Date: Sat, 14 Feb 2015 20:16:10 -0500 From: Bunny Tsukino Subject: Dreamless Sleep 10 Italics are flashbacks. They will start to occur more from this chapter onward. Chapter 10 Stars are fading from my sight I took out the lasagna and set it downon the cooler to let it cool off. I put the bread in to warm up whilethe bread cooled off. Funny how you try to get food to a certaintemperature only to cool it down so you could eat it. And yes I wastrying to keep my mind distracted from what Liam had said to me a fewminutes ago. We argued for a bit but he ignored whatI was saying. All that he said was that he didn't want me to leavehim again. That even if I did for some reason end up leaving him.That he wanted to know that I was all his. It was weird but alsonice. I sighed. "So do you think I can?" Liam wassetting up the table with Steve. "Well if your mom agrees and doesn'thave a problem with I then I don't have an issue." Liam got a big smile on his face. "Didyou hear that Noah?" I sighed again. "Great.. You can dosome money and job experience." I took out the bread and passed it toSteve who set it on the table. Liam picked up the lasagna and took itover as well. I finished up the rest of the salad and mixed thedressing. Thankfully Liam only asked Steve about a job not aboutsomething else. We ate in silence for most of thedinner. Liam and Steve said the dinner was good. Of course it wasgrandmas special recipe. She tried to teach it to Steve but he was ahorrible cook. How can you burn stuff on low heat? "So Steve I wanted to ask yousomething..." Liam said as he wiped his mouth. "Oh right. Well you will get paidabout the same as all trainees." Steve reached for a slice of breadand cleaned the marinara sauce off his plate. "Bring clothes thatyou won't mind getting ripped or dirty." "Okay but that's not what I wanted toask. What I wanted to ask wa-" I interrupted Liam. "Can you pass methe cheese Steve?" I smiled as Steve passed me the cheese while Igave Liam a kick underneath the table. "So what were you asking Liam?"Steve asked giving his attention to Liam. "I wanted to know if you would letNoah..." "Have a puppy!" I said as I reachedfor more salad. "But I don't think its a good idea right now sinceI'm going to go look for a job too...." I took a bite of bread. "Yeah maybe we can get a cat orsomething. Seems a little lonely when I come back and you aren'there. Maybe we need something. Maybe a fish tank..." Stevepondered while I glared daggers at Liam who gave me a frown. "That's not what I was going to ask Iwanted to know if-" "Can you give Eric and Tom a job too?They both are in the same grade as us and are pretty good at liftingweights." "Well they guys don't like cleaningup most of the crap." Steve scratched his chin. "Well if they askthere parents and will be able to get there on time and such I don'tsee why not." "Great right Liam?" "Yeah that's great they were lookingfor jobs too but-" Steve started laughing as I threw apiece of bread at Liam's face. "By the way Liam I'm not opposed toyou marrying Noah but I think you both should start dating." I blushed as Liam gave one of thebiggest smiles I have ever seen. "Seriously?" Steve nodded. "Noah has done worseand he can't do worse than you." "Wa-" Was that suppose to be acompliment? Was what I was gonna say but I got interrupted. "Great! I was worried. Noah and Italked about dating but I feel so much love for him I just want to bewith forever." Love? I turned red and didn't sayanything. "You love my little brother?"Steve asked curiously. "More than you can ever know. I meanI loved him when I was a kid but it still was love for me. Himleaving was hard on me. When I said back then about wanting to marryhim was never a lie." "Kids sure do say what they want backthen. No shame right?" "No shame." He looked at me andsmiled. His eyes shined and I looked down at my food and ate. No shame huh? Steve offered to to the dishes whileLiam went to pick a movie that we could watch. Meanwhile I decided totake a bath. I was a little flustered. I let half of my face go into the warmwater as I stared at the small rubber duck as it floated by. He lovedme? I loved him... With all my heart. I was lost when he wasn't withme. He was one of the memories that kept me from spiraling out ofcontrol. I sighed and let everything soak in. Iguess on some levels I knew it would eventually come to love. Butwhat if I wasn't right for him? What if I was going to cause him somepain? "No that's bad thinking." I said asI shook my head. "You deserve love... the past is part of you butnot you. You are who you are from it...." My therapist told me thatcountless times. I did deserve love. He loved me as a kid and now heloves me as a man. I was nearly asleep when a slight knockwoke me up. "Yes?" "How long are you going to be inthere for?" Liam asked. I could just imagine a smile on his face. "I'm getting out now...." I let myface sink into the water before popping it out again. I brushed waterfrom my face and saw my hands were all pruney. I got out and quicklytoweled myself off. I changed into some shorts and an old t-shirt. Wewere going to watch a movie and go to sleep. Liam was going to gohome afterwards of course. I opened the door and had Liam fall onme. He wrapped an arm around my waist. "I love you." His lipscovered mine as he squeezed me. When his lips left mine, I bit my lowerlip a little nervous. "There could have been a better time for youto tell me. Not in front of my brother you know." He smirked. "You are my world. Youare the only one in the world who can destroy my little world." Hisother hand cupped my cheek and played with my wet hair with hisfinger tips. His eyes watched his hand rub my cheek. "You sure don't have a problemtouching another guy..." He kissed my nose. "Simple answer.It's only you. Whenever I dated someone they were the ones to make amove. Always was uncomfortable with