Date: Mon, 15 Mar 2010 15:14:26 -0300 From: Subject: Breaking Brian in - 3 The story of Breaking Brian in is three quarters fiction and one quarter autobiographical. Any similarity to any events, names, places or life experiences is pure accidental. I never tell a story using individual's real personal or place names. If you are a under age, (according to any law of Canada or any other Country on this big blue marble of ours, then you ought to leave now. If, on the other hand, you find this story offensive or it is illegal according to the laws of your country for you to view such content, I suggest you tune out and go find a good Sherlock Holmes mystery or a good book written about the days of wooden ships and Iron men. They are my personal favourites. This story can not be distributed in any way manner whatsoever without my expressed written consent. Writing a good and engaging story is only part of the task at hand. From an early teen age, when I won a competition in High School, I have been a writer of sorts all through my corporate and government careers. I have been known as a wordsmith. But I have rarely written stories involving sex between males although I am a gay man myself. Really, in some stories, sex can be a little too overdone. I love a story and to me a story is like a painting. It's not all about `wham bam, thank you guy'. To me, it's all in the detail lovingly layered. I once had a partner, now deceased, who had the wonderful gift of taking the story I wrote and adding what I would call the `bedroom scenes' into it. He would then publish them under his nom de plume rather than mine and I was quite happy with that. On two or three occasions we reversed the authorship relationship. If you like this little story and want to comment or offer criticism, be my guest. I answer every e-mail. Feel free to send it along to Part 3 - Breaking Brian In - Brendan continues the education Brian did not return to see Brendan that evening or during the next day. Brendan, for his part, became somewhat concerned that he might have spooked him. He had a whole week of holiday and he certainly didn't want to spend it with his right hand as his only companion. Nope, he had really enjoyed playing with the kid. He didn't know how much the kid knew about gay sex but after giving the kid yesterday's display of dominance, he was sure the kid had potential and that he could further the kids education. He wasn't the least bit interested that the kid could become his future step-brother. His only concern was even if he didn't teach the kid some new tricks, he might be able to keep his balls empty and that really was his base objective. On the morning following his encounter with Brian, he rose late and just as he was about to step into the shower, his father called. He was still in the City. With his brothers gone to visit their grandparents in the country for the March Break,Brendan was looking forward to spending some quality time with his father. During their telephone conversation, his father had informed him that quite suddenly the Fire Chief had asked him if he could possibly represent him at a conference being held in Ontario. Because meeting people from other Fire Departments across the Country was a smart political thing to do as one climbed the ladder of promotion, Mr. McNeil had accepted. He told Brendan that he would really like to invite Judy to join him on the trip because he knew that she had taken a week off of work but there was the problem of what to do with her son, Brian, while they were away for the four days. Besides, the father mused, the trip would allow Judy to see her sister and their new home and allow them to further their relationship. As he listened to his father, the wheels in Brendan's head slowly began to turn. How could he benefit from this situation? Why not offer to watch over Brian, he thought to himself. The kid's old enough to be no bother. And, the thought of using Brian to his own ends, appealed to him. Cautiously, he broached the idea to his father who didn't seem all that enthusiastic initially because he kept suggesting other women he could call upon. But, in the end, Brendan won his point. He reminded his father that Brendan was an only child and that spending some time with him might do the little guy some good. 'Besides', he said to his father, 'It's not like Judy doesn't know me. Of course, he didn't mention to his father that Judy and he knew each other just a little more intimately than that one time threesome. He loved his father but the information that he was dicking his girlfriend on occasion might have been just too much for his father to bear. So he said nothing. In the end, Bill agreed to recommend to Judy that Brian stay with Brendan for the days they would be away. Actually, the reason why Brian had not gone over to Brendan's later that afternoon or evening was because he had helped his mother finish with the baking and the clean-up. Then, later in the afternoon, Dougy Mills and Jamie FitzHugh, who were cousins and two of his soccer mates, had come over. All three boys rattled around the house getting into Judy's hair for several hours until Dougy called his mother and got permission for a sleep over. This wasn't unusual or extraordinary because the young guys on the soccer team regularly slept over at each others houses. The only house they very rarely slept at was the FitzHugh house and that was primarily because Jamie's step dad was a strict disciplinarian. As the boys said among themselves, 'He had no sense of ha-ha'. They loved Ethel, Jamie's Mom, because she was a great baker and any time the boys were over to hang out even if not in the house, she would always whip up a plate of cookies accompanied by the ever present chocolate milk. Any sleepovers at the FitzHugh house usually took place when Jamie's step dad Helmut, who was the representative of a large European precision tool company, was away on business. Brian got along with all his soccer team mates but he always had a soft spot for Jamie. Jamie had been adopted by Alfred or 