Date: Fri, 07 Nov 2003 23:13:18 -0700 From: Chad Cougar Subject: Family Spirit 3 My apologies for this one taking so long, there was some disagreement about which way to go with it, lol. Here it is, though, and thank you for the kind emails. Again, all are welcome. If you're in the Utah neighborhood drop a line! Family Spirits 3: "Why didn't you tell me about the ghost yesterday?" Remy asked. He was propped up in Talin's bed, holding Talin in his arms, staring out the window as the sky began to lighten. "I would've believed you." His eyes were red from being up most of the night. Talin adjusted his head on Remy's shoulder and sighed through his nose. "Because you already had enough shit on your mind, and I could have imagined it." He responded. "I didn't need you thinking I was a fucking idiot, too." Remy chuckled. "I'm sorry I scared you." He ran his fingers through Talin's shaggy hair and looked down at his face. Talin was totally relaxed against him. "Thank you for trying to save me." "Hmph." Talin grunted. "I don't think I helped either of us out much." "Do you want me to leave?" Remy asked, getting ready to disentangle himself. "No." Talin grabbed his wrist. He searched Remy's eyes for a second, not sure what to say, but not wanting him to let go either. "I like this. I know it's wrong but I like it." "I don't think it's wrong. I do too." Remy closed his eyes and yawned hugely. "We have enough time to sleep for a couple hours." Talin nodded against his chest. "Will you hold me like you did last night?" He slid out of Remy's embrace and down into the sheets. Remy slid down behind him and wrapped his arm around Talin's waist. "Only forever." He mumbled, settling his head into the pillows. Talin's hand moved over his and he smiled. "Mmm. I like that too." Talin yawned and closed his eyes. "So what happens now?" "What do you want to happen?" Remy yawned again so hard his ears popped. Talin was quiet for several seconds. "I have like no experience. I don't know what to say." He said quietly. Remy chuckled. "Are in a huge hurry to have sex or something?" "No." Talin laughed. "Then let's just go with the flow." Remy closed his eyes, feeling that muzziness that happens right before sleep. "We've already broken all the rules anyway, might as well take our time." "Mmmm." Talin mumbled, drifting off. To the best of his knowledge he didn't dream, sleeping hard and deep. After what seemed like only a few minutes he was jarred awake by a knock at the door and the distant sound of a power saw. He sat up and blinked at the sunny windows and tried to orient himself. The knock repeated at the door and he slid out of bed and stumbled towards the door. "Hey, sorry to wake you up." A leather faced man greeted him with a smile through the space between the door and the frame. "Do you know if there's a key to that last bedroom? The one at the front of the house?" He was dressed in battered jeans and a worn out t-shirt. His worn out baseball hat was pushed back from his reddened forehead. Talin blinked at him, processing the question. He rubbed his eyes and shook his head, trying to keep most of himself behind the door. "I'm not sure. Gimme a minute and I'll find out." "Hey, thanks buddy." The friendly bear of a man smiled broadly and headed back up the hall. As Talin closed the door he could hear a hammer hitting something repeatedly and the power saw again. He shook his head as he walked around the bed towards the bathroom, amazed that Remy hadn't been awakened by the racket. He still slept soundly, his mouth open slightly, feint snores coming from him. Talin smiled at the mental picture and went in to shower. He felt foggy headed as he let the hot water beat on his shoulders. It couldn't have been more than two or three hours since they'd gone to sleep. Sometime he knew he was going to have to catch up or he was going to get really cranky. Talin didn't do well without getting enough sleep and this was the second night in a row without much rest. He stepped out of the shower and dried his hair vigorously and almost lost his balance from getting dizzy. He blinked into the mirror and saw sparkles in his eyes, the little electrical flashes that he got when he was light headed. Then he noticed something else. For the first time he actually noticed his own form in the reflection. He was aware of his body, of his build, but had never really thought of himself as attractive. His eyes went back and forth critically, noticing the definition of his muscles and the slender shape of his face, wondering how he looked to Remy. He smiled slightly and tossed the towel in the hamper. It made him feel funny. He dressed in running shorts and pulled his hair back into a ponytail and grabbed a tank top on the