people touching me that way..."He leaned his face in and skimmed his nose underneath my ear. "Are we dating now?" I teased. "We are unless you object?" Hestopped caressing me. "I don't." He chuckled and wentback to rubbing his face on mine. "So I'll pick you up ever morning andspend ever day after school with you." I shook my head. "You have a job nowremember." "Only weekends..." He pulled backand licked his lips. "My mom will be ecstatic you know?" "Why?" I don't think she knew I wasgay much less now dating her son. It did just happen. She was awesomebut who knows what this new turn of events would lead to. "You will be a real part of herfamily..." He kissed me and his tongue asked my lips a question. I was about to answer it when... "Heyare you guys going to watch the movie of make a scene out of thebathroom?" I blushed as Liam started laughing. "You know we could have told herwithout making it such of a big deal right?" I asked with my armscrossed. I didn't know why we had to go to a restaurant to tell hismother. "It's special." I sighed. "So did you talk to yourdad yet?" Erika told me he was back from wherever he was. Before mymom made us move, Liam's dad up and left them to fend for themselves.Turns out he was doing some shady business on the side. Gambling andsome other unsavory things. He left to hide from whoever he owedmoney. Eventually he was able to pay them off and get his lifetogether. His kids were still getting used to him being back. Erikawas more forgiving then Liam though. "Don't know what your talking about."He said when we stopped at a stop light. Taking the hint I fixed my not neededto be fixed shirt. I was nervous. "So did they call you back fromTropical Blast?" "Yeah. They said I had to come downin two weeks for my interview." A new smoothie place three milesaway from the house. Steve offered me work but I couldn't really takeit. I wanted some experience from other places not something from thebusiness. "That's great. So what have youdecided what college you want to go to?" I bit my lip. I wasn't sure. "Notyet..." Still haven't thought of anything yet. It was about a weekago that Steve asked me the same question. There was so many things Icould try for but I really didn't have a calling yet. "You?" "Well I was thinking maybe trying tobe a P.E. Teacher or go into some sort of physical kind of thing.Maybe Steve will let me take over one day. That's if he doesn't havekids." "Maybe." But sadly I knew Stevewasn't going to have kids. Ever. What mom did... made him loseinterest in women. Or any type of romantic things. He was happy justliving life and watching how life would go for me and him. "Does he like smart girls or just theones that look pretty and stare off into the distance?" "I don't think he want's to dateright now. He has to plan things out for the expansion of thebusiness." "So what kind of degrees does hehave?" I smiled. I was proud of my brother."Masters in Business Management, Bachelors in Architecture, and afew classes in law. He was thinking of letting someone else run thebusiness but decided law was pretty boring." "That's a lot of schooling." "Yup and he isn't that much olderthan us. He had taken school all year round. From the money ourparents left us we don't have to worry about expenses much." Aslong as we don't over spend. Grandma's medical bills were starting toget a little expensive. "So what did happen to your parents?" I look off to the side and a few imagesflashed in my head. Mom singing in the kitchen as she was preparingcookies. Grandpa working outside on my tree house. Dad sleeping onthe couch. Without thinking I rubbed the little scar on my forehead.The faint sound of Steve saying "Stay quite." As he fell on me. "Noah are you okay?" I snapped myself off from my daze andlooked at Liam. A worried face plastered on his face. "Yeah why?" "You didn't answer me..." Hereached over with his hand and cupped my cheek. "You're crying."He rubbed beneath my eye. I was? Sure enough I felt a tear streakdown my cheek. I chuckled and wiped my face. "SorryI was just thinking of things." "Don't worry about it." He gave mea glance before pulling back into traffic. I hide a smile. He loved me so much. "Well don't you look handsome Noah."Mrs. Heart said as she stood to give me a hug. She and Erika weresitting around a round table dressed nicely. Erika was smiling like acat who snuck into the catnip. "Thank you." I was wearing a graybuttoned down shirt with black khakis. My hair was styled back withmy new earrings, a gift from Ash. "You look dazzling yourself." She blushed and sat back down. "Itwas so nice of you to join us for our family night." "Thank you for allowing me." Liampulled out my chair and once I sat down pushed me in. He ignored thelook I gave him. I was capable to sit by myself. Though I waslearning that Liam liked to do certain things for me. Carry anythingthat was in my arms, open doors for me, argue for a bit but relentedsometimes when we bought things, called me before he went to bed, andpicked me up and dropped me off home from school. "Well Noah you know your like familyto us." Erika purred out my name. "Not family." She lightly hit Erikaon the shoulder. "He is family." She smiled at me. "Awe thank you Mrs. Heart." Ismiled and took sip of water. I knew the talk was going to happensooner or later. Liam was going to open his mouth sooner or later andtalk to her. At least he dropped the marry part. The dinner was going smoothly. Iordered some chicken alfredo but it was basically sharing with Liamsince he kept stealing from my plate. Which got him in trouble withhis mom since she thought I was too 'thin'. While Liam's defense wasthat he had to eat more since he had to 'bulk' up. Most of the conversation was Mrs. Heartasking us question of our senior year and our daily lives. I didn'thave much to report since I was going to take it easy this semester.I