Date: Wed, 13 Nov 2002 22:32:01 +0000 From: Jo Vincent Subject: Aladdin's Awakening: Part 14 Usual Disclaimer: If you are not of an age to read this because of the laws of your country or district please desist. If you are a bigot or prod-nosed fundamentalist of any persuasion find your monkey-spanking literature elsewhere and keep your predilections and opinions to yourself. Everyone else welcome and comments more than welcome. This is a very long tale. It unfolds over a good number of years. What is true, is true: what is not is otherwise. If you have trouble with the English educational system let me know. A dramatis personae will follow after a few installments - there are a lot of characters! ALADDIN'S AWAKENING By Joel Chapter 8 October 18th 1943 Heigh ho, only five more days and then it's half-term holiday. I felt quite pleased about this when I arrived at school on Monday morning. Matt seemed quite pleased to see me and obviously Huggy was pleased with the match results. He positively oozed goodwill towards us all, even Cleggy came in for an ounce of praise for answering some simple question correctly. Only Vince was missing and according to Danny Ross his mother had said at church yesterday he was suffering from a cold. "Perhaps he caught cold because he didn't warm his hands on your balls on Saturday, Jacko!" whispered Matt when Danny's announcement was made in response to Huggy's query as to why 'young Vincent' was absent. "Shut up, you fool, Huggy'll hear you if you growl as loud as that!" Huggy looked over at me. "Well, Jacko, the limelight of fame for your inestimable hooking is over until the next occasion there is a call for your services so perhaps you would pay attention and answer the following little problem!" I banged my knee against Matt's as hard as I could - I think I hurt myself more than I hurt him but Huggy must have seen and his spotlight was on me now. I found myself mentally bounced around for the rest of the lesson. Luckily I managed to get everything right even making a correct stab at some fiendish looking equation he finally put on the board. I also managed at one point, while Huggy was interrogating Cleggy about his lack of intellectual prowess, to indicate to Matt that his balls where in great danger of being removed in a painful manner when I got him alone because of the fine mess he had got me in. He just smiled seraphically until Huggy brought him back to earth with an equally fiendish question which I had great pleasure in answering correctly much to his annoyance. All in all I was very pleased with myself. At break Tony cornered Matt and myself and said rather importantly that he had some instructions about next week to give us and he would tell Roo we would discuss them during afternoon break especially about the time we were leaving. Matt was rather uncomplimentary when Tony went off to find Roo to give him the message. "Stuck up little prick! He needs taking down a peg or two!" He put on a silly voice in imitation, "Mother said we should leave not too late because it is quite a long way." Matt reverted to his usual growl, "Still I suppose he's not so bad - he's better than Huggy, the beast. He always asks me hard questions and he knows I'm not so good at maths as you." I was giggling inwardly, Matt had imitated Tony's manner exactly. "He does put it on a bit, but you never know," I nudged him, "He might show you his stuck up little prick next week!" It was Matt's turn to giggle. "You fool! Anyway, I'm really looking forward to it all. I hope we have a good time. My mum got most of my things ready this weekend." What things? I hadn't even thought about what to take. Oh, I'd better hide my ignorance with a few careful questions. "What are you taking then?" "Nothing much, clean shirts and things like that. Mum's used to packing for Dad." I thought I'd better mention it to Ma before long or I could see myself setting out without anything. "We'll be there from Sunday to Saturday, won't we?" Matt nodded, "Yes, so you'll need things for a week and I expect Mrs Crossley will want us to help her, Mum said." "Help her do what?" "With things in the gardens, I expect, while those two are off on their hike. Don't forget they'll be off for nearly four days 'cos it's a three-night hike." He grimaced, "Mum said Mrs Crossley had dug for victory in a big way, so Tony's mother told her." My only experience with gardening was picking things in ours which Pa kept immaculately covered with vegetables. I hadn't thought how Matt and I might spend our time when the other two were away. "Mum said we'd better take Wellington boots in case it's wet as well. And 'cause it's a big house she said we'd better take plenty of warm clothes." "I