Date: Fri, 22 Sep 2006 18:41:37 -0700 (PDT) From: James Wade Subject: face-the-music 6 This story involves gay teens in sexual situations, if you're not old enough to be here than leave. These stories and characters are totally fictional; it is a coincidence if you see yourself or anyone else you know in here. Face-The-Music Chapter 6 By Jamie Wade There it was, just crawling across my wall. It would move one way, then the opposite way, then back the other way, and back the other way again. It wasn't that exciting to watch, but what else did I have to do, I just told the one person that I loved that I didn't want to see him again. I was sitting in my bed, pj's still on, and watching this spider crawl across my wall. I was so depressed, I missed Aaron so much, but I couldn't see him. He tried calling a couple of times, but I didn't answer my phone, he even came to my house, but I pretended to be sick, and my mom sent him away. I pretty much stayed in my room the entire weekend, doing nothing but eating ice cream and watching TV. Tara tried to get me to cheer up, but nothing she did, nor Kylie, would work, so they left me alone. But now that the weekend was ending, I had to face the music when I went back to school. How was I going to avoid Aaron? Luckily I had Neil there for me, I had talked to him a couple times over the weekend, and we had some good conversations. I was talking to him about my problems, rather than Tara or Kylie, which I usually go to them, but in this situation, I couldn't tell them. Then I heard someone coming up to my room, so I laid down, and pretended to be asleep. "Josh, honey, are you feeling any better?" "What, oh, hey mom." I made a fake yawn "Oh, were you asleep, sorry. Just get your rest, you need it for school tomorrow." "What, why do I have to go to school tomorrow?" "Because you've done nothing but sleep, I'm sure that you've gotten somewhat better. And plus because I said so, so rest up." Damn her, I didn't really want to go to school tomorrow, but I guess I had to. I drifted off to sleep, dreading going back to school. I saw Aaron across the room from me, and I immediately felt happy. I started to walk toward him, and then I saw Percy go up to him. I saw Percy take a knife out of his pocket, I tried to scream out to Aaron, but nothing came out. I started running, but I was to late, and Percy stabbed Aaron, and he fell to the ground. I ran up to him, and held him in my arms. "You should have stayed away from him Josh." Then Percy walked off leaving me there crying. I woke up, and realized it was another dream. I took a shower, and headed off to school, not really wanting to go, but I had to. I walked into the school, and looked around for Aaron, I didn't see him, so I kept walking. I didn't notice Tara or Kylie come up behind me until it was too late. "Hey, Josh, what is up with this whole Aaron thing?" "Yeah, come on cousin, why aren't you seeing him anymore? We just want to help." "Listen I appreciate your help and all, but I don't really need your help with this ok." And then I walked off to my English class. I walked in, and saw Aaron, but I avoided him, and walked straight to the back. During the middle of the class, Mr. Gregory assigned us into groups, and what would you know, I was in Aaron's group. We were supposed to be doing something with the story we were supposed to read over the weekend, woops, didn't read that. "So, we need to come up with examples of metaphor in the text, so lets get to work." I wasn't really in the mood to do any work, especially with Aaron in this group, he kept looking at me, and I tried not to notice, but I couldn't help it. "So what do you think, Josh?" "What, um..." "You weren't paying attention, and if you want a grade in this group you're going to have to pay attention, now focus." "Hey, why don't you give him a break." Aaron stood up for me, which was sweet, but also not good, he couldn't do that. "Hey, Aaron, I don't need you sticking up for me ok. I can handle stuff on my own." "You know, I was just trying to help. I don't know what's gotten into you lately, you're acting so weird. I mean what is your problem?" Then Mr. Gregory came to our group, hearing me and Aaron arguing. "What's going on here?" "Well Mr. Gregory, these two can't seem to get along, and we're trying to work." "Well, Mr. Arlington, Mr. Patrick, out in the hall and discuss your problems why we learn stuff." Aaron