wasn't planning on auditioning for any of the beginning plays.Maybe the last one. Go off in style. Liam had to prepare for baseballand football practice. When I asked why do all the 'jock' things hisreply was he was only interested in those two. At least reallyinterested. He was debating of whether to try our for the wrestlingteam but it would end up conflicting with other things. What really surprised me was that hewas going to try out for the debate club. He might be a little slowat times but he really was good at debating. Seeing as he was asstubborn as a druggie with a houseful of crack. They wouldn't let itgo. Erika was being down right evil to methough. She really didn't say much about school other than it wasgoing to be fun having me for a year in cooking. She wanted to makeme her test piggy seeing as Leo, our fourth group member, had beenthrowing everything she was giving him. She was saying how all thestudents were starting to date or there relationship was ending. Orhow others were starting back off when they left off. "Well it's nice to know those kidsstill like each other after all those years." Mrs. Heart told Erikaas the waiter was picking up our plates. "Would the family like anythingelse?" A young girl about twenty asked us. She was doing somecasual flirting with Liam the whole night. She was flaunting herbreasts and occasionally touching him when she came by to refill ourdrinks. Rachel was her name, at least from what her nametag said. "We would like to get desert please.A chocolate eclair please." Mrs. Heart asked. "Four chocolatedipped strawberries if you have any. What the kids want too." "Chocolate cake with extra whippedcream please." Erika asked with a smile. "The Deluxe banana split if youwould." Liam eyes sparkled for a bit. "Extra hot chocolatesauce." Rachel turned towards me. "Carrotcake if you have any." She waited to see if I was going to addanything like the sugar fiends but I just smiled at her. She noddedand walked away. "So have you met anyone you likeNoah?" Mrs. Heart asked as I was sipping water. I coughed a bit and covered my mouthwith my napkin. "Excuse me?" My voice gave a little squeak. "Have you met any girl you thinkabout dating? It wouldn't surprise me if you were already datingsomeone." She asked with full interest. "Well I don't really like girls.Usually they are just my friends. Or really bother some pests." Ieyed Erika as I tried to keep my emotions at bay. "Really?" She leaned over and gaveme a kiss on the cheek. "That's great you can be so open aboutthat. Your grandmother and Steve didn't have an issue with it right?"She asked worried. "No they were okay with it. Steve wasjust wants me to be happy. Grandma wanted the same thing as Steve."I bet Steve wanted me to be Asexual at heart. That way he didn't haveto worry about someone hurting me. "That's great. I would have had astern talk with Steve if he did." She rubbed my arm. "You don't have an issue with it?" She shook her head. "No not since Ihave a pansexual daughter. She really is a weird child. Not for hersexuality mind you just her state of mind." "Hey! I am not that weird!" Erikagave a pout. So she did tell her mother. She was struggling with hersexuality for a while now. She said she was interested in someone butif it progressed I didn't know. I assumed it was Schala but she toldme there was nothing sexual going on. But she didn't say if there wasanything emotional yet. "Oh hush its just a charm you have."Mrs. Heart rolled her eyes. "How about a boy? Someone you like?" "I'll say he does. But I'm kindaworried about the guy who likes Noah. He can be kinda a jerk attimes. A little childish. Not really a man yet. Kinda slow at timeswhen it comes to certain things." Erika said with out mostconfidence. "Guys tend to be like that. So doeshe go to your school?" Mrs. Heart asked. I was about to answer when Liam decidedto speak. "Yes. He really loves Noah. Told Noah he loves him awhile ago. Steve is okay with it. Thinking about eventually marryingNoah." That surprised Mrs. Heart. "Well thatsure is shocking. Guys your age tend to be commitment phobic. He isyour age right Noah?" "A few months older. He's seventeen." "So young. Well who knows just seewhere it goes true love happens at weird times. Isn't your birthdaycoming up soon Noah?" "Next Sunday." I was dreading theday. Rachel came back with our desserts andstarted placing them around the table. "Well Liam seeing as you areNoah's boyfriend and apparently want to marry him." Mrs. Heartlooked at Rachel who froze after putting down the last plate. "Thankyou dear." Rachel walked away a little mad. "Seeing as you arehis boyfriend you have to make his birthday special. We can go out orhave a quiet intimate dinner at home." "I'm sure Liam has other 'intimate'things he wants to do with Noah on his birthday. Ow!" Erika criedout as I kicked her leg and Mrs. Heart smacked her daughter. I was still a little stunned that Mrs.Heart guessed everything but more pissed at what Erika said in frontof her. "I did hit the nail in the head rightdears?" She looked at Liam and I. She already got it confirmed byErika though. "Yeah so I take it your happy right?"Liam asked smiling. "Of course I love you both." Shesmiled at both of us. "Just don't do anything 'funny' at my house." I blushed a darker shade then Liam did. "Noah you can start calling me Mommynow." I stared at my reflection and evenedout my breaths. I'm okay. I slid my fingertips across the mirror andfollowed them with my eyes. It was my birthday. Steve was out doingsome errands, which I assumed was something for me, before I even gotup. Which was about noon now. Ashley took me out for some late nighttacos and a movie last night. Thankfully she didn't say anythingabout my birthday. "Noah would you like some specialcookies for your birthday honey?" Mom asked. "Yes please! Can I have chocolatechip cookies and invite my