expect Tony will tell us what we need 'cos he's been there before," ...then I remembered their prime purpose of going.. "Hey, I suppose they'll be in their Scout uniform, what should we wear then, you know, to cycle over?" "Oh, shorts and shirt and a pullover, I expect. If we wear that we'll be something like them." "What happens if it rains?" "Oh, don't be pessimistic, you'll only get wet and it'll give your hair a wash!" My hair, which always seemed longer than the other boys who tended to keep to very short back and sides, was thick, straight, black and very shiny and didn't take kindly to being plastered down with the favoured Brylcreem. Matt's hair was also black but curly and was kept very short. "Hum, if it did it would run straight off yours, its so greasy with that muck you put on it!" He aimed a punch at my arm. "Watch it, laddie, my mum says my hair is my pride and joy and I have to keep it short or Dad would grumble if it got too long." Before I could think up a suitable riposte Roo came hurrying up. "Hey, you two, has Lord Tony given you instructions yet?" "No, he said he would find you and tell you we were to meet at break this afternoon!" "Oh, I see, Cleggy said he was looking for me with a self-important air and wouldn't tell him what it was for!" "Silly prat!" growled Matt, "Why doesn't he just tell us instead of making it seem so secret?" "That's Tony," said Roo, "He's always the same, but he's OK under it all." My turn for tittle-tattle, "Our next-door neighbour says Mrs Marcham puts on airs and graces whatever they are." "It's 'cos Tony's dad is so well-off," Roo replied, "Mum says he's rolling in it and he keeps buying up property all over the place, you know, old shops and things." Matt and I obviously didn't know, we just nodded sagely and kept our mouths shut, luckily, because at that moment up popped Tony. He then told Roo what he'd told us and scuttled off again. Matt turned and watched him go. "What's he so busy about? He's talking to Jim Masters now. I didn't know he was friendly with him. I thought Jim and Dave Morgan were pals." Roo was a mine of information, "Oh, Jim's mum works for Tony's dad and don't forget we're all in the Scouts." My introduction to these extra social ramifications was interrupted by the bell and we moved to get into our lines. Tony's instructions to us during the afternoon break were commendably short. We were to leave at 10 in the morning sharp. He and Roo would ride round to collect Matt and me and he knew the way. His mother was arranging that we took sandwiches for lunch and his aunt was getting us a high tea so we had to arrive in plenty of time. I exchanged glances with Matt who raised an eyebrow. The best bit was that Tony's dad was driving over to Ulvescott on Saturday and he would take all our things there and bring them back on the Sunday afternoon after we came back. Matt asked about Wellington boots and Tony said he thought that would be a good idea. So, I'd better tell Ma about packing. Ma said I wasn't to worry, all would be well for Saturday. All I had to do was get myself up in time on Sunday and make sure my tyres were properly pumped up in readiness. Needless to say I practised pumping that night. * On Tuesday when he came round for his maths lesson I told Mike about the proposed expedition to Ulvescott. Then we went upstairs as I said I wanted to show him his drawing of me which was now framed. As we stood looking at it I really wanted to put my arm round his waist but I just said how much I liked it. He patted me on the shoulder and said he liked the frame as well. As we stood side by side I realised I wasn't really much shorter than him now although he was chunkier and his body felt hard as I bumped into him as I turned. I also realised I wanted to feel his prick and mine was beginning to stiffen. I couldn't think of anything to say and didn't dare do anything. Luckily for me Pa was earlier than usual and we heard him whistling as he came into the drive on his bike. We went downstairs to meet him and got there just as he opened the back door. He was in a very good mood. "Hello, you two. Must tell you, I think we've cracked it, can't tell you what though," he grinned, "Sounds Irish, pardon me Mike, but you aren't, it was your grandfather, wasn't it?" All this came out in a rush, "I'd better slow down, it's been rather an exciting day." He looked at me, "His father has just done something very brilliant, we didn't know we could, but we have! I can't tell you because it's a big secret and I've got to go to London next week to tell the big boss!" He laughed and turned to Mike, "Come on, we'd better do some maths before I tell you things I shouldn't!" What all this was about I didn't