Date: Thu, 19 Feb 2009 23:36:48 -0800 (PST) From: Corey N. Subject: The Forbidden Love of a High School Boy: Chapter 4 Alright here is the new chapter! Please keep letting me know what you think, I love hearing what you guys have to say an what you'd like to see happen!: This is fictional work, not based off of real life. If your under 18 you know the drill, do not read further. If this is illegal in your country/state do not continue. The Forbidden Love of a High School Boy: Chapter 4 Jared had left me in the silence that night, his face remained calm and peaceful. I sat in the moonlight. What have I done? Why would I say that! I laid there for the rest of the night, lost in the fear that was gripping me, I felt sick. I felt stupid. I laid there for hours until the sun began to creep into my room through the open doors. I finally began to feel tired, the sleep I had been avoiding finally caught up to me. I was afraid to sleep, afraid of Jared coming back to me being asleep, afraid that I'd miss a chance to talk to him before Luke was there once again. I sat up and fixed my pillow, just as Luke walked into my room from the deck, his swimming trunks were on and he was shirtless. "Good your up! Time to surf!" he said and walked back out of the room. "Shit..." I whispered. I sat there for a moment. I could fake sick? But what if Jared is there... I forced my feet to move and crawled from my bed and wondered to the closet and stripped down. The heat was already rising. A light sweat had built up on my body. I pulled on my trunks and a muscle shirt and headed out of my room wearily, I walked out carefully into my hall listening for Jared's voice. Nothing. I wondered down the staircase to find Luke in the front hall, a bag slung over his shoulder, keys in hand. "I got everything already, lets go" he said smiling. No rage. He wasn't mad... Jared must not have said a word. Where was he? "Is Jared coming?" I asked as we walked out the front door, closing it behind me I found only two boards on top of Luke's jeep. I climbed in and behind me sat everything we needed. "Ya..." he said as he climbed in tossing the bag into the back seat, "... he's gonna meet us there. He had to go somewhere this morning so he dropped Kaci off at her friends. Why? Don't want him to come?" Luke asked, glancing at me questionably while he started the car and buckled up. "No, no... just wondering..." I said absently. I looked out the window. I watched the houses go by as finally I could hear the sounds of the ocean. I took a deep breath in as the crisp air met me. I knew this is when I could let this all go for a bit, go out and just lose myself for a while. Finally parked and changed, we wondered down to the water with our boards. The beach had a few people here already. Most probably hiding from the heat in their houses. Around us people laid out across the warm sand bathing under the sun, while the heat was at a low point in the day. I needed to the into the cool water, the heat was making me even more tired. I started for the water but Luke wasn't moving. "You coming?" I asked turning and following his gaze. Down the beach, where the sand turned to rocks, they gradually climbed up forming a tall cliff jutting out deep into the ocean. There, were the tallest of the waves we could see today. Or at least that is what Luke saw. I could, unlike him, see the tall jagged rocks that those waves were viciously slamming into. "No way in hell" I said looking wide eyed as a large wave struck the rocks hard. I looked at Luke shaking my head. He laughed at me. "Good, you won't be doing it, I am" and with that he walked away. "Luke! Don't be stupid" I called out running after him. "I've been doing this longer than you man, don't worry, I'll be fine" "Luke this is stupid..." I began, but off he went into the water. He began to paddle out into the water, the waves were hard, pushing him back harder and harder but on he continued. Soon he was out far enough he that he slowly turned his board around and sat up. Behind Luke a large wave began to rise, I stopped breathing. The wave struck Luke and I lost sight of him in the splash, but there he was, standing up, he seemed to hover as he slid flawless across the wave, but something seemed to be wrong. He was still riding the wave as he neared the rocks, he should have veered away by this point. No... Luke suddenly fell as the large wave he was riding struck another wave as they met near the base of the rocks. I lost sight of him as the waves sucked him below the surface. "Luke!" I yelled out, dropping my board I ran to the water. Now a few people stood around me, somewhere a whistle blew as two lifeguards ran past me but they quickly turned left, running towards the rocks. I turned to follow their gaze as I saw Luke's body drifting in towards the beach. He wasn't moving. I had lost track of everything around me as I watched Luke's body be pulled from the water. He was limp, and did not appear to be conscious. Around me people began to gather as I stumbled forwards. A lifeguard stopped me, "he needs air he had said". I dropped to my knees near by him, watching his chest. There was no movement, tears were in my eyes. I followed his body down to see his left arm was all bloody. His arm was broken. The bone had burst through. My stomach lurched; his head was almost bleeding from somewhere I could not see. Oh god, breathe Luke! One of the life guards bent down and began to do chest compressions, and mouth to mouth. In the distance I could hear