friends over after grandpa finishes mytree house?" I look up at mom from my coloring book. I reallywanted to see Liam today. He said he worked hard to get me a present. I clenched my fist when my hand reachedthe center of the mirror. What if they were there when it allhappened? Fat chance though. We had moved a few weeks before mybirthday. Dad called it just a little extended 'vacation'. "Of course darling." She kissedthe top of my head. "Anything for my baby..." Her smile was sad. "Is my sister coming soon mommy?"I was really excited to be an older brother. She closed her eyes and her smilewas gone now. She opened them and her eyes were a little wet. "Notyet baby. But you will soon see her. We all will." "Yay!" "Why don't you go play with Stevefor a while?" Mom said as she went into the kitchen. "Okay!" I jumped off the chairand went in search of my brother. He was mean most of the time but hewas nicer to me on my birthdays. We might be able to play hide andseek! Maybe. I took a deepbreath. I was okay. It was all in the past. Don't push it back justaccept it and move on. I had to face my fears. "Play dead..."Steve said as Itried not to scream. His blood was starting to roll down my face. Iclosed my eyes as I felt the warm wetness get closer to my eyes. "My babies are all gone..." Momcried out as I felt something sharp pierce my chest. I heard Stevetake a small sharp breath. It was a little bit lower. "Mommy hasher babies in heaven...." She sang in a low tune. "Daddy is withhis baby girl. Grandpa smiling with his granddaughter. Steve is withhis baby sister.." I felt Steve's pressure leave me. I felt mommy pick me up and cradleme in her arms. "My little Noah is going to heaven...." "No!" I closedmy eyes and felt pain in my hand. I slid to the floor and heard glasscrunching beneath my feet. Not real... not real.. But it was real. Itwas the past. The past. All in the past. "Noah..." Iheard Steve from my doorway. "Noah..." "Stay back..."I cried as I opened my eyes and saw my hand bleeding. A few pieces ofglass were sticking out. He ignored me andhugged me from behind. His knees crunched the glass as he rest hischin on top of my head. "It's okay Bunny..." He separated myhands and I watched as his right hand has getting covered by myblood. "It's okay Noah..." "I'll wait for you my baby..." "I don't wanna goto heaven.." I cried out as tears went down my face. "Shhh its okayyou don't have to go to heaven right now." Steve pulled me close tohis chest and whispered its okay. He kept telling meit was okay for who knows how long. Finally my tears stopped and Iwas back into reality. No mom. No dad. No grandpa. Now no grandma..Just Steve. "Are you okaybaby brother?" He asked and I nodded my head. "Come with me tothe bathroom to fix that up." He pulled me up and lead me to thebathroom. It wasn't the first time I broke something. And I would bedmoney it would not be my last time. Steve didn't sayanything as he fixed my hand up. The cuts weren't bad and he doubtedwe had to go to the doctors. "Was it bad?"He asked as he brewed the water for tea. "No more thanusual. I didn't see the parts after she pushed you off me." Theparts that still only came to me in fragments. Even the therapistcouldn't drag them out for me to face. The last time he tried put mein a slight coma. After that it was deemed dangerous to bring up. He sighed andscratched the back of his head. "They are doing a party for you ina few hours. I think I should call it off." I shook my head."They will ask why and I really don't want to explain right now.Usually that's the worst part on my birthday you know?" I wasgetting better but my birthday was always going to be a problem. Itried to forget the day but one way or another it comes up. Stevedoesn't speak about it but gives me certain things he wouldn'tusually give me. But others tend to.Like my other grandparents. Or Erika by accident. Ashley once aswell. I sighed. It was four years of this I think. My mind was astrange place people didn't want to go. A place that was guarded fromeven myself. It was four cutsnot that deep so I removed the wraps and put on some bandages. Itwould be easy just to say I scraped myself outside. Steve was allready to go. All that was left was for me to put on my shoes. Whenthey were fastened on I gave myself a once over and when I deemedmyself fine I met Steve downstairs. "Did you takeyour pill?" Steve asked cautiously. I nodded as Iexited the house. "All digested and I gave the therapist a call. Hewasn't there so I left a message." Chances were he was going to askme later on if the dream progressed. It hadn't so he would let theissue drop. He said that if I passed through the part I would be ableto complete my recovery. Which was pretty well underway just for thelast part. "I know you aredoing the best you can but I still worry about you okay?" Heunlocked his car and started driving as soon as we were buckled up. "I know. Its thereason why I can keep pushing forward. Just my body has a mind of itsown when I remember." Something about the past trying to appear inthe present. "Just take themedicine." Steve said as we sped down the highway towards Liam'shouse. I gave a littlenod. The medicine helped with anxiety and sometimes with the stresssince my body was trying to recover from all of the stress. We got to Liam'shouse in a few minutes and knocked on the door but no one answered.Steve tried the doorknob and was able to push the door open. I wentin first expecting something out of the ordinary. "Happy birthdayNOAH!!!" People screamed as popping sounds were heard and confettiwent flying me smacking me in the face. "Oh how scary..."I said with a smile as I blew the confetti off my face. "Thank youeveryone." I said as I put my injured hand behind me. "Finally ourage." Ashley ran up and gave me a quick hug and kiss. "I hopethis is okay.." She whispered in my ear. I gave a quick