Date: Tue, 18 Jul 2006 11:59:40 -0700 (PDT) From: jeremy doe Subject: aaron and justin chapter 2 DISCLAIMERS (AKA The part where one covers one's ass from legal repercussions) 1) This story is pure fiction; any similarities to real people, places, and events are nothing more than coincidence. 2) If it is illegal for you to be reading this story due to your age, or homosexual content please leave now. 3) If the idea of homosexuality, gay sex, or offensive language bothers or offends you do not read any further (although what you'd be doing on a gay story site intrigues me) The next couple of days flew by. We were going to be moving in less than two weeks so everything had to be cleaned, packed, and sorted before we left, not to mention I had some personal issues that I needed to tend to before I left for the nothingness that was Washington. I was in my room contemplating everything that was going on when my mom knocked on my door, "You busy?" She asked peeking her head inside the half opened door. "Not really," I responded looking up from my bed, "Thinking about packing, but the urge to forget about it and just sleep is winning." She sat next to me and did the best she could to talk with me, "I know this isn't easy for you, but it's a big opportunity for your father, and a good change of scenery for the family. You've never experienced life outside the city, it'll do you good," she looked down and did her best to give me a reassuring look, "Me and your father are flying out this weekend to find a house, and tour his company, we were hoping you'd come with us." She phrased it as half fact half question. I instantly got excited seeing this as my opportunity to have a little away time from them for my less than saintly pursuits. "I'll think about it," I replied lying, but doing my best to sound convincing. "I'll let you know later today." "Ok, I've got a lot to do before we go so I guess I'll get to it, I hope you decide to come with us, it'll be fun." With that she walked out of my room closing the door behind her leaving me alone once again. I sat on my bed thinking about the conversation we just had. Good change of scenery for the family? They were packing us up and moving me 2000 miles from everything I've ever known. Shouldn't something that's good for us have been discussed before it was decided. This was typical in my home, something came along that was good for one of them, but somehow they always presented it as being for the good of us all. I was beginning to get angry all over again when my cell phone rang bringing me back to reality. I looked at the display and saw it was my best friend Ashley calling. "Moe's tavern," I said as I answered the phone quoting her favorite show, The Simpsons. Without missing a beat she began to speak, "Hi, I'm looking for a Mister Freely, first initials I.P.?" "I.P. Freely," I repeated laughing. "Maybe we should get you some adult diapers then," She said as she started laughing. What can I say I know its lame, but somehow she always knew how to cheer me up. I'd met Ashley about 3 years ago at school and we immediately clicked. She was probably one of the prettiest girls I'd ever met, and had the intelligence and personality to leave me completely in awe. Seeing that I'm 100% gay, this is impressive. Over the years we'd become really close, I can remember thinking on several occasions how great it would have been if I were straight and we could have had something together, but I guess life plays mean tricks on us all sometimes. So since the role of girlfriend was out of the question she became my best friend, counselor, moral compass, and anything else I needed her to be over the years. She was the first person I'd ever told about my sexual orientation, and to this day has been supportive of that and every other aspect of my life. "Hey whats going on," She asked me genuinely concerned, "You sounded upset in your message, what did you mean by a big change?" It had been an utterly shitty couple of days but this was probably the moment I was dreading the most. "We're moving," I simply stated, "We'll be on the other side of the country by the end of the month." "What?!?" I heard something in her voice that sounded like a mixture of shock and anger. "Why didn't you tell me sooner, whats going on?" "I just found out myself," I explained "I tried to call you last night but your cell wasn't on. Apparently dad took a job in Washington state and starts in two weeks." We sat and talked for over two hours. She was the first person I'd come across that actually cared about how I was feeling and tried to make me feel better about the situation. She tried to portray it as a chance to start over and discover who I really was. I promised her that we'd still see each other, after all the CEO of a corporation should be able to afford to buy her a plane ticket every now and then to come visit, and of course the phone was always available. I told her that I still had a few weeks and we'd definitely be seeing each other several times in person before I left. By the time we got off the phone it was time for dinner. I was shocked when I walked into the kitchen to see both parents