Date: Mon, 27 Aug 2007 07:15:18 -0700 (PDT) From: YerrBoi Subject: "His smile" Chapter 6 Hello everybody, welcome to chapter 6. First of all, let me say I'm really sorry for making everyone wait this long. I hadn't intended on it, but a couple family emergencies brought my writing to a halt. But I also had to make sure this chapter came out right, so finally, without further ado; Chapter 6: Highs and lows "I'm really happy you changed my mind", Henry says in a gentle whisper face to face cuddled in my arms . "So am I", I reply. "I wish I didn't have to leave you"- "Shh, let's not talk about it. Just enjoy the moment". He smiles and kisses me on my forehead. I wish this moment could last forever: a beautiful spring night, with a cool breeze blowing through my cracked window, all alone in my room with my most favorite person in the world right now. Sadly, I know my mother and sister will be home from shopping within a half hour, and I'm not supposed to have company at night while no one else is home. Especially in my bed. My phone rings next to my bed and I see its Drew calling. I don't want anything to disturb my time with Henry, and I haven't figured out how to tell him about Sandra, so I ignore the call. "Do you think I could spend the night tomorrow"? I thought he would never ask. "Definitely, I mean, it's up to my mother. Are we starting to feel a little bit horny"? "Ha ha ha, maybe, but that's not why I asked. You know my dad, I've just been sneaking in after he falls asleep and leaving before he wakes up. He really doesn't want me in the house but I don't think there's anywhere else for me to stay. Tonight I'm cool because Ricky's staying with his girlfriend, but tomorrow they'll both probably be at the house". "Oh I see. Well sure, better than risking your life going at home. I'm sure my mom would understand". "Thanks, but could we not tell her about that? I don't want to have too many people involved". "Don't you think you should tell someone? What if he or your brother snaps and seriously hurts you"? "They're crazy but they're not stupid. I know they wouldn't want to jeopardize their freedom...again". "But Ricky at that party"... "Alcohol was involved. Don't worry, I'll just give them a few nights to calm down and I should be able to go back to get my things and leave on Thursday". "Okay then, we'll just make up a story so you can stay over tomorrow". "Thank you", he says before kissing me for like the 50th time tonight. Each one seems sweeter than the last, and starting to turn me on. So I kiss back, deeper than usual, and move closer so that our bodies are pressed together. He begins to moan when my tongue enters his mouth and just as I began to take off his shirt, I hear my mother walk in downstairs. "Damn"! I whisper. "Don't worry baby, before I leave we'll have plenty". "I'll hold you to that. There's no use trying to sneak out now, we might as well go help my mom with the bags", I say for fear of what she'll think if she caught him sneaking out rather than leaving through the front door. He squeezes me one more time and gives me another kiss before getting up and walking downstairs. My mother is walking into the kitchen as we are walking out. "Hey Dare, I didn't know you were having company", she says as if asking a question instead of making a statement. "Yea, you remember Henry right? They're painting at his house tomorrow and he wanted to know if he could spend a night or two"? "Sure he can honey. I can take you two shopping for prom together, how does that sound"? "Great mom, thanks"! I exclaim a little too excitedly. When I turn around to see Henry's expression I realize he's not there. "...where", and he walks in with half the bags from the car. "Oh my Lord. Oooh yes son, he can stay the whole week if he wants to"! "Haha, that's cool with me". It's really hard not to be aroused now, especially with his normally subtle muscles bulging out of control from lifting all those heavy bags. "Stop looking at my friend mom". "Oh, sorry, just go get those bags NOW", embarrassed? As Henry and I walk out the door he nudges my arm and whispers, "I think it's safe to say your mom likes me". "That is so not funny", I reply nudging him back. We get to the back of the car and I notice Tori is just standing there eyeballing me. Henry is between us, not really paying attention to her, and she's pretending to be looking through the bags but with her head turned firmly in my direction. After Henry gets a few more bags and makes his way into the house, I move over to question her. "What the heck are you staring at"? "You know what. Don't even act like you don't know what". "I don't know what". "Oh come on Dare, what else??? Super hot Latino school jock who enjoys wearing thin shirts with nothing underneath skips out of the house with you after being alone for who knows how long with a happy-go-lucky cheesy smile splashed on his face...that