Date: Tue, 04 Feb 2003 22:48:17 +0000 From: Eric Shaw Subject: A Beautiful Run: Chapter 2 A Beautiful Run: Chapter 2 "Sorry to disappoint you all, but today's class is cancelled. I'm being sent to Detroit to scout for a new pitching prospect. Enjoy your weekend! -Miss. Davies. p.s. - Start thinking about topics for your term essays, remember they're 30% of your final grade! I took my time walking from the class before and seemed to lose the crowd gathered at the door celebrating the good news of an extended weekend. It seemed like the world just slowed down once I recognized the possibility of Eric being anything more than a distanced crush. Yet, as the world around lingered, my thoughts and particularly my heart were racing. I dreamed of a life with Eric for so long, it almost seemed like he could only be part of my imagination. I could not possibly picture Eric as anything but my Knight in shining armor, because that was everything I knew him as. I reveled in the thought of discovering all that there was to know about him, both inside and out. I walked around campus in a state of pure bliss, with the brilliant colours of autumn capturing the intensity of my affection for Eric. Letting my legs guide me in whatever direction they chose, I eventually strolled toward my locker and noticed the time by a clock on the wall. Only a few minutes remained of the last period so I decided to grab my things and head toward the locker room to change for practice. I noticed the team posting on one of the bulletin boards outside of the Phys.Ed department. My name was listed in between "Michael Fenton" and "Peter Aurora" and it was wonderful to see it. I wouldn't have minded being sandwiched between those two in other ways, but the thought didn't have the appeal that Eric did. I opened the door and began to change, soon fastening the last strap on my ankle brace. Grabbing my things I walked out of the room. "So does this mean that we're off for tonight?" said Eric from behind. My entire body was enveloped in warmth, a feeling of absolute comfort. He stood there with a smirk on his face, his dark eyes filled with so much presence. He had me at his command. Eric wore a longsleeve t-shirt and his running shorts in our school colours, silver and blue. His long legs possessed so much strength and definition, and the rest of him was nothing to scoff at. He was holding his gym bag, but soon dropped it on the floor as he approached. "I hope I didn't mean to scare you off earlier on." He said. I smiled. "Maybe I better try it again to make sure I'm doing it right?!" As he said this, Eric brought his flawless face closer and placing his soft lips on mine ever so delicately. His wrapped his arm around my waist to draw me near. When we pulled back after a few wonderful moments, he licked his lips as if to taste the reminisce of mine. "Just be sure to call. I'll be waiting." He moved back and grabbed his bag from off the floor. Walking away, he looked back as if to thank me for the kiss, and went through the doors. "You idiot!" I told myself. I was too busy thinking about Eric whilst changing to realize that he was right there in the flesh. Sitting in the same spots we were yesterday, I couldn't help but think that our meeting was fate, as though waiting there in the locker room was much like my waiting to be with him for all these years. Helping Coach Armstrong set up the nets, practice began as schedule. Many of the guys were returning from the years before, we decided it best for us to get reacquainted with the positions we were used to. I began hitting weak side, leaving power to some of the seniors. Things just felt right. I hadn't realized how tightly knit our group was on the court, and how our personalities and positions meshed well together. We soon regained our rhythm, surprising both ourselves and the Coach. After working up quite a sweat on the court, I was called to Coach Armstrong's office after the practice. He mentioned the improvement in my arm-swing and handed me the year's consent form. Wishing him a `Good weekend!' I was off, but not before Coach could catch me once again in the hall. "Sorry Con, I forgot this. He reached into his shoulder bag and gave me a note with my name written on it. "What's this?" I asked. "Not sure exactly, Eric gave it to me to give to you before practice. He said it was in case he wasn't able to find you himself. It's some homework questions, I bet." I nodded, supporting his notion to calm any arousing suspicions he may have had. I took the note and quickly made my way home. When I got there, I grabbed an apple and ate it quickly before jumping into the shower. I stood under the jets of water thinking once again of my love, Eric. He wasn't just in my mind, that was obvious when I looked down to find that my feelings had become quite physically apparent. Turning off the water, I dried my body and wrapped the towel around my waist. My thoughts about Eric reminded me about the note Mr. Armstrong had given me. I remembered putting it in my bag while rushing away from the office. Opening it, it read: Dear Connor, I am so sorry for surprising you with the kiss in the foyer. I couldn't help myself! I'm just worried that I scared you off and if so, I sincerely apologize for being so