Date: Tue, 4 Sep 2012 17:37:18 -0700 From: B.E. Kelley Subject: A Light in Dark Places Chapter 12 This story is a work of FICTION. The events described are my own invention. Any similarities to actual events or persons are strictly coincidental. The author retains the copyright, and any other rights, to this original story. You may not publish it or any part of it without my explicit authorization. This story contains depictions of consensual sexual acts between teenage males. It is intended for mature audiences only. If you find this type of material offensive or if you are under the legal age to read said material; please proceed no further. Comments are always welcome at: A Light in Dark Places Chapter 12 Returning to the clinic, it was clear that the Secret Service had made their presence known. They'd taken over security at the front gate and there would be a Massachusetts State Trooper parked there around the clock. As we drove up the winding driveway, I spotted a few other agents scattered around the grounds. There were agents posted at every entrance, a command post was set up in an empty office and there would be two agents on duty, roaming around the first floor, at all times. Upstairs was off limits, the patients needed their privacy, and security would only come up there in case of an emergency. When the car stopped in front of the clinic, Agent Martinez, who was the head of my detail, turned in her seat and handed me what looked like the keychain remote for a car alarm. "What's this?" I asked. "It's a panic button," she explained, "keep it in your pocket at all times, if you ever get separated from us, or you're up in your room, and you are in danger, press the button and we'll know you need us." "Should I be worried?" I asked, nervously, I didn't know what kind of threats there might be against me. "There is never anything to worry about as long as we take the proper precautions," said Agent Martinez, "the clinic is fairly secure and I'm comfortable with the number of agents we have on site. Don't worry, you're in good hands with us, we won't let anyone hurt you." "Thanks, I'm not a wuss you know, I just..." I began. "You don't have to explain yourself. People with guns game to get you in the middle of the night and told you your life was going to change, drastically, that would make anyone a little uncomfortable. If you ask me, you're handling it pretty well," she smiled. "Well, thanks," I replied, "and you don't have to worry about me, I won't try to ditch you guys or get away or anything." I knew some of the children of other politician's liked to make a game of sneaking away from their protectors, I wasn't looking to cause any headaches for people whose sole job was to keep me safe. "Good, it sounds like we have an understanding," said Agent Martinez, with a wink, then she turned her attention to her radio microphone. "All posts, we have arrival," said Agent Martinez. I couldn't hear what was being said on the other end of the conversation but I assumed that she was checking with her agents to make sure there was no sign of danger, before she let me out of the car. When she got the all clear, she hopped out, opened my door and escorted me into the building, with Agent Stark . "Command post, Martinez, FOX is secure," she stated, once we were safely inside. After that, I was free. I checked in with Dr. Collins, then went to the dining room to find my friends. "Peter, you're back!" Tyler exclaimed, as soon as he saw me. He ran over and hugged me and it felt good to have him in my arms. Wendy was a little less dramatic in her greeting. "Welcome back preppy, or wait, are you the vice-preppy?" she teased. "I see your sense of humor hasn't changed since I left," I retorted. "You know me, some things never change," she grinned, "so come sit down and tell us all about it." I sat with my friends, at our usual table, and felt relaxed. I told Tyler and Wendy everything, how I'd met my parents at a hotel, how we'd been taken through a secret tunnel into the White House, I even told them about Penny and how I'd thrown up on her shoes. They really liked that story. "God what a cunt," chuckled Wendy. "She was on the rag? That's so gross," said Tyler. "Hey, you're lucky you don't have to deal with that every month," said Wendy. "Yeah, that's why boys are better," Tyler grinned. "Hey, guess what else," I stated. "What?" Tyler asked. "St. Albans is holding a place for me in the fall," I explained. "That's awesome, we'll be in school together," Tyler exclaimed. "Yeah, I