have a clue. I knew he'd been working late most nights and he and Ma were always having quiet conversations about something in German, some discovery or other which nobody had thought to be important. It must have been what he was reading about some time ago. Oh well, if he was going to London and I was going with the lads next week Ma would have a quiet time. I was just going downstairs as Mike and Pa came out of the front-room. I followed Mike out to where his bike was standing. "Well, your dad is very pleased about something and he says my father should be too. I'll ask him what it's about, but I don't think he'll tell me." He straddled his bike ready to go, "Have a good time next week, it does sound interesting. You're lucky, I wouldn't mind a week like that!" With that he pedalled off and waved as he turned into the road. I wouldn't mind a week with Mike, in fact that thought was with me in bed as I remembered standing next to him looking at the drawing and feeling my tool getting stiff as it did rapidly then. I must also check my height. * Wednesday was a bit of a rush. Rabbity was annoyed because two of the class were late in getting changed so the rest of us had to suffer as well, so it meant Johnny Pearson and Danny Ross were not everyone's favourite people. Honour was served as it turned out that as Danny's birthday was early in November his mother had arranged a party for all those not at mine and what had happened was that he and Johnny were making out a list and almost missed the bell. I was rather pleased about the news as I felt especially sorry I hadn't invited Benno whose fourteenth birthday was just before mine. The afternoon went quickly too and it was soon time for Ma's French Circle. While waiting for Ma to come home Roo wanted to know what Matt and I were planning to do when the others were slogging away for miles in the rain. We shrugged our shoulders, no doubt something would turn up. Roo said Cleggy didn't seem too bothered he wasn't coming on the trip. Strange. Before getting into bed I checked my height, another half an inch, hooray. * Thursday afternoon as we went in to change for games Jim Masters came and sat between Matt and me as we were putting our boots on. "Hey, Jacko, you know all that maths Huggy set us to do next week during half-term, d'you think you'd give me some help with it? I asked Tony if you'd mind and he said you wouldn't." I suppose my mental battering and triumph had seeped into the space between Jim's ears - he was even worse than Matt at maths and seemed to spend most of the lessons quietly surviving Huggy's kindly meant help. "Oh yes, I don't mind," I thought quickly, "But it had better be after school today 'cause I don't know what's happening tomorrow." "Oh, gosh, thanks, you're a pal. Shall I meet you after by the bike sheds? And come round yours?" "Yes, that's OK, I'll see you then." With that he clattered off and out. Matt nudged me. "New friend, eh? He usually gets Vince to help him but he's away with his cold so he's out in the cold." I made some noncommittal reply and finished tying my laces. "Ready then, Matt, let's see who gets on the field first!" Needless to say my balls were not handled during the scrums. With Vince absent Cleggy was put in the second row next to Roo and spent the time complaining about how uncomfortable he was with Roo threatening to pulverise him if he didn't shut up and shove. Cleggy must have showered and changed very quickly because there was no sign of him when we went into the showers. Jim was waiting for me as I collected my bike. "It's ever so good of you to help. I need it." "Matt says Vince usually gives you a hand, is that so?" "Yeah, he's quite good and we live near each other so we generally work together. But he's not at all well and when I went round last night his mother wouldn't let me see him in case I caught his cold. He's all coughing and spluttering his sister said. Anyway, Huggy scares me stiff and I must get the work done 'cause they'll chuck me out if I keep coming near the bottom of the class." Oh, I didn't know much about that, I knew Jim hadn't won a scholarship and I remembered two boys who had left at the end of the first and second years who Cleggy always said were real thickos. He was one to talk, he hadn't won a scholarship either. "I didn't know you could be made to leave." "Oh yes, if the beaks don't think you're good enough you have to go. That Richard Mays went, don't you remember, at the end of the second year and he's at that awful elementary school now. Mum would kill me if I got the push! And I'd have to put up with my sisters saying things. They're at the Girls' High and they're OK, none of them are ever made to leave." We reached