direct. I hope we're still on for tonight, you know I doubt I'd be able to survive a foreign film on my own. I have no idea what you're feeling right now, but no matter what it is, please call me. I know I'd like to hear from you. Love, Eric. Reading the last words, I took a deep breath and held the note against my chest as if it were Eric himself. With that, I collapsed on my bed, closing my eyes trying to relive the words time and time again. I was soon interrupted by the growling sounds coming from my stomach, reminding myself of dinner. I had been making meals for a number of years, in an attempt to relieve some stress from my already busy parents. They both worked long days in order to make a good living. I appreciated all of their efforts, especially being an only child, it was primarily for my benefit. Down the stairs, I heard a loud "Knock!" on the door that threw me back for a moment. Opening it up, it was no one but my neighbor and best friend Sam, intending to raid the kitchen with me. Over a meal of soup and sandwiches, I relayed the last two days of school back to her. She was the only person in the world to know about my sexuality and along with it my infatuation with Eric, so it was by no surprise that she was dumbfounded by the news. "You lucky little flamer!" she said as she finished off her second bowl of soup. Sam was always eating, but never gained an inch. After spending a few months in Asia with her mother, she came back tanned and radiant. She even went as far as losing weight if that was humanly possible. Ever since then, I made fun of her for "no longer having a butt", despite having a nice one at that. "Sorry what was that? I couldn't hear you over the sound of your butt deflating!" I said with a giggle, followed by a swift kick in the shin from Sam. "This is the best thing to ever happen to you!" She squealed. She then took notice of her watch and told me that she'd be late for dinner at her own house, and leaving soon afterward. I gripped the phone tightly with one hand, dialing with the other. I stared at the phone number, all the while making sure I dialed correctly. "Hello." Said Eric. "Hey! This is..." "...Connor!" He finished. "I hope we're still on for tonight?!" "Definitely!" I said, unable to mask my excitement. "Good! I'll be over at around 7 o'clock to pick you up." "I'll be here!" I said, blushing like a schoolgirl. With that we said our goodbyes and I hung up the receiver. Over the course of two days, my demeanor completely changed. The once collected and confident Connor was now someone prone to drawing hearts on any and every piece of stationary I owned, and giggling like a child amused with pretty colours. This boy had already begun to change my life. A few minutes before 7 o'clock, I was primping myself in the mirror. I was wearing a red polo, dark jeans, a black choker and my trusty black leather cuff. I looked outside to see Eric's sports car parked in the driveway, so I went to meet him. I heard the bell on my way downstairs and when I opened the door I was awestruck. Wearing some vintage denim and a chest-hugging T, there was Eric in all his glory. He also wore a pleasant look upon his face as he bit his lower lip in excitement. "Hey there, sexy!" He said. I blushed and laughed to myself quite demurely. "Are you parents home?" Eric asked. "No, they haven't come home from work yet." "Good!" Eric said, walking towards me with a sly look on his face. His arms outstretched, he pulled me toward him by the waist and his other hand supportive the back of my neck. We locked in a passionate embrace, our tongues dancing in each other's mouths. He ground his hips into mine and I was overwhelmed, feeling apart of him. My hands rubbed his strong back, all the while overcome with Eric's charisma. Time halted and the world around us ceased to exist for those few moments. Reluctantly breaking our embrace, he held my hand leading me toward the door. "Will I need a sweater?" I asked. "Nah, I'll keep you warm!" Eric said as he moved his hand up my thigh to the small of my back. I locked up the door and left a note for my parents on the fridge. Eric and I drove along the busy city streets. I couldn't help myself. "Can I ask you something?" "Anything" "Good! Um.why?" "Why what?" "I mean, where is this all coming from?" I finally asked. "Well, it's been a long time coming. You probably don't remember this, but there was a time a few years ago. You were a freshman and I was in sophomore year, and I remember running by your house. You were outside stretching for a run or you own. We made eye-contact for only half a second, but that was all I needed. I was hooked, and have been ever since, Con. I've always regretted not stopping and asking you to come along. I've even gone so far as to miss practices to watch your volleyball games. I like you, Connor. A lot!" I couldn't believe what I was hearing. People fantasize about hearing those words from the person they've loved from a distance, but when it finally happens it still manages to leave you unprepared. I began to mist up from sheer sensory overload. I lowered my head, resting it on Eric's shoulder, and he gently slipped his hand into mine. He stared deeply into my eyes. At that moment I gave him a kiss, and my heart.