the sounds of sirens. Hurry, I thought. I sat alone in the room, people wondered by out in the hall. It was six o'clock now. Luke laid in the hospital bed motionless. He was still unconscious, his head had a large bandaged wrapped around it covering the ten stitches he needed. His arm was now covered with a large cast, and his right cheek had a long scratch running down it, as did his back and stomach from the hard, rocky ocean floor and rock wall he had hit. The monitors next his bed slowly beeped as they had for hours now. The doctor said he would be fine, when he would wake up they didn't know, but he would be staying in for the night for observation. I sat there longer, guilt seemed to be a pattern for me. Permanently screwing things up with Jared, and now Luke. Why didn't I stop him? Make him wait... Someone knocked on the door, I looked up as they cleared their throat. Jared. He was looking at Luke with concern as he stood in the doorway, then looked to me. Even more worry seemed to build in his face as his eyes rested on me. "Alex..." he began. "He's fine" I whispered, I stood up looking away from his gaze. Pretending to rummage through the bag Luke had packed me that was sitting on the window behind me. I was happy the life guard had though ahead, taking me to get the stuff from the car. Changing from my wetsuit was never a though at the beach but by noon my wet suit was adding to my discomfort. "Can I come in?" he asked quietly, he was being cautious. And I was being an ass. I sighed and looked back to him. "Of course..." I said, but I couldn't seem to get anymore words out before everything hit me. My voice cracked. He came to me quickly, and stood next to me his forehead creased with concern but his eye were steady, his smile didn't falter. I looked up at him and he wrapped his arms around me slowly. He was being cautious, I could tell he was checking what my boundaries were. I let his strong arms fold around me, and as I moved against him he pulled them tight around me. Tears began to flow from my eyes as I put my arms him, my head rested against his chest. My tears staining his deep blue shirt that clung tightly to his body. I breathed in a staggered breath, savoring his scent. His cologne was deep, manly, I closed my eyes as the tears began to slow. His chin rested on top of my head, his warm body pressed against mine. I knew it was for comfort sake, but in my head, in that moment it was more, at least for me. "Are you alright?" he asked quietly. I knew it was time to let him go, but I couldn't. Despite the awkwardness growing he did not seem to waver with his grip, he did not move away, he did not move at all, simply held me there, his body against mine. "Alex, are you alright?" he asked, I could sense the concern now creeping into his voice. He pulled away and I let my arms fall, he instead sat on the very edge of the bed eye level with me. His hands held my arms. His eyes on mine, studying my face looking worried. "Yes..." I whispered. I tried but couldn't seem to look away from his perfect face. His hair was artfully sculpted as always, his skin was a covered in a light tan, flawless and smooth. I never had been so close to him. "You looked exhausted" he whispered, and frowned, he knew why. I could see everything from the night before coming back to him. He sighed and looked over to Luke. "How did you know we were here?" I whispered he looked back to me. His hands were still on my arms. He looked back to me. "Well I sat at the beach for a few hours, kept calling the house and no one answered. I finally went to Kaci's friends place and her mom told me what happened. I came right way" he looked back to Luke. "I should have called I'm sorry" I said, looking at Luke as well. "What did the doctor say?" he asked, looking back to me. "Alex sit down" he said, you look dead on your feet". He stood and guided me back and sat me down on the chair. I did as me wanted me to, and he leaned over pulled over another chair close to mine. He sat down and looked at me. "His arm is broken, his heads cut and he's got a concussion in all likeliness. They don't know when he'll wake up..." I whispered. I studied Luke's peaceful face. "He's gonna be fine Alex ok, I promise" said Jared, his hand rested on my knee as he looked at me. I nodded. I hated finding comfort in his touch. When he leaves I'll be a mess all over again. "But... what happened to him?" asked Jared, he kept studying my face which slowly dropped. "We went surfing... and he went over near the cliff. He went and fell, hit the rocks... I should of stopped him" I whispered, I looked back to Jared who was already speaking. "Its not your fault Alex. You know Luke, he's stubborn, would have gone even if you said something" he said sternly, his hand went to my shoulder, rubbing it slowly. His leg rested against mine. "It's ok" he whispered. I nodded but in my head I still disagreed. I slowly began to drift off. I awoke to voices and slowly opened my eyes. I looked quickly to Luke. Nothing, he was still sleeping. I glanced to the door to see Jared talking to the doctor in the doorway. "Maybe you should take the young man home for some rest, Luke won't be awake for a while. I can get your number and will call you if there are any changes?" said the doctor. "Ya he's pretty bushed. I'll take him home and make him sleep, and yes here's my cell" said Jared, I watched him write his number down on the doctors clipboard and turn back around as the doctor left. He smiled at me and came back into