our house and parked our bikes. Jim said he didn't want a cup of tea so we went straight upstairs. I immediately went into my changing routine. Jim watched a moment or two then began to take his clothes off as well, he was obviously one for making quick decisions. "Come on, Jacko, I feel real horny, Tony says you like it!" I didn't know Tony and Jim were pally - more to find out later. Nor did I stop to think any more but shucked off everything but Jim was even quicker. He was certainly a fast worker 'cause now he stood, his erect cock projecting from the bush of hair I'd noted on my inspections in the showers. He was an inch or so taller but I was pleased to see he was endowed with about the same length of tool as me although he did have saggier balls. I quickly laid the requisite towel and stood in front of him, also now erect. "Gosh, Jacko, your prick's bigger than Vince's and he's older than both of us!" I stood closer and reached down and held my tool against his. "Ours are about the same size, look!" I circled my fingers round both, they made a fair handful, "You hold them as well." I slid my hand back towards me and as he gripped them I let go. He was panting slightly as he clasped and squeezed them together. "Oh God, do it to me first, please, Jacko!" He released my cock and I moved to his side, circled his length and began to jack him off. I started slowly and gradually quickened my pace until he was panting really deeply and shot his load well over the towel. I noticed his foreskin, like mine, didn't go fully back. "That was lovely, Jacko, really good." He was still panting slightly as he got behind me and held my dong. He didn't try to force my skin back but effortlessly got me to a high state of tension. I remembered I hadn't tossed myself off the previous night after checking my height. I was fairly tired anyway when I went to bed and must have dropped straight off to sleep. My abstinence was a reward for Jim because I put on a spectacular show of flying spunk which, luckily, he directed straight up at the precise moment I began to shoot. "Christ, Jacko," he murmured as my jerking prick subsided in his hand, "Tony told me you shot a lot." "You've done it to him as well?" "Of course! We did it again Monday night after Scouts." "Did he tell you we've done it?" He grinned broadly, "Yeah, and how much spunk you make! You make more than any of the others, lucky sod!" I asked him how often he did it and like me he generally had a daily wank. I gathered from further interrogation that he was also well practised with others. As well as Tony and Roo, Vince (of the short skinny prick) and Dave Morgan there was also Ned Carter in our class and at least half-a-dozen in 4S who were in the Scouts and had been on camps with him and they all seemed to do it regularly together He confessed that although wanting to do the maths homework he really wanted to see for himself Tony's boast on my behalf and he was most impressed. I probed a bit further and found he had his first proper wank with stuff during the Easter holiday soon after he was thirteen so he had a head start of well over a year on me. I told him about Matt and me but he hadn't done it with him although they were quite friendly and Matt had sat next to him in class all last year but 'cause Matt wasn't in the Scouts he hadn't thought of trying. I got the impression it wouldn't be long before he'd ask him now after I told him about us. He quizzed me on my history and the Alun saga was repeated at length so it meant that with all this chat, together with a close inspection of size of balls and hairiness, or lack of it, 'cause neither of us could spot anything under our arms, no maths was done at all. I promised that all would be well for tomorrow afternoon, we could do it then, the maths, of course! After he went I thought what with Matt broadcasting news of my firepower and now Tony extolling my virtues, my fame was spreading! What, or who, next? Needless to say we did get most of the homework sketched out next day at our second meeting as well as beginning with another very satisfying session and having a long chat afterwards. Jim may not be very bright about maths but I do like him, he's very forthright and I think we get on very well. * Saturday morning began very slowly. Pa couldn't be disturbed as he was busy writing up a final report so please could I be quiet and not cause too much havoc, as if I ever did! I checked my bike and pumped up the tyres then Ma grabbed me about eleven to go through a suitcase she was packing for me and when Mr Marcham came at twelve I carried it out to his car. He greeted me most effusively, I knew him quite well from early days playing with Tony but I hadn't seen