way out. Remy was still dead to the world and he chuckled as he let himself out. He looked like a small child with the peaceful expression on his face. Talin headed down the back stairs into the kitchen. Danny looked up from the table and stopped his coffee mug halfway to his mouth, smiling. "Morning, sunshine!" He said and sipped at the hot brew. "Sleeping in today?" "What time is it?" Talin asked as he poured a cup for himself. "Almost eleven." Danny chuckled and folded up the paper he'd been reading. "Where's your faithful side kick?" "Still zonked out." Talin sat down and yawned. "Where's Reba?" "She went to get her hair done for tomorrow." Danny leaned back and stretched. "Matt went shopping with Mrs. Parsons so you guys won't starve for the two days we're gone." Talin smiled. "Do you know if Reba has a key for that top bedroom at the front of the house? The contractor guy wanted to know." He sipped at the coffee and felt its wonderful healing properties begin to soak into him. "I don't know why she'd lock it anyway, but it is." "No clue." Danny got up and went to the counter. He started some toast for Talin. "So can I ask you something? I mean sort of point blank?" "Sure." Talin said nervously. "What's up?" This morning I got up about six thirty and was going to go running. I stopped by Remy's room to see if he wanted to go." He looked sideways at Talin but there wasn't any malice in his eyes. "Is there something going on I should know about?" Talin felt a cold pit form in his stomach, a rock the size of a brick. In less than a second several scenarios had gone through his mind about what he should say, and he imagined every reaction Danny could have from rage to acceptance. Fortunately he didn't have time to answer. "I slept in Talin's room." Remy said as he came down the stairs. His hair was still damp, and his eyes were puffy. "Talin saw a ghost and I didn't want to stay in my room." He stopped at the end of the counter and leaned against it without a trace of humor in his face. "Oh." Danny smirked. "A ghost, huh?" "Tell him Talin." Remy said defiantly. "Tell him what?" Talin asked feeling his face start burning. "Which part?" "All of it." Remy poured a cup of coffee and sat down at the table. "See what he thinks." "I've got to hear this." Danny topped off his cup and sat down, listening intently and expecting there to be a punch line. As the story came out and Talin described exact details of their encounters his smile slowly faded and he found himself leaning forward. When Talin finished he sighed heavily and leaned back in his chair. "You two haven't ever bullshitted me before, not like this. So was it the ghost that tore up your room?" he asked Remy. "Tore up my room?" Remy was confused. "I never even messed up the bed last night. I was laying on top of it. I just took my clothes off and stretched out, you know?" "When I stopped this morning to see if you wanted to go running it looked like you'd dumped your clothes all over the floor. I thought you were just a slob." Danny's eyes narrowed, still expecting the joke to come out. "Yesterday when I went in there everything had been put away. I thought Reba or Mrs. Parsons had done it. I didn't." Remy felt the hairs on his arm stand up. "Now you say it's a mess?" "Like a tornado hit it." Danny sipped his coffee. "Go look for yourself." "No." Talin said forcefully. "Don't go up there by yourself." He reached for Remy's hand under the table. It wasn't missed by Danny but he didn't say anything. "So let's all go up and look." Remy suggested quietly. He met Talin's eyes and let go of his hand. "Will you come with us?" He asked Danny. "What, are you kidding?" Danny stood up. "I wouldn't miss it." They took the back stairs up to the third floor and came out between Remy and Talin's rooms. There were three bedrooms along each side of the hall and the mysterious locked bedroom at the end of the hall. There were two contractors in the room next to Remy's working, one in the hall on his knees taking up mop boards, and the leather faced man that had knocked on Talin's door was making notes in a small spiral pad. He smiled and walked over towards them. "Did you find the key?" "No." Danny said. "Can you get to the hinges from out here?" "Not really." The man pushed his hat back and scratched his head. "It'd do god awful damage to the trim." "To bad we couldn't crawl in through a window or something." Remy suggested. "I never really thought about that." The man chuckled. "All them old window catches are the same, easy to open." He took a putty knife out of his tool belt. "Slide this in between the panes and slip it to the side and you're in." "Isn't it like a thirty foot drop?" Danny asked. "That would be crazy." "Naw, naw." The