Date: Sat, 20 Aug 2005 21:25:35 -0700 (PDT) From: Matt McDougal Subject: Because You Make Me - 2 Because You Make Me Chapter 2 -- The Daily Routine By: Meester Matt ...BZZZ BZZZ BZZZ BZZZ... *Yawn* *Big stretch* ...BZZZ BZZZ BZZZ BZZZ... WHACK! "Fucking thing." I mutterd to myself. I hate waking up to that buzzing alarm clock. I looked over at the time, 6:31. Damn. I wished I could sleep in till noon today. Ok, just five more minutes and then I'll get up and get ready for school. I'll just... close my eyes for a second... just.. for... one... sec... "MATTHEW! IT'S 7:15!!! GET UP!! YOU'RE GOING TO BE LATE!" my mom yelled from the bottom of the stairs. I opened my eyes and focused on the time. Fuck. I wouldn't have time to shower. I jumped out of bed, grabbed my glasses and ran around looking for clothes to wear. I pulled on a fresh pair of boxers and some jeans and ran into the bathroom to brush my teeth and fix my hair. My hair was a total mess but I made it look decent enough to last a day. I put on deodorant and ran back to my room to grab a t-shirt. No time to put in contacts today. "MATT! HURRY UP!" "I'll be ready in a minute, hold on." I grabbed my cell phone, my math homework, threw them in my backpack and ran downstairs. I quickly pulled on a pair of sandals before running out the door to meet Josh at the sidewalk. "Hey. Did you find your way home yesterday?" "Hey, yeah, I just came back the same way and figured it out ok." "Cool." And that's all Josh said on the walk to the bus stop. I felt so dirty, I just hoped I didn't smell too bad. After all, I did jerk off like... 5 times yesterday. Then I remembered... "Danny!" "What?" Josh said. "Uhhhh, nothing?" "You said Danny. What about him?" "I uhhhh, ummmm, Danny... ummm, Danny helped me find the right bus yesterday night, you know, to come home." "Oh, yeah, I told him to look out for you since I had to stay for pictures." "Oh, right." Maybe Josh wasn't such a jerk, I mean, we have nothing in common and he has this holier than thou aura about him but I guess if he made enough effort to make sure I got home ok, well, that means something. We got to the bus stop with no sign of Danny. In fact, the only other person at the bus stop was the gum chewing ditz. I could hear the bus accelerating from the previous stop around the corner. About a minute later, it came squealing around the corner and lurched to a stop in front of us. Just as the doors opened, I saw Danny running up the hill towards the bus. I guess he slept in too, hehehe. I followed Josh and the Ditz onto the bus, dropped my ticket in the slot and got a transfer for the train. The bus lurched forward (I held onto the bar this time and didn't fall, aren't you proud?) towards Danny and stopped beside him a couple of blocks from our stop to let him on. He flashed his bus pass and came to stand near Josh and I. "Hey!" he said, a little out of breath. "Wazzup Dan?" I could only smile and nod "sup?" cause I was... well, you know, breathless being in his presence. "I woke up late, I just had enough time to shower and run out the door. I think I forgot my math homework." "Funny, Matt was late too." Danny looked at me and smiled. I blushed and looked at my feet. "Late night?" He asked. "Ahem, I uhh, was, you know, pretty tired and I guess I slept in a bit..." Danny giggled and I looked back up. We maintained eye contact, grinning at each other for a few seconds before Josh asked Danny about his sister. "So how's Marissa liking Churchill?" "She's ok with it I guess, I didn't ask and she didn't say much about it. I still don't know why she wants to go there. She has to leave an hour earlier and gets home an hour later too. It makes no sense." Danny looked at me quickly before Josh asked another question. "Doesn't Brad go there? I thought she broke up with him." "Yeah, he does. As far as I know they broke up in June. I don't know, we're twins but we don't exactly talk so... I don't know. Just call her." "I guess I'll call her tonight and see." Josh turned around and told a Jr. High kid who was taking up a whole bench to "Move it you little shit" and plopped down in the free space beside him. He pulled out his MP3 player and started listening. I was looking out the window and felt Danny nudge my arm. I looked up at him. "So do you ever answer your phone?" "Huh?" "I called you like 5 times last night to see if you wanted to hang out." "I never heard my phone ring." I dug my phone out of my backpack and looked at the screen. It said I had missed 5 calls. Then I remembered I had it set to silent mode. "Oh, sorry, I guess it's still set to silent mode from when we were in school, I never heard it ring." Danny laughed. "So do you want to do something tonight then?" He asked. Sure, I'd love to do something to you tonight, lick you all over, I thought. "Ummm, sure, what did you have in mind?" "I dunno. Do you have a bike? We could go biking through the trails in the park?" "That sounds cool. You'll have to help me get my bike down, it's hanging from the ceiling of my garage." "Oh, ok. Sure." He cleared his throat. "So... do you like, want to come