'Al' as he was called and Ethel FitzHugh when he was two years of age. Al had been a soldier assigned to the United Nations and had tragically died in one of the conflicts overseas. Brian remembered the funeral because it was the very first funeral he had ever attended. The whole village had attended. Jamie must have been around seven or eight years old at the time. Brian remembered the little boy with the unruly mop of blond hair clinging to his mother's hand sobbing uncontrollably as the coffin was lowered into the ground. He had made to jump into that big hole in the ground, and would have, had not the two soldiers standing behind his mother grabbed him. At the suggestion of Brian's dad, a few days after the funeral, Brian and his mom went gone over to see Ethel & Jamie. Brian's dad wanted to see if Ethel was going to be financially okay in the short term while Al's death benefits and pension were settled. He wanted to see if there was anything the Legion could or needed do to help her. Although Al & Ethel were Roman Catholics, Jamie was born a Protestant. Brian remembered asking his dad what a Protestant was. Brent didn't want his son adopting any of the prejudices with which he had grown up in Northern Ireland so he provided his son with an explanation that would serve Brian well for the rest of his life. 'Son', he said picking Brian up and sitting him on his lap, 'Protestants are people just like you and me. They get up every morning brush their teeth, eat their breakfast and put their pants on one leg at a time just as you and I do. They go to school or to work, shop for groceries, eat their vegetables, watch TV, enjoy sports and take showers just like we do. The only difference between us and Protestants is that there are the differences ways of reading the Bible. We read it in one form that is approved by Holy Mother Church and they read it in another form approved by their own people. But, just like Father Robert says in Church on Sunday, we are all trying to get to Heaven. So, we and the Protestants are trying to do exactly the same thing. We all want to go to Heaven but we are simply taking different streets. 'Someday will I see Jamie there? Will Jamie see his dad there?' asked Brian laying his head on his father's chest. `I'm sure we'll all end up there eventually.' his dad replied bending down to kiss him on his head. `And' he saud `I'm sure that someday, perhaps a long time from now, Jamie will see his dad there.' Jamie's adopted parents had not changed his religion. He attended the little protestant school and was enrolled in the Sunday school at the little Anglican Church. While both sets of parents were friends and founding members of the Legion in the Village, the boys really only got to know each other well through their enrolment in the Wolf Cub Pack which operated out of the little St. James's Anglican Church. If one were to ask Brian he could recall that afternoon meeting when he and Jamie sat on the porch for all the time the two mothers talked in the house and never said a word. Brian thought of Jamie often. At that time in his life, he couldn't imagine what it would be like to grow up without his dad. He would drop by to see Jamie quite often. They never really played as boys played. For the first few visits all they would do was sit cross legged on the floor of Jamie's room and listen to the soft music playing in the background. It was always classical piano music and, on one occasion, Brian remembered asking what he thought was a really dumb question. He had asked Jamie who was playing. Brian recalled Jamie's face taking on a totally different look. It was as if someone had opened a door. Jamie introduced Brian to the world renowned, Canadian pianist, Glen Gould and classical music. It became a subject of conversation between them, almost like a foot bridge over a ravine separating two worlds; it was like the thread that held their friendship together. Over the next little while, Jamie slowly came out of his shell. He began to participate more in the boys' games. But as for the music, Jamie became the teacher and Brian the pupil. Jamie would often take Brian down to the living room and under the watchful eyes of his mother, he would play pieces of music they had listened to on the records on the beautiful piano set up in the corner of the room. Brian would often sit next to Jamie on the piano bench when Jamie played. Then, when Jamie turned 11 or so, Ethel took up with this European chap and Jamie's world changed completely. The arrival of Helmut into Jamie's life was like a bucket of ice water being thrown on a sleeping form in the morning. Helmut had grown up in a world of strict discipline but then Helmut had spent his childhood growing up at a time when Europe was in turmoil. Helmut's father, also a strict individual was a banker. He had no use for the new political regime and didn't like where his country was headed. He believed in doing his duty to the State and all that sort of stuff, but he knew that there would be no option in the future but war. Once he had come to this realization and at the first opportunity, he arranged for a transfer to his Banks Bern Branch and moved his family to Switzerland. Helmut, however, had been old enough to remain behind and did. When it was his time, he enrolled in Army but he never spoke of his service or the theatres in which he had served. He was really not well liked in the village, never walked down to the village pub or the Legion for a pint, never socialized if he could help it. He would almost always leave the room when his wife had visitors. The only time anyone can remember him remaining in the room when someone visited was when the local Parish Priest, Father Robert, made his annual parish visit. After he moved in with Ethel, he imposed a strict regimen on Jamie. Since Helmut thought that piano players were sissies, the first thing he did, over the objections of his new wife, was get rid of the piano. He then took Jamie out of the Protestant school and enrolled him in the Catholic School because he believed that