man waved his hands. "There's a safety line in our job box. Nobody would fall." "I could do it." Talin looked up at Danny. "I'm not afraid of heights." I also want to see what's in that room, he thought to himself. Whatever was behind the ghost was in there, he was sure of it. Danny looked at him dubiously. "Do you have any idea what Reba would do to me, let alone Michael if I let you fall on your ass from the third story of this house?" He shook his head. "Not just no but hell no." "Jesus Christ!" Remy said from his door, looking into his room. Danny jerked his head towards him and went to the door. Talin began to shake as he forced himself to follow them. He wasn't prepared for what they saw. The room was chaos. Both of the high backed chairs had been upended and the bed clothes had been torn off the mattress. Remy's clothes were scattered as though a gale force wind had hit the room. The bed was moved away from the wall, and the closet and bathroom doors were opened. Danny's jaw dropped open. It hadn't been this bad when he looked in earlier, just messy. Talin backed up against Remy and started when they touched. He couldn't stop shaking even when Remy's arms slid around him. There was something here, he could feel it, and it hated him. He watched as Danny carefully stepped over the strewn clothes. The contractor whistled in amazement. "Boy, some party last night, huh?" "Remy, get your things and take them to Talin's room." Danny ordered, putting his hands on his hips. His face was pale and there were pink splotches in his cheeks. "Talin, help him." He looked up at the contractor. "Show me where we can get to that window." "Fuck that." Remy mumbled. "We aren't staying in here by ourselves." Talin nodded in agreement, pulling Remy's arms more tightly around him. "Fine, we'll get your stuff later." Danny stepped back over the piles and out into the hall followed closely by the boys. "I'm not buying into this bullshit. I want to get to the bottom of this right now, and if you two are pulling some kind of joke I'll skin your asses." "It's not funny to me either." Talin said quietly. "Yeah, I'm laughing my ass off, ha ha." Remy said and swallowed hard. Danny stopped and looked down at Talin's face and let the irritation slip out of his features. "I'm sorry, stretch. I didn't mean to sound like an asshole." "I'm okay." Talin answered. He carefully stayed under one of Remy's arms as the maneuvered through the workers in the hall. They stopped in front of the door and Danny rattled the knob. Talin stayed behind him and close to Remy. "Why would this door be locked anyway? It doesn't make sense." Danny said. "Unless something was in there." Remy said pointedly. Danny looked at him and pursed his lips. "What?" "Remy, it pays a lot of attention to you." Talin said quietly and looked up at him. "In all the books I read the poltergeist would focus on one person." "So what the hell does that mean? It doesn't want anyone in there but me?" Remy asked sarcastically. He grabbed the door knob and twisted it to make his point and it turned in his hand. He yanked his hand back like it had been burned. The door opened silently about an inch. "Oh shit!" He whispered. Danny looked at the door that had only seconds before been locked. He was dumbfounded. Even the contractor at this point had figured out that something wasn't right. Danny reached out and pushed on the door, half expecting it to creak loudly like an old Hollywood movie, but it silently turned on its hinges. Inside was an ornate bedroom decorated in late nineteenth century furniture and heavy velvet wallpaper. Thick velvet drapes hung from the windows and there was a fireplace between them. Some kind of painting hung over it covered with a heavy sheet. The bed has a mahogany four poster with a hand knotted spread, and there was a huge roll top desk against the wall. In the center of the floor there was an oval mahogany table and two oval backed chairs. Talin followed the others slowly into the room looking around. There was even a sort of Sherlock Holmes pipe lying in an ashtray on the table. He noticed that no one was touching anything. On the floor there was a huge thick Persian rug over hard wood. Everything was dusty, but it wasn't like the movies. There were no campy cobwebs. He was drawn to one corner of the room where there were shelves filled with books, every one of them a hundred years old or more. "Wow." He said softly. Remy slid the top of the desk open carefully. There were several bound journals and a pair of spindly looking eyeglasses. An ink well, long since dried out, and a fountain pen sat in one corner. Various papers stuck out of the cubbyholes. Danny sighed and stopped in front of the fireplace with his hands