thought you'd like that," I smiled. "Isn't that sweet," Wendy giggled. "So did they tell you your Secret Service codenames?" I asked, changing the subject. "Codenames, what codenames?" asked Tyler. "All of the agent's communications are encrypted but just in case anyone is listening in, they assign codenames to all of their protectees, so that you can't figure out who they're talking about just by listening," I explained. "Yeah, that makes sense but why do we get codenames?" asked Tyler. "Because, if they said, I don't know, `FOX is at lunch with Tyler and Wendy,' well, everyone knows I hang out with you two, it would be obvious who FOX was," I stated. "They call you FOX?" Wendy giggled. "Yeah, I thought it was because I was cute, turns out it's because my hair is reddish-brown," I laughed. "That is kinda cute," Tyler smiled, "so what do they call us?" "Well, at my suggestion, they designated Wendy as HARPY," I smiled. "Gee thanks," said Wendy. "I thought you would like that one," I replied. "Yeah, it kinda fits," she laughed. "What about me?" asked Tyler. "THUMPER," I smiled. "THUMPER, why THUMPER?" he asked. "I don't know, probably because you're so cute, just like a wittle bunny," I giggled, then pinched his cheek like my grandma used to do. "Shut up," Tyler smiled and blushed. "God, could you two be any gayer?" Wendy teased. "Yeah, we could, but I doubt you want to see that," I laughed, "so did anything happen here while I was gone?" "Actually yes," said Wendy, "Perkins got fired." "No way! What happened?" I asked. "Your henchmen searched the place, I guess they were looking for weapons or something," said Wendy, "they found a bottle of booze in the back of his desk, turns out he was getting drunk after lights out, that's why he was always asleep on the job." "What an asshole," I said, rolling my eyes. "Yeah, Dr. Collins had a fit, she fired him right on the spot," said Tyler. "Alright, well, I'm glad you're back Peter," said Wendy, "but I have an appointment, I'll catch up with you and THUMPER at dinner." Tyler blushed again and I couldn't help but notice how cute he was. His smiles always gave me a warm feeling in my tummy. After lunch, Tyler and I had our group therapy session and Wendy had an appointment with Dr. Robbins. That night, I had to answer a lot of questions from other curious patients, everyone was eager to know what the White House had been like and I was happy to tell them. I understand how unique my situation is and I'm sure if it was happening to someone I knew, instead of me, I'd be just as curious. After that, I settled back into my routine of morning classes, afternoon therapy sessions and evenings in the arts and crafts room with my friends. The Secret Service worked hard at staying out of everyone's way and the only time I was ever really aware of them was when I went running with Tyler. Agent Stark was assigned to run with us, but he kept a respectable distance so that we could talk privately while still being under his watchful eyes. A week later, my dad's confirmation hearing got underway and we watched some of it on TV. Most confirmation hearings, for cabinet and judicial appointments, are conducted by the Senate, which is charged by the Constitution to render advice and consent to the president's selections. In the case of a vacancy in the vice-presidency, the nominee must be confirmed by the House of Representatives. The confirmation was expected to go smoothly, our party was in control of the House and my father had a reputation for being bi-partisan, someone both sides of the aisle could work with. The fly in the ointment was Congressman Ryan Mitchell, from our home state of Pennsylvania, Penny's father. Though he was a member of our party, Congressman Mitchell was night and day different from my dad. Where my dad is a moderate, who believes that politics is about representing all of the people in your state, not just the ones who voted for you, Congressman Mitchell is an ultra-rightwing conservative. Somehow, Mitchell had gotten himself on the confirmation committee that would make its recommendations to the full House. While most of the committee members were concerned with the economy, jobs and national defense, you could count on Mitchell to bring up hot button issues like abortion and gay rights. The first couple of days went fine, in fact, they were boring. I joined my friends in the TV room and we watched dad explain his positions on various issues. It was exciting at first but eventually we grew board and changed the channel. I was