much of him recently. He already had the other three bags on the back seat as well as a tent and lots more paraphernalia. He said he was taking everything over that afternoon and hoped we had a good time. I felt a bit cheered with that and then lunch wasn't too bad so I went up to my room and did more of the homework set for the week. I thought it was supposed to be a half-term holiday, some hope, there was enough to keep us busy every day. Then, in the middle of the afternoon Pa came bounding up the stairs, banged on my door and asked me if I minded taking the carbon copy of what he had written so far round to Mike's dad for him to check. I agreed readily and set off on my bike. Dr O'Brien was also scribbling when I got there and said did I mind waiting a bit while he read Pa's document and, in any case, would I take some of his notes back to Pa. He suggested I went up and disturbed Mike. Mike called out 'Come in' when I knocked on the half-open door of the Snake Pit. I peered round the door and saw he was lying on his bed reading a book. He looked very pleased to see me. I went in and shut the door behind me. "Thank goodness someone's come to cheer me up. This place is like the grave today, we mustn't do anything to disturb Dad, even Maureen and Anne are quiet for once. Do you want a chair?" "No, that's OK, I'll perch on the end of the bed and we won't have to talk too loud!" He grinned and moved over a bit. My mention of perch made me think of Billy's comments, especially about Matt, and I wanted to tell him but felt I couldn't. What to talk about? Ah, yes! "Did you find out all about the secrets?" He laughed, "Oh no, Dad said it wasn't for little boys' ears and I wasn't to say even that I knew there was something up! What did your dad say?" "Nothing, he's been at the works place ever so much and he's been scribbling away all day today, and he keeps whistling which means he's happy! I do know he's going down to London first thing Monday 'cause I heard Ma say she would pack for him as well as for me and what a lovely quiet time she would have." "Are you still looking forward to your trip? You'll be there most of the time with your pal Matt? I don't know him, but I know his sister Julia 'cause she's a typist at the labs." "Yes, I've met her and Pa said she was going in to work overtime on Sunday finishing typing up the report, that's if she can read his scribble!" "No worse than my dad's..." He paused a moment or two, "How do you get on with Matt? I've only seen him when he's been with you at the rugby matches, he looks a solemn sort." I suppose Matt is a solemn sort, he's certainly not noisy and lively like Cleggy or even Roo, but I get on very well with him. "We're great pals, he says we're a bit like brothers since neither of us has a brother. We talk a lot and work together," ... I shrugged my shoulders, "We just like each other a lot, I think." "I miss not having a brother, I suppose Bernie Doyle is like that for me...," he nodded towards the drawing pinned to the board, "...We always discuss everything together, all our troubles and woes." Mike was really in a sad state. "I'm a bit fed-up today because we were supposed to be going to play against some Catholic public school, but half their team's got 'flu or something and it was cancelled yesterday. I thought Bernie might come round but he seems to have deserted me..." he brightened a bit, "...But there's you, and that's nice." He sat up and patted me on the shoulder. Oh hell, I was beginning to get a hardon, the bastard thing was for ever going rigid! Twice this morning while just sitting doing Van's French translation I found it going stiff of its own accord. I hadn't touched it and it softened just as quickly. Would it go soft now? Think of something else! Saved by the bell! Or rather by a rush of feet along the corridor and the breathless entry of Mike's youngest sister, Maureen, the one I'd met on the previous visit. "I wondered how long your nose would take to poke it's way in here," was Mike's greeting, "It's only Jacko." "I know, I saw him when he came upstairs, I've got something for him!" All this happened, luckily, before I could be polite and stand up. Luckily, because my other stand would have been rather visible. She thrust a piece of paper at me. "This is for you, to go with the drawing Mike did!" Well, well, it was another pencil sketch. This time of Mike. A very recognisable Mike, waist upwards, in a striped rugby shirt. "Golly, that's good! Did you do it?" "Yes, of course. I copied it from a photo. He said he wasn't going to sit still long enough to let me do it live!" Mike snorted, "So she's done me dead, has she, let's have a look!" He leaned over and took the sketch from me. "I