the dim room, sitting back down next to me. "Common, I'm taking you home, you need some sleep" he whispered to me. I looked back to Luke frowning. "Common Alex, you need sleep, you look so tired" he whispered., "and the doctor will call if there are any changes". "Then you'd have to come and tell me, you need to sleep. I can stay here" I said quietly. Jared sat there looking like he was deep in thought. "Fine then I'll spend the night at your place then" he said, then stood and grabbed my bag of clothing from the window. I stood and made sure Luke was covered up properly. "Common he's fine Alex" Jared whispered into my ear, and with his hand on my back he led me from the room. He smiled at me as we walked down the empty hall, passing the desk a pretty young girl checked Jared out as we wondered by. A twinge of jealousy built in me. He smiled at me as we walked into the elevator and pressed the button for the main floor, I leaned back against the wall of the elevator as he slowly went down.. I was finally feeling tired, the day was finally getting to me and I didn't feel like I could even stand. I should have told Jared the truth... that I just didn't stop him. He'd be mad... "You ok?" Jared asked me, he was watching me. Leaning on the opposite wall of the elevator, his head cocked to one side. He looked amazing. Perfect. "I'm fine" I said, looking away his gaze. The doors opened and I quickly stepped out. We wondered from the hospital out into the darkness, and through the almost empty parking lot. The air was hot out here, worse than the hospital. I heard the beep of Jared car unlocking, and I slid into the passenger's seat. I buckled up as the trunk of the car shut and Jared climbed into the drivers seat without my bag. I closed my eyes, my head against the window, and watched as the lights began to flash by me. Slowly my eyes closed, as the lights began to become one. I woke as the bed shifted, I opened my eyes to find I was shirtless. I had on only my boxer-briefs that I had on today, I then realized what I was laying on. My head rested on the chest of Jared. My arm was laying across his stomach to the other side of him. I looked up, he was propped up on a pillow, and smiling down at me. "I'm sorry I woke you didn't I?" he said, his voice was like music to me. "The hospital called and Luke woke up... but he slipped back out of consciousness, but he's fine" he rushed out as he watched my eyes open filled with worry. "It's my fault..." I whispered out, "... I never stopped him, I should have tried harder" I said as I rolled over looking away from him. I saw the clock. 3 am. We had left the hospital at about 11pm. Had I been sleeping on him since? "Alex, he wouldn't have listened to you. And he's going to be fine. It's no ones fault ok" he whispered, I felt him shift, his warm breath on my bare neck. His body laid right behind me, so close. "Common Alex..." he whispered. His hand went to my shoulder and turned me to my back. He continued to pull me so I was facing him. "Alex, don't blame yourself ok?" he whispered, his face was serious and solid, much like stone. His eyes seemed to plead with mine. "Ok..." I whispered. I couldn't take my eyes from his face, his perfect lips were lighter u close against his tan skin. His nose arched in a perfect slope from the tip to the bridge. His long eyelashes shaded his perfect blue eyes that looked into mine. My mind reeled as he softly let out a sigh, his warm breath against my face. "It's so hot in here" he whispered, and sat up. "Don't leave me..." I whispered sitting up quickly. He looked at me, studying his face. "I won't" he smiled. He quickly pulled his shirt off and tossed it to the floor. He laid back down next to me on his side. "Have you slept?" I asked. "No... I stayed up incase they called" he said quietly, " you had a vice grip on my neck" he grinned. "I'm sorry" I apologized, looking at him worried. "Alex, I'm kidding", he whispered grinning at me, "... I didn't mind", he said quietly. He turned and once again laid on his back. I laid there motionless, I studied his face as it looked at the ceiling. He looked deep in thought. "You should sleep more" he whispered, glancing down at me. "I don't think I could", I said quietly. "Sure you can" he whispered, and slowly, like in the hospital, reached over with his hand and pulled me too him. I moved with him as he pulled me, my body meeting his seemed like electricity through me. I let my head rest on his chest. Jared's hand went to my shoulder, and with his finger tips, slowly slid down my arm. He traced absent lines across my skin, going down my shoulder to my back and retracing his path. I sighed as I couldn't help but feel relaxed. But slowly I had to wonder, would this change when Luke is better? Was this all just an act if kindness being warped into something more in my mind? Shut up Alex, I thought, your ruining this... I opened my eyes to find I was still in the same place, my head on Jared's chest, his arm beneath me. I looked up to his face, he was asleep. His chest rose and fell softly, I smiled. I traced his muscles with my finger, lightly running it over the six rifts that made up his stomach. His skin was smooth below my finger, which slowly moved upwards, stopping right across from my face, resting on his strong pec. I smiled to myself. Then I heard my stomach grumble, I sat up slowly, trying not to wake him. I gently climbed from the bed to the floor, and stood there looking down at Jared. He looked beautiful. My stomach grumbled