surprised that Congressman Mitchell had kept his mouth shut so far, as it turned out, he was saving his vitriol for the last day, when everyone would be watching. I was out on the lawn, enjoying the late spring air, with Wendy, Tyler was meeting with his therapist and when I spotted Davey, our friend from arts and crafts, running outside, I knew something was up. "Peter, come quick," Davey panted, "your dads on TV." "Yeah, I know, today's the last day of the hearings," I replied. "No, he's talking about you," Davey explained. "What?" I asked, growing nervous. "Some guy, one of the Congressmen, started asking questions about you," said Davey. I got up and ran towards the building, Wendy was right behind me. By the time we got there, a bunch of other patients had gathered around the TV. We had to push our way towards the front. Mitchell was asking the questions and it was clear things had gotten heated, as we caught the tail end of his latest remarks. "All I am asking, Senator, is for you to tell us about your position on family values, I think the American people have a right to know what goes on in your home, in light of the fact that your own son is a homosexual mental patient," said Mitchell. I wanted to shrivel up and die. I felt my cheeks flush, my face felt hot, I didn't know whether to be angry or cry. "Dude, fuck that guy," said Kevin, while I wiped my eyes. "Really, what an asshole," Wendy agreed. "Shut up guys, I wanna hear this," I stated, I had no idea what my dad was going to say. "I am very proud of my son Peter, my wife and I love him very much," dad began, "yes, he is a homosexual and yes he has had some complications in his life that have required him to get special care but I believe Peter's problems are small compared to the problems facing our country." Ok dad, come on, waste this guy, I thought. "You question my values Congressman but I am forced to question yours," dad continued, "what kind of person would use a boy, a boy who has done you no harm, caused you no pain, to attack his father? What kind of man would hurt an innocent child just to further his own, out of touch political beliefs?" "Right on," said Davey. "Congressman, your attempt to smear me and my family, only demonstrates how feeble and desperate your positions are and if I could give you a piece of advice it would be this," said dad, "if you want to pick a fight with someone, you better set your sights on me because my son is a better man then you will ever be." "Way to go dad," I smiled at the TV. "Mr. Chairman," said dad, turning his attention to the chair, "I've answered this committees questions, to the best of my ability, but I will not sit here while this man spews his hate against my child. If there are any substantive questions remaining, then by all means ask them, if not, I suggest we bring these proceedings to a close." The committee adjourned ten minutes later, after voting 9 to 3, to recommend confirmation by the full House. If I didn't know my father loved me before, I knew it now and so did the entire country. I'd never felt so validated in my life. I hugged Wendy and then ran to find Tyler, I wanted to share this with the only other gay friend I had. I found Tyler coming out of his appointment with Dr. Newman, usually he's pretty subdued after his sessions but today, he was all smiles. "Hey Peter, I was just on my way to find you," said Tyler, "I've got great news." "Me to, you won't believe what happened," I stated. "You go first then," Tyler smiled. I told him what had just happened on TV, I was ecstatic and Tyler giggled at my behavior. He also hugged me and told me how happy he was for me, we all knew our parents loved us but he agreed it was nice to hear it. "So what's your good news?" I asked. "Well, I just had my session with Dr. Newman, he's releasing me," said Tyler, "I'm going home on Monday." "Tyler, that's great," I exclaimed, then threw my arms around him, hugging him tightly. I was happy for him, but I also felt a lump forming in my throat. It was getting harder and harder to suppress my feelings for Tyler and I knew I was going to miss him when he was gone. "God, I'm going to miss you Ty," I sniffled. "It won't be for long, you'll get out soon and then we'll all be together again," said Tyler. "Yeah?" I asked. "Sure, you're going to be in school with me, right?" he asked. "Well, yes, that's true," I agreed. "And Wendy only lives in Bethesda, when she gets out, we can hang out like old times," said Tyler. "Yeah, you're right, still, I'll miss you, you've made