Date: Thu, 6 Sep 2001 22:34:58 -0400 From: Alex Bright Subject: Broken Facades Chapter 27 Brad "Bradley!" shouted my father, "Is that anyway to talk about one of your best friends?" "Fuck Justin, he's no friend of mine." "BRADLEY, Watch your mouth young man," shouted my father. "No Dad, I won't watch my mouth. Justin is an asshole and I never want to ever talk to him or see him again. As far as I'm concerned he's dead." "BRADLEY THEODORE JAMES WESTRICK, how can you say such a thing about Justin?" my mother said. "I don't want to talk about it." "Well that's not good enough. We will talk about it!" shouted my father. "Ever since the hospital you've been acting like a spoiled child." "I'm acting like a spoiled child? Hey you guys are the ones throwing a tantrum just because I wont talk. Look I'm not 10 years old anymore, you cant solve my problems anymore." "That's enough out of you young man. You keep it up and the dance wont be the only thing your butt will be missing." "I don't give a damn, Dad." "Well since you don't give a damn, you won't mind spending some extra time in your room." "Fine, whatever," I said as I slipped lower in my seat and started to pout. Sarah Knock Knock "Alex sweetheart ... come in," I told him as he walked in, then I gave him a hug. His eyes were red I could tell he had been crying. "Thanks Momma Sarah," he said as I let go of him. We then walked in to the kitchen and Alisa's father was sitting down at the table. "Alex are you ok?? Jason asked as he stood up and gave Alex a hug. "I'm fine sir." "Its been along time, buddy," Jason told him "Alex sweetheart, I know what happened. Alisa told me and I'm sorry that she didn't tell you the full story about Justin." I said as we sat down and I took his hand in mine. "I know, and I'm sorry about not coming around. I did miss you guys so much." "So now, Alexander. I know you're upset at Alisa and Justin," Jason stated "Please, could we not talk about Justin?" "Well what would you like to talk about?" I asked "I don't know, I just need to talk to someone," he said as he looked like he was about to cry. "Did Alisa give you a reason why she didn't tell us about Justin? "No sweetheart, she didn't, but if she asked me not to tell you or anyone I don't think I'd be able to tell you." "Even if you knew you wouldn't tell me, why?" he asked. "Because of trust, do you understand?" "No, I don't!" "Oh Sweetheart, if I betray your trust how could you call me your friend?" "But Justin betrayed our trust." "You don't know that Alex, all you heard was that Justin said Brad was gay. Didn't you also think that at one time or another? And when you found out that Brad wasn't gay, you knew you did something wrong didn't you? When Alisa found out, she talked to Justin and said that Justin was scared and deeply sorry for what he had done," Jason added "Find, he felt sorry. Yes I was wrong for thinking the same thing, but I never said anything to anyone after I heard it. I was just scared that people would think that I was gay too because I had hung out with him." "Alex buddy that is ridiculous. Just because you hang out with someone who's gay doesn't make you gay too," Jason said. "Even if someone is gay we should still love them, and you should know that," I said. "I know that now," he said as he looked down. "After I saw what Tony and his clowns were doing to him I lost it and realized what a jerk I was for not standing beside him as a true friend, but then when I found out he wasn't gay I felt like I abandoned him when he really needed, me and I had to make it up to him," he said, holding his face in his hands. "I felt as if I needed to protect him again, like when we where little, that it would make up for all the pain that I caused. I wanted to find out who started the rumor so bad I even asked Justin to help. God, I'm so dumb." "Alex don't think like that. Put yourself in Justin's shoes. Do you remember how you felt when you first heard the rumor? Jason asked. "I know. I feel like a fool for trusting Justin, and I'm also mad at him for putting Alisa in that situation." "So you forgive her?" I asked. "Of course I do," he said with a little smile, "I only needed time to cool down, and besides, it wasn't her fault. "So do you also forgive Justin?" Jason asked "That I don't know yet. I can't talk to him, not yet anyhow, and I still have to talk to Brad and get him to forgive Alisa. I think it's going to take me a while. I am going to think about some of the things that you brought to my attention. I have to say we'll see." "Well I guess that is better than no," I