and me walked out into the hallway, I didn't want to talk to him, everything I needed to say to him I had already said. We kind of just stood there for a good few minutes, until Aaron decided to say something. "Why did you do it Josh? I mean I really don't understand it." "Listen Aaron, I've said all I had to say, ok, we just can't see each other anymore, ok." I was trying so hard not to break down, I wanted Aaron so bad, but I couldn't. "But Josh." He paused, not knowing what to say next. Then I saw a tear starting to fall down his face. I reached out my hand, and stopped his tear, then he looked up at me. He leaned over, and put his head on my shoulder and started to cry. This really broke my heart, I just wanted to forget about Percy, and take Aaron back, it would be so simple, but then he would be ridiculed, and I couldn't do that to him. As he was crying on my shoulder, I took in his beautiful sent, and I wanted to just stay there forever, but I knew I couldn't. Then I heard the bell ring, and Aaron got off my shoulder, and then I walked off, leaving Aaron. I found myself walking to the cafeteria alone, not really in the mood to eat anything. I got in line, and got my food, some very nasty looking food, meatloaf surprise I think is what it was, gross. I then sat down far away from Tara, Kylie, and Aaron. I saw them stare at me, probably wondering what was up with me, but I just couldn't deal with it right now. "Hey tiger, what's going on?" I saw Neil sit down beside me, thank god, someone that I could talk to. "Nothing much, just sitting here wondering if I should eat this thing they call food." "Yeah, I know, meatloaf surprise, disgusting." It was cool how we thought a like; it was nice having him to talk to. "So, have you talked to Aaron yet?" "Yeah, it was really intense, I just wanted to tell him everything, but that isn't really the best thing." "Listen, I know that I haven't really pestered you with this, but I think that you should just tell him, I mean what can it hurt." "Are you kidding, it could hurt Aaron. Percy and Brittany would spread our secret, and then we would be picked on and ridiculed at for being gay. I can't to that to Aaron, I just can't." "Well, at least you would have each other to get through it, and you guys have me, I mean come on Josh, this whole thing is just stupid. You are blowing this way out of proportion." "You know, I really don't think that I am. And you know what, I regret telling you everything. Whatever Neil, see yeah later." Then I walked off, I mean where does he have the right to tell me how should treat Aaron, and it was really none of his business. During the end of my last class, I excused myself to the bathroom. As I was walking down the hall, someone grabbed me, and blindfolded me, and all I saw was dark. "Sorry we had to do this to you Josh, but it had to be done." That sounded a lot like Tara. "Yeah Josh, but you were acting like a total bitch." That was definitely Kylie. "Guys, what's going on?" "We're here to help you Josh." What was Neil doing here? "Neil? What's going on guys, come on tell me." "I think that we'll let someone else tell you." "What do you mean?" Then they took the blindfold off of me, and standing in front of me was Aaron. I tried to get up, but I noticed that they tied me to a chair. "We thought that you might try to run away, so we had to tie you up." "Guys, come on, this isn't funny, let me go." "Just listen to what Aaron has to say, ok." I really wasn't in the mood for this. "Josh, listen, Neil told us everything." Oh great, well thanks a lot Neil. "Sorry Josh, but you didn't give me a choice. After the way you acted at lunch, I had to do something. This really isn't healthy for you." "Yeah Josh, we all care about you, and we want you to be happy, so just listen to us." "What is this, an intervention or something?" "Yeah, and you need it, cause what you are doing is wrong." "You said Neil told you guys everything, so how exactly is this wrong?" "Because Josh, you should have told me, I care way to much for you to let you do this thing alone." "But Aaron, if you do that, than you will be exposed just like me, and you'll have everybody looking at you like your disgusting or something." "I don't care Josh, as long as we are in it together, we don't have to worry. Listen, Josh, I'm not giving you a choice in this, so your just going to have to deal with me sticking by you, ok." I