Date: Sat, 22 May 1999 16:25:45 PDT From: Fin Ravenbrooke Subject: Bi Times! Part 8 This story is a pure work of fiction. This post is the eighth part of "Bi Times!" No part of this story may be reprinted or reposted unless permission is received by the author. I hope you enjoy this, it's my first go at writing some of the wild stories I have piled up in my mind. Feel free to email praise, comments and suggestions to The more responses I get the faster I'll get to work on part 9. Thanks! Be sure to check out my home page "Taylor's Tablets" with this story (including parts not yet featured on Nifty Archives) and another story I've begun, visit the site at Continued from part seven... Bi Times! by Taylor Quest PART VIII Josh wrapped his arms around Eric. Eric looked up at the ceiling. He was flooded with so many different emotions all at the same time. His love for Josh was now growing by leaps and bounds. He felt like he was out of control, that for once in his life he wasn't sure what would happen from one moment to the next. This scared Eric, but knowing that Josh would be by his side the whole way through washed away all nervousness he had. Josh would be his first, the first to make love to him. Out of all the friends Eric had in the past none of them had touched him the way Josh had. He had not felt the same way about them like he felt about Josh. He couldn't put it into words how he felt. It would have been useless, for no words could describe it. Only one could come close, love. Pure, uninhibited, unadulterated, untainted love. Tears began to stream down Eric's face. Josh hugged Eric tightly. He didn't know what would happen with them from that moment on. He knew he was about to embark on a lifelong journey with the guy he had loved from the moment he saw him. Scared, excited, & worried were a few of the feelings rushing through him. But one feeling was paramount. Love, he knew it was the strongest and he knew that the source was pressed against him. He knew now that he had in fact not done a single thing with anyone of those creeps in gym class. That he, just like he new Eric, were both untainted, untouched. This made him quiver with happiness. Nothing had soiled them, they could be with each other completely without inhibition or restriction. Josh broke the embrace and looked into Eric's tearing, glassy gray eyes. Eric whimpered as he smiled looking up at his love. "Don't cry, there's no reason to cry, from now on, for all time until the sands run out and the stars fall from the heavens I'll be by your side. Nothing will ever make me stop loving you. You are my sun, my moon, my air. You are what makes me love living. I didn't know how to say this before, I couldn't understand my feelings. I was scared and unsure of how to act, but now. Now I am seeing clearer than I've ever seen. These past four years I was in turmoil, unsure of what I could do, or who could take away my frustrations and fears. I didn't even realize it was standing right in front of me. Now that I have you I'm never letting you go. Eric I love you with every fiber of my being, with every strand of DNA in my body, so never fear for anything I'll always be right here." This caused Eric to break down even more. His entire life he had never ever thought words of such care and love would ever be spoken to him. His mother had died of complications from Cancer two years before and his father had left him. His mothers death had impacted Eric in a way he could never understand. She seemed to care about him but ever since he could remember she always was there to hear him. He told her everything about him and she would simply smile and understand. When she died he lost that ear, that person he could speak to and never be criticized. While she didn't always show that much affection, he still found it hard to cope with the fact that she would never be there to hear him again. His father on the other hand was a bit of a tyrant. He would get drunk and fight with his wife. Eric knew she held her own, many times his dad was thrown out of the house. And many nights his dad would try to beat him up. Always his mother was there to defend him. When she died his father lost all of his cares. He didn't come home, he didn't buy food for them to eat. Slowly the bills stacked up and the house utilities started getting shut off. Eric continued to go to school, only because it was lonely at home. No one was there, his father was gone. Two months after his mom died Eric realized that a month earlier his father had gone out and not returned. It was a Friday night in late December, on Christmas Eve that Eric had gotten home late from a friends house. No one knew of what was happening with him. He pulled the eviction notice off the front door and walked into the house. It was ice cold, there was no light, no heat and no water. He tried the phone but it too had been turned off. Eric walked through the house and looked at everything. It wasn't a mess, in fact it was immaculate. But empty, dark and