ask him. "It's because of my problem I look the way I do. When I was younger I thought I looked really fat. I talked to Shawn about it and then my parents. They sent me to a counselor and he helped me a lot. I will always have a problem with the way I think I look, but he helped. I think that's how I started being interested in becoming a counselor. He helped me; I want to repay him by helping someone else. The one thing he told me that I remember to this day is that if I don't like the way I look do something about it. So I started doing extra workouts on my own away from the rest of the team. It took about a year, but eventually, when I looked in the mirror I liked what I saw. Well I'll be back in about an hour. I'm going for a run." He says and leans over me and gives me a kiss. "Hang on. Let me get dressed and I'll come with you." I tell him. "Zack you don't have to do that. It's my problem; I have to work on it by myself." He says with a frown on his face. "Jay! Why do you have such a hard time letting me help you with or through your problems?" I ask him tenderly. "Because I'm the psychology major, I'm the older one. I should be helping you with yours." He says. "Stop it. I love you and will do anything for you. Even if that means getting up at six and going for a run with you, working out with you in the basement. Anything!" I tell him. "Ok, I'm sorry. You can come with me, but only if you want to. I won't make you come, but if you want to I won't stop you." He tells me and leans over the bed and gives me another kiss. I get up, open a drawer of my dresser and grab a jock strap and put it on. "You really should start wear those more often, it really accentuates your positive features." He says, checking out my ass. Then I open another and pull out a jogging outfit. And put it on. I love the feeling of the light silky material rubbing against my body. When I first started running to increase my endurance for karate at Mark's request, I would get really horny while feeling the fabric slide on my skin. I went into my parents' room and wake Mom just to let her know we are going for a run so she could listen for Shawn if he wakes before we got back. We head down stairs and out into the cool morning air. We start out by doing a few warm up stretches and then start jogging slowly at first. I let him set the pace, staying at his side the whole time. After about ten minutes he stops and goes through another series of more complex and longer stretches. He tells me that a lot of injuries that happen to runners is that they stretch before running when their muscles are cold, not realizing they are doing more damage then good. After about another ten minutes we start. Again I let him set the pace. It's a lot faster then I'm used to, but keep up with him for awhile. He asks me a question and when I don't answer him he looks over at me and notices I'm having trouble keeping up. He slows a bit and lets me catch my breath. "Sorry for pushing you so hard. I didn't even realize you were having so much trouble keeping up. I'll take it easier on you for a few days. But I can tell it won't take long and you will be able to keep up with me with no problems." "I'm sorry I'm slowing you down. You can run by yourself if you want. I didn't think you would be running that fast. I thought you were just going for a short jog." I tell him still trying to catch my breath. "You don't need to apologize. I have been doing this for almost eight years. I'm used to running by myself and just forgot that you haven't been running that much or for that long. I'm sorry." He says and slows and stops for a minute or two letting me catch my breath. Once I recover he leans into me and gives me a kiss. And we start again. After about another half hour I can feel a cramp growing in my side, I place my hand over it and push trying to relieve some of the pain. Jay notices almost at once and tells me to just push through it we're almost done. I've been concentrating so hard on my breathing and keeping up with him that I hadn't even realized that we were only about five blocks from home. I keep pushing forward. God I don't know how I ran the way I did last fall, I can't even imagine how far I had run or how fast. I can't believe I don't even remember if I got a stitch in my side like I have now. How could I not recall it? From the way I looked and felt I know I must have had one. About two blocks from home Jay slows more and we start our cool down; finishing up at the drive way at a fast walk. When we finally stop I immediately double over from the cramp in my side breathing heavily. Jay comes to me and tells me to stand up straight. I do as he asks and he places his hand on my side where the cramp is. His hand feels like molten steel on my skin and the heat eases the cramp away. I finally catch my breath and ask what he just did to me. "It's a little technique my coach taught me. You take your hands and rub them together as hard and fast as you can, generating heat from the friction. It's the same as using a heating pad for cramps; just you don't need any electricity." He says. We head inside and find Mom and Dad up and making breakfast. We tell them we will be right back down and head upstairs and take a quick shower together. After getting dressed I go and check on Shawn and find him awake lying in his crib. "Good morning, little man." I say to him as I walk up to him. He turns and looks at me and smiles. He holds his hands up to me and I reach down and pick him up. He snuggles into my chest like he is giving me a hug. "Did you miss me?" I ask him. He looks up at me and smiles as if he understands, but I know he doesn't. I head back down stairs and sit at the table with him. Dad hands me a bunch of papers and explains that Jay and I need to fill them out so Jay and Shawn can be put on my health insurance. He says that he and Mom will continue paying the premiums; we will just need to pay the co pays. "Guys, we can afford to pay