on his hips. "Do you have a ladder?" He asked the contractor. The man nodded and backed out of the room with his eyes wide. Something did not feel right in there. Danny reached up to pull the covering away from the painting so he could peak underneath and as he did so it slipped away from the corners an fell off, settling heavily to the floor. Talin heard the sound and jumped. He spun around and immediately caught sight of the painting. His heart began to slam in his chest and he couldn't talk. His skin went clammy as he stared directly into the face of the ghost. In an instant he could see it in the hall, its cold dead black eyeless sockets staring at him. He felt a cold breath of air blow past him, chilling him, and the door slammed shut. He didn't realize that he'd screamed. "Talin!" Remy grabbed his shoulders. "Talin, look at me!" Talin's face had gone sort of blank and he blinked before looking up at Remy. "I'm right here!" Talin rushed forward and wrapped his arms around Remy. "Easy, ok? I won't let anything get you." "I don't think it's Talin he's after." Danny's composure was slipping as he looked up at the painting. The hair on his neck stood straight out, and he took a step back, his sense of reality threatening to shut down entirely. "What?" Remy asked and glanced over his shoulder. In the dust motes that filtered through the sunlit windows he looked up at the painting. "Oh God." He said in a hush. Talin had already seen it, he knew what was on the painting and he was not going to look at it again. Standing next to the ghost, who was dressed in a suit and high collared shirt was a tall boy of about fifteen, also in a suit and high collar. The painting had been protected by the covering, and the colors were vivid. The eyes of the boy were a lively green, and his wavy chestnut brown hair fell nearly to his shoulders. It was Remy. "Do you believe me now?" Talin sat on one of the lounges next to the pool with his knees drawn up to his chest rocking gently. He'd all but ran down the stairs and out of the house. Remy sat on the end of the lounge with his head in his hands. "I believed you before." He said quietly. Talin slid his legs down to each side of Remy's hips and put his arms around his waist, leaning his head on Remy's back. "Now what do we do?" "I have no idea." Remy answered uselessly. They looked up as Danny walked out of the house carrying a stack of old newspapers. "I found these in the room." He said and set them on the table. "They're all dated about the same time. Around August of nineteen oh four." He sat down and looked at them again, a sly smile coming to his face. "So, did we decide we're an item?" Talin put his head back on Remy's back and ignored the question. "So what the hell is going on? What does the ghost want? I'm not going back in there." "So far it hasn't hurt us." Remy said gently. "Maybe it just wanted us to see the picture." "Wanted you to see it." Talin corrected. "None of the rest of us could open the door." He shivered thinking about it. "You could help me go through this stuff so we can find out." Danny decided to talk to them later about their budding romance. "Remy, would you go up and get the journals out of the desk? The contractors are up there so you won't be alone. Talin can go through them and you can help me with the newspapers." Remy hesitated but nodded. He slipped out of Talin's arms and stood up, stretching his back. He glanced at Danny and made a decision and bent over to kiss Talin lightly on the lips. Without a word he walked away towards the house. It wasn't exactly an act of defiance, but Danny correctly deduced that it was an act of someone that wasn't going to review it with him, either. Talin was left feeling a little strange, not sure if he should be embarrassed or expecting a lecture. He looked uncomfortably at Danny. Danny smiled and shook his head. "Don't worry, I'm not going to say anything." He said to his nephew. "You might want to be discreet around Reba. She may not be as understanding as I am." "It just sort of happened." Talin said, pulling his knees back up. He slipped his tank top off and put it on the back of the lounger. "We never really got to talk about it much with everything going on." He leaned back and felt the sun soaking into his skin. "It's sort of confusing. I don't even know what's going on." "I remember." Danny chuckled. "I wouldn't worry too much right now. You both need somebody right now and you're lucky you can rely on each other. Remy hasn't really had the deal with Anne set in yet, though. It's going to happen, Talin. Just watch for it." "Okay." Talin rubbed his face and felt the lack of sleep making him groggy in the sun. "So what do you think about the ghost?" "I don't