lonely. The chair his mother sat in with her needle point was empty, her threads and needles still sat in a basket on the table next to it. His fathers chair was empty, the coaster his glass of vodka sat on was in it's place but it too was empty. He walked through the kitchen. The counters were bare, the fridge empty and dark. A howl of wind whipped against the house and he shuddered. In the hallway he looked at photos that hung on the wall. Photos of him with his parents when he was younger. Times he couldn't remember, people he didn't recognize. The intense feeling of loneliness and desolation wracked over his body. In his parents room everything was untouched. The closets still filled with his mothers clothes and shoes. The medicine cabinet in the bathroom still held the medicinal items. It was if everyone had vanished, leaving Eric alone. He walked back to the front of the house and looked out the window. The houses across the street were brightly lit. A Christmas tree could bee seen through the bay window. He saw children running around in the living room. A car rolled into the driveway and more people piled out. None of them noticing the dark house across the street where the face of a lonely boy peered from the darkness inside. He remembered his last Christmas with his mother. He looked over at the empty corner where a tall fir had always sat every one of his then sixteen years. The corner was dark, along with the rest of the house. It didn't feel like Christmas, in fact it felt like nothing he had understood in his entire life. He was alone, alone in his dark empty home. His mother and father gone. It was Christmas Eve and he felt like it was a funeral, only for himself. He remembered walking away from the window back to his room. He had crawled fully clothed into his bed and pulled up all the covers. He remembered laying there for what seemed like hours shivering in the cold. Hearing nothing but the wind howling against the house, all he could think of was Josh. All he wanted was to be with Josh. But unfortunately Josh had gone out of town to his grandparents for the holiday. Eric hadn't dare told him what had happened at home. He was too embarrassed at how he was being treated. Eric had drifted into a deep cold sleep when in the distance he heard keys rattling in the front door. His mind drifted, not realizing that his sleep was induced by the cold, hypothermia was a fact he had not even thought of. He remembered hearing heeled shoes clip clopping their way through the house. A woman's voice had called out a hello a few times. Eric wasn't sure but it sounded like his mother's voice. He struggled to open his eyes but he felt drugged. His arms felt so numb and he almost couldn't feel his legs. The foot steps had come closer when he heard a gasp. He distantly heard his mother's voice frantically trying to rouse him. He felt arms wrapped around him but he couldn't grasp what was happening. His eyes opened momentarily and he saw his mother's face looking at him calling his name. Then it all went dark and the sounds faded away. Eric had awoken in a hospital bed. He looked around and saw that he was alone. Then he heard the bathroom door close and his mother walked into the room. Eric blinked his eyes and strained to focus. He couldn't believe what he thought he had just seen. He looked closer as she approached him with a smile. "Thank God your all right, when I got the news about your father I rushed up here to see if you were holding up," she said as she stroked his cheek. "M-m-mother," Eric asked weakly with blurred eyes. "Oh no dear no, it's Barbara, Aunt Barbara, remember," her voice replied to him through a fog of tears and confusion. Barbara Nelson was his mothers identical twin sister. She lived in Florida and had invited the family down each summer to her home in South Beach. Eric had loved his Aunt Barb, she was always so nice to him. So much like his mother, but she showed more affection to him than his mother had. Barbara had noticed how Evelyn had begun to get worse over the years. In the beginning of Eric's life `Evey' had been the perfect mother. They were everywhere together and Harold had not become an alcoholic. But when she had become diagnosed things had become tense between her and Harold and they say the stress she induced only made the Cancer spread. What Eric had not known was that his mother had been diagnosed with terminal Cancer of the spine. He didn't know that she was in almost constant paralyzing paint nearly ninety five percent of the time, it was a reason why near the end of her life she hugged hardly no one and why she was extremely slow when she moved around. Aunt Barbara had found out that Harold had jumped off a balcony in a hotel in Las Vegas only the night before and she had tried to call home to Eric but the phone had been disconnected. She flew out to their house in Northern California that day and finally found the house that night. She had never been there before and when the cab pulled up in front of that