the premiums for it. You don't have to pay them." I tell them. "It's fine, it's not that much more, and besides with us paying it we actually get a discount through the HMO because I own the company. And we will continue paying it for you until you've graduated and find a job." Dad says. We thank them and after breakfast we fill out the papers and have them ready for Dad when he leaves for work so he can turn them into the HMO and we can get our new cards. Later, Jay calls the Social Security helpline and has his name changed on his account. They tell him that they will need a copy of the marriage license when we get it. And he should have is new card a few weeks after that. Later he calls the DMV about changing his name on his driver's license and they tell him they will need a copy of our marriage license and he will have to come in and fill out a few forms so he can have his name changed and get a Pennsylvania driver's license. "Jay; are you sure you want to change your license from Colorado to Pennsylvania?" I ask him. "Yes, this is my home now. I can't see us traveling all the way out to Colorado every break. So we might as well make our home here. Mom and Dad have already told me that their home is my home and I feel comfortable here. I want to do this; for you and them." He says. "How do you think your parents will take it?" I ask him. "They will understand; I know them. They will just want me to be happy, and I am." I say. We spend the day together with Shawn. We take him to the park for a while and swing him in a baby swing, he loves it. He giggles and smiles the whole time. We head back home and lay him down for a nap. He falls asleep almost instantly. The next day Jay wakes me at six again and says today is weight training. We head down to the basement and into the home gym. He walks me through his workout and tells me how many reps he does in each position and how much weight. I tell him I don't think I can lift as much as him, but I should be able to handle the workout. By the time we are done after he pushes me to lift the most I can in each position I can hardly raise my arms. He says it will get easier as time goes by and the soreness means I'm doing it right. That evening he tells me it is time to do sit ups. He has me hold his feet as he does about a hundred and fifty sit ups. I manage to do about a hundred and feel like my abdominal muscles are on fire when I'm done. Over the next few weeks we alternate running and weight training every other day. Taking a break from both on Sunday; allowing our bodies to recoup and are muscles to regenerate. It gets easier to keep up with him on our runs. And I find that over the few weeks I can do more reps in each position and it's getting easier. I don't feel as sore when we are done. I tell this to Jay and he says that he thinks I'm ready to add more weight during our workouts. I tell him I'm not sure but if he is, I agree. I can already see a difference in my muscle tone and notice my clothes are fitting slightly different. They are tighter in some areas and loose in others. I can't believe that only in a few weeks I can see a difference. When we are naked together Jay tells me he can see and feel the difference too. And he loves the changes I am showing. He tells me I'm getting hotter by the day and he is proud of me for sticking with it through the initial pain and soreness. Towards the middle of July we go to the local county fair and walk around looking at the animals and exhibits. Letting Shawn pet a few at a small petting zoo set up for the kids. He seems scared at first but quickly warms up to the animals and by the time we are ready to move on he starts crying because he doesn't want to leave the animals. We come across a large tent with a sign outside that says fortune telling on it. Jay looks at me and asks if I want to go in. He explains that his mom is into such things and he would like us to get a reading together. I skeptically agree and we head in. It is dark inside and I can smell incense burning. After a minute or two my eyes adjust to the lack of light and see an old women sitting behind a table in a gypsy costume. She tells us to have a seat. I remove Shawn from his stroller and sit, holding him on my lab. Jay sits next to me. She asks us a few general questions and then pulls out a deck of tarot cards. She shuffles them and has Jay cut them. She then turns to me and starts flipping cards. She explains what each card means as she flips it. When she is done she looks at us and says. Congratulations on your recent wedding. As I don't believe in this sort of thing I think to myself, 'She could have noticed our rings, that doesn't mean anything.' Then she says, "You have a wonderful, loving, and intelligent son. He will go far in life and become very successful in his choice of career." 'Ok that one is harder to explain, but she could just have guessed correctly that he is our son.' I think to myself. Then she turns to Jay and says, "You will become a highly sought after counselor and help many people come to terms with who they are." 'There is no way she could know Jay is a psychology major and wants to become a counselor.' I think. 