doesn't sound just a little bit suspicious to you"? "Uhhh...not...well..." "You weren't `wrapping sausages' in there...or were you"? "No! We did no such thing. We were thinking about it, but nothing happened". "DEREK"! "SHHHH"! "Derek! You'd better be careful with this guy, and I mean that in every way possible. If mom finds out you'd be out of a home". "You think so"? "I know so. Now hush, she's coming outside". "Get those last bags and get ya'll tails in here! Don't make Henry do all the work"! Tori got a couple bags while Henry made his way out again. "Don't screw it up", Tori whispers. "Hey what were you guys just talking about"? Henry asks seeing the worried look on my face. "Nothing important". "Do you need anymore help"? "Nah I got it, thanks a lot for helping us". "No problem, I think I should be going home now. If I time it right I can get in while my dads too busy watching The Simpson's to care". "Okay". I look around to make sure nobody's watching then pull him under the hood for a nice big kiss goodnight. "See you later baby". "I love it when you call me that, see you tomorrow". Oh how I hate to see him leave, but he looks so good walking away. That is one nice as- "Derek get in the house with those bags"! -Forgot I was on Earth for a second. My mother made sure to remind me. That night was filled with sweet dreams of Henry and I. Most nights are anyway, but these were better because I wasn't in a pissy mood when I woke up. This time I could really do to him in real life what I was doing to him in my dreams. My family noticed the good mood I was in; Tori knew why, but my mother didn't question me. So it's no surprise that Hilda, being as all knowing as she is, would notice it also when she picked me up for school. "Hmmm, someone's in a damn good mood today", she says with that prying smirk on her face. "What can I say, life is good". "So you and Henry made up"? "More than that, we're going steady now". "Ahahaha, going steady...okay. I'm happy for you, so does that mean you can't take me to the prom"? "Right, but not for the reason you might think". "Uh-oh, this doesn't sound good". "Henry doesn't think he'll be going to prom. You know how expensive it is, and he needs to save up his money because he's going away very soon. But I can't go with you because Sandra asked me already, and I think she likes me but...Drew likes her and...I'm stuck somewhere in the middle". "Well I was just kidding; I found a date to the prom. But yea, you're in deep shit right now. Imagine the look on everyone's face when they find out you're gay", she says in a tone that I'm not sure is supposed to make me laugh or make me worry. "I don't plan on letting them know, at least not before prom comes around". "With the word floating around, and you and Henry both looking so happy together, it's only a matter of time before your closest friends find out. Hell, I did". "You know Hilda, sometimes I think you're an angel fallen from Heaven. Like you thought you were too good for Heaven so God just sent you back to Earth to annoy us all with your infinite wisdom". "Umm thank you..." "Thank YOU. I think I've got this under control, but I just might need you to get Drew off of me when he sees me walk in with Sandra". "Just say the word". "Alright, thanks for the ride again, and make sure you introduce me to your date". "Okay, see you in History class". So I think I've established nothing really goes on in any of my other classes right? Okay so let's fast forward to History: Henry walks in with the biggest cutest smile and comes right to my seat to give me a hug. I stop him half way and meet his hug with a high five. "What's up Henry"? He looks at me confused at first, then realizes the game I'm playing. "Oh, what's good Derek, ready to hand in that project"? I nod and we take our poster up to Ms. Verona. "Oh you two are finished? I've been so excited to see what you boys would come up with. Let me see what you made"! Hesitantly, we open the poster to show her our masterpiece, hoping she doesn't see the affectionate undertone of the drawing. "It's beautiful. I knew you guys wouldn't disappoint me; don't tell anyone, but you're my best students". "Thank you so much Ms. Verona", Henry says. "Blame Henry for this wonderful work of art, he did most of it himself", I say. "I can't take all the credit, you were there to inspire me the whole time". I nudge him a little, with him being so sweet to me all the time it's going to be hard to hide our relationship. And with him leaving, I don't think I'd be able to handle all the pressure of coming out by myself. "Ahem, well what's the meaning of this picture? You seem to be holding hands...racial equality right"? "Of course Ms. Verona, what else"? I ask sarcastically. Okay then, I'll hang it up in the class room as an example for the other kids. "NO!...I hate showing off, maybe you should wait till we graduate, that