dark forboding home her fears were doubled. Evey had given her a key once a long while back when they had thought Barb might be coming up to see them and house sit. But it hadn't panned out and she ended up remaining in Florida, with the key. She opened the door and flipped the front light switch up and down a few times. She shivered as she closed the door. With the lights out and the temperature being in the upper teens inside as well as out Barbara was positive that Harold had left the house quite a while back and that the utilities must have been disconnected. She had only hoped that Eric wasn't at home. She knew Eric had a strange side to him and that it wouldn't be out of character for him to have stayed in an empty house with no electricity during one of the coldest winters of that area. She walked through the house calling out his name hoping he wouldn't be there to answer him. But as she looked into what appeared to be his room her fears were confirmed. There lying in a ball under only a few thin covers was Eric. He was perfectly still, Barbara prayed that she wasn't too late. She had run over and grabbed him calling his name and shaking him, rubbing her hands up and down his arms slapping his face trying to get him to wake up. She wasn't sure how long he had been unconscious but she was sure if she didn't get him to a hospital in time he would die of hypothermia and her sisters entire family would have been totally obliterated in a three month period. She being only about five foot four and quite petite summoned the strength from an unknown source and picked him up and carried him out of the house to the waiting cab. She told the driver to get her to the nearest hospital as fast as the cab would go. "Lady, I'll do my best but I can't speed," he had exclaimed as she slammed the door behind her. "I don't give a flying fuck, your going to speed, my nephew here is dying and if he dies in this cab you'll be cursed for life for not doing everything you could have to save him!" The driver glanced back and saw the teen in her arms. His fingers were blue and his face was not far from it. The driver shook his head, crossed himself, kissed a Rosary that hung from his rearview mirror and floored the gas pedal. All the while Barbara was shaking and rubbing Eric trying to wake him up. She had asked the cabby to turn up the heat full blast. She had seen Eric open his eyes only once, they were glassy and unfocused. He had furrowed his eyebrows and then gone totally unconscious. By the time they had arrived at the hospital the cab was bursting with heat and both Barbara and the cabby were sweating uncontrollably. Eric was still showing no signs of consciousness. Eric had recovered, and regained his health one hundred percent and plus some. The doctors had said that if she hadn't gotten him into the cab and to the hospital when she had that he would have most surely died within the hour. The revelation that his Aunt had come all the way from Florida to rescue him had given him a renewed strength, and hope. He had recovered and moved all of the stuff out of his old home into storage. Barbara had sold her home in South Beach and stayed with Eric to take care of him. It wasn't hard to tell him what had happened with his father. Barbara knew he was not too upset because of how he had been treated. What was shocking to Barbara was to find that Harold had left Eric alone in that house with no money for nearly three months. New Years rang in and a week later Josh returned from Colorado. Eric mentioned nothing of the events during the Christmas holiday, he merely stated that he had moved in with his aunt. Now two years later Eric still lived with his Aunt Barbara. She was doing well and had taken a liking to her new surroundings. Eric knew soon he would tell Josh all that had happened to him and then Josh would understand him more. Eric looked up deep into Josh's eyes, still streaming with tears Eric cried out. "I love you Josh, and I'll be yours forever, just never leave me!" "Never, ever, you have me and," Josh started. "I got you babe!" They both giggled. PART IX Coming soon! This part was dedicated to those of you who emailed me wanting me to give more background on Eric. Soon I'll get to Josh. To fans of `Eric' I hope you enjoyed getting to know him. For those of you who might be wondering, some sections might have much less sex play in them. I feel that my story can continue for periods now with out alot of graphic action. Mind you it will be in there I just want to let you know not to expect it in every single part.If your reading it only for the sex then I'm quite dissapointed. Feel free to email the author at with comments, suggestions, praise or whatever. It's my first story so let me know what you think so far! The more response I get the faster I'll get the next part complete! Be sure to check out my home page "Taylor's Tablets" with this story (including parts not yet featured on Nifty Archives) and another story I've begun, visit the site at Tay.