know. I'm still not sure I believe in ghosts." Danny scratched his head. "Right now you're the only one that's seen it. The rest of us have seen strange things, but not the ghost. Does that make sense?" Talin nodded. "I don't doubt what you saw, I just don't have an explanation. There's nothing in these papers that I can see." Remy carried a stack of bound leather jacketed journals and books to the table and set them down. "The contractors took the door off its hinges. I told them it was okay." He sat down on the lounger and flopped back into Talin's lap. "In awhile I want to move all of our stuff to one of the bedrooms on the second floor. The ghost can have the third floor rooms." "It hasn't bothered my room." Talin said. "I don't really want to move but you can if you want." From the moment Talin had stepped into his room he'd been very comfortable. It had windows along two walls, a fireplace, and clean white walls. His room had been remodeled at some point and he liked it that way. I wasn't creepy like Remy's. It had thick blue carpet and modern chairs. The bathroom was white marble and chrome. "I promise you that Matt won't, um, disturb you guys while mom and I are gone." Danny chuckled, briefly making eye contact with them. "Move your stuff in my room." Talin said, rubbing Remy's strong shoulders. "It won't mess with us in there." "How do you know?" Remy asked and closed his eyes. "Because I know." Reba Glenn sat on one of the leather couches in the library and stared at the painting the contractors had brought down from the third floor. It was leaned up against the wall near the door, and Daniel stood propped against the piano with his arms folded. He'd told her a lot of the story about the bedroom but none of the details about Remy's room or the ghost in the hallway. Remy and Talin had moved Remy's things to Talin's room which Danny had covered by saying that the contractors were going to work in there. They were supposed to be napping. He rubbed the bridge of his nose. "It's uncanny, Daniel. I don't understand it." She glanced at him and smiled strangely. "It's as though he sat for the portrait." She sipped at her cup of tea and set it on the low table in front of her. "You say the room was locked?" He nodded. "When I was shown the house it was open. It's the only time I've been in there." "I believe it, mother. I think one of the workers locked it and just didn't want to tell us." Danny looked up at the painting again. "I had them take the door off the hinges." He lied smoothly. "When they clean the room they can replace the lock so we have a key." "Well good." Reba picked her tea up and sipped it again. "I don't suppose Michael's called?" She asked, dropping the subject. They discussed the details of the trip to Salt Lake City, leaving Matt in charge of the boys, and making sure there were funds for Mrs. Parsons if they were needed. Jonathan would go with them to care for Reba like he always did when she traveled. After dinner Danny followed the boys up to their room. Talin stood at the door until they'd come through and then closed it. Remy sat on the end of the bed and Danny in one of the over stuffed chairs by the window. Talin went to the table and picked up one of the journals and handed it to Danny. "You need to read this." He sat down in the other chair and pulled his legs up beneath him. "The ghost built this house. His son Robert died here of diphtheria. I think they're both here." "Wow." Danny opened the journal to the page Talin had marked. All of the pages were hand written in beautiful script. "I thought you were going to catch a nap." Talin shrugged. "Okay, so you have an idea of what happened. What are the details?" Remy sighed through his nose and flopped back on the bed. "The guy, Augustus Brauer, was a real estate guy. He owned shit loads of the Denver area. He even had his own bank before he died." Talin rubbed his face vigorously. "His wife died giving birth to his son Robert. Robert's older sister Elizabeth was already married." He yawned hugely. "Anyway, it's real obvious that Robert, or Bobby, was Augustus' favorite. You have to read how proud he was of him. He got sick like I said. I haven't finished that part." "That's something anyway." Danny set the journal on the table. "Okay, here's the deal guys. Reba and I leave at eight thirty in the morning. I want you two down on time for breakfast so you can see us off. After we leave I want you guys to stay out of Remy's room and the room at the end of the hall until I get back. I told Matt to kick your asses if you go in there, got it?" He smiled slightly at them. "I mean it guys, I don't want you messing around in there until I'm back. Read the rest of this and see if you can put it together, but