'This is getting really weird.' She turns back to me and says, "You will become a world renowned photographer and painter. Your paintings will sell for a considerable amount at shows the world over." "Ok, enough of this. How do you know all of this about us?" I ask her. "I am a psychic and have the gift. What I tell you will happen. I am never wrong. You all will become known all over the country and you the world over for what you can do with a camera and paintbrush." She says looking directly into my eyes. I feel something pass between us as she is looking into my eyes. Her head falls forward and she seems to slightly moan as her chin lies on her chest. After a few minutes she lifts her head and says to us, "You will have someone enter your lives soon and she will give you a gift of another son." Her voice sounds different than it had before. I look at Jay and he slowly looks at me and then back at her and asks, "You're sure about that?" She nods her head. "How soon?" Jay asks. "Within the next year and a half." She says. Then she shakes her head as if trying to clear it. She looks at both of us and repeats, "I am never wrong." Her voice back to normal. Confused I stand and ask her how much we owe her. She says that there will be no charge today. Then she explains she was told by her spirit guides not to charge us for what she told us. We thank her and leave the tent. Instantly blinded by the sunlight, we stand outside and wait for our eyes to adjust to the bright sunlight. I put Shawn back into his stroller and look around for Mom and Dad. We find them a little ways away looking at craft items for sale. Jay and I both explain to them what she had told us. I still feel skeptical, but can't help believing what she said. There is no way she could have known about what Jay and I do, or that Shawn is our son. I don't know what to believe. I never thought I would have a son, now she tells me I will have two. I am overwhelmed with emotions; confusion, love, and God only knows what else. I spend the rest of the day thinking about what the psychic had told us. I ask Jay if he believes it and he tells me that he has to. There was so much she told us that was right on and there was no way she could have known it he tells me. Jay and I spend the rest of the summer doing our workouts and runs together. By the middle of August I can see extreme changes in my muscle tone. I have to buy almost all new clothes because my old ones don't fit anymore. They have become so tight in areas because of the added muscle; I've actually gained about fifteen pounds of pure muscle. When we are in bed together Jay can't keep his hands off me body. I now have a very sculpted muscular body. Jay says I could easily compare to him, but I don't think so. He is still much bigger in some areas than I am. But I definitely can see the difference. And love the changes. Mom and Dad have both exclaimed to me how good I look. Our marriage license finally arrives in the mail and Jay fills out the forms for Social Security and sends a copy along with the forms to them. He gives them our school address for them to send him his new card to. He goes to the DMV and gets a Pennsylvania driver's license and has them change his name. We have everything ready for the return to school. The only thing left to do is Jay has to have his name changed on his school records. He calls the school administration department and they tell them they will have everything ready when we get there. He will just have to stop in and show them our marriage license and sign a few papers. Everything else will be taken care off. On Thursday night before we leave for school Mom and Dad take us out for dinner at a nice restaurant. We get a few looks as we sit down at the table. I can just imagine what they are thinking as we sit, Shawn sitting in a highchair between Jay and I. I look around and notice a lot of people staring at us, some pointing and whispering and laughing at us. Mom and Dad notice and Mom stands and looks around the place. The hostess asks Mom if everything is alright. Mom gives her an evil look and then shouts to the whole place, "Do you people have a problem with my son, son-in-law, and grandson?" Some of the people turn away embarrassed and look back at their food. Others shake their heads and ignore her. Some that weren't looking before are now staring at her. The manager comes over and asks, "Is everything alright here?" Mom instinctively turns on him like a lioness protecting her cubs. "No everything is not alright." She says to him. Then she adds to the dining room, "I am sick and tired of people staring at my son and his husband and their son every time we go some where. You people should be ashamed of yourselves for judging them when you don't even know anything about them." I look around at everyone as she finishes and a couple of people drop money on the table and leave. A few, embarrassed, return to their meals. Some stand and applaud her. She finally sits and the hostess hands each of us menus and takes our drink orders. The manager apologizes and leaves us. A waitress comes up after a few minutes with our drinks and takes our orders. When our food arrives we eat and chat about nothing in general. I can tell Mom is still pissed. I want to thank her for what she did, but don't want to cause another scene. When we are finished the manager comes up to the table and says, "There will be no charge today. Your dinner is on the house. I want to apologize again for the way you were treated before. I am sorry." I stand and shake his hand and tell him, "It's not your fault. You can't help the way your customers feel about us. But thank you for kindness." Jay stands and shakes his hand and thanks him too. As we are leaving a few of the other customers come up to us and also apologize for the way we were treated when we walked in. We thank them and leave. As we reach the door Mom looks back over her shoulder and notices two guys sitting at a table close by watching us, whispering, pointing, and laughing. She stops, turns and heads over to the table. She leans over them and says, "Do you have a problem?" "Yeah we do. We hate fags." One of them says. Mom turns on him, grabs his shirt and pulls him to his feet. She is about six inches taller and after years of working out in the basement with Dad she is very strong. The next second I see Mom cock her arm and punch him square in the face. He stumbles back into his chair and looks dazed. "Don't ever let me hear you say that about my son again." She screams at him and looks at the other guy. He holds his hands up in front of himself in surrender. She turns back to us and almost everyone in the restaurant is standing and applauding her. She raises her hand in acknowledgment and we walk