say, sis, that's good! You've made me look quite handsome! Can I have it?" "No, it's for Jacko! You can draw yourself looking in the mirror like those other sketches you wouldn't show Annie!" I thought I detected a faint blush creeping up behind his ears. "OK, OK, here you are then, Jacko, one of me to go with one of you. Make sure it's signed though, she might be famous one day!" I took the drawing and looked carefully at it. It really was good and she had signed it, MToB. I grinned, "Motor Torpedo Boat, I suppose!" She snorted, "You're just like him, always taking the mickey! I'll have it back if you don't want it!" "Oh no! It's very good, thanks for giving it to me." Mike swung his legs over the edge of the bed and sat next to me. "I wondered where that photo had gone. One of the Brothers took our team after school a couple of weeks ago and he gave me a copy. Where is it, Maureen? Let's have it back, please." His sister went off and returned with the photo which she handed to me, pointing to Mike sitting in the front row. "There he is, and that's Bernard standing behind him. I've done one of him as well. I'll give it to him tomorrow." I had a bright idea. "You could earn some pocket money if you did a drawing of each one and sold them to them. I don't suppose the Brother gave them all a copy." "Oh, Jacko, that's brilliant, I could do that! I'll see how much Bernard will give me." Mike nudged me, "You've made a friend for life! Come on, Maureen, you said just now you were going to give Bernie his." "That was just now, before Jacko had the idea. Let me have the photo, Jacko, I'll go and do some now. I'll do all the ones I know I'll see tomorrow." "Hey, you avaricious little so-and-so, that's my photo you're making money out of! What about me?" "Oh, I'll buy you a better birthday present." She turned to me. "You know his birthday is on Boxing Day don't you...?" I shook my head, I didn't know. "...Yeah, he'll be seventeen!" Crikey, I thought he was much older, but then I don't think I'm much good at guessing ages. "Gosh, I thought you were older than that, you being in the Sixth Form and all that!" Oh-er, I hope the 'and all that' didn't mean what I was thinking about to his sister. He laughed, "She's right. Anyway, the rate you're going you'll be in the Sixth Form when you're fifteen." He nudged me again. "He's clever, is young Jacko!" He began to speak in French saying I could speak French better than he could and then Maureen answered him most proficiently. I thought I'd better join in but hadn't said more than a dozen words when we heard their father coming along the landing. He rapped on the door. "May I come in?" He entered bearing a sheaf of papers which he was stuffing into a large envelope. "Here you are, Jacko, would you give this lot to your dad and don't let any enemy spies waylay you on the way home!" He said with a grin. "You're being entrusted with secrets of great national importance in there! Oh, and tell him I'll see him in the labs tomorrow to tidy things up for Monday." Thank goodness my hardon had subsided during all the talk so I was able to stand up without any great difficulty. All three followed me down the stairs and as I left I thanked Maureen again for the drawing and she said she was going to be busy that evening. Mike had disappeared while we were standing in the hallway talking and Dr O'Brien opened the front door for me saying I was much too important a despatch rider to take the back exit. He shut the door behind me and then, as I went down the side of their house, a shadowy figure pounced on me and made me drop the envelope. Oh, Christ, an enemy spy! I lashed out as he grabbed me round the shoulders and then he laughed as he spoke. "Watch it, Jacko, you nearly had me in the nuts!" Oh, thank God, it was only Mike fooling around. "You were lucky I didn't hit you hard. I really thought I was being attacked! You made me jump!" "Not so much as I would have done if you'd struck lucky, or unlucky for me! You're a plucky little so-and-so fighting back like that!" He was still holding me and tightened his grip before letting me go. God, he certainly was strong. I bent down and picked up the envelope and the drawing. He put an arm round my shoulder as I straightened up. "No hard feelings, eh, and have a good time next week." I got my bike, said cheerio and rode off bearing the secret despatches. To be continued. Previous stories of mine have been published on Nifty. Spying on My Brothers: (45k: Incest Section: Apr 15 2000) Easter Rugger Tours (Dir: HS Section: Jun 10 2000) Jordan's Story (84k: HS Section: Jul 23 2000) Flip's Tale (Dir: HS Section: Apr 17 2002) Taming the 'Phobes (Dir: HS; Military: August 04 2002) Read and Enjoy.