over first and then we'll go get your bike or would you prefer to go home and I'll meet you there?" I SWEAR I just saw him blush for a second. "Doesn't matter. No one will be home at my house if you want to play a bit of X-Box first, o-o-or something..." Great, way to start stuttering Matt. Mind out of the gutter you! "Ummm, sure, I mean, yeah, we could do that." "Cool." We were almost at the train station so we stayed pretty quiet for the rest of the bus ride. Every time the bus would hit a pot hole we'd gently bump against each other. When the bus came to a stop, we made our way off the bus and began sprinting for the platform. Today, Danny and I made the train but Josh got left behind. We squeezed our way through to the back wall of the car, where there was a little more breathing room. "So what are you doing for lunch?" "I dunno, I figured I'd just go down to KFC again like I did yesterday." "Do you want some company?" Gulp. "Yeah, that'd umm be great." Big Gulp. "Cool" "So... meet me at the front doors at lunch?" "Yeah, sounds good." "Cool." We got off the train and slowly walked side by side to school. I know I had a lot to think about, you know, with liking Danny and all and wondering if he was... well... gay... so I didn't really talk. I'm guessing Danny had his own things to think about so he didn't really talk either. It wasn't awkward silence though, like it is with Josh. It was... comfortable silence. He was the first to break it though, just as we reached the school's front steps. "Matt?" "Yeah?" "Do you like hiking? Like, mountain climbing and stuff?" "Yeah, I actually really like hiking. I wish I could go every weekend. Why?" "Well... you know how I'm going for my license next week right? Well, if I pass, and I get the Sunfire, would you want to go hiking? With me?" "Well, sure!" "Cool! We could go to Kananaskis, or Lake Louise or somewhere like that." "You better pass that test or I'll kick your ass, cause I'm not walking there!" Danny playfully punched me on the shoulder. Mmmm, touch me again please! "Shuttup dickwad." "Asswipe!" "Cocksucker!" "But only on Thursdays!" We burst out laughing. "So what do you have first period?" "Social, then TA, then English. You?" "TA, then Math and PE." "Cool. So are we still going to meet here for lunch?" "Yeah, if you want me to come along." "Of course, I mean, well, yeah, that'd be great." Hey, I don't want to seem desperate. "Ok, cool." The first bell rang. "Soooo..." "Soooo..." "I guess we should get to class huh?" "Yeah, I guess so... well... I'll see you at lunch." "Ok, later!" "Cya" We bumped fists and parted ways. I looked back before passing the vending machines and saw Danny look back too. He made this retarded face that was so childish (I like childish! :)) and I cracked up in the middle of the hallway. So did he for that matter. I waved and continued on to class. I'm pretty sure it was from that moment on that we became friends attached at the hip. I wish I could say Social flew by in no time flat but it didn't. Today we jumped right in and started `learning' about the French Revolution. For the first half, we watched a boring black and white movie that most people slept through. But in the second half, we were split up into groups to answer questions based on what we understood. I ended up pairing with Kyle, Tara, Julie and Jeff. "So who do you know so far?" Asked Julie, after they got the story on me. "Well, so far, just Josh Kelly and Danny... I don't know his last name. " I wanted to say `the cute one who makes me giddy' but I didn't dare. "Danny Truder? Friends with Josh?" "I guess so, I don't know his last name." "That's Danny Truder. He's cool. We're all friends with him. We usually eat lunch together if you want to come and sit with us." "Oh... well... actually, we were going to KFC for lunch if you guys want to come along?" "I can't, I have a yearbook committee meeting today at lunch." "Don't mind Tara, she spends EVERY lunch at the yearbook committee!" "I do not!" Tara playfully pushed Julie. Everyone laughed. Girls playfighting. "We'll go with you guys, where are we meeting?" Kyle seemed to speak for the rest of the group. "Danny's meeting me at the front doors at lunch so you guys can meet us there." "We'll be there." "Ok, since this stuff has to be handed in at the end of class, let's get working on the questions." And that's what we did. We got the questions on the movie done just before the bell and went our separate ways. During TA, they called letters M to O down to have pictures taken. Pictures. SHIT! Of all days to sleep in late, I pick picture day. I didn't look THAT bad but I was kinda rough around the edges. So I got up and walked down to the gym where the pictures were being taken. There were already about 50 people ahead of me when I arrived. I stood in line spotted Jeff about 20 people up the line. He was looking up the line and spotted me. I waved and he walked back towards me. "Hey!" "Long time no see." We bumped fists. "Can I cut in here, I have math now with Mrs. Stern and I don't know how much of her I can take today." "Hmmm, Mrs. Stern eh? Well... I