out the door. Once outside I pull her into a hug and say, "Mom you didn't have to do that. But thank you." "I wasn't going to sit in there and let those people treat you guys like that. I don't care who they are. I won't sit back and let people treat my son like he is a piece of trash just because he is gay." She says calming down. Dad moves to her and says, pulling her into a hug, "You were awesome. That was great. I can't believe you punched him in the face." Laughing they walk back to Mom's car with their arms around each other. When we get home we spend the rest of the evening talking and relaxing in the living room with my parents until they head to bed. After a while Jay and I head to bed too. We strip naked as usual and climb into bed. He lies next to me and holds me; running his hands up and down my abs. He slowly moves his hand up to my chest and draws a light line around each of my well formed pecks with his finger. They are actually starting to look more like Jay's; bigger, rounder, and standing out more. He gradually moves to my left nipple and starts gently squeezing it and running it between his fingers. I let out a light sigh and I feel my cock grow. He leans over me and licks and sucks on my nipple and then lightly bites it. It doesn't hurt; it sends a bolt of electricity through my whole body that collects in the pit of my stomach and seems to intensify there. He slowly slides his hand back to my abs and outlines each defined ab muscle. His light touch is driving me crazy. He still has yet to touch my cock, but I am rock hard and leaking a large amount of pre-cum everywhere. I can almost feel an orgasm start to form in my nuts. He is driving me so crazy. He continues sucking on my nipple then slowly licks his way across my chest through the small patch of hair that is there to my other one. He licks and sucks on it gently getting it to stand more erect then it usually does. When he has it completely hard and standing straight up he bites it a little harder then the other and sends even more electricity flowing through my body. He then moves back to the first one, and bites it again. Another wave of electricity flows through my body and my back arches completely off the bed. The weight of my body is supported by my shoulders and feet that is all that is touching the bed. My breathing is labored and shallow. I feel like I could cum at any minute. The feelings that he is giving me is like nothing he has ever done to me before. I want to cum so bad. He notices me reaching for my cock and he stops me. Telling me to relax he will make me cum. He moves his hand up to my nipple and then takes the other into his mouth. At the same time, he bites the one in his mouth and pinches the one between his fingers. With the intense feeling of electricity flowing through my body, every muscle contracts and he puts me over the edge; I cum, the first shot shooting up over his shoulder and landing on his back. The next shot lands on my face and the next on my chest. After that I stop shooting, but a steady stream of cum flows from my cock. I can't believe the amount. It feels like it will never stop. While Jay licks my cum from my face and chest; he reaches down and milks my cock, the flow just doesn't seem to stop. I keep cumming and cumming. Finally my body relaxes from the orgasm and the flow from my cock subsides. His hand and my whole crotch is covered in cum. He brings his hand to his mouth and licks some of my cum from it. He then moves his hand over to my mouth and lets it drip into my open waiting mouth. I love the taste of my cum, it tastes sweet. Jay's tastes a little salty, but sweet at the same time, I like it too. He finally gives me his hand and I lick it clean. He moves back down me and licks every drop of my cum from my crotch and dick. Spending a lot of time making sure my pubic hair is clean; almost like a cat licking itself. Once he is satisfied I'm clean he moves up and kisses me. Then asks me, "What happened?" "That was totally awesome. When you bit down on my nipples it felt like electricity flowing through my body and collecting in my groin. Each time it got more intense, and then when you bit and pinch them at the same time, the feeling was so intense it made me cum. I thought my cock was going to blow right off of my body with the force of the ejaculation." I tell him still panting a little from the orgasm. "I want you to make love to me." I tell him. He leans over and gets the bottle of lube from off the bedside table and lubes up his massive cock. He then puts more on his fingers and as I raise my legs he lubes my asshole; slides two fingers in to lube up my insides a little. He places the bottle back on the table and moves around and gets between my legs. He lines his huge cock up to my hole and slowly buries his dick in my ass. He slowly makes love to me, driving his cock into my prostate, getting me hard again. He lies down on my chest and lightly kisses my neck and shoulder. I nibble on his ear lobe and neck as he makes love to me. I find the spot on his neck that really turns him on and gently suck and bite it. He is moaning softly with each thrust into me. His breathing changes and I can tell he is getting close. He pulls away from me leans back so he can put his whole body into each thrust. He drives his cock as deep into my ass as he can. I can feel his cock slamming into my prostrate each time he drives his cock into my hole. I can feel another orgasm building in me. He moans, "I'm gonna cum." He pulls almost completely out of me before forcing his cock back in as hard and deep as he can and holds it there. I feel his big cock get even bigger and longer, I feel each spasm of his dick as he fills me with his cum. I think I can actually feel his cum as it shoots from his cock. That feeling puts me over the edge again and I drop another load all of my abs. This time only shooting twice before my cum starts flowing like a river. It doesn't last as long this