nod. "Happy birthdaysweet heart!" Mrs. Heart walked over to me and kissed my forehead. "Thank you." For about an hourwe played a few random games and ate separated. Eric and Sam weretalking alone in the kitchen. Erika and Schala were talking withSteve about some TV show about zombies. Ashley was helping Mrs. Heartget the food ready outside in the backyard. We were just eating theappetizers. Tom went out to go get more supplies which I supposed wascake or something along the lines of that. Erika couldn't be trustedwith cakes in the house. She didn't eat them all but the temptationwas to much for her. "Follow me Noah."Liam grabbed my hand and pulled me up from the couch. He didn't giveme time to respond and pulled me to his room. "You might be alittle old for presents..." "Your never tooold for presents." That was weird of him to say. Schala and Erikahad saved money to get me a new helmet, two actually, with wifiinstalled so I could call people or talk to the other person wearingthe helmet. Mrs. Heart gave me a some pretty expensive chocolates,which Erika ate two of. Eric bought me a voucher for a free bikecleaning. My baby was going to be washed all nicely. Sam gave me agift certificate strangely enough at the place I was trying to getwork as. "Well I mean thiskind of present..." He gave me a smile as he closed the door. I couldn't help mymind wander into the gutter but I remembered Mrs. Heart say no'funny' stuff in her house so I killed the though of 'blowing' Liam'scandle. "What is it?" He let go of myhand and smirked. "Clothes your eyes." I rolled my eyesbefore closing them. I heard some rustling to the side and resistedthe urge to open them. "This meant a lot to you. Took me countlesstrips to find it but I found it finally." What could it be?"Can I look now?" "Yeah." I opened my eyesand was face to face with black round eyes. I stepped back and raisedan eyebrow. An old teddy bear? I looked at Liam who had a big smileon his face. His eyes sparkled as he kept his smile at one hundredpercent. "Why a...." My eyes focused on the bears midsection.Liam's fingers were partially covering a capital L. It couldn't be..."Don't tell me that's..." "LeopoldBartholomew Nash-Heart." He pressed the bear to my chest. "Ittook me about three months of searching to find it. You have no ideahow hard it was to find this thing." I held the bear andgave it a big hug. Soft as usual. I let my right cheek rest on ithead, on of the ears tickled my ears. It smelled like cookies. When Iwas a kid I always ate cookies with him. He had absorbed the smell ofcookies that was washed away by mom washing him. But I always atcookies. He smelled like them all the time. Until I lost him one daywhen we went out to our favorite spot. It broke my heartlosing the bear. It was Liam's bear until he asked me to 'marry' him.He was our 'baby'. "I can't believeyou found him." I rubbed my face on the soft plushie. "I was going togive him to you years ago but you left before I could." I opened my eyesand looked at him. I was pretty sure my eyes were watering. It wasthe best thing someone had ever given me. Again. "Thank you forkeeping him." "Wasn't easy.After a while I hated him. He reminded me of you. But I couldn'tnever manage to throw him away. It was a reminder of what was good.More than what I used to have." I smiled and walkedup to Liam. I held the bear with one hand as I used the other tobring Liam's face to mine. His lips hit mine as he put his hands onmy waist. His tongue asked my lips a question. Which was to open mylips to meet his with mine. He tasted of coke and pizza that was soonfollowed by something only that could be tasted as Liam. One of his handswent up my side to cup my face. His thumb caressed the side of myface. The other one went a little lower to my ass. His hand wasfirmly on my cheek, not to soft but not hard. Just to know it wasthere. He pushed me a little back and I allowed him too. The bed hitthe back of my knees. I was about to let myself fall when someoneknocked on door. "You guy's betternot be doing anything 'funny in there." Erika's voice said in amocking tone. We separated andstarted laughing. Liam walked over to the door and opened it. Rightnext to Erika was a blushing Ashley who was giving Erika a littlelook. "No 'funny' stuffgoing on here. I was just giving Noah his present." Liam said asthe girls walked in. Erika gave andaudible sniff. "Are you sure his 'present' doesn't have to do with'funny' stuff." "No he gave me mybear back." Erika startedlaughing. Ashley shook her head and gave a facepalm. "He said bearback not bareback." I looked at Liamwho had a slight flush on his face. So he caught that. "See?" Iraised the bear. Ashley look at thebear confused before realization dawned on her. "Leopold! How didyou get him?" I looked at Liamwho was looking at me. I gave him a smile. "His other papa had him. It was mid Octoberand I was debating whether or not to thank or kill Erika. It wasgoing more towards the kill factor. I was currently cleaning one ofthe smoothie machine at Tropical Blast, I had been hired and was onmy second week. School was goingfine. I was keeping up with homework. Things with Liam were goingwell. Aside from a few things. His job was hard at times with rushhour but he was beginning to get a handle on it. It was going wellaside from Erika pocking her head into things. The problem I washaving with the Liam department was all caused by her. While mosttimes she left us go on our dates interrupted she would occasionally'show up' out of nowhere with Schala. Who was currently on my deathlist for another reason. They would intrued on our romantic time orwould cause some trouble here or there. Like taking our Liam's carkeys so we had to walk home and back. Steve was runningthe boys around at work as well. Which was understandable as theywere the gofers. They went to go get the workers breakfast andlunches. Had