way the other students won't think you're playing favorites"! "Ooookay then, maybe I will. Still it's the best illustration I've gotten yet, so you two deserve A's". " Thank you Ms. Verona, really appreciate it", Henry says smiling. "Of course, hope to see you two at prom Thursday night". "Together"? I ask. Is she pulling my strings...trying to get me to out myself?! "Well...if you choose to go together, then YES. Most friends do instead of choosing dates anyway. What's gotten you so worked up Derek? You haven't had this much to say the entire year". "He's just finally warming up, you wouldn't believe how hard it is to get him to shut up", Henry says before pulling me to my seat. "Ouch, why the hard grip"? Henry sits me down and takes a seat next to me. Most of the rest of the class is busy pretending they finished the project, so nobody is really paying attention to us. "Derek, I understand you don't want the world to know you're gay, but you don't have to downplay everything that says we're cool with each other", Henry states firmly. "Well you don't have to flirt with me in public, HENRY"! "I wasn't flirting, I was being nice. Besides, you're hot when you're not thinking about it". "Okay okay, please wait until we get home to turn me on, and don't forgot I'm the one staying here alone when you leave. If the whole school finds out about me and you, in two days, it's only going to be me dealing with it". "I'm sorry, forgive me"? "And no puppy dog eyes in public. I can hardly stay down with your lip hanging out like that". Instead of kissing like we both want to, we slap hands and move back to our respective seats. Soon the bell rings, and we part ways until it's time to go home. Oh that Henry of it feels good to say that. I cannot wait to get him home and- "Derek"! Great. It's Drew. "Hey Drew, long time no see. What's been going on"? "I've been so busy getting ready for prom. You might've known that if you'd answer your phone". "Oh, I've been busy too. Busy busy busy, all day". "Do you know who you're taking yet"? Now how do I tell him the girl he has a crush on wants to go with me? "Actually I have a plan to help you out. Sandra and I decided a while ago that if neither of us find dates that we'll go with each other. And since you're too shaken up to ask her out, I'll ask her and you can come with us to prom. That way I can just go and hang out with Hilda somewhere and leave you two alone". "Awesome! I can't believe you would do that for me". "Hey, what are friends for"? "Thanks bro. I'll catch up with you later, I have to go and get the work I didn't finish". "Okay, see you later". Whoo, that went way better than I would have imagined. So after my final class of the day, I go outside to wait for Henry so we can take the bus to my house. The excitement is overwhelming, imagining that today I'll finally get what I've been dreaming of. I can hardly wait, I mean it's not like I've even had a sex life in the past my whole life. And call me impatient, but it's taking him a long time.. seriously. I walk into the bus to look at the time and it reads 3:19. The busses will be leaving in 6 minutes, and Henry was supposed to meet me here after putting his books in the locker just after 3:00. Rather than sit here and wait, I decide to walk around the school parking lot to see if I spot him. And wouldn't you know it, I spot him in no time, but he's talking to someone. I figure I might as well let him speak since we still have a little time before the bus leaves us. Walking closer to him, I realize that he isn't speaking, he's arguing. And even worse, the person not facing me, I think is his brother. Seeing that it's him immediately leads me to believe that Henry's in trouble, so I run over to see if I can help. As soon as Henry spots me coming, he yells "FINE", and gets into his brothers' car. Ricky gets in the drivers seat and they both speed off before I can get to them. But before they get out of eyeshot, Henry sticks his head out the window and does the "call me" gesture. I have a feeling this best day ever is all going down hill. That feeling is confirmed when my bus drives right past me and out the front gates without me. How could everything be going so right, and turn around so fast? Whatever the answer, I bet Ricky's at the bottom of it, and I'm getting tired of him messing up our relationship every chance he gets. Nothing left to do now but walk home with my mind wandering every terrible possibility. That's until Hilda pulls up beside me in the nick of time. "Get in, looks like we both could use a friend right now".And there you have it. You won't have to wait an entire month and a half for the next chapter. Questions and comments, e-mail me ( I would be really interested to know what you all think of the characters, where the stories going and where it's been. And of course, if I'm taking too long again, don't hesitate to rush me. Lol.