time, but it is still a large quantity. I can't believe I've shoot two loads this big within minutes; and neither time did anyone touch my cock once. "Holy fuck!" I finally manage to say as Jay dismounts and lies next to me. "That was fucking awesome. I love you." I tell him. "I love you, too." He says as he lies next to me on his stomach and places his arm over my chest and falls asleep after a few minutes. I fall asleep a few minutes later and don't wake up until about nine the next morning. I immediately notice Jay is not in bed, I look around the room and he isn't there. I get up and get dressed and head down stairs. I find him in the kitchen. "How come you didn't wake me up?" I ask him. "After last night, I figured you could use the extra sleep. So I let you sleep in and did my workout by myself." He says. "Jay, you should have woke me up. I really like spending the time with you." I tell him. I walk over to him and give him a kiss and add, "But thanks for letting me sleep in." I look around and realize my parents aren't here. "Where are Mom and Dad? They know we are leaving today. They didn't go to work did they?" "No they said they needed to run an errand and would be back by ten. They took Shawn with them; I guess they wanted to spend a few hours with him before we leave." He tells me. He makes me breakfast; a bowl of fresh fruit, a few slices of wheat toast, and a protein shake. He has had me drinking them since we started working out together. It is from a store bought mix and doesn't taste that bad. He makes his from scratch and tastes awful. I tried it the first day and couldn't stand the taste, so he bought me a couple different flavors of the ready made mix that you just add skim milk to. My parents get back just before ten and are carrying a bag from a local cell phone store. I look at them funny and ask, "Did something happen to you cell phones?" "No we signed up for a new family plan and got five phones with it. One for me, one for you Mom, One each for you and Jay, and the last one we're sending to Jay's parents so we all can stay in touch. The plan comes with unlimited any time minutes within the plan, so any one of us can call any of the other four phones and it won't cost a cent. Even if you guys call Jay's parents and talk for hours, it's still free. It also comes with free text and voice mail. So we can all stay in better contact. We figured it would be better this way with Shawn and everything. If you have any questions you can call and not have to worry about using up your minutes on your old phones. Also, we got a discount because we turned in our old phones and said we will drop off yours and Jay's tomorrow. They recycle them and send them to people in the military to call home and talk to family." Dad explains to us. I reach into my pocket and hand them my old phone and Jay does the same. He says he will call and cancel his plan right now. He walks over to the phone, picks it up and calls Sprint who his phone is through. When he is done he comes back and joins us as we check out the new phones. They are really cool, they slide open sideways and there is a small keypad used for typing. As I'm going through the features in it I notice it has access to the Internet built in, 'that will come in handy' I think to myself. After awhile of checking out the phones Jay and I head upstairs to finish packing. After about an hour we have everything packed and taken down stairs. We get everything from the kitchen that's there for Shawn; jars of food, cans of powdered formula, bottles, boxes of finger snacks and teething biscuits. We finally get everything loaded into my car and get Shawn's car seat from Mom's car and have it strapped in. Mom and Dad come out into the driveway and hand Shawn to me after they both give him a kiss and hug. As I take him from Mom and turn to put him in the car he starts crying and holds his hands out to Mom. Mom takes a few steps over to him and says, "It's alright Shawn, you guys need to go home now. I love you and I'll see you soon." She leans down and gives him another kiss and he stops crying. I'm really beginning to wonder what he actually understands. It's almost like he understood what she said. But how could an almost eight month old baby understand what Mom just said to him? I strap him into his car seat and turn back to my parents. Jay has just finished giving them both hugs and kisses and telling them goodbye and that he loves them. He walks over to the passenger side of the car and gets in. I give both of them a hug and kiss and tell them goodbye and thank them for everything they have done for us over the last three months. They say you're welcome; they love me, and goodbye. I get into the driver's seat and start the car. They look in the window and say goodbye one more time. We tell them goodbye again and I back my car out of the driveway. I notice them in the rearview mirror, at the end of the driveway with their arms wrapped around each other watching us drive away. Around twelve thirty I start to fell hungry and know Shawn is probably starving. So I ask Jay if he wants to find a place to eat and feed Shawn. He says that he is starving and would like to take a break for a while. I exit the highway at the next town and we find an open diner and pull into the lot. We get out, I get Shawn from his car seat and we head inside. I waitress tells us we can sit anywhere and asks if we need a highchair. I tell her yes and thank you. We grab a table in the middle of the dining room and sit. She comes over with the highchair and I put Shawn in it. She hands us menus and then goes over the day's lunch specials. We give her our drink orders and she says she will be right back with them and to take our order. While looking at the menu I happen to look up at Jay and he has a disgusted look on his face. "What's wrong?" I ask him. "Everyone is staring at us." He says quietly. I nonchalantly look around the dining room and every single person in the