to help clean up and anything that wasn't considereddangerous. At first the guys were ready to quit since they were intraining and then getting worked like dogs at work. But then theynoticed they were starting to 'bulk up' so they continued to keepworking. Even if they were severely over worked. "Hey Noah whatare your plans for Halloween?" Lizzie one of my fellow employeesasked. "Probably goingto smooch his big guy in something kinky." Richie another coworkeradded. I rolled my eyesbut smiled anyway. They were pretty good people. "Friends and I aregoing to the school Haunted house." There was also a dance but Ididn't really want to participate in that. I wasn't much into dancingin public. "The latter will come before, in between and after it." "Gross." Richiepretended to gag but gave me a wink to show no hard feelings. "Weare going to a horror movie marathon." "Eight hours ofgore and insanity." Lizzie said as she cleaned the counter. "Wewould ask you to come with but seems like you have a date alreadyplanned out." "Yeah." I had aspecial thing planed for Halloween. It might not be a romantic nightbut it was a night that I could take things with Liam a new stepforward. We only kept it PG with some slight PG13 groping at themoment. It was getting harder not to take it further. Liam had alittle aggressive streak when it I came to leaving marks. I touchedmy shoulder remembering how he sucked and nibbled for three minutesmaking my skin dark. He also liked itwhen I pushed him down and put his hands on me. There was nothinglike sitting on top of a hard covered cock. Unless it was uncoveredand going in you. But that was for later. He wasn't small and seemedto be pretty thick. Which made my cock twitch. Damn my mouth watereda bit. I missed the taste of man. "Earth to Noah."Richie said with his face close to mine. "Are you there?" I smiled and leanedin close to his face. "Boo." He backed upsurprised and chuckled. "Easy there tiger. Try not to zone out toomuch." "Sorry wasthinking of something..." "Yeah I'll bet."Lizzie gave me a knowing grin. "Keep the dirtythoughts out while at work. Don't want the big guy thinking yourflirting with customers." Richie said as he walked over to theregister. "Welcome to Tropical Blast how may I help you?" I bit my lip as Iwatched Liam pick up trash and toss it into a trash bin. It wasn'tthat he was sweaty and the white shirt was basically seethrew or thatI enjoyed seeing his muscles flex when he picked up something heavy.No I was just making sure that he was doing his job right...Yeah... "You know I letyou come here to check out the work we are doing not check out myemployees." Steve said as he checked his blueprints. They werestarting construction on a new hospital. It was amazing to see howmuch work forty men and three teens could do. I tore my eyes awayfrom Liam who waved at me before getting back to work. "I alsobrought you that cake to try out." We were going to have a test onhow to properly bake a cake from scratch and I was on my sixth cakecurrently. After trying five cakes I was pretty sure I couldn't tasteit right. "Dangerous tocarry it on your arms as you drive your motorcycle." He said as hegot out his walkie talkie to ask about how everything was running. "I know but itwasn't that far and I drove slightly under the speed limit." Ipulled on my shirt to let some air in. Damn it was a hot October day.Global warming was a bitch. "Well ill takeback the container later." He scribbled down a few notes. "Alsowhy the hell are you not wearing a helmet?" Steve walked over to abox and picked up a helmet and placed it on my head. "Bad enoughyou are wearing shorts." "I'll be fine Ihave my helmet and I have a year driving under my belt." I wasgoing to have to go soon. It was three o'clock on a saturday and Ihad to go to the grocery store to go get things for dinner. It wasonly a few things so I could put them in my bikes storage container. "Steve! We havethe new shipment coming in now! Do you want us to start checking itor you want to handle that?" One of the workers called out. "I'm going!"Steve yelled back. He liked to make sure everything was good whenthey got parts or equipment. "I'll see you later Noah." I frowned as Stevestarted running to where the guy was. "I'm going to be makingtaco's so don't come to late!" "Alright!" Heyelled back. I smiled and turnedaround to find a old man walking up towards me. "I was wonderingif that was you Noah." That voice."Eustace!" I ran up to the old man and gave him a big hug. "Ididn't know you were still working here." Eustace was one of dad'sold friends who helped keep the construction company going. He patted my back"Well I can't leave this job. Too many good memories. I'm one ofSteve's best foremen." "How are you?"I asked curiously. He had a wife and a son around Steve's age. "Pretty good.Maggie is doing well right now and Joseph is off in the military."He said the last part with pride. "I'm glad. I hopeSteve is living up to your expectations." "That and thensome. That boy has the mind of genius. Must run in the family. Youhave been doing well in school too. Perfect grades." I chuckled. "Yeah." He rubbed my headas his face got a little somber. "I'm sorry about your parents." I looked to theside and bit my lip. "It's okay..." He sighed. "I'msorry I wasn't there for you..." I closed my eyes.How much did he know. "Just stop Eustace... It's okay." "Okay. Justletting you know I'm here for you if you ever need an old man's ear."I chuckled. "Drop by more often." He said before he walked away. I watched himleave. I looked over to Liam who was looking at me curiously. I gavehim a wave before heading towards my bike. There was a grocery storeI needed to go to. "Boy does it suresmell good in here." Steve said as he walked into the kitchen. Hewalked over and looked at the table. "Sour cream, guacamole, salsa,and cheese..." Steve got a chip and put it