the Religious Brothers had a better level of teaching discipline. He put Jamie into the soccer program and on a hockey team or what he called masculine sports. He might have loved Ethel after his own fashion but he made Jamie's life hell. Jamie couldn't wait for the day when he could tell his step-father where to go and how fast to get there. He would have done it already but he knew all about Helmut's explosive temper. Helmut used a heavy leather strap on Jamie whenever he thought Jamie needed a lesson. Jamie also knew that Helmut kept a 9mm pistol in their bedroom closet even though Ethel had repeatedly asked him to get rid of it. Not that Jamie thought his step-father would use it but he really wasn't interested in finding out. The gun was there. It was always an intimidating threat because when Helmut was really mad at him, he would refer to it. Brian could remember when the news began to filter out around the village that his father had died. Brian was devastated. He ran to and stayed in his room. First the neighbourhood women arrived and then Judy's mother and sisters arrived from the City. No-one, not even Judy who was so wrapped up in her grief thought of Brian alone in his room. It was now night time, the blinds were closed and the room was dark. Suddenly, the door opened and a beam of light outlined a form slipping into his room. He could not make out the face. Then the door closed and the darkness returned. He heard the person walking across his bedroom and then he heard first one shoe and then the other hit the floor. Slowly, ever so slowly, he felt the bed shift as the individual climbed on the bed and lay down beside him. Without exchanging a word between them, Jamie wrapped his arms around his friend as the floodgates holding back Brian's tears burst. This was something Jamie understood and he had come to help his friend through his personal hell, a hell that he had already experienced. After the telephone call with his father, Brendan had taken his shower. True, it was only March, but the weather had turned fairly warm. Everyone was thankful for the early Spring. Brendan dressed in a white t-shirt, a pair of well worn jeans and slipped on some running shoes. He did not put on any underwear. He had decided to go over to Judy's place to see how she felt about his father's suggestion of him looking after Brian while they went on their trip. He knew his father would not be coming home because he always kept clean clothes and a fresh uniform or two at the stationhouse in the City. Either Brendan would be driving Judy into the City using his father's spare car or Judy would take the train. Brendan saw no need for her to take the train. He walked around to the back of Judy's house, opened the outer door and slipped into the porch. Taking off his running shoes, he slowly and quietly opened the kitchen door. He could hear Judy talking on the telephone in the dining room. He silently tip toed on his bare feet up behind her and gently encircled her in his arms. He bent down and kissed her on the neck. Judy initially froze but after a few brief seconds realized who it was and she relaxed against him. Initially she had thought it was Bill who had come out to get her but when Brendan had bent down to kiss her neck she had caught a glimpse of his red head. Besides, even though she wished for it, she knew that Bill was not adventuresome as a lover. Yes, he was gentle, tender, attentive to her every need and rode her to the finish line like the filly she was but he was not spontaneous. He never took her outside the bedroom. Brendan, on the other hand, had taken her in her bed, on the couch, on the floor in front of the fire place, on the kitchen counter, in the shower, on the bloody washing machine during its spin cycle for heavens sake and now was about to take her on the dining room table. Brendan didn't know who she was talking too but he really didn't care. He unfolded his arms and slid them up under her blouse to cup her big tits contained by her bra. He loved playing with and nuzzling those ripe melons. He then moved his hands to her back and undid the bra straps. He was good at that. He'd had a lot of practice and learned to do it in his sleep. He then slowly moved his hands around her tummy and soon had one hand heading south and the other north. The hand & arm heading north first massaged her breasts and then slowly began to undo the buttons of her blouse. The hand and arm heading south returned to rubbing her tummy and then slipped into her panties where his big index finger slowly began teasing the little boatman at the entrance to her box. Ever the firm believer in taking advantage of any port in a storm, Brendan was intending to give Judy a real good fucking before she headed off on her little holiday with his father. He chuckled to himself as he thought about his father later in the day or later that night being pleased with himself as he slid his own cock into a cunt he thought he owned not knowing that earlier in the day, that same cunt had been well stretched, well fucked and thoroughly flooded by breeding sperm shot into it by him, Brendan, his first born. Thank God she assured him that she was on the pill, he thought, or there could be an accident he wasn't prepared to live with. After teasing Judy just a little, he withdrew his southern arm and hand and undid the button holding his jeans together at the top. He then slowly drew down his zipper making sure that he did not catch any of his pubic hairs. With his northern arm and hand, he had completed undoing the buttons of her blouse and had slipped it off her shoulders. He then removed her bra. Now, it was just a matter of undoing and lowering her slacks which, with patience, he accomplished with ease. Although her breathing rate had increased slightly she was still managing to talk to whoever it was on the telephone. After he concentrated on listening to the conversation for a moment, he came to realize that she was talking to her sister in Ontario. As soon as she stood naked in front of him and he was naked from the