added. "So who wants some cookies?" "By the way, where is Alisa?" he asked. "She went to the game and to talk to Justin." "She did? Nuts, I wanted to talk to her before she did that," he said as he took a bite out of a cookie. We walked over to me and gave me a kiss and hugged Jason. "Thanks guys, you gave me a lot to think about. Gotta run," he said as he ran out of the door, leaving Jason and me wondering what he meant by that. Tony "Ok guys, now we find out how good we really are. Out pattern flyboy on three! Ready? Break!" said Justin while looking me in the eyes. He didn't even look at me. There were 20 seconds on the clock, and suddenly everything slowed down. The only thing I could hear was my heartbeat. I looked over to Justin and the only thing I saw was, then I looked down field to the end zone thirty yards away. I can run the 40 in 4.3 seconds, there is no one faster. I felt that if I got the ball and some good blocking I could do it. "Green 14! Green 14! Hut! Hut! Hut!" Justin shouted. My route was simple. All I had to do was run straight down the line as fast as I could. The DB tried to jam me but I just rolled to my left and took off on the wet turf. He slipped.. The fall was all I needed and I was gone. Justin As I was making my count I see that the blitz was coming. I smiled inwardly. I didn't want to show with only three wide out, and Tony not as wide as the other two receivers. I was going to have to drop this ball on Tony's outside shoulder. That way if the safety and free safety bit they wouldn't have time to recover. As I received the ball in my hands I rolled right. I saw the defensive back try to jam Tony, but he slipped as he rolled left. The blitz was coming, and they were coming with everything. It looked like they were trying to end it on that play. As I rolled right I stopped suddenly and someone tried to grab me but I slipped out of his grasp by rolling back to my left and taking off towards the opposite sideline I saw Tony behind everyone and threw the ball right where I wanted to hit Tony, then I got nailed from behind. Tony There was no one in front of me. I suddenly had a feeling to reach up when, and when I did the ball was in my hands and I was in the end zone. I just looked around with the ball in my hand, barely believing that I caught it. "Holy shit!" I said as I just stood there in the end zone looking at the ball. Suddenly I was tackled from behind by one-person, followed by another and another. I stopped counting after ten. After about 3 minutes of shouting people starting getting up off me. Mark, Joe and Justin were the first to greet me after the pile on, and had the biggest smiles on their faces. Mark and Joe picked me up. "GREAT CATCH, BRO!" Mark said as he and Joe let me down and ran over to pick up Justin, followed by about fifteen other players who missed the first pill on. "GREAT THROW JUSTIN!" said a couple of our teammates as they patted him on the back after the pile on broke up. The fans were all over the field, hanging off of the goal post and running around shouting and hooting and yelling. "Need a hand?" I asked as I extended my hand to Justin, who was just sitting with a huge smile on his face. Players were running around and climbing the goal post, screaming while they tried to tear it down. "YEAH! GREAT CATCH!" Justin shouted as he grabbed my hand. As he stood up he started screaming, then picked me up and started jumping up and down with the stands still emptying around us. I looked around and asked myself how the hell did we get so many people in the stands as Justin started putting me down. Just as I hit the ground we were both picked up by the team and fans and paraded around the field. I think we went around the field three times, I could only imagine what it would be like when we won states. It would be totally insane. "I couldn't have done it without you man, you're the Best Quarterback in the state, Justin." I shouted to him as everyone started to put us down. "Yeah, and you're still an asshole," he shouted back, then smiled at me. "Yeah, but it takes one to know one," someone said. We both turned around to see Alisa and Kate looking at us and smiling. Both of us turn around to the girls I look into Kate's eyes as Justin hugs Alisa and starts to cry. Mark and Joe now came running over. "Dudes, there's a party over at Andrew Fisher's house. You guys going?" Mark asked. "Yeah, come on guys," Joe almost begged. "Naaa, I just want to go home," Justin said as Alisa started to hug him, and then the waterworks started. "Your loss. More babes for