again. "Damn" I whispered quietly to myself, it would wake him up if I didn't eat soon. Hadn't eaten since I don't know when. I quietly left my bedroom, happy that he decided to take me to my house and not his. I knew where the food was at my place. I wandered down the stairs and into the kitchen. I looked around, what could I eat? I decided to make waffles. Breakfast in bed? He deserved it... after putting up with me last night. I began to get to work, pulling out the waffle maker and heating it up I began to mix everything when I heard footsteps behind me. But before I could turn around, familiar arms wrapped around my waist. His hands locked together in front of me, and his chin rested on my shoulder. "Good morning" he whispered into my ear, his warm breath sent shivers down my spine, and my neck got goose bumps. I couldn't help but smile. "Good morning" I said back to him, setting down the whisk as I felt his lips press against my neck. I moaned a little as his lips continued to work their way up to my ear. "Alex" he whispered to me. "Yes?" I asked. "Alex..." he said gently again. My eyes opened. I looked up to see him smiling. I was in bed. It was... just a dream. "I'm sorry... but I uh... I need to pee" he whispered. I looked at him questionably, then realized I once again had my arms locked around his body. "Oh..." and I let go, he smiled at m and stood up walking to my bathroom. I laid on my back starring at the ceiling. It was so real... it was perfect. "Could of held it longer" I whispered to myself as I heard the toilet flush. I rolled quickly to my side, facing away from him. I listened to him move about the room, and he came into view as he walked to the door leading to the deck. Déjà vu much, I thought to myself. I watched him as he looked out to the back yard. From the corner of my eye I could see the clock, 5am. "Mind if I close these and the blinds? I think we should both get some more sleep" he said, looking back to me. I nodded, and he smiled back at me. He shut the doors, and let the curtains fall from their holders on each. "I talked to your parents, they called a little while ago. I let them know that Luke is fine, and they will call today and see how he is. No use rushing back when he's going to be home tomorrow, maybe even today" Jared said, I watched him walk back to his claimed side of the bed in the dark. "Do you mind if I get a little more comfortable?" he asked sheepishly. "No, its fine" I whispered. But my eyes were wide. More comfortable? I then heard his belt unbuckle, and his jeans fall to the ground. Lord help me, I thought to myself. But after that I did not feel him climb into the bed. I frowned, and rolled over a little to see him standing there. I was thankful for the darkness still in the room or in all likeliness I would have began to gawk over his body. "I can go sleep on the couch" he said, and smiled at me. "No..." I said that a little too quickly, "... this is fine". He still hesitated. I could not let him go. If this was a one night thing, one night to be this close I was not going to blow it. "You said you wouldn't leave me" I said quieter now, I felt a little guilt myself for this guilt trip. I rolled onto my back as I watched as he stepped closer to the bed and sat down, laying on his back next to me. A fair amount of space between us, he must have been hugging the edge of the mattress. I rolled over, my back again to him. "Alex I'm... I'm sorry for yesterday" he whispered, finally breaking the silence that seemed to be dragging on. But I remained quiet, remembering the hurt I felt just watching him stare at me. Not knowing any thoughts that ran through his mind as he slowly turned and left the room without a second look at me. "I shouldn't have left..." he continued on. A million words seemed to be building up in me. Everything trying to escape at once, but simply jamming up in my throat. His hand went to my shoulder; hesitant once again. "Please forgive me?" he asked, his voice was different. A sadder song, it was thick from the apology. I simply nodded. I felt his body shift closer, his hand went from my shoulder, down and under my arm. It gripped my chest and pulled me back. I inched back and met his body, his chest rested against my back as I felt his waist slide up against the back of me, and his legs met mine. He continued to pull me against him as his body slowly bent at the waist, I curled up slightly at my waist, fitting right into him. His other arm underneath him slipped under my side I rested on, and also wrapped around me. His hand spread across my chest, the other my stomach, and he pulled me closer to him. I felt like I couldn't breath, but didn't need to. "Jared..." I whispered out, surprised I had the strength too, I felt so weak in his arms. "Shhh..." he lightly whispered to me, "...sleep, we can talk in the morning" he was still whispering, his breath raising the hairs on the beck of my neck, which was met by his lips. He gently kissed my neck, leaving his lips to rest there. I could feel his lips slowly pull into a smile before kissing the side of my neck. I felt his nose rest against the back of my neck as he fell still. I could feel his chest rise and fall against my body as he drifted to sleep. And I could not seem to stop myself from doing the same. Finally feeling calm once again, I felt safe inside his arms. I could only feel the familiar fear of this all being a dream begin to grow inside of me, before I was lost in the sleep that quickly claimed me once again.