stay out." "What do we do if it comes back?" Talin asked quietly. "What do you want to do?" Danny shrugged. "If it was me I would've already moved to the second floor." "We could always go to a hotel." Remy said through a yawn. "And leave Mrs. Parsons?" Danny asked. "You could, but I don't think that it's that dangerous, guys. Maybe a little spooky..." "Please." Talin rolled his eyes. "If I thought it was gonna kill me I would've gone back to San Diego already. You guys are being way dramatic. It scared the shit out of me, okay? I'm over it. I want some sleep." "Your call." Remy said and sat up. "So we're clear, right? You'll be down for breakfast, and no one goes into those rooms until I get back." Danny stood up. They both nodded. "My cell number is on the fridge. Call me if you need too, okay?" He headed out the door. "G'night, guys." "Night." Remy said and closed the door behind him. He turned and looked at Talin with a lopsided smile. "You are so full of shit. `It scared me but I'm over it'. Bullshit." He chuckled and sat on the end of the bed. Talin stuck his tongue out. "What was I supposed to say? Please, Unca Danny, Please! Save me from the evil ghost!" He said in a falsetto voice. Remy cracked up and Talin chuckled. "Look, it's nine already. Can we fuckin' sleep tonight?" "I hope so." Remy yawned again and pulled off his t-shirt. Maybe if I got you to hang on to tonight I won't sleep walk." He tossed the shirt on the floor. Talin uncoiled out of the chair and walked over, handed the shirt back to Remy, and pointed at the hamper. Remy sighed and carried it over, finishing undressing to his boxers and dumping everything in the hamper. Talin went in to brush his teeth. In a few minutes they traded places and Talin tossed his shorts and tank top in the hamper. He stretched hard and pulled the covers back to get into bed. Remy turned off the bathroom light and stumbled around the bed to turn off the main light. "So why do you think that painting looks like me?" He asked as he slid under sheets. "I don't really want to think about it any more tonight." Talin said. He sighed deeply as Remy slid up behind him and looped his arm around his side. "Yeah, me either." Remy mumbled and settled his head on the pillows. After several seconds he smiled in the darkness and slowly began to rub Talin's washboard stomach, not saying a word, just wondering what would happen. Talin's eyes opened and he twisted to look over his shoulder, grinning. "What are you doing?" "Don't you like it?" Remy asked. He tried to move his hand away but Talin caught it between his. "Yes. It just surprised me." He twisted around so that they were facing each other. "Remy, I told you I don't know hat to do. I've never done anything like this." His hands began to shake as his mind imagined what might happen next. "So tell me if I do something you don't like and I'll stop." Remy whispered quietly. He leaned forward and touched his lips to Talin's like the caress of silk and then when Talin accepted it he licked his tongue lightly across Talin's top lip and then the bottom. Talin inhaled sharply and giggled. "God that makes me crazy." He whispered. "Trust me, it gets better." Remy grinned and then kissed him again. This time their tongues met and Talin moaned. He slid one arm under Talin's side to embrace him and let the other hand trail down across Talin's defined chest and stomach where it came to rest on his manhood. Talin groaned a little louder and wrapped his arms around Remy's neck crushing them together. Remy gently pushed him away after several minutes of the intense kiss and began to kiss and lick his way down Talin's chest, pausing on each nipple and outlining each muscle. Talin rolled on to his back and had to fight the urge to writhe on the sheets. He had been more than just a little bit afraid of what to expect, and now as his nerves began to light up he was unable to keep him self from falling into what was happening. Remy's tongue made circles around Talin's navel and he carefully and slowly slid his strong fingers under the waist band of Talin's briefs. Talin seemed to love bikini briefs and speedos which was just fine with Remy. He had the body and build for it, and Remy was driven crazy by his deep California tan. He smiled slightly as he wrapped his fingers around Talin, realizing that for his size Talin was pretty well endowed. He glanced up and met Talin's glacier blue eyes. "We can stop if you want too." Talin shook his head and sat up grinning. "No, but I want to touch you too." He Pushed Remy onto his back and crawled on top of him, locking their lips and tongues together again. He followed Remy's expert directions and explored his body with his mouth. When he got to Remy's boxers