Date: Sun, 18 Jun 2006 02:20:21 -0700 From: Jacob Peabody Subject: Evan and Jacob Chapter 2 So there it was more humiliation for the gay kid, those would have been the thoughts floating through my head on a normal trip home after an accident. (This seemed to happen a lot, really a lot) But not today, today all I thought about was him. His eyes, that smile. The strong but gentle way he had lifted me from the floor. "Hun don't worry everyone will have forgotten this by tomorrow", said my mom as she drove me home. I had heard this speech from her before, and she has been proven wrong every time. "Sure mom, I am sure they will", was all I could say. As we pulled into our drive way all I my cell began to ring, "Hello Kenny", I said without looking at the caller id. "Hey man, how are you feeling", was Kenneth's concerned voice from the other end. "Don't worry man no one is even talking about it". "Oh I am so sure, its not every day that the fag of Trojan High becomes a door stop", was my sarcastic response. "Well don't think about it man, everything will be fine. Hey who is Evan?" asked Kenneth trying to take my mind off the accident. I blushed even though there was no real reason, that name again. And those eyes flashed in my mind. "Evan helped me up, why are you asking?", as I asked my heart was pounding in my chest. "Oh no real reason, he just asked about you once or twice, he sure is popular. The girls are flocking around him in the halls", came the casual response from Kenneth. "Oh of course they are, stupid sluts", was all I could think. "Hey man I have to go, my head is killing me and I need some sleep". "Hey that's fine, I will get your work and drop it by later, see ya", and with that he hung up. "I hate sluts!!!!!" I screamed into the now empty car. My head began to throb again, so I climbed out of the car, through the door and climbed slowly into bed. I must have fallen right to sleep because I began to dream, can any one guess what my dream was about? Evan, those eyes and that smile. The day had gone completely different instead of the door, our eyes met a crossed the crowded hall and we ran to each other for that first kiss. "Hey man get up", it was a voice in a slight tenor that awoke me from my dream. I slowly opened my eyes and saw his face again, "Must still be dreaming", and I puckered my lips for round two. "Jacob are you awake, it's me Evan, from school", he said with a smirk. I was instantly awake, and redder then anyone had ever been. He must have thought I was sick because he looked concerned and slowly reached his hand up to touch the bump on my head. "It's looking better, not that it looked all that bad before", and he lightly brushed the bump. His hands were soft, and I could feel a jolt go through me. "Evan-why-you-here", was all I could get out. (How is it that broken sentences are all I can speak around him) "I came to bring you your work, we have three classes together and when I found that out I talked to Kenneth and he told me where you lived" he said this while all the time touching my forehead. His hand slipped down my head and all the way down my arm. "Was that on purpose", that was the question that ran through my head as he began to explain what papers and even homework (on the first day) the teachers had assigned. "Hey man are you listening, we can do this later if you want. Lets say we get together tomorrow before school", he said as he packed it all back up and stepped back toward the door. "Tomorrow would be great, I might be completely coherent by then", as I said this I wondered why he was so nice to me. "Hey, I already like you. Don't go being completely normal on me now", and with a wink and a wave he was gone. I laid my head back on my pillow and went over the conversation over and over again in my head. He said "he liked me", he likes me. What does that mean? I mean I know that he does not "like" me, but maybe we could be friends. Friends kiss sometimes right? And then all I could do was laugh out loud. I am an idiot. "Oh man bro do you have the crazies now, you have been hit harder then that before", said Alex as he came bounding into my room and jumped on my bad, almost knocking me off. "No not crazy, at least I don't think I am. Wait... nope still gay, I must be sane", was the quickest comeback I could come up with. "Oh so I am the crazy one huh", said Alex right before he flipped his wrist and giggled like a girl. "Ha very funny, I will never understand straight humor", I laughed to myself and then kicked Alex off the bed. As he pulled himself off the floor laughing, he said, "Now who was the guy that was in here before? All I know is that he made quiet an impression on everyone today. All the girls were swooning and he acted like he did not care," said Alex with a knowing smile and left the room. "Why would he not notice, sluts always have the most interesting smells when they are on the hunt? Wait that is not fair, not all the girls are sluts. Some are just tramps." Right after these thoughts floated through my head my phone rang again. "Hey Kenny", I said in a tired and unexcited voice. "No Evan, not Kenny, he gave me your number. Just wanted to let you know that I will be by your house early tomorrow. I thought maybe we could get some breakfast first". "Ya breakfast would be great... I mean ya whatever", it was taking all my will power to squeak in excitement. "Alright it's a... well a date. Bye Jacob, get some sleep", and with that he was gone. "A date", I said out loud with an audible gulp. "Well there is only one question left to answer, do the gay thing and set out my clothes now or play it cool and do it in the morning. Either way tomorrow is going to be interesting", those were the thoughts going through my head right before I got up to pick out my clothes.