think that... you should..." He punched me lightly on the shoulder. "Wait.. I'm not done... I think you should cut in line behind me so that you can miss as much of her class as possible. God knows that if I were in your position, I'd be asking the same!" "I was planning to anyway but since I got your official permission, thanks!" We chatted about this and that, and got to know each other as the line slowly moved forward. He's really cool. Finally, it was my turn to have my picture taken. I sat down on the stool setup in front of the blue backsplash and waited while the photographer pulled up my picture card from the stack. Did I mention how much I hate getting my picture taken? I HATE pictures! I always look so... not like me. "Smile!" *Smiles* SNAP!............ SNAP............ "One more" SNAP! "Ok, you're done. Next!" I stepped off the stool and walked back towards the line, told Jeff I'd see him later and started to make my way to English. I hadn't even made it out of the Gym before the bell rang for lunch. What luck! "Bus Passes are now on sale, A-L at the Bookstore, M-Z at the Business Wicket." Oh yeah, I forgot I'd need a bus pass. The Business Wicket was adjacent to the front entrance to the school and since there was no one in line yet, I walked over to get my bus pass. Thirty dollars later, I had one and put it in my wallet. I walked back over to the front doors to wait for everyone to show up. Jeff was the first to make it, having just come out of the Gym. "My eyes hurt from the flash" Jeff said. "Yeah well, at least you aren't wearing glasses in your pictures!" "Dude, there's nothing wrong with your glasses." "Whatever." He's right, there's nothing wrong with my glasses. I like them, they look cool on me. I just resent the fact that I can't see too well without them. "Hey Matt!" Danny. I turned around and saw him walking towards us. "Hey Jeff, what are you doing here?" "Jeff's coming with us for lunch, so are Kyle and Julie." I answered. "Oh cool, so... how do you guys know each other now?" asked Danny. "Social." Jeff, Julie and I said at the same time. We all laughed. "Hey Jules." "Where's Kyle?" "He's coming I guess, he's probably putting his stuff in his locker." Jeff and Julie started talking about some yearbook thing, so I looked at Danny and he smiled at me. I could feel myself turning red. Danny turned red too for some reason. Hmmm, I wonder what that's about? "So how was your morning?" Danny broke the silence. Jeff and Julie were off in their own little world. "Pretty good, I met Jeff, Julie, Tara and Kyle in Social. So it's great to at least know a few people in school. I got out of English though, that's the highlight of the morning." We both laughed. "And just how did you do that, Mr. Matt?" "Well... it's a secret... but if you want... I'll tell you... if you promise not to tell anyone else..." Danny leaned forward towards me and whispered: "I promise" "Ok, well... your last name has to start with a letter between M and Z... and you can only do it when they call your letter for pictures." I whispered back. "You are such a tease!" "Am not!" I playfully pushed Danny back against the door, happy to have a chance to feel up his arms through his shirt. Kyle came walking over with his backpack on and said he couldn't come with us because he had detention. "What did you do now Kyle?" Julie seemed to imply this was a regular occurrence. "I was playing Pimpmaster on my calculator during attendance." Pimpmaster! I had that in Ottawa but I lost it when my calculator batteries went dead. "Dude! You have got to hook me up with that! You have a TI-83?" I asked. "Yeah, do you have a transfer cable? We can transfer it tomorrow morning." "Yeah I do, thanks! I love that game!" "Ok guys, I'll catch you later, I gotta go serve my time." "Cya" "So I guess it's just the 4 of us then?" Danny said. "You guys go on ahead, we'll catch up. You're going to the KFC on Northmount right?" "Yeah, by the station." "Ok, we'll meet you there in 15-20 minutes." "Ok, cya then." Danny shoved me playfully and we went out the front door. Surprisingly, the park was completely deserted as we walked through. For a September day it was pretty warm, maybe 25 degrees (77F for you American types) in the sun and I expected to see more people outside. But, to our... benefit, the place was dead. "I'll race you to to KFC?" Ooooh, Danny's feeling competitive! "Oh yeah? We'll see about that!" But Danny took off before I could finish my sentence. I ran after him and caught up to him just beyond the playground area and tackled him to the ground, careful not to smash my glasses. We rolled around on the grass trying to pin each other down and I got in a few cheap feels here and there. So did he for that matter. I could feel myself getting hard so I was more determined than ever to pin him. Finally, I did. I straddled his stomach and pinned his arms above his head. We just stayed that way for a couple of minutes, grinning at each other as we attempted to catch our breaths. "There... See... I... caught.. you." I was finally able to breathe normally. I was still hard but my