Date: Sun, 24 Jan 2016 01:05:21 +0000 From: Matthew S Subject: Finding My Voice - Chapter one. This is my first time ever writing a story though I've been an avid fan of Nifty for a while. It's something I've been meaning to do for a while and would greatly appreciate any feedback you have for me. Please feel free to email me at even if it's just to tell me that you liked/hated the story. Apologies for any typing, spelling or grammatical errors. This story will contain sexual scenes but is also a story about a teenage boy growing into himself and his sexuality. Although I have borrowed from my own life and experiences, any events that seem similiar to your own lives are purely coincidental. All copyrights for this story are held by me. If it is not legal for you to read this story, then that is a decision that you need take yourself but any consequences of that decisions are yours. The story is set in England where the schooling system works in numbered year groups. High school for us is from age 11 until 16 or 18. The two year groups referenced in this story are year 8 (turning 13) and year 10 (turning 15) - - - - - - - - - Finding My Voice - Chapter one. For the first 13 years of my life, I was always the quiet one. The shy boy, at the back of the classroom, who you never really heard speak. So much so that I doubt a number of the other kids in my year even knew I existed but this was fine with me; I was happy to be invisible and would likely have remained that way if it wasn't for the 'once in a lifetime' trip to Germany that came up at the end of my time in Year 8. See, my parents and teachers had both noticed that I didn't really interact with anyone at school and, unbeknownst to me, had been having regular meetings about this across the last 3 months. It was decided that I would go on this trip? "It'll be a good way to make friends," my mum had stated, "What have you got to lose?" I'd wanted to scream at her, to tell her that I didn't want to make friends. That I had spent my entire life trying to stay out of sight. That when someone spoke to me it felt like a spotlight was shining down on me and lighting me up for all to see. That my throat damn near closed up and my heart pounded in my chest every single time I had to reply to a question. But I couldn't. I guess I didn't want to disappoint her; she looked so hopeful when she told me that I had been 'chosen' to go away. Things had been hard for my mum since my dad had died. Finding her sobbing downstairs into the shoulder of a policeman was, still, one of the worst memories I had and one that I was sure was going to remain forever. I suppose it didn't help that he and I looked so much alike, even more so now that I was getting older. From my messy blond hair that refused to behave to my small, skinny frame that never seemed to get any bigger, we were like two peas in a pod. Or, at least, we would have been if that driver hadn't been drunk. So I did what I had to do, I agreed and forced myself to go. So here I was, 1pm on a Saturday afternoon, waiting to board a coach for what would be nearly 24 hours of travelling. Our school wasn't well off, this trip was paid for out of some grant they had been awarded and the money didn't reach as far as flights so it was a coach ride down to Dover, a ferry over to France and then an extremely long coach ride over to the town in Germany where we were going to stay. As I put my bags underneath the coach, my teacher came bounding over to me, her brown eyes twinkling with excitement. "Aaron!" she yelled as her hand clasped my shoulder, "I'm so glad you came. I think this trip is going to be fantastic for you." Before I had time to respond, she hurried me onto the coach and instructed me to sit at the back, where a small group of boys and girls from my year were already sat, chatting. Mistake number one; I tried to sit down where I'd been directed to. "What do you think you are doing?" came a shrill voice from the seat opposite mine. "I.. er... she..." The words wouldn't come out. Her eyes narrowed at me. I was face to face with Kelly Damms, Goddess of Year 8 and the face of many a boy's jack off fantasies. Hell she probably would have been mine if I wasn't gay. Instead my palms were sweaty for a different reason, my heart pounded out of fear instead of lust and my mouth was left empty and dry. "These seats are for the popular people," her tone mocking, as if she was speaking to someone half her age, "Run along and find somewhere else to sit." The laughs from the rest of the group made it very clear that I wasn't wanted so I moved. Heading down the bus, I took the first empty place, placing my carry-on bag on the seat next to me in the hope that it would deter someone from sitting with me. Feeling the coach's engine start up, I looked out of the window and mentally kicked myself; two minutes into the trip and I'd already messed up. For the next two hours, I went through all the responses I could have given. All the different ways I could have stood up for myself or could have cut Kelly down to size. I always did this. Analysed situations afterwards, looking for what I should have done. It was pointless. It didn't change anything and, the next time I was put on the spot, I'd be exactly the same. Just a dumb idiot with no voice. Luckily, my bag defence worked and the rest of the coach trip was uneventful. When we got to Dover, I just went straight to the front of the ferry and stayed there, watching the water. Something about the crystal clear water must have hit me because, without realising it, tears began to fall from my eyes. Waves of panic started to flood over me; I didn't want to be here. I'd never been away from home before. I didn't know anyone and those I recognised didn't want anything to do with me. My breath started to become shallow and my body began to shake. "Looking for the dolphins too huh?" a voice came from next to me. It was deep, with a honey like quality. So calm and steady. It felt like the sound enveloped me and, in an instant, the panic faded. "Seen any?" I looked up to see a face I had pictured in my mind many times over the past year. His dark hair, medium length and always perfectly styled. A few strands crossing over his warm brown eyes that stood out against his soft, blemish free skin. I had no idea who he was but his face was always one that stood out to me in the halls at school. In fact, it was seeing him that first got me thinking about my sexuality and he had been a star in my dreams since then. He turned to me and smiled, revealing a perfectly straight set of white teeth. Oh god... he had said something hadn't he? what did he? oh.. dolphins! I shook my head, not trusting myself to speak. "Oh well, I'm sure you will soon. They are supposed to come to the front of boats like this and jump in the waves, at least that's what Miss Raymonds said." This time I managed something that sounded somewhat like an 'uh huh' but my cheeks were burning bright red and I knew he couldn't have failed to notice. "You go to Rockforth Academy too don't you? I'm Kieran." He held out his hand but I just stared at it like a fool. After what felt like an eternity, he moved it towards me and, instead, patted me on the shoulder as he walked away "Well, if you see any let me know." 