he glanced up excitedly and Remy chuckled, raising his hips. Talin carefully slid his boxers over his hips and off, taking several seconds to look at Remy's hardness. "Wow, it's beautiful." He said in awe, carefully wrapping his hand around it. "Don't let me hurt you, okay?" Remy laughed and rolled on top of Talin. "If it hurts you're doing something wrong." He hooked his fingers in Talin's briefs and slid them off. Talin only had a few seconds to worry about being embarrassed before Remy had him in his mouth, and Talin was pulling at the sheets. He arched his back, fighting not to thrash away as feelings he'd never had before screamed through him. "Oh my God!" Talin grunted. Remy's tongue would not hold still, and it was like time was standing still. He had no idea how long Remy worked. Remy gently slid his legs up and moved to lick the sensitive skin at the base of his balls and Talin froze, unable to do anything but whimper. Remy's hand was still occasionally stroking his engorged cock, and when Remy licked his ass Talin thought he was going to physically explode. Remy's tongue darted all around his ass and over his balls, and then he stuck his tongue into to Talin's ass and Talin felt a wave of pain that was the most glorious thing he'd ever felt. He almost folded in half as his orgasm hit, his stomach crunching so hard it was like granite it. He convulsed hard enough to lift him off the bed and his semen arced high up over his head and hit the wall with loud splats and then landed on his chest and face. He was shivering when Remy slid up next to him, carefully licking his fluids off as he went. Talin wrapped his arms around Remy and buried his head in his chest moaning softly. "Good, huh?" Remy smiled and kissed Talin's forehead and swept his sweat soaked bangs out of his face. Talin had tears running down his cheeks in emotional overload. Remy held him and let him come down. "I love you so much." Talin said almost silently against his chest. "Huh?" Remy leaned back and lifted his chin. "I couldn't hear you, baby." Talin met his eyes and sniffed loudly. "I said I love you so much it hurts." Fresh tears rolled down his face. "I never felt anything like this before." "Easy, Tal. I love you too." Remy kissed him gently. "Just relax, okay?" Talin nodded and let his head fall on Remy's chest again. They were quiet for several minutes and Remy stroked Talin's back. "I want to do that to you." Talin said sometime later. Remy chuckled. "If I tell you something will you promise not to gross out?" Talin nodded, looking at him seriously. "See, there's three kinds of gays. A top that likes to screw the other guy, a bottom that gets off from being screwed, and a switch hitter that likes both." "Which am I?" Talin asked, still very serious. Remy grinned and kissed him again. "I hope you're a top. See that's what I don't want you grossed out by. I get off from being fucked. I love it." Talin's eye brows knitted together. "You mean you want me to put my, uh..." Remy nodded slowly. "I want you to fuck me." Talin seemed to consider it for several seconds. "What if I, you know, can't last long enough for you to get off?" Remy rolled onto his back and pulled Talin onto his chest. "Well since you came once already it'll take you longer the second time. You aren't as sensitive now." "I'm also soft." Talin smiled, resting his chin on Remy's muscular chest. "I can fix that." Remy grinned like a wolf. "Do you want to try it?" "Yeah, sure. What do I have to do?" Talin asked innocently. He had only the most vague idea of what Remy wanted. "Hang on." Remy climbed out of bed and went to his suitcase. Talin had several seconds to admire his muscular form in the moonlight as Remy searched his bag. He finally came back with a small blue tube and climbed into bed. "What you do is what I did to you, but instead of using your tongue on my ass you put this on your fingers and work it into me." He handed the tube to Talin. "It's really slick lube. When my ass is slick you put some on your dick and slide it in. The rest is easy." "What if I cum?" Talin asked dubiously. "What if I can't pull out in time to..." Remy put his fingers over Talin's lips, silencing him. "I don't want you to pull out." Talin's eyes widened in surprise. "I just want you to do it like you want, okay?" He piled the pillows up behind him self so he was reclining, lifted his legs up so his knees were bent, and pulled Talin into a long kiss. Talin was grinning when he pulled away from Remy's remarkable mouth. He was already feeling aroused again. He wrapped his fingers around Remy and began to stroke slowly as he kissed his way down his chest and stomach. He couldn't resist his curiosity when he got to Remy's cock and slipped his mouth