diner is in fact staring. I get up and walk around the table to Jay and whisper in his ear, "If they want to stare, let's give them a show." He smiles up at me and I give him a very long passionate kiss. As I walk back to me seat I say, "Show's over, go back to your lunches." Some of the people return to their meals. Others seem disgusted and ask for their checks. One person in the far corner actually gets up and walks over to us and says, "Thank you for doing that. You are the first gay couple to come in here and not get up and leave because of these simple minded people. My name is Roger and my partner and I can not come in here together because of them." "It's nice to meet you Roger, I'm Jay and this is my husband Zack, and our son Shawn. Why don't you sit down and join us. Really give everyone something to talk about after we leave." "I'd love to, but my lunch break is just about over and I need to get back to work. Thanks again and it was nice meeting you all." Roger says. We both shake his hand, before he leaves. The waitress comes back with our drinks and takes our orders. While we are waiting for our meals I feed Shawn a jar of baby food. When he is done eating; I get a bottle out of the diaper bag and add the powdered formula to the water that is already in it. I shake it up and give it to him. As he is drinking it our meals arrive. While eating I casually look around the room and notice that not one person except Roger has left since we got here. I can tell that we are still being watch, just by the reactions I see as I slowly pan the room. I quietly mention this to Jay and he nods his head saying I know I've been watching them watch us. When we finish our meal the waitress returns and asks if we would like anything else. We tell her no and she goes to print up the check. When she returns Jay takes it and digs in his pocket and pulls out a ten and a five and hands it back to her, telling her to keep the change. I pack up Shawn's things and get a diaper and wipes out and ask the waitress if there is some place I can change him. She tells me there are changing tables in the restrooms and points to the corner. I take Shawn and head over to the men's room and change Shawn. Just as I am finishing up a guy walks in and gives me a dirty look. I pick Shawn up and holding him close leave the small room. I return to the table and hand him to Jay, "Carry him out." "What's wrong?" He asks. "I just have a feeling. Grab the bag and head out first. I'll be right behind you." I tell him. As he gets up a notice a couple of the other male customers get up too. "Go now!" I tell Jay. They cross the room and try to block the exit. Jay stops a few feet in front of them. "We don't want any trouble. Please step aside and let us leave." Jay says. I turn around and notice a couple more guys coming up behind us. One of the guys in front of Jay asks, "Where'd you two fags get the baby? Kidnap it?" "No! He is our son." Jay says. The two guys are now standing about three feet behind me. I turn back to Jay and whisper, "When I start, don't move from where you are standing." He nods his understanding. Then say to the guys behind us and at the door, "I am a black belt in Karate. We do not want any trouble, but if you don't let us leave now. You will get some." I hear the guy on my left behind us move towards us and I react. I draw back and spin while throwing the karate punch, he is a little taller than I had judged and the punch lands high on his chest where his collarbones come together at the base of his neck. He immediately drops to the floor in pain. The second guy moves and I jump, spin and kick at the same time connecting with the side of his head. He flies about tem feet before crashing down on a table, breaking it into kindling. Jay still has not moved from his spot as I land and move in front of him. The guy on the right raises his hands and backs away. The other guy calls him a chicken shit and then starts towards us. I land a perfect punch on the side of his jaw and he is out cold before he even hits the floor. I instinctively turn panning the room for anyone else dumb enough to try anything. Everyone is watching us, but nobody else has moved from their seats. I tell Jay, "Let's go, you first." He walks to the door and opens it holding it for me. I watch over my shoulder to make sure nobody is following us out. Nobody does. We head to the car. Jay quickly gets Shawn into his car seat and heads around to the other side and gets in. Once he is inside I get into the car and start the engine; constantly watching the door just incase someone comes out after us. I put the car in reverse, back out of the parking spot. Shift in first gear and quickly leave. I watch in the rearview mirror and notice after a while a couple cars exit the parking lot and turn the same way as we are heading. I quickly make it to the highway and think I loose them. After about another hour of driving I notice that the lights on an Amber Alert sign are flashing up ahead. I mention it to Jay and he tries to read it but we are still to far away. A couple of minutes later we are close enough to read it. We missed the first part but read, "....wanted in the possible kidnapping of a baby boy." Then the sign resets and restarts the message and we can now read the first part. "Be on the look out for a Black Ford Mustang Cobra Pennsylvania license plate Z MILLER last seen heading east. Two white males wanted...." I look at Jay as he turns and looks at me. "I don't fucking believe this. What the fuck do we do now?" I happen to notice a minivan go by on the left and the woman in the passenger seat is talking on a cell phone and watching us. "Get your cell phone out and call 911. Try to explain what happened back at the diner and that Shawn is our son. I'll call Mom and Dad and see what they think we should do." He pulls his phone from his pocket and dials. I pull mine and hit the speed dial button for Mom's phone. She answers on the second