Date: Fri, 17 Feb 2006 10:04:22 -0800 From: Ryan Miller Subject: Bonding Energy: Opportunity Cost ch. 5 Consider this the second edition of my story. I looked back at my early works and saw how much I have improved as a writer and thought it only behooved me to polish up what I had written. So, I went through and edited the story stylistically and structurally. The story is still the same, just shinier. Disclaimer: This is a homoerotic story I have written, so if you aren't allowed legally, morally or ethically to read it, then don't. And don't post this anywhere else without my expressed permission. Feedback is very much encouraged, so hit me up at Ch. 5 The club Brian and Aaron picked was called "Club Chico." I thought the name was gayer than "Movie Dome," but then again it was a gay nightclub. It was located downtown, and I hardly ever go downtown. To me, downtown is a vast concrete jungle with people behind every corner waiting to mug me or sell me drugs. And we were going at 11:30 at night, which just encouraged my paranoia. But the prospect of seeing the cute couple naked drove me to go in spite of my fears. We hadn't discussed the details of said nudity, but I knew Brian wasn't one to give me a bum deal, (though I wouldn't mind bums in this deal). We took the bus because it meant we could leave when we wanted to instead of waiting for James to pick us up. As I stepped out onto the sidewalk in the heart of downtown, I realized just how cold it was outside. But it didn't help that I was wearing baggy jeans and a wife-beater with some random Japanese symbol on it. I thought it looked stupid, but Brian and Aaron assured me it was proper club attire. And the gel spiking my hair was still wet, so that made my head especially cold. "I'm already regretting this," I told Brian, shivering. He had on tight jeans and a tight, blue v-neck t-shirt. Aaron had an outfit similar to mine, but his black jeans were a little tighter. We were obviously dressed to show off, but I'm not sure what I was showing. "Don't worry," said Brian. "It'll be worth it. Remember, when it's done you get to see us naked." "I'd better," I said. "And I'm talking full frontal. Every other time I've seen you, Aaron has been blocking the good stuff." "I sure have," said Aaron as he slid his arms around Brian's neck and gave him a kiss. Some passing strangers gave us dirty looks, but we didn't mind, or at least I didn't. Club Chico was just a few blocks from the bus stop and it didn't take long to walk there. The whole time I kept reminding Brian and Aaron about how cold I was and how stupid I felt. They assured me I looked fine and that it would be warmer in the club. Soon we came to a big, gray building with two large, blue neon "C"s on the front, one encircling the other. Jutting out from the center C, in far smaller letters, was "Club Chico." Under the sign was a door that had been roped off and had a bouncer in front of it. There wasn't a line, but it looked like they were prepared for one. "I thought you guys said this was an underage club," I said. "It is," said Aaron. "Then why does it have a bouncer ?" I asked. "Because not anyone can just go in," said Brian. "They don't want drug dealers and bums inside. And you do have to be 18 to get in." "Guys!" I said. "I'm just 16! Did that ever occur to you?" "Just show them your ID," said Aaron. "Are you high?" I said, getting a pretty frustrated with them. "My ID says I'm 16." "Not that ID," said Aaron, as he grabbed my ass. "That one." "What?!" I said. "Don't worry, Kyle," said Brian. "We're not asking you to do anything illegal. Just appeal to the bouncer's gay side. You've got that boyish charm going for you. Use it to your advantage." "You mean I'm supposed to act like some pathetic slut?" I said. "Exactly," said Aaron. "And you sounded so worried." "We're not asking you to sleep with him," said Brian. "Good, 'cause I wouldn't," I said. "But what am I supposed to do?" "That's up to you," said Brian. "Remember, this is all for you to become more outgoing. And the first lesson in being outgoing is: Go with the flow." "Thanks, Zen Master Cannabis," I said. "Whine all you want," said Aaron. "But we're going inside." They walked off and left me standing, clueless. 'What am I getting into?' I asked myself. 'This is so not going to be worth it.' But then I watched Brian's buff bod flex through his tight clothes and figure that, if I could just endure the night, it would be totally worth it. I ran over and caught up with them just as they were showing their IDs to the bouncer. He was a really tall, really buff black dude with a shaved head and goatee. He scared the crap out of me but, then again, that was his job. I approached him very cautiously and, when he asked for my ID, my higher brain functions shut down and instinct took over. "Omigawd!" I said. "You would not believe the night I've had. I just got off a flight from Philly and had to sit behind this bitch with a hideous haircut the whole flight and when I finally went to get my bags they told me that I couldn't have them because they heard something vibrating inside and they had to confiscate it for inspection. I told them there was no way they could do that because I couldn't go clubbing without my lucky thong but they said it was to protect against terrorists. Excuse me, but do I look like a terrorist to you? I can't get anything from my bag until 9:00 tomorrow morning and that includes my ID. So, I don't have one. Is that ok?" Brian and Aaron looked like they were in shock, otherwise they'd be laughing their asses off. I couldn't believe what I'd just said. It had just happened, like I opened a little closet door deep inside of me and a little queer came bounding out. Unfortunately, the bouncer didn't believe it either. "Nope," he said. "I can't let you in if you don't have an ID." "But I just told you," I started to whine. But the bouncer cut me short and said, "Look, kid, it's not going to work. I'm not gay, so I could care less how cute and desperate you act. Besides, you don't look any older than 13." "What?" I said. "I turned 16 two months ago!" By the time I