Date: Sun, 02 Jul 2006 19:58:47 -0700 From: Jacob Peabody Subject: Evan and Jacob Chapter 5 I was so glad that Evan was not in my next class, I know I had three with him but I was not sure what ones they were. I used the next hour and a half to do what most teenagers do in class, concentrate on my social life. (Okay "social life" is a bit of a stretch but this was all I had) The class ended quickly and I realized that it was now lunch time. "I really hope he does not try to sit with me, might interrupt my quality time with that stick up my ass", I though bitterly as I packed up my books and headed toward the cafeteria. Unlike most of the students I went to the cafeteria very slowly taking the longest route I could. I was not keen on running into people anyway but today I just wanted to be left alone. "Yo, bro what's up", it was a call from Alex as he came running toward me in the opposite direction. "its sloppy joe day, hall ass". "You know its sloppy but I am not quiet sure what joe is, I mean really in a public school its not even going to be meat, so what the hell is the joe", this was his long winded comment as he dragged me toward the cafeteria. I walked through the doors and this time was not met with a sea of judging eyes. (I guess food over whelms prejudice, at least to a teenager) I walked quickly through the line and other then questioning what the green thing next to my sloppy "joe" was, I thought about nothing, and I sat down in utter silence at an empty table in the far corner of the cafeteria. After only a few minutes Kenny joined me at the table. "Hey man, how is your second, first day going?". "Oh great, you know that stupid thing where I "imagined" that everyone in this school hates me, I found out it was true", was my glum response. "What about Evan, haven't you had a class with him yet?". "I have, but he was not who I thought he was, I mean he is not a good person, I mean... he is an ass. Not one of those ass's that is not really an ass but just a jerk. He is an unmitigated ass", my temper flared during that speech and had it been anyone else I might have punched them in the face, but I still liked that face. "He was playing you wasn't he, I knew it I am going to hit him like, like, like something that I hate, that's what", and with that Kenny stood up to look for Evan. And I lost it, I could not help myself, I laughed so hard milk I had already swallowed was threatening to come out my nose. "Yah and I gonna, I gonna, not give a rats ass about the bastard and eat my food. Except this green stuff, because I am not sure what it is but I am almost positive that someone has eaten it already", I said laughing the entire time. Kenny laughed a little but I could tell he was still on the look out, because a few minutes later he perked up and pointed across the cafeteria. Evan was coming this way, slowly like he did not mean to but he was defiantly heading this way. As he made he way closer I could tell that Kenny was tensed to attack, so I nodded him to stay put and watch as Evan walked right past me and dropped a piece of paper and then kept on walking. "What the hell was that", Kenny asked as I examined the note he had written me. I sat there for a minute unsure if I wanted to read it, maybe it explained thing that he was feeling. So I slowly opened it and noticed he had the loveliest hand writing I had ever seen. (I am gay, I am aloud to notice those things) The note read: "Jacob, I am so sorry. I had nothing to do with the comment earlier, please believe that I would never say anything like that to you ever. Meet me at my car after school so we can talk more. Evan P.S. Please don't tell anyone about me." I was never angrier in my life, I mean like I would ever tell anyone about him. I did not even tell Kenny and I tell him every thing (even when I was ten and was afraid of Elmo. I know, I know, I am not much with the butch and that little bastard was creepy) I quickly, before I lost my nerve grabbed a piece of paper out of my bag and wrote a quick message. It said simply: "Go to hell, I have to put up with enough with out you adding to it. Blow it out your ass, you are the worst type of person". I folded it and quickly stood up, told Kenny good bye and walked across the cafeteria making sure to slip the note to Evan. And quickly walked out. As I walked toward my next class I felt powerful, I felt up lifted. I stood up for myself. "Oh yah I am a man", I thought as I took my sit in my next class. I did not even notice when he walked in the door and only did the whispers of my fellow classmates did I realize what had happened. Evan was sitting right next to me, and he looked like he had been crying. Hard He looked over to me and at that moment, seeing the streaks of red down his cheeks and the pain in his eyes, I never felt worse. All of my self congrats seemed to be put to shame with this overwhelming need to hold him. The only thing that stopped me from doing just that was the bell. We sat through the rest of the class only stealing glimpses of each other. (Which by the way, even at a glimpse he is still hot) The bell rang again and he walked out of the class with me and even down the hall a little before he actually opened his mouth. "I am not a bad person, really I just don't know what to do", was his choked up response to my silence, he looked like he might cry again. His eyes were pleading for me to understand. "I know I am sorry for that, really, you are not a bad person I was just so angry", I said and my voice was cracked and very tight. (Hey just so you know I did not cry, recycled air has that affect on me, anyone believe that?) "Listen I am not ready for all this, but I promise from now on, no one will talk bad about you around me". "That's all I ask, well maybe more later but we can get to that some other time", I said with a wink. He smiled that old smile, and leaned forward like he was going to kiss me, but suddenly out of no where arms began to grab at him and pull him away. One of these arms belonged to Amy, the most popular slut in school. (SLUTS!!!) She is to sluts what Opera is to housewives, she is the messiah of all sluts everywhere, and if the wind blows just right you can smell her for miles around. Nothing quiet like dead rotten fish to bring you back to... well if that smells brings you back anywhere then you have problems. I digress, but here she is the bane of all things sanitary and she is kissing on Evan. And I here someone say, "look at that it took no time at all for her to sink her crabs, I mean claws, into the new guy". They were dating, and I was crushed.