being here bearable," I replied. "Hey, that's a two way street," said Tyler, hugging me again, "I don't know what I would have done without you." We stood there, holding each other for a while, and then I decided to stop feeling sorry for myself. This was Tyler's day, he wasn't sick anymore, wasn't a danger to himself, he was going home to restart his life, this was a cause for celebration. "Come on, let's go tell Wendy," I smiled. Tyler held my hand, then we went in search of our friend. Wendy was just as happy for Tyler as I was. She hugged him and then he ran off to Dr. Collins office, he needed to call his parents and give them the good news. "Are you going to be ok?" asked Wendy. "Yeah, why wouldn't I be?" I asked. "I know you don't like to admit it because of Connor and all, but I know you're sweet on THUMPER," Wendy smiled. "So, what if I am?" I blushed. "Good, I think that's great," said Wendy. "Yeah, it's going to hurt when he leaves but I'll be ok, he's alive, I'll see him again," I stated. "Why Peter, I think you're making progress," Wendy laughed. "Bitch," I laughed back. Wendy gave me a hug and then we went to find our friend. Tyler was just getting off the phone with his parents and it was time for us to go to dinner. That evening, the United States House of Representatives confirmed my father as Vice President of the United States. He was sworn in by the President, in the Oval Office, during a special presentation of the evening news. That night we celebrated dad's confirmation, and Tyler's pending release, with a bottle of sparkling cider that Agent Stark went to town to get for me. It didn't really set in that Tyler was leaving until Sunday night. I walked into his room and found him packing up. "Hey," I said. "Hey," Tyler replied. "Packing up?" I asked. "Yeah, wanna help?" asked Tyler. "Sure," I agreed. We worked quietly, taking Tyler's clothes out of the closet and dresser and packing them neatly for the trip back to Washington. The atmosphere in the room felt heavy, until I found a pair of Tyler's undies. They were just regular boys briefs, the only difference was they were pink, not pink as in someone had put something red in the laundry with his whites, they were pink when he bought them. "Aww Tyler these are so cute?" I giggled, twirling his underpants on my finger. "Hey, gimme those," Tyler blushed. "No way, not unless you model them," I laughed. We played tug of war with Tyler's undies until he tugged to hard and ended up falling on the bed, pulling me on top of him. Our innocent play stopped, our eyes locked on each other and then he kissed me. It was just a peck on the cheek, but then I pecked him back, before I knew it our lips were locked in a passionate embrace. I kissed Tyler hard, he kissed me back, I felt his tongue in my mouth and he felt mine. Tyler ran his hands up and down my back and then he pulled my t-shirt off. We paused for him to remove his shirt and then he pulled me back against him. Tyler's chest pressed against mine, it felt hot and I could feel his heart beat through his skin. He reached down and unbuttoned my pants and before I knew it, we were rolling around on the floor in just our underwear. I was consumed by passion, I wanted Tyler more in that moment then I'd ever wanted anything in my life. I sensed the same from him, normally shy and a little timid, I'd never seen him so aggressive. Tyler took his underwear off, then he pulled mine down, he broke our kiss and straddled over me, I felt the head of my dick flirting with his hole. "Tyler, what are you doing?" I asked. "I can't help myself, I want you so bad," he panted, then started to lower himself. "But wait, what about, you know, what happened to you?" I asked. "I'm not worried about that, I'm 16 I'm not going to let some twisted bastard ruin my sex life, I'm over that," said Tyler. But was I over Connor? I didn't know, and at that moment, with Tyler's tightly puckered opening balanced at the tip of my dick, I wasn't asking. I placed my hands on his hips and guided him down on my dick. He winced at first, but then eased his way down, until I felt him resting against my pelvis. It was clumsy and awkward but Tyler rode me until we climaxed together. When it was over, he lay across my chest and I stroked his back. The only reason I left his room that night was because I had to be present at bed check, if not, I might never have let him go. I slept peacefully that night, there was no guilt, no nightmares, only memories of what had taken place in the room across the hall.