in the guacamole."Yum..." I stirred the beansand turned off the rice. "How much does Eustace know?" I turnedaround to face Steve. Steve looked at meand paused before giving a sigh. "Everything." I nodded. "Goclean up dinner is almost ready. Just waiting on the beans." Themeat was in the oven keeping warm. "He was someone Italked to after the therapist. Helped me understand the business." I nodded. "Youshould hurry before things start getting cold." "He took care ofeverything and didn't ask questions. I wanted someone to know justlike you have Ashley. He promised not to tell anyone. Its been fouryears since he promised. Even his wife doesn't know. "It's fineSteve." It really was. Steve had someone he trusted that could behis rock. "You sure?" Heasked skeptically. "Perfectly." "Noah openwide...." Erika said with an evil glint in her eye. All I could dois glare at her. Erika and Schala were in the beginning stages ofmaking the doom cake. "Just eat thefucking piece man and lets finish our cake." Leo said from theside. I sighed and tookthe spoonful of cake in my mouth. I chewed and was surprised to findthat it tasted pretty good. Which made me nervous. "Whats in thecake?" I asked both girls eeying them nervously. "Doom." Schalaturned turned around and added a few notes. "Is the tastesubtle or overpowering. The chocolate that is?" Erika askedcuriously. "Balanced withthe cream...." My eyes narrowed... what other flavors did theyhave? "Fantastic!."She put down a few more notes. "So we pick outour costumes from out of your hat?" Tom asked Ashley as she placedher hat in the middle of our group. "Yes. They havethe boy and girl version so we don't have to worry if we pick up agirl one." She said as she mixed up the notes. "Erika picked onethis morning, which was Smurf, so she is also participating with us." I gave a littlechuckle knowing full well that she was terrified of those things. Iwas feeling fine after eating her 'cake' but that made me moreworried.... "So you haven't picked out something yet right?" Iasked questioningly. I didn't want her getting something good and letthe rest of us have crap. "I'll take minein the middle so it can be fair Noah. Also I don't even know whats inthis cap. I had a randomizer print them out. So who wants to befirst?" None of said anything as we stared at the cap. "Fine... I'llgo." Eric reached in and picked up a folded piece of paper. Heopened it and smiled. "Roman Empire!" "So either awarrior or a lord of some kind." Ashley said slightly intruiged. "I'll choose awarrior..." He looked at the note. "Do we choose the outfit or isit picked by someone else?" I wanted to go overand beat him senseless. There was no way I was going to let themchoose the customes. "You choose them.No point in not giving you an option. It's Halloween! Has to be somekind of fun!" She said happily. I gave a sigh of relief. At leastwe had that option. "I'll go next."Tom reached in and took out his piece of paper. "What the fuck?!"He covered his face and let out a groan. "Psychotic clown.." "Awe baby!"Ashley reached out and gave Tom a pat. "I'm sorry... we can'tchange it though." Tom didn't likeclowns all that much. "I know I'lldeal." "Next." Schalareached in and took out a paper. She looked at it and rolled her eyesbefore throwing it at Ashley. "Fuck you.... Fairy princess...." I resisted the urgeto laugh. I didn't have a death wish. She was glaring at everyone tonot make a comment. Karma maybe? "My turn!"Ashley reached in and took out her own. "Lets see what it says..."She opened it and read it quickly. "Apocalyptic survivor... not badI guess..." Before anyone saidanything I reached in and picked up one of the two raining papers. Ihoped it wasn't anything bad. Hopefully something good. "ZombieKiller..." Oh that had good possibilities. "Last one forLiam." Ashley passed the hat to Liam. He picked it up andread it quickly. "Royalty..." It suited him. After draggingSteve all around the mall to get things for my custom we stopped atthe food court. Halloween was just a few more days away. Steve hadstockpiled crazy amounts of candy in the garage. He didn't have anyplans and said that he wanted to see all the kids in there customs.Something about nostalgia. "So why am I herewith you again?" He asked as he took a bite of one of his fries."Couldn't you get your boyfriend or one of your friends to comewith you?" "Awe you don'tlike spending time with me anymore?" I put on a hurt puppy dog faceas I sipped my smoothie. "I do its just...I don't like shopping." He sighed and took a bit of his burger. "Somany stores, so boring." "Well don't worryI have everything I need. Aside from those boots I ordered." Theywere going to be here tomorrow! "You can go home after you aredone." "If you want tokeep shopping its fine. Just let me bitch." "Oh no don'tworry about it. Liam is coming to take me out to see a movie." "So ditching mefor the boyfriend?" He stopped calling Liam by his name and justkeeps referring him as my boyfriend. "No. I could havecame here by myself but I wanted to spend time with you." Plus itwas nice to have someone take the things back home. He gave a nod as hecontinued to eat. "I miss this." He said out of random. "What?" Iasked. "I miss you andme going out together doing things." He sighed and rubbed his face."Getting old." "You aren't old."I took a big gulp of my smoothie. "We can make Wednesday's Steveand Noah date night." He smiled. "Sure." After twenty moreminutes we finished our food and Steve went back home to get somerest. It was six o'clock and Liam was already on his way. I waslooking inside of a pet shop as someone tapped my shoulder. I turnedaround and was surprised to see Chay. "Well you weresomeone I didn't expect to see here or anytime soon." He gave me asmile before he tried to hug me. I stepped back which killed hissmile. "Don't like me anymore?" "As a matter offact I don't." I resisted