sitting at the table eating together. I took a plate full of some sort of casserole my dad must have made (my mom really cant cook) and sat with them. "So can we expect to see you this weekend?" My dad asked acting like he wanted me to go with them. I quickly thought of an excuse that would be acceptable to them, "I don't think I can, I have more packing to do, and I still want to spend some time with my friends before I have to say goodbye. Besides you guys will be able to cover more ground if you don't always have to worry about me." And of course while they were gone I planned to find a boy, bring him back home, and have my way with him until the sun came up. He actually looked disappointed but said he understood and that they'd bring back pictures. The rest of the meal passed with surprisingly pleasant conversation. For the first time in a long time I felt like maybe they actually cared about me and how I was doing, but then realized that this was the first time in my lifetime that they'd both been unemployed and able to stay home. I decided not to get my hopes up, I figured once we got to where we were going and settled in they'd turn back into work focused zombies I'd grown to know and resent. That night I lay in my bed thinking about the coming weekend. How would I meet the person? I thought about going to Boy's Town and picking up a guy, but then I thought it seemed impersonal for my first time, and after all the school lectures was so worried about getting an STD I decided there had to be a better way. I thought about trying one of the personals sites you always see on tv or something like that, and figured that there weren't any gay guys on there, and if there were they'd be old enough to be my father. Finally I remembered hearing about this site for gay teens. What was it? I went to my computer and started doing searches until I finally came across it. Yes was the site. I started looking through the profiles of local boys, and much to my excitement found that each profile had a picture and some even had screen names for messenger programs. I shopped for Mr. Right for at least 2 hours before I came across the one I knew must be it. According to his profile he was 18, new to the area, going to start college in the fall, and had the hottest picture I think I've ever seen. He was about 6ft tall with piercing blue eyes, short brown hair, and a perfectly chiseled chest (his pic was him standing by a swimming pool wearing only his shorts). And yes, he had a sn where he could be reached. I quickly added him to my list, and was thrilled when he appeared online. I sent him a complex message, "sup?" To my surprise he immediately answered back. We chatted well into the night. He explained he just got to Chicago the week before and was still in the process of getting settled in, and that I was the first person to respond to his profile. He was nothing like I expected, he was down to earth, funny, and waaay cute. We traded stories and pictures and made what I felt was a real connection. That's when I decided to go for it^Å. ME: Can I ask you Something? HIM: Sure? ME: What would you say if a certain cute Chicago boy wanted to take you out on a date this Friday? HIM: I'd say no. ME: Oh, I see. HIM: But maybe if he'd let me take him out instead we could still get together? ME: That'd be awesome! I was so excited my first real date with a guy! I was planning everything in my mind, the dinner, the entertainment, and of course afterwards. We said our goodnights and decided that we'd set up the details the next night when we talked again. I signed off the messenger service, but stayed at my computer with his picture opened. I stared at his perfectly shaped chest, and perfect nipples. I closed my eyes and thought how I'd start by kissing his lips, slowly running my hands over his perfect stomach then slowly sliding down to my knees, pulling out his manhood, and wrapping my lips around what I was sure was a perfect cock. I pulled out my cock, lifted my shirt and started to jerk myself while staring at his picture. I'd done this a million times before but this time was different. All the other guys were just pictures, this one was real and with any luck by the end of the week he'd be here in the room with me helping me take care of my wood. My hand slid up and down faster and faster, and once I realized that something could actually happen with him I lost it. 4 large spurts of cum shot up my chest and landed just short of my nipples. I reached down, got some on my index finger and slowly brought it to my lips. I'd gotten used to the taste of my own seed over the years, and grown to enjoy the sweet taste of it, but now I grew even more excited when I thought that in a short time I might be able to try somebody else's directly from his cock. ... To be continued I'd like to thank everybody for feedback on part 1, I wasn't sure if writing was for me, but thanks to your encouragement I guess I have a few more chapters in me. As always feel free to contact me via aim under the screen name niftyguy60173 or via email at I'd love to hear from anybody who has some feedback for me, or who just wants to say hi. Thanks again.