had realized my error it was too late. "Works every time," said the bouncer, laughing. "Nice story, though. Did you come up with that off the top of you head?" "Yeah, I did," I said. "And I'm really not a flamer, either." "I noticed," he said. "You had the voice down, but no hip action. When you work a gay club for 10 years, you can spot a flamer a mile away." "So, I can't get in?" I asked. "Of course not," he said. "You don't have an ID and, even if you did, you're not old enough. Your friends can, but I'm afraid you'll have to wait outside." "That's ok," said Brian. "We're not going in without him." "Suit yourselves," said the bouncer. "But don't try anything stupid. It won't matter to me if you're a kid or gay. I'll crack whatever heads my boss tells me to." "We'll keep that in mind," said Aaron. As we walked away, I could hear the bouncer chuckling to himself about "those funny queers." "'Lucky thong?'" said Brian. "Come on, I was nervous," I said. "It just happened. I barely had time to think." "Well, it was funny as hell whatever it was," said Aaron. "It was all I could do to keep from laughing in front of that bouncer." "Sorry we couldn't go in," I said. "I guess we'll just have to go see a movie or something instead." "No we won't," said Brian. "There's more than one way to get into a club." "What?" I said. "Are you nuts? You heard that bouncer. If he catches us doing anything stupid, like sneaking in, he'll bust our heads." "He'll be standing out there all night long," said Aaron. "Do you think he'll notice if we sneak in?" "I still don't think it's a good idea," I said. "Do you want to see us naked?" said Brian. "Yes," I said. "Then we're sneaking in," he said. "But how?" I asked. "Through the dancer's exit," said Aaron. "They have dancers here," I said, getting a little excited. "Not the naked kind, but the almost naked kind," said Aaron. "And there's a door on the side of the building where the dancers come out. All we have to do it wait for one to show and we'll be in." "How do you know they'll let us in?" I asked. "We're all reasonably attractive," said Brian. "There's no reason we can't flirt our way in." "It's what you're second best at," said Aaron playfully to Brian. "What's the first?" I asked. They both smiled at me and walked towards the alley. It was just as Aaron said. On the right side of a dimly lit alley was a metal door with no handle on the outside, only a keypad on the frame. You could hear the rhythmic club music pounding inside. All we had to do was wait and, fortunately, we didn't have to wait very long. The door opened and out stepped a very cute blond in hotpants and a fishnet T. He leaned against the wall and lit up a cigarette, saying, "God, what a night." After a few long drags, he looked over at us and said, "Is there something I can help you boys with?" "We were trying to get into the club and the bouncer wouldn't let our friend inside," said Brian. "We were hoping you could let us in." The dancer sauntered over and inspected my clothes and hair. "What's wrong with him?" he asked. "He's only 17. He'll be 18 in a few weeks, but that's not good enough for the bouncer," said Brian. "Shame, too," said the dancer. "Your friend is pretty cute." I started to blush and hoped that the dancer would let us in soon. "Sure," he said. "I'll help you get in. Just let me make sure there's nobody in the way." He entered his code on the keypad and the lock on the door popped open. As he opened the door, I could hear a man with a British accent yell, "I don't care what excuses you have! You come here ready to work or don't come here at all!" The dancer closed the door and said, "You might want to wait a bit." "That's ok," said Brian. "At least we have a nice view." The dancer smiled at him slyly and went back to smoking his cigarette. Then the door swung open and a dancer with black hair came running out, his face in his hands. He slumped down against the far wall and cried. His hair was spiked and his slender physique accented his fair complexion. He had on black shorts and a black wife-beater that clung tightly to his skin and exposed his flat stomach. Around his wrists, ankles and neck were red glowsticks and bracelets. "What's the matter?" asked the blond. The other dancer lowered his hands and looked up at the people around him, tears filling his green eyes. When he saw me, he froze, his face full of fear. There was something odd about that face, something familiar I couldn't place. It took me a second to realize what it was, then I exclaimed, "William!" "Oh you know Will?" said the blond. "Yeah...we've met," I said. I was I disbelief. This was the last place I expected to find William Brewer. And if anyone needed outgoing lessons more than I did, it was him. I looked back at William and the cold flame had returned to his eyes. He stood up, brushed some dirt off his shorts, wiped a tear off his cheek and said, "You should leave. This isn't a place for a guy like you." "What do you mean?" I asked. "Yeah," said the blond. "Why should he leave? He's a cutie." "Don't you have a cage to get back to, Tom?" snapped William. Tom flicked his cigarette to the ground, unlocked the door and went back inside. "Kyle, you need to leave," said William. "I don't know what your problem is, William, but you need to knock it off," I said. "Is this that kid from school you were talking about?" asked Aaron. "You've been talking about me?" said William. "Don't worry, it's nothing good," I said. "I'm sure you don't want people to start thinking you're a nice person." "Look, I don't give a damn what you think, Wilson," said William. "This isn't a place for a nice guy like you. Just go." "Nice guy?" I said. "What's that supposed to mean?" "What it says," he said. "It means you're cute and smart and have a future and all that jazz. And I don't know why you want to be such an ass, but it's starting to piss me off. Now just go." He unlocked the door and went back inside. "What was that about?" asked Aaron. "Hell if I know," I said. _______________________________________________ Remember that feedback is very much encouraged, so hit me up at