bunched up jeans hid any indication of it. "Ok... Ok... I give, you're faster..." I let go of Danny's arms and sat back with a smug look on my face. Then Danny surprised me and tumbled to the right, reversing our position. "Now look who's been caught!" "I give! I give! You won, you're faster, I admit." Danny laughed then looked at me thoughtfully for a second before leaning down to whisper: "Is that a new cologne?" I gave him a confused look. "I don't wear cologne..." and then I realized I must have smelled pretty ripe after all our horseplay and not having showered this morning. Danny giggled again. "I uhhh, it kinda goes back to waking up up late and not having time to shower." I replied sheepishly, starting to giggle myself. "Oooh, someone had fun with himself last night, maybe a bit TOO much fun!" I couldn't help it, I cracked up and Danny started to laugh really hard too. "Shut up, I did not!" Hey, I sounded so guilty when I said that. Danny giggled again and started to get up. But in doing so, he sat back right on my, by now, hard as rock dick. He HAD to have felt it, and I thought I even felt him wiggle a bit but he just got up and held out his hand to help me up, smiling. I took it and got up too. "You don't need cologne, you smell fine the way you are." I stopped walking and looked at Danny. Now I felt for sure he was gay. He looked back at me and started to giggle, holding his nose. I jumped on him and tackled him to the ground again. We started rolling around, laughing and shouting, finally ending up with me on top. "Come on fucknut, lets get some lunch." I said, laughing. As I started to get up, I too leaned back and umm... accidentally... sat on his dick. It was hard. And I had my answer. He HAD to be gay. But, there's no way I'm going to make the first move. Nuh uh, no way, remember me? Closet case to the nth power. I pulled Danny up and we dusted ourselves off. If I was dirty before, I was even dirtier now. I had grass stains on my jeans and on the back of my t-shirt. "Want to skip this afternoon?" I surprised myself by even suggesting it. We were walking towards KFC. "Are you serious? On your second day of school?" He punched me lightly on the arm. "Not even Kyle would try to pull a stunt like that!" I laughed. "I was just thinking out loud... you know... seeing that I smell so great and am full of grass stains..." "It gives you character." "Whatever." We walked into KFC and got our lunches. Still no sign of the rest of our group so we decided to walk back and have lunch at the park. It was such a nice day. We were quiet on the walk back, just enjoying the nice weather and each other's company. "Danny?" I broke the silence. "Yeah?" "Thanks. This is cool, you know, hanging out with me like this. I know we just met yesterday and everything but I already feel like you're going to be a great friend. So... thanks." "You don't have to thank me Matt. You're fun to be around, I LIKE hanging out with you. I think we're going to be great friends too. It feels like we've known each other for years." Danny dunked one of his chicken strips in honey mustard dipping sauce and took a bite. I don't think he realized that he got more dipping sauce on his lips than he did in his mouth. It started to drip down onto his chin and I couldn't help but start to laugh. "What? What's so funny?" He asked, starting to laugh himself. "You are... you've got honey mustard dripping down your chin." He reached up to wipe it off. I wish I could have done it for him. It's funny how it's the stupid little things that make us laugh the most. We're just kids being kids I guess. We finished up our lunches and I moved around to sit next to Danny in the shade. I was starting to burn up in the heat of the sun. "So are you up for a quick Project Gotham marathon before we go biking tonight?" "It won't be much of a marathon cause I'll wipe your ass clean. I am the best at that game." "Un huh, we'll see about that" The first bell at school rang in the distance. "Let's go" I said and we walked back to school, not caring that we were a little late. We walked in the doors just as the second bell rang. People were still wondering the halls trying to get to class so we didn't bother to rush. "Meet me here after school? Then we'll head home." I asked. "Okie dokie, what do you have now?" "Physics I think... but I have Math last, no worse way to end the day than 45 minutes of Mrs. Stern." "Haha, sucker. Later Matt!" "Later Danny" Our teacher still hadn't arrived to class, so everyone was sitting around talking when I got to class. I took my seat and started to drift into my own little world. I had a lot to think about. Is Danny gay? What do I feel towards Danny, is it just lust or is it something more? Are we becoming good friends? Best friends? Best friends with benefits? How does Danny see me? Did the lunar landing really take place? Will I fall for Danny? One thing I didn't have to think about though was wanting out of this school so I could spend some more time with him. Nope, that is an absolute certainty. "All right class, settle down..." Sigh, 3 more hours of boredom first.