waist down behind her, he leaned forward gently pushing her to bend and lay her upper body onto the dining room table. Without hesitation he guided his raging hard-on into the entrance of her moist box and bucked his hips forward sending his full 9 inches deep inside her. Judy let out a gasp which her sister immediately picked up on. When she enquired if something was wrong, Judy covered it by saying that she had stretched to pick something up and had nearly dropped it. Her sister seemed satisfied with the explanation. As soon as she politely could, Judy ended her conversation with he sister promising to see her soon, put the portable phone down on the table and turned her attention to the thick breeding tube now moving slowly in and out of her body. `Gawd', she thought to herself, `if he were only a little older she might consider settling down with him.' But, judging from conversations she had had with Bill, she instinctively knew that Brendan still had some living and some maturing to do. After all, he was just an adventurous university student with two years to go before graduation and a career to think about. All that being considered, she knew from her intimate experiences that Brendan was a marvellously good and very satisfying fuck. After they had come down from the high of their mid morning tryst, Judy led Brendan to the upstairs shower where they continued to enjoy each others body as each washed the other. Brendan definitely wanted another go and had almost succeeded in turning her around so he could penetrate her yet again but Judy was determined to get on with her preparations for the trip with Bill and wouldn't cooperate. After she had dried herself and got dressed again, she left Brendan to look after himself and went downstairs to call Brian over at the Mills house. She, quite literally, asked him for his permission to go. It didn't seem to bother Brian that she was going on the trip with Mr. McNeil. But, throwing in the fact that she was going to see his Aunt May, Uncle John and, of course, his cousin Tommy, at their new home seemed to help make up his mind. She explained that both Mr. McNeil and she thought it was a good idea if he spent some quality time with Brendan who would now be alone in the McNeil house. Of course, neither of them knew that Brian had already spent some quality time the day before being face fucked and force fed by Brendan's ever ready breeding tube. Brian readily agreed and wished his mother a safe trip. Judy wanted to see Brian before she left for the City so she asked Brendan if he would mind going to get him. Brendan went home and decided that instead of using his fathers spare car, he would take his motorcycle to pick the kid up. He didn't know if Brian had ever been on a motorcycle before but he thought the kid might enjoy the excitement of the ride. If he had some time later in the day, he would take him for a spin on some of the country roads. After he picked Brian up from the Mills residence, he brought him back to his house. Brian thoroughly enjoyed his first, albeit short, ride on a motorcycle. After offering to take Brian out later in the day for a ride on the bike in the country, he suggested that Brian pack a few things like clean underwear, a shirt or sweater or two, a pair of jeans, some clean socks, a pair of pyjamas (although he knew that if he had his way the kid would never wear them but he had to keep up appearances for mommy), and his toiletries. Once he was packed, he drove Brian over to his place and, after putting Brian's bag in the kitchen; he exchanged the motorcycle for the car and went to pick up Judy. The drive into the City was uneventful. They had to wait and lost a little time when they came to the bridge crossing the river because the moving span had been lifted to let a vessel pass underneath. The by-pass section had been closed for repair. During the drive, he and Brian talked about the different players and the latest soccer tournament being played out in the British Premier League while Judy sat there listening and getting more comfortable with every passing minute that Brian would enjoy the time he would spend with Brendan. Upon reaching the fire station where his father waited, Brian and his mother exchanged pleasantries while Mr. McNeil and Brendan put everything into his father's trunk. When everything was loaded and they were ready to depart, Brian kissed his mother good-by. Brendan and his father shook hands and the pairs went their separate ways. On the way out of the City, Brendan offered to purchase and Brian accepted to have pizza for supper. Brendan bought not one but two large all-dressed pizzas and several bottles of pop. They chatted about everything under the sun during the first part of the drive home. After they had crossed the bridge and there was very little traffic on the County highway, Brendan reached over, picked up Brian's hand and placed it on his hardening cock. Even though he had fucked this kid's mother only a few short hours before, Brendan was more than ready to continue the kid's education. He needed to make sure that Brian knew what his role was going to be for the next few days. He wanted to make sure that Brian knew, without a doubt, that Brendan was going to feed him his cock whenever he felt like it and that Brian's role was to worship the cock when offered. `Ready for second's', he asked looking Brian in the eyes. When Brian did not look away and nodded his head, he let the kid's hand go for a moment. He reached down with his free hand, undid the button holding his jeans together, slowly pulled down the zipper watching Brian's eyes following the downward motion of his hand, reached in and brought out his already leaking fuck stick. He then reached over for Brain's hand and placed it once again on his now free cock. Brian slowly wrapped his fingers around it. When he saw that Brian was not offering any resistance and was now holding his big cock, he reached up and placed his hand behind Brian's head. He slowly began drawing those luscious lips and his waiting cock together.