don't know what it was, but Aaron saying that to me really opened up my eyes. Everything that I have done, I realized, was pretty dumb. I mean here were these great people, willing to help me out, and this great guy who was willing to risk everything to be with me. Why had I been so stupid, I just wanted to forget everything, and be with Aaron, that is what I really wanted. "I'm so sorry guys, I've been really stupid, and I hope you can forgive me." "Of course silly, that's why we're your friends." "Thanks, but as my friends, would you mind untying me." "Oh, ha, sorry Josh." They untied me, and I got up, and ran over to Aaron. I wrapped my arms around him, and gave him the most passionate kiss I have ever given anyone. We probably kissed for like 30 seconds until I realized we weren't alone. "Oh, um, sorry guys." "Don't worry about it, I was wondering when you were going to do that." "Yeah, it's about damn time." "Oh, and Josh, you still owe me for not saying any of this to me, and going off and telling Neil." "Oh, yeah, sorry about that Tara. It's just I knew you would make me talk to Aaron, which was probably the right thing to do." "And what about me?" "Oh, yeah, sorry to you to Kylie. So what are we going to do about Percy and Brittany?" "Well, you still want to do the singing thing, right?" "Oh, well, yeah, I do, but how are we going to stop them from spreading the rumor?" "We're not, but we could do one thing." "What's that?" "We could spread it before they do." "What! Are you serious?" "Yeah, I mean think about it. We tell the school before they do, and when they see us in the singing thing, they go tell people, but realize that they already know, we won't have to worry about anything then." "Well, we still would have to worry about the kids in the school, and how they will react to our news." "Yeah, but who cares, I mean as long as we're together, it doesn't matter." "I guess...but there is one thing that I have to do if we're going to do this." "What's that?" "Well...I want to tell Rachel before we tell the school. It's time she knows, and I want her to hear it from me." "That's ok, do you want me to come with you?" ", but I do want Tara to come with me, ok?" "That's fine." "You up for it Tara?" "Yeah, I was wondering what was taking you so long in telling her, but I'm right behind you, 100%." "Thanks, ok, see you later." Then I gave Aaron a quick peck on the lips. "See you later Neil, Kylie." "By guys." Tara and me arrived at my house about 15 minutes later. We went in, and I realized that the house was empty. "Ok, she's not home yet, you want to practice or something?" "Um...sure, I guess." "Ok, pretend I'm Rachel." "Ok, um, Rachel, you know that guy Aaron?" "Yeah." "Well, there's something that I need to tell you about him and me." "What, are you two like a gay couple of something." "Come on Tara, be serious." "Ok, sorry." "Ok, well, see, me and Aaron, are kind of, well, like a couple or something." "What? I don't really follow." "I'm gay, and I like Aaron, and he likes me." "What! Oh my god, Josh, that's totally disgusting, I can't believe it, man this sucks." "TARA! I mean it." "What, she might say that, you never know." "Yeah, but I kind of hope she doesn't." "Well, lets just hope for the best." Then we heard the door open and close, and Rachel came upstairs. "Hey guys, what's going on?" "Oh, nothing much, just chattin." "Ok, I got to change, but I'll be done soon." "Ok." Then Rachel went to her room to change, and I began to get really nervous, I started shaking. "Ok, now's your chance, go talk to her." "Ok, but I'll go in first, break it to her, and then I'll call you in, ok." "Ok, sounds like a plan to me. Good luck." "Thanks." Then I walked out of my room, and started slowly walking towards Rachel's room. I took it step by step, still shaking a little. God I was so nervous, I hope she is ok with this, but what if she isn't? What if she hates gay people, and finds it totally disgusting? I had no idea how she was going to react to this, but I had to find out. I finally arrived at her door, I slowly raised my fist to the door, and then I knocked on the door, waiting anxiously for her to answer. To be continued... So some of you didn't seem to like the last chapter, but what are you going to do. You when some and you loose some, they say. And for those of you waiting for a hot steamy scene, you might just get your wish some time soon.