'Hello, I'm Aaron. No I hadn't known about the dolphins, that's really interesting. By the way, I think you're beautiful. Kieran - what a fantastic name. How do you get your hair so perfect?' All of these thoughts and more ran through my head for the rest of the ferry ride. Granted, some of them I definitely shouldn't have shared but I could have at least offered him my name. The boy of my dreams had been trying to speak to me. HE had spoken to ME and instead of even being polite, I had ignored him. I knew that this was a moment I was going to replay for a long time and was still going through it in my head when I took my seat on the coach again. A few hours after we set off from Calais, the sky outside began to darken. Miss Raymonds turned out the lights on the coach and explained to everyone that we were going to be driving through the night and told us to try and get some sleep. I placed my earphones into my ears and tried to purge the memories of the day from my mind. Despite my intentions and several hours of trying, sleep didn't come and I ended up just sat there listening to my music. Out of the corner of my eye, a light flashed. Looking over to the other side of the coach for the first time, I saw Kieran, alone and on his phone. His eyes were darting across the screen as if he was reading something. I started to notice movement as my eyes adjusted to this new light. His hand lifted up the front of his shirt and started to move slowly across his body, I could just about make out his toned stomach; a developing set of abs that he was now tracing with his long fingers. From the light on his phone, I could see his eyes survey the bus. Whatever he was checking for, he didn't find it and a few moments later his hand moved down to the front of his grey jogging bottoms. My god... my eyes fixated on the bulge just waiting there. His fingers seemed to dance a familiar pattern as they teased, touched and tugged at his cock; the outline becoming more and more visible. My experience was limited given that my mum's internet controls were particularly harsh but from where I was, he looked to be huge. His chest began to rise and fall quicker as he slid his hand into his joggers and grasped his thickening teenage meat. Eyes fluttering, his movements became quicker. My own cock was struggling against my boxer-briefs inside my jeans and I had to resist the urge to move my own hand; I couldn't let him know I was awake and could see him. His mouth appeared to twitch as he moved in his seat, my hand now quickly gliding over his cock. His legs flexing as he thrusted into his own hand. To be his hand right now - to have the honour to touching what I imagined to be a beautiful dick. My cock was now fully hard and throbbing against its confines, desperate to be free. In my mind, I imagined pulling it out and joining this sex god in front of me. His body began to jerk and I knew he must be getting close. His eye screwed up and those perfect teeth bit into his bottom lip; he was cumming. His creamy, teenage load fired into his pants. The pleasure pulsing through his body was evident and the post-orgasmic glow was so beautiful that I experienced my first hands-free orgasm. My own 13 year old cock pulsed in my jeans and pumped load after load of fresh spunk into my boxer-briefs. I could feel it against my skin and had to grit my teeth and close my eyes to stifle a moan. When I opened my eyes again, I could have sworn Kieran was looking at me. But that would have been impossible; the bus was pitch black, I could only see him because of the light of his phone. There was no way he could have seen me or known I was awake. I was still looking at his face as sleep took him, he looked so peaceful and it wasn't long afterwards that I closed my eyes and drifted off too. "Come on guys, we're here!" Miss Raymonds chirpy voice pulled me from my sleep. The bright light burned my eyes as I awoke, my body aching from being stuck in a seat all night. By the time I became alert enough to look around, Kieran had already left his seat. I tried to get up but was pushed back by one of the boys from Kelly's group. "Sit down loser, don't you know that freaks get off last?" his friends chuckled as they past by. Picking myself up, I clambered out of my seat, picked up my bag and headed off the coach. Everyone was gathering in front of a huge, bright white building. 'Wow' I thought to myself, 'They may not have paid for flights but there was certainly no expense spared on the hotel!' Miss Raymond commanded everyone's attention, "Right guys, we're in rooms of 3 and 4 so decide who you are rooming with." Oh god, I assumed we'd have our own rooms. I have no-one to room with. I'm just going to be left. As the crowd got into groups and started to collect their room keys, the panic in my chest began to grow. I was going to be the last one left and no-one would want to room with me. Miss Raymond's eyes fell on me and a look of disappointment flashed over her face, "Aaron, all of the year 8s have already picked their groups. Did you not talk to them on the coach?" I wanted to cry. The same feelings I had on the ferry came rushing back when, suddenly, I felt a warm hand on my shoulder. "He's rooming with us, Miss," that same calming voice; the boy of my dreams. "Hmmm..." Miss Raymond began, "I'm not sure Kieran, it would be a bit unusual for a year 8 boy to room with 3 year 10s." "Oh come on Miss," Kieran replied, "You said yourself that all the other year 8s already had rooms. Besides, we're already mates." His arm slipped over my shoulder as he pulled me against his body. His warmth radiating against me. "Is that true Aaron?" Miss Raymond asked, she was clearly concerned that these boys were up to something and, to be honest, the thought was crossing my mind as well but before I could even think about it, I felt myself nodding. "Ok then, I guess he can room with you." She spun on her heel after giving the key to one of Kieran's friends. I turned to look at the beautiful boy who had saved me from complete embarrassment and was greeted with that warm and friendly smile once again. "Come on then Aaron," he said with a wink, "Let's go see our room". - - - - - - - - - Thank you for reading chapter one of my story. I hope you enjoyed it - please feel free to give me any feedback at, I'd really appreciate it.