us," Mark said to Joe. "See you dudes tomorrow night at the dance." "Dude I'm happy too, but if you keep up with the crying I'm going to start too." Justin just kept on smiling and wiping his eyes as we started to walk off the field toward the locker room. "Well Tony, if you were a bit more sensitive maybe we wouldn't have broken up," Kate said as she jumped all over me. "I was just kidding. I'm sorry. I'm sorry about everything. I have to be honest with you, I really didn't put much effort in our relationship, and I was kind of using you to get back at Justin and dig up dirt on him." "You were?" she asked sarcastically, "Tony, I knew what you where doing all along." "Wait, let me finish. Then when you broke up with me it shocked me, I think because I was starting to like hanging out with you. You were just so easy to talk to, and I like that." "Tony, its hard to pull on over on me. I knew because you were always asking me stuff about Justin. Real boyfriends never want to talk or hear about the ex, and after Justin and I broke up you were too quick to come to my aid. I figured you either wanted a rebound lay or to hurt Justin." "Remind me never to try to pull one over on her," I said to Justin. "I could have told you that," Justin said with a smile. "You're forgiven then. Just don't be such an asshole," Kate said. "Thanks. Since you're forgiving me, how about another try? No secrets or hidden motives." She looked at Justin and he smiled as if to give his approval. "Ok, we'll try. But this time we take it slow. At the first sign that it's not working we part as friends." "Deal." I said as I extended my hand. "Hey, I said I'd take it slow, not join a convent." she said as she pulled me into a hug. "Thanks, and I did enjoy our time together, but I'm still am not over Justin," she whispered in my ear. "I understand, and I'll help," I whispered back. Justin As I walked over to them I knew I had to start her healing. Can we talk later, Kate?" I asked as I hugged her. "Sure, babe," she said and kissed me on the cheek. During this whole time Alisa had been quiet. While Kate and I held each other Alisa walked over to Tony. I didn't want to bring out all of the stuff that Tony had done. If he didn't change we' know soon enough, and Kate knew what type of guy he was. I knew Alisa didn't trust Tony, so as she approached him I became a little nervous about what might come out in the open. "Tony, I think you've taken a big step today, but I'm still not sure about you. I don't trust you and I don't know if I can. You've hurt all of my friends, but mainly my boyfriend in many ways. I hope you aren't talking about Brad's car getting scratched up. I already told Justin that I didn't do that. If I tell you who did, will that prove that you can trust me?" "You know who did it?" Alisa asked. "Yeah, I found out it was Blake Prescott." "That creep!" she said. "I knew I should have kicked his ass." Alisa was nodding her head because she still didn't trust Tony to give away everything yet. "How did you find out?" "I have my ways," he said with a smile, then turned to Alisa. "Look I am sorry for having a problem with homos, but that's how I am. Justin knows how I feel, hell he feels the same way. You should have seen some of the stuff we did." "That's enough, Tony." Alisa looked at me. "What Justin, is that true?" she asked. "Well that's fine and all but it's your problem, not mine. I just want to know when are you going to get it through you thick skull that Brad is not gay. I love him and he loves me. Sometimes Justin, I cant believe that you're friends with this guy." "You shouldn't have to explain anything to that asshole Alisa, let's go," came a voice from off to the side, and we all turned to see it we saw who it was. Alisa "Alex!" Justin said. His face lit up as he turned around to see him. I started to run over to where he was standing, followed by Justin. When I reached him I hugged him. "I'm sorry. I'm so sorry." "It's ok Alisa, it's ok," he said as he rubbed my back. "Bro, the game was totally wild!" Justin said as he tied to touch him on the shoulder, but Alex pulled away and totally ignored him. "Alisa, let's go," he said as he reached for my hand. "Alex, Bro...I'm sorry," Justin said with a tear forming in his eye. "No Justin, not now. Not ever." "Come on, Alex. Can't we talk about this? Please?" Justin was practically begging, but Alex just ignored him. "Alex man, I don't know what happened between you and Justin, but dude you're messing up our plans for a double date to the dance tomorrow night," Tony said trying