the urge to punch him in the face. He waspart of the past I wanted to do nothing with anymore. "You know whyI don't like you." "Awe come onbaby! You were so good I just had to share it!" His smile appearedagain. Hazel eyes sparkling. He was two inches taller than me andtanner than I remembered. "Why don't we find a bathroom to have areminder?" "I can have youarrested for soliciting a minor." I glared at him. He was seventeenthe last time I saw him. Which made him twenty if I remember. "Awe come onebaby! Age didn't matter to you be-" I took a swing and connectedwith is nose. I was happy to hear a crack. "I don't do thatanymore!" I growled out as he covered his nose. Blood was startingto dribble out. "Leave before I make a much bigger scene... You areon probation..." He glared at mebefore walking away. I watched him until I couldn't see him anymore. "Excuse me youngman but violence is not allowed in the mall." A security guard saidfrom behind me. "Self defense.That man was soliciting me..." "What? I'll callthe police right aw-" "It's not aproblem... " I walked away from the guard as I saw Liam walkingaround the mall. I did feel my cell vibrate a few times but I wantedto make sure he was gone with my own eyes. "Hey Liam!" I ran upto him and went on my tiptoes to kiss his nose. "Hey baby..."He purred as he got an arm around my waist and kissed me. "Readyfor our date?" "Easy therebaby..." Liam said as I was kissed down his chest. "Don't leavemarks... don't want the other guys to make fun of me..." I smirked. "Youlet guys watch you take showers?" He shook his headas his body shivered. I was licking my way down his abdomen.Apparently he was ticklish. "We have are own stalls just... walkaround in our towels..." "I see...." Inuzzled his crotch and enjoyed the fact that he was hard for me. Hesmelled musky and cologne. "What do you want me to do baby..." Ipurred as is kissed his belly. His pants were open and I had my chinon top of his blue boxer covered cock. "I want youNoah..." He moaned as I kissed the outline of his cock. My handswere on his thighs which were being held down by his. "If you sayso...." I rubbed my face one more time before I used my teeth topull down his boxers. It was a little uncomfortable in his backseatof his truck but I had to deal. We couldn't do it at each othershouses. Maybe mine but not yet. His cock sprangfree. The tip was wet and a little ruddy. He gave a miss and squeezedmy hands as I blew air on the tip. More precum oozed out and Iresisted the urge to lick it. I would but I just wanted to look. Itwas beautiful. Much bigger than the last time I saw it. Little kidsshowing each other there stuff... He was thick... my ass twitched.Boy I couldn't wait to be stretched. I stuck out mytongue and let myself taste him. He gave out a moan and shivered.Guess it was a long time for him. I licked the precum off and wasdelighted at the taste. Salty but delicious. I loved cum. I was happyto see that it was soon replaced with more. I took the headinto my mouth and let my tongue swirl around the head. I smiled as hemoaned out my name and continue to squeeze my hands. I loved thisman. My man. My Liam. I took him all into my mouth making my nose hithis pubs and his cock hit the back of my throat. I backed up beforetaking it all in again. My gag reflex having been long destroyed. It was a perk nowsince if it was my first time I would have been gagging on thismonster. It had grew a bit as I continued to suck, lick, and swallow.After a few minutes of keeping him from coming with my tongue I wasstill surprised at the amount of cum he leaked. "Noah hurts... want to cum..." He moaned out as I pressed my tongue onhis slit. "So good..." I smirked andsucked him till my cheeks ached. I bobbed up and down and wished Icould have played with his balls. His grip on my hands didn't let memove them. Maybe another day. His breathing was turning harsh and hishands gripped mine till the point of pain but I keep going as Iwanted to take him all in. "Noah!" Hegrowled out as he humped my mouth for a few seconds before he shothot spunk into my mouth. "I love you..." I savored the taste andswallowed it. Delicious. All Liam. I didn't let his cock slide out mymouth until it was soft and no more cum oozed out. After a fewseconds of licking his head he gently pushed me off his cock. "Babyits sensitive..." Pulled me from the floor and kissed my face."Want me to return the favor?" He said relaxed with a glaze overhis eyes. His whole body had softened by cumming. I smiled and kissedhis lips. "Maybe another time." I hugged him and let him cover mewith his body. "You know I wouldgladly suck you off right?" Liam said for thousandth time. "Yes I know but Iwanted to show you how much I love you..." I squeezed his hand thatwas currently between us. "Also I like giving people pleasure...and I like receiving other sorts of pleasure..." I smirked andlooked at him from the side. His face wasflushed but he was smiling. "I'll make sure to give you lots ofpleasure." "Oh you will..."I was going to make sure... power bottom all the way. I lookedstraight ahead and froze. Anger rose inside me as I saw the car infront of my house. It couldn't be... "Oh looks likeyou guys have visitors." Liam said as he stopped at the driveway."Do you know who drives that car?" Rage was boilingwithin me. "My dads parents. So my grandparents." ------------------------------------------------------------------------- So tell me how youlike the story! Don't forget to support nifty if you can! Any amountof money helps! Ill try for achapter every week. Don't kill me if I don't I only have three offdays and I have homework @~@. School supplies drain money I tell you! Anyways pleasereview okay? If you want know to receive some pleasure back leave areview! We are currently about halfway threw or a little more. Two characters are also going to go bye bye in a few months.