Date: Tue, 2 Jan 2007 12:49:36 -0800 (PST) From: T. Chase McPhee Subject: For The Love Of Michael 02 The story below is a work of fiction, set in the format of reality. Any resemblances to real people, alive or in the hereafter, is entirely coincidental in nature. It is not meant to accurately reflect upon persons, in towns, cities, countries, nor governmental areas, which the story is staged. If a sexual scene involving male-to-male relationships offends you, then you should not read this story. Additionally, if you are under 18 years of age, in most state and countries, you are not allowed to read this story, by law. Check with your local laws regarding such. % Sexual safety matters. Remember guys, this is fiction. In real life, use protection. % "For The Love Of Michael" 02 wriTten by T. Chase McPhee % Dean wondered what the fascination was in Juan. As he and Michael talked, from across the waves, he saw Michael's hand occasionally pat Juan on the shoulder. Then something totally remote entered Dean's brain, Juan's comment, getting Michael to `dick you'? A loose term thrown around, by the age of sixteen, it was something to be thought about. Nobody Dean knows, has actually been `dicked'. Yet, it was a term used sometimes to show how `tough a guy can talk'. `Talk the talk' and `walk the walk'. At least it's how guys like Dean understood it to mean. He got to thinking then, did guys like Jim Hart ever really `dick' a guy? Looking at Michael, one of the taller guys, standing there at 5'10" tall, he seemed mighty powerful, hefting his wet bod out of the water. He wondered if Michael ever `dicked' a guy. Then something really weird came over Dean. Thinking about all this `dicking', made his dick hard! "I saw Michael talking with you Savage. What's up?" "Nothing." "Something better be up, Savage, if you don't wanna get `dicked'!" Dean gulped. If anybody, the worst possible scenario he would want to happen is to picture himself humped over one of the jon sinks, Jim Hart's dick planted in his ass! "Nothing yet. We just met." "And?" "Nothing." "Nothing? Michael was over hear talking to you. It had to be about something." "He asked me if I was friends with you," Dean reported honestly. "And?" "I told him I... was?" "Doofus!" It's all the accusation Dean needed. Surely he was going to be `dicked', by the timbre of Jim Hart's voice. But no, he rubbed his hand over his face, erasing the true feelings, substituting a likeness for Dean. "Listen, Savage... when Michael asks you if you like me, tell him `no'." "No? I don't get it." "You will. Trust me." Reverting back to his discussion with Juan, it's one thing Dean disliked. Trusting Jim Hart. But what could he do? Either trust Jim Hart or one of two things could happen. He could either have his gut bashed in by Jim Hart's gang or get `dicked' by Jim himself! % Later on, as he was changing back into his clothes, Michael approached Dean once more. "You know you're not a bad looking guy?" >From playing with the knot in his sneaker, sitting there on the lockerroom bench, Dean looked up. "You talkin' to me?" "Nobody else around," Michael replied. Looking around, Dean had to make sure he was the only one. "Trust me." It's the second time today a guy said the same thing to him. Only, Dean had no cause to disbelieve Michael Malcovich. "I do," He replied, confidently. "I've seen guys like Jim Hart come and go." "Yeah, and?" Dean questioned, thinking Michael was making a point. "He's using you, you know?" "I'm afraid I don't get you." "Jim Hart. He's using you to get to me, because he know's he can't take me down by himself." Right now, Michael was talking a lot of sense and Dean knew it. He figured it better to play both sides of the field, rather than lie and get himself deeper into trouble, especially knowing Michael knew what he was talking about. It's what it seemed. He had to act fast here, not keeping Michael waiting. Not that it posed any kind of threat. "Maybe." It bought Dean some time to think. "You can tell me what he's up to or you can think of how it's going to be for yourself when Jim Hart's plan unravels." Funny, Michael talked sort of like how his therapist did, the one he started seeing last year. He trusted his therapist. Why not trust Michael? Besides he kind of liked Michael, the way he talked. Calm. "He wants me to ask you to do my social studies project with you." True, it's one thing Jim Hart `wanted' him to do with Michael, even though he suggested it. "Tell me something, Dean?" "What?" "Has any guy ever threatened to `dick you'?" Forming a perfect `O', Dean's mouth showed the sudden surprise of Michael's question. Michael went on to say, "That's what Jim Hart has threatened you with, isn't it?" Not about `dicking' him, but other issues, Michael presented them in exact manner the school therapist questioned him last year. Last year he was willing to lie, disavow any happenings, mainly because Dean was scared shit to tell. However, being of the same age, speaking so calmly, Dean felt it alright to be on the same level with Michael. After gulping, he nodded his head and shared, "Yup." "Like I said, you're a cute guy." As he walked away from Dean, Michael called back, "Let me know tomorrow the subject of our social studies project, okay?" Another nod and the sixteen year replied, "Yup." % Copyright 2007 T. Chase McPhee This story may not be sold, nor made part of any collection, without prior consent from the author.