to help. I wondered if he really was changing. "Tony, this doesn't concern you, so keep you racist ass altitudes to your fucking self! Go cry to someone who cares, Justin," Alex said. "Yo, man that's pretty fucked up. He's supposed to be your friend," Tony said rushing over to Alex. "Tony, please give me an excuse to kick your sorry." "Hey anyone can get lucky when they sneak up from behind." "Then prove me wrong," Alex said as we started to walk towards Tony. "Stop it!" Justin cried out, and ran to the locker room. "Justin!" I called to him. "Alex, please talk to him?" I asked. "I cant. If you want my help getting Brad back you'll leave with me and stay away from Justin. Your choice," he said as he started to walk away towards my car. "Alisa, don't listen to him..." Tony started to say, but he was cut short by Kate. "Tony, you don't know how close these guys are. Trust me, you cant tell them what to do, it never works," she said with a smile. "If they have a problem between the four of them they've always been able to solve it by themselves." Then she looked at Alisa, " Alisa all I ask is that you think about how much Justin is hurting now. If you need time to talk to Brad before you talk to Justin, I'll make sure he knows." "Thanks, tell him I'll call him." With all the new revelations I was wondering. If Justin really believed all that crap that Tony said he did it would be a big change for him. I hoped it wasn't true, because if it was I couldn't see myself being around him. Kate "Justin!" I called out to him as he came from locker room. I told Tony, "Tony, I need to do this alone." "Ok, I'll go change and meet you by your car.". "Thanks." I him and gave him a kiss on the cheek, then ran to catch Justin. "Justin? Justin wait for me please!" "Why Kate," he asked as he dropped his backpack and turned around to face me. "Oh Justin," I said as I held him in my arm and he started crying. "What am I going to do? Alex won't talk to me, Alisa can't talk to me and Brad ... Brad h-h-hates me," Justin said crying in my arms. "I know, I know, but you have to give it time. Alex and Alisa will come back to you, trust me," I said with a smile. "You just have to give Brad a bit more time. I think it will help if you tell him everything, including how you feel about him." "Do you really think if I tell him how I truly feel about him that he might come around?" "Justin, I think it's time you admitted to yourself who you really are and learn to deal with it," I said. "I don't know," he said holding onto me and not saying a word, only holding on to me as if his life depended on me and if he let go he would die. After about 10 minutes Justin started to let go and held my hand and smiled. "Katie, I just don't think I can handle that right now, and I damn sure know that I'm not ready to handle other people knowing. Hell, listen to me," he said as a sarcastic smile appeared on his face, "I cant even admit it to myself, or even you yet, so please don't say anything to anyone. Nobody can know yet." Suddenly a voice came from behind us. "What can't anyone know yet?" Tony asked as we quickly turned to face him. He had a confused smile on his face and I wondered how much he had heard. Helen Ring. Ring. I wondered who it could be as I walked to the door. I was still upset with Brad. Two hours had passed, and he was still locked in his room. The times I went up to try to talk I found his door locked and heard him crying behind the door. I was just getting ready to call Alex, Alisa and Justin because they had to be home from the game. Maybe they knew what the problem was with Bear. As I reached the door and saw Alex and Alisa I felt a bit of relief. "Finally! I was just about to call you to find out what happened. Why is Brad so angry? What happened today?" "I'm sorry Helen. What happened today was we found out who started the rumor," Alex said, looking as though he had been crying. "Ok, I don't care about that. It's not important do me. Where is Justin?" "That's the problem. It was Justin. Justin started the rumor," he said as both he and Alisa walked into the house and headed into the living room to sit on the couch. I now finally understood why Brad was so upset. "Oh dear, now I understand," I said as I sat down. "That's why he is so upset. How did he find out? Who told him?" "We don't know how, he just found out. That's not even the half of it," Alex said "What? What else happened?" I asked. "It's all my fault that Brad is so mad. I knew for a while that it was Justin who started the rumor," Alisa said, looking at me as she reached