ring, "Hi, Honey." She says. "Mom, please listen carefully. We stopped and ate at a small diner and four guys tried stopping us from leaving. I had to fight our way out. They thought we had kidnapped Shawn. We just passed an Amber Alert sign on the highway. They have an alert out for us. What are we supposed to do?" I ask her. "Oh my God, Zack are you alright?" "Yeah, we're fine, just scared out of our minds. Jay is on the phone with the state police right now. Mom what do you think we should do?" I ask her again. "Honey I have no..." She says, but I cut her off. "Mom, there are a bunch of police cars coming up behind me with their lights on. Stay on the line I will leave my phone on so you can hear everything." "Zack, just don't do anything stupid. Explain to them what happened and tell them Shawn is your son. They should be able to figure this out." She says. "Ok. I will." I tell her. I can hear her explaining to Dad what's going on. I carefully slip my phone back into my pocket and look into the rearview mirror again. Jay hangs his phone up and says, "They didn't believe me. They said to pull over or they will force us off the road." "Oh my fucking God. How did this happen?" I yell. I must have scared Shawn because he starts crying in the back seat. I pull over and the car is immediately surrounded by four police cars. Two police officers get out of each one with their guns drawn. They quickly move around the car and have their guns pointing directly at Jay and me from every angle. One of them yells for me to turn off the car. I slowly comply and raise my hands. Jay does the same. They tell me to exit the vehicle. I carefully reach down and open the door and slowly get out, keeping my hands in plain view the entire time. Once I'm out of the car, I raise my hands in the air and move away as instructed. I notice the two cars that had left the diner go slowly by. Two of the guys I had fought where in the second one. I back towards one of the officers and he comes up behind me another moves to the side so he can cover me while the first orders me to the ground. I comply without hesitation. Once on the ground I'm order to place my hands out away from my body. I do. The next thing I know there are four guys jumping on me and forcing my arms around behind me. They slap handcuffs on me hard; they are so tight I instantly feel the circulation being cut off to my hands. Once I'm handcuffed Jay is ordered out of the car the same way. He goes through the same process as I did and is laying about eight feet from me looking at me scared shitless. I turn back towards the car as Shawn's cries get loader. I notice a police officer removing him from the car and taking him to a patrol car and I ask, "Where are you taking our son?" "Shut up fag, we're asking the questions here." The officer standing over me says as he kicks me in the thigh. Little does he know after years of taking karate and unarm self defense being kicked there has no effect on me. I've been kicked there so many times I no longer get charley horses when being kicked. I can barely hear Mom screaming into the phone in my pocket and pray that the police don't hear her. "So where did you two fags get the baby from?" The officer that just kicked me asks. "I already told you he is our son. And I can prove it if you will let me up and go to the car." I tell him. "Not on your life. What you got a gun in there and want to get at it? Is that it?" He asks me. "No. We do not have any weapons in the car. Our marriage license and the adoption papers for Shawn are in there." I tell him. "Probably all faked." He says. Two officers go and search the car. They come back with a stack of papers. I can tell they are our marriage license and Shawn's adoption papers even from the ground. He hands them to the officer standing over me, but he says he doesn't want to see anything. They are probably fakes. Load them into the car and we'll take them to the station and book them for kidnapping, and resisting arrest. "Resisting arrest? Who resisted?" I ask. "Shut the fuck up." He says as he kicks me again. They forcibly help Jay and me up and put us into the back of one of the cars. They remove the keys from my car and lock it up. The officers get back into the cars they got out of and we take off down the highway, lights and sirens blaring. Sitting in the back seat I easily maneuver my arms down my back over my ass and pull my feet through, bring my hands in front of me. I pull my phone from my pocket and ask Mom, "Did you hear all that?" "Yes I did. Find out where they are taking you. Your father has already called Judge Mitchell and he is heading that way. He is talking with our lawyers right now and we are heading towards you too. We just need to know where they are taking you." She says. "Where are you taking us?" I ask the officers. "To the State Police Barracks in Scranton." The officer driving says. "I heard him." Mom says. "We'll be there as soon as we can." "Mom I love you." I tell her. "I love you too. We had better hang up so you don't get into any more trouble. Zack don't say anything until we get there. Ok?" She asks. "We won't Mom. Bye." I say and end the call and put my phone back in my pocket. I quickly tell Jay what she said and he nods his head. We sit in silence for the rest of the short ride. When we get to the police barracks we are roughly dragged from the car and escorted inside. Once inside we are separated and put into different rooms. I hear Shawn screaming as someone walks by the closed door with him. My heart breaks at his wails. After sitting in the room for about twenty minutes my phone rings. I pull it from my pocket and answer it. "Hello?" "Zack thank God they didn't take your phone. This is Judge Mitchell; I'm heading your way with a police escort. I should be there in about twenty minutes. Don't say anything to anyone until I get there. And if you can help it, don't give them your phone either. Is Jay with you?" He asks. "No they