down around it, enjoying the taste and satisfied with the low groan he got from his new lover. He moved up and down for several minutes, almost forgetting what it was that Remy wanted him to do. There was a tap on his shoulder and he looked up to see Remy holding out the little tube. "You can do both at once." Remy said breathlessly. His face was sort of red and the muscles of his stomach stood out sharply. Talin nodded and took the cap off. He drizzled the stuff on his fingers and put his mouth back over Remy, slowly beginning to massage Remy's ass with the lube. It was a lot slicker than he thought and a little bit went a long ways. He experimented with the pattern of his massage, enjoying the way Remy jumped or moaned. Remy's hips would move in time to what he was doing, and feeling a little devilish he slid his index finger in all at once. It was well lubed and popped in and Remy moaned loudly. Talin was fascinated by the feel of Remy's rectum as he slid the finger in and out, and after a minute or two he put in a second finger. Remy threw his head back and almost purred. Talin had long thin fingers, and he knew what was coming. Talin was close to eight inches when he was hard and thick. He closed his eyes and admired his pupil's work, feeling a warm glow building in the pit of his stomach. "Do it, Talin." He whispered. Talin pulled his fingers out and poured some of the lube onto his own now hard again cock. He was surprised at how eager he was to make Remy happy and to try this new love act. His hands were shaking nervously and he leaned forward and lined up. He looked up at Remy and Remy smiled and nodded, and Talin moved forward. It was a lot harder than he expected to slide in. Talin was instantly worried the he was going to hurt Remy. He could feel an almost painful pressure on himself, and he looked up at his lover, his feelings evident on his face. "Push!" Remy grinned. Talin nodded and shoved hard. There was a silent pop as he cleared the first muscles and Remy grunted. Talin took a deep breath and shoved again, sliding all the way in. Remy crunched up briefly and then relaxed, nodding. "Good. Take it easy at first." Talin could feel the tightness around him and closed his eyes. God it was wonderful. He slowly began to slide in and out, short thrusts at first and then he felt more secure and made long pulls and thrusts, almost pulling all the way out and then going all the way back in. Remy's face was pure bliss when he looked up at him often, and as his confidence increase he leaned on one hand and used the other to stroke Remy's cock. Again time seemed to be a distant thought as they fell into a rhythm together. Remy would feel it coming as Talin would increase the tempo and then relaxed as Talin would slow to almost a stop. After what seemed like an eternity Talin felt the pressure building inside his lower abdomen again, and he knew that he wasn't going to last much longer. He could also feel the tension in Remy's body building with each stroke. He tried to keep his breathing even but it wasn't working anymore. Remy was floating in that place in his mind that only seemed to be there when he had the sex of a lifetime. Every nerve in his body was tingling, and Talin may not know it but he was extremely talented. It wasn't wham bam we're done. He naturally knew how to draw the experience out and enjoy it, and because of Remy's position on the pillows they were able to touch and kiss the whole time. Finally Remy knew that he would be done soon. He couldn't stop it and didn't want to. The tightness in his balls was getting painful. He urged Talin to go faster with his legs and collapsed back on the pillows gasping. Talin was going as fast as he could now, and he couldn't stop if he wanted too. He gritted his teeth and tried to concentrate on Jacking Remy as the world seemed to go foggy around him. He cried out as it hit, sending him in to a frenzy. He felt Remy tense up under him and grunt and he opened his eyes just in time to see a huge ropey line of Remy's fluids sail up onto his chest followed by another. Talin let go and pumped everything he had into Remy, falling forward onto him and feeling Remy's cock pulsing sticky juice between them. His mind drifted off into a total zone out as he felt Remy's arms come up around his shoulders. They stayed that way for several minutes, neither moving, catching their breath. After several minutes Talin slid his now soft member out and crawled farther up onto Remy's chest and laid his head on Remy's shoulder. There were definite advantages to being short, and he really liked being held like this by Remy. Remy kissed his neck and let his head fall back. Talin pulled the sheet up over them and they were asleep in seconds.