for my hand. "Alisa, its not your fault. We all make mistakes," I said. "I know, but I should have said something. I should have tried to get Justin to tell Brad, to come clean, but he wouldn't." "I think you guys should try to talk to Brad, remind him we all thought that he was gay. Just listen to him, but let him know that you guys are friends and have been friends forever." "Thanks. We'll try to Helen," Alex said as they both got up to go upstairs. "Are you ready, Alisa?" "I guess so," Alisa said as she reached for Alex's hand. Justin As I got into my car, I couldn't believe how everything had fallen apart in less than a day. Maybe I should have said something to Brad. Hell everyone, even his parents, thought that he was gay. He didn't play any sports, he didn't chase after any girls, never had a girlfriend. Maybe I shouldn't have gotten mad at Tony, then he wouldn't have said anything. Maybe I should have stood up for Alex with JC, but then who knows where I'd be. Maybe I should have let Alisa say something. No, then I would have never gotten back with them, but then again I wouldn't be hurting so much now Why did Tony have to push so much? Why couldn't Alisa just leave well enough alone and not confront me about Brad. If Brad would have just stood up for himself once. Why did Alex always have to protect him when we where little? If he just let him get beat up a few times, maybe he would have been able to stand up to Tony and everyone else. Why did I care so much about them so much, and why do I love Brad so much? It's not fair. I just got him back and he's gone again. I hate him. I pulled into my driveway turned off the engine and sat in my car. After about 10 minutes the door to the house opened and out came my dad and mom. "Justin! Great game sweetheart!" My mother said as she kissed me. " Justin, why were you sitting in your car for so long?" my mom asked as she let go and took my hand. "I don't know, just thinking," I said as my mom looked at me with the strangest look. "Congratulations Son! Marr, he's not three. You don't have to hold his hand," my father said as he walked over and patted me on my back "Now three more games to go for your fourth state title. Once you win that you're going be able to write your ticket. Those stupid sports writers had better rank you #1 prep in the country. No other Quarterback in the country has four state titles," my dad said. "I thought your play calling on the coaches were a little restrictive on you. You also were throwing off of your back foot. You need to watch that." "Thanks, Papa." "So, I guess the football team is heading out to party," my mother said. "I saw Alisa, but I didn't see Alex or Brad at the game. Are they are they coming over." "No, they're going to meet me at the party," I lied. "Party? What party?" my father asked. "Just a little get together. Alisa, Brad and Alex are meeting me there, so I only came by to check in and change." "Oh. Okay, just don't stay out too late. We have film to go over, and don't have a lot of time being that you have this dance to go to." "Yes, sir," I said as I walked into the house. "I still don't get it. What's more important, the dance or the state title," my father said. "Steven, hush." I knew good and well that I wasn't going to the party, but after thinking about it decided that maybe I should go just to show my face. Maybe Alex and Alisa would show up. Yeah right. Just as well though if they didn't, I'm starting to get pissed at them for not wanting to listen to me. All I was asking for was a chance to explain. I changed into a fresh shirt and rushed out the door as I heard my dad starting his football talk while watching the game. "Bye." I shouted as I left. I thought about just going to drive around. Then I thought no, I knew exactly where I was going to go. I got into my car and drove off. Brad I heard a knock at my door as I laid on my bed. "Can I come in?" Alex asked as he entered the room. "Sure bro," I said as I looked over. "Are you ok?" "What do you think? I'm just marvelous, never felt better." Alex could always get me feeling better, "Honestly no I feel like shit. I hate him, Alex I can't believe he was the one who started it." "Brad, he wasn't the only one who thought you were gay, I did, Alisa did, hell even ..." "I know, I know. My parents too, but you guys never told anyone, never. Not one person, and you still cared about me." "So you don't hate Alisa?" "Hate her? Man, I'm angry as hell at her, but no I don't hate her. I could never hate Alisa, man. I love her." "Good." he said as he walked back