separated us. But I told him Mom said not to say anything. They have all the papers they need to figure this out, but the officer in charge seems to think they are fakes." I tell him. "Ok. I'll be there soon. Just hold in there." He says and hangs up. About twenty-five minutes later I hear him screaming at the top of his lungs to get the captain here and that he had better see Jay and me in two minutes or they all will be looking for new jobs tomorrow. About a minute later an officer comes into the room and drags me out by my arm. Judge Mitchell sees how the officer is mistreating me. He walks up to him with a pen and notepad in his hand and writes down the officer's name and badge number. Seconds later Jay is brought out of a room from down the hall and the officer that has a hold of him shoves him toward Judge Mitchell. With his hands still cuffed behind him Jay easily looses his balance and starts to fall. Judge Mitchell drops the pen and pad and catches him; keeping him on his feet. After Jay regains his balance the judge picks up his pan and pad and writes down the second officer's name and badge number too. "Now their son." He says. Reluctantly one of the officers heads down to the far end of the hall and opens a door there. Another officer comes out carry Shawn, who is still crying. They walk down the hall to us and Judge Mitchell instructs them to remove our handcuffs. "You don't have the authority to come in here and tell us what to do." Another officer says coming up behind him. "Oh really?" He says turning around. The new officer immediately recognizes Judge Mitchell and apologies. Judge Mitchell writes down his badge number and name. The third officer finally removes our handcuffs and I take Shawn from the officer that was holding him and he instantly stops crying. "So which one of you morons kicked Zack back by the highway?" He asks them. "That would be Lt Ford." One of them says. "Where is he?" Judge Mitchell asks. "Follow me." He says. We follow him down the hall. We turn a corner and walk to end of that hall and enter an office. "What the fuck is going on? Why are they out of their interrogation rooms? And why does he have the baby?" Lt Ford asks. Judge Mitchell not saying a word walks up to the Lt's desk and writes down his name and badge number. Then he asks, "Who were the other four out there with you?" "That's none of your business." Lt Ford spits. "Do you know who I am?" He asks. "Yes I do and I don't care." He says. Then to his officers he adds, "Take that baby from him and get them back to their rooms." "I would disregard that order if you want to be working tomorrow." Judge Mitchell tells them. "Where are the papers you took from their car?" "Right here; I was just trying to verify if they are real." He says. "I can attest to the fact that they are. I personally signed both of them. I married them and finalized the adoption myself." Judge Mitchell tells him. "I don't fucking believe this." Lt Ford says. "Believe it. And just so you know; your captain should be here any minute. Along with Zack's parents and an entire law firm. I will personally testify against all of you in court about the way you handled this situation and your mishandling and police brutality against both of these young men. I will not stop until all of you are removed from the force and held accountable for your actions. Especially you." Judge Mitchell says. About ten minutes later Mom and Dad are escorted into the office with four lawyers I have met on occasion. A few minutes later a very pissed off looking older man enters and I discover he is LT Ford's captain. After an hour long heated discussion Jay, Shawn, and I are finally released and given back our papers and my car keys. We are told by the lawyers not to talk to any one about what happened; they will be in contact with us early next week. We thank them as they get into their SUV and leave. I walk over to Judge Mitchell and give him a hug and thank him. Jay, Mom, and Dad thank him and hug him also. He tells us he'll call soon and let us know how he is making out with the charges he plans on filing on all the officers involved. And about finding out who made the false police report and have them charged. We all climb into Dad's truck, with me holding Shawn because we don't have a car seat, and they take us back to my car. It is still sitting along side the highway. When we get there we carefully get out of the truck and standing along side the road Jay and I thank my parents. "Are you guys going to be alright driving the rest of the way tonight?" Dad asks? "Yeah we'll be fine. We've got each other." Jay says. "Ok. Please call us when you get there so we know you're there safely." Mom says. "We will Mom. Thanks again. We love you." I tell them. "We love you guys too." They say together. I get Shawn back in his car seat and we get into my car. They get back into Dad's truck and we take off together. They follow us until the next exit and get off. So they can head the other direction and go back home. We finally arrive at school about ten o'clock. It only took a little over ten and a half hours to make it here. Exhaust we leave everything in the car, only taking what we will need tonight and head inside. Jay pulls his phone from his pockets and calls Mom and Dad while I make Shawn a bottle and get him ready for bed. I sit on the couch with him and hold him to me. Jay comes and sits next to us and pulls me to him. I place my head on his chest and loose it. I start crying uncontrollably. He holds me tight and lets me cry, after a few minutes I notice he is crying to. Shawn is finished with his bottle so we head to bed; all three of us sleeping in our bed. I don't want Shawn out of my sight. I eventually cry myself to sleep with Shawn lying between us and Jay holding me as close as he can. Author's note: Comments are greatly appreciated. or to JUB: Just copy and paste the link in your browser. 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