to the door, and there standing in front of the door as he opened it was Alisa. "Hi," she said. "Hi," I said, trying to answer her coldly, I could see a tear running down her cheek. "Can I come in?" "If you want," I said as I looked down. "I'll leave you two alone," Alex said as he walked toward the door. "No! I want you in here to hear what I'm about to say," I said as I started to stand up from my bed. "I want you guys to know why I hate Justin and why I cant forgive him for what he did." "Brad if your going to be mad at Justin for thinking you were gay, then you'll have to be mad at us too, because he wasn't the only one who thought you were gay," Alisa said as she walked over to me and reached for my hand. I am not mad at Justin for thinking that I was gay, what I am mad about is for him telling other people. Even though you, Alex and my parents thought that I was gay, you never said anything to anybody. You kept it to yourselves and told no one. That is what I am mad about. Brad has lost my trust. Who did you guys tell? Nobody! Who did my parents tell? Nobody! In his eyes I was gay. You never heard this story Alisa, it happened just after we stopped hanging around with each other. Justin stated to change. When I saw him in the hall he started becoming short with me. About a week later he just started to ignore me and walked away when ever I approached him. This was when the stares and whispers started. I heard them but just ignored them. Two days after that I decided to find out what was wrong with Justin. I stopped him in front of his friends and tried to talk to him. When he saw his friends looking he pushed me away, calling me a fag and telling me to get the fuck away from him. I went numb, that was the last I time I tried to talk to him." I had to pause to catch my breath. I could see that I had Alex and Alisa's undivided attention. "I thought he had heard all the comments and got scared that if people thought I was gay and he was hanging around me then people would think he was gay. But now I know otherwise. After that the pranks started, then the notes in my locker, then the beatings started. I tried to date someone, anyone, but no girl in school wanted to be seen with me. My parents always wondered what happened, I just never could tell them. You don't know how many time I thought about killing myself." At that point I lost it. All of the old memories that I hid deep within my mind came out. I fell to the floor crying Alisa "Brad!" Alex and I yelled as he fell to the floor in tears. "Baby, it's okay, let it out," I said as Alex and I rushed to him and held him. We started crying along with him. "This over now Bear. No one will ever hurt you like that ever again, never. I promise," Alex said quietly as he rubbed his back. I ran my fingers through Brad's hair. The three of us just held on to each other never letting go. My thoughts turned to what Tony said about Justin earlier. He said Justin knew hot Tony felt and felt the same way, implied that Justin had done 'things' with him. Was it true? It didn't seem possible. I've seen the way Justin looks at Brad. How could he ever do such a thing to Brad if he truly cared about him? "Alisa, Brad told me that story but he never said anything else about Justin. I cant forgive Justin for what he's done. I'm sorry," Alex said. "I'm sorry I yelled at you Alisa. I love you so much. I cried right after you left and hated myself for what I said. Can you forgive me?" Brad asked while looking in my eyes. "I should be asking you for forgiveness for not telling you about Justin," He cut me off by putting a finger to my lips. "No. It wasn't you who should have told me. It was Justin. You were just being a true friend to him," Brad told me. "Could we not talk about Justin? I don't want to deal with him anymore," I said as I pulled him into a kiss. "I missed that,". Brad whispered, "I love you." "No I love you." "I love you more." "Oh No. not a again," Alex said as he rolled his eyes. Brad and I looked at him. "We love you," Brad and I said as we pulled him in for a hug. "I love you more," he answered with a smile "No, we love you more," we said as we kissed him on the cheek. Then there was a knock on the door and it opened. "Is everything alright in here?" Brad's mother asked. "Couldn't be better," Brad said to his mother just before giving me a deep kiss. Justin Sitting in the park alone, I started to cry. How could they be at Brads house laughing it up while I'm out here alone. How could they? I said I was sorry. Fuck them I don't need them, I don't need anybody.