Date: Mon, 04 Aug 2003 21:04:16 +0000 From: Matt417 _ Subject: It's Gonna Be Love - Chapter 2 Disclaimer: This is a work of pure fiction and involves romance/sex between male teenagers. If this offends you, or is illegal in your country or state/province, do not read any further. Any comments and/or constructive criticism can be sent to Copyright(c) 2003 All rights reserved. It's Gonna Be Love - Chapter 2 By Matt417 It was the summer of our Grade 11 year. Ryan and I were spending lots of time together, as usual. He was working a minimum pay job at Mickey D's, and I.. well, I had to take a summer school course in chemistry. Sciences are not my forte, but we need at least 2 Grade 11 math/science credits to graduate. Ryan really didn't need the money, but he figured it would keep him busy in the summer while I was at school. Fortunately, the school was only one street down from the McDonald's, so everyday he cane over to see me. He finished his shift at 1:00 pm just half an hour before I finished summer school. "Hey studmuffin," I said, putting my arms around his waist. I'd just gotten out of school, and he was outside waiting for me. "Do you come with fries?" I asked innocently. "Sorry babes, you might wanna try Ronald McDonald instead." Ah! The very thought made me shiver. I probably didn't tell you, but when I was a kid, I was afraid of clowns. I hated them! But then again, I was afraid of Santa Claus. How many kids are actually afraid of Santa Claus?? I guess it makes sense now. Just think about it. An old fat man coming down your chimney sneaking around in your house eating your cookies and milk and yelling ho-ho-ho? There's something wrong with that picture, don't you think? "Let's go to my place." I said. "K, but no fooling around today. Last time, your mom almost caught us. We can't risk that again. We'll have to wait until she goes on another business trip, or we can go to my house." "Oh come on, she was at the bottom of the stairs when we heard her. You had plenty of time to hide and get your clothes on." "It was a close call though." "Never close enough." "She could catch us, you know." "Not my mom, she's too fat. We could hear her come up the stairs." "You're so mean to your mom, you know? Besides, she's not that fat." "What's your definition of fat?" I asked. "Okay, being 5'4" and weighing 200 lbs. is fat." "My mom's 5'7", and she weights 180 lbs. It's close enough. Maybe we should get her on a diet and exercise program." "You know Kyle, just 'cause you're hot doesn't mean you can make fun of people who aren't." "I can make fun of my mom, though." "It's not good to make fun of people behind their backs, you know." "It's just Mom." "You don't make fun of me behind my back, do you?" he said, his voice starting to crack. I stopped suddenly. Shit! How stupid was that? He would know, of all people, how it felt to be made fun of. I felt really bad. "No, Ryan. Of course not. You know I wouldn't do that. I'm sorry 'bout what I said. I shouldn't have been so insensitive." I looked around to see if anyone was around, and seeing that there wasn't, I put my arms around him. Ryan was still getting over the past few years of his life, being tormented by people. It was over now, but from time to time, I could still tell that it haunted him. I don't think he'll ever completely heal from his experiences. But at least those experiences made him stronger and made him a better person. I drove us to my place. I live in a comfortable setting. My dad had life insurance when he died, so my mom and I got a pretty good deal. Not that I preferred the money. If I could choose over my dad or the money, I'd choose Dad of course. We had a lot of good times together, though I don't remember them very well. I remember birthdays and playing Nintendo with him, and I think he was the one who introduced me to basketball. "The game of basketball is the safest sport there is." I think that's what he used to say. And I would imitate him in my cute baby voice and say, "Safes spowt thewe is." Anyway, my house is a two-story, 4 bedroom house. Our basement is unfinished, and we don't have an attic... but it's not too big, and not too small. I would prefer a bigger backyard and front lawn, but hey, gotta live with it. My house is the kind in the suburbs that looks exactly the same as the one next to it. Ryan, on the other hand, lives just a bit south from here. His house is in an older neighbourhood, a richer neighbourhood actually. His house is like mine except much more unique. We went in and I made us sandwiches for lunch. We sat by the TV, flipping through channels. There's really not much on daytime tv except for soaps and infomercials. We ended up watching an infomercial for an "ab-roller" which delivers results in "less than 10 days!". When Ry and me watch TV, we watch each other more than the TV screen. I know he said we shouldn't fool around since my mom could come home at any given time, but we couldn't resist. I lay down and put my head on his lap. He stroked my hair first, then leaned down for a kiss. "SPIDER!!" I yelled pointing to him. He yelped and rolled around on the floor like a madman. "It's still on your shoulder!" I yelled. "Get it off me!" "Hahahaha!" I was laughing hysterically. He was still on the floor rolling around. "I'm kidding, there's nothing, Ry." I admitted, trying not to make eye contact. He glared at me first, then smiled and charged at me. He pounced on me and brought me crashing down onto the carpet. We wrestled around for a bit, but I was more powerful than him, and we both knew that. I pinned him down, with me on top. I started to tickle him, demanding that he give up. "I'm sorry! I'm sorry! I give up!" he screamed. "And?" "I yield to you. You are my master, and I am your humble servant." he said, smiling. "Servant?" I asked in disapproval. "Slave." he said. "That's better." I said, leaning down to kiss him. "You're strong, and powerful, and you've got awesome muscles," he said. We got up off the floor and made our way to the couch. He broke our kiss and said, "But I'm still faster than you." He ran quickly up the stairs to my room and locked the door. I was close behind him, but didn't make it. I pounded on the door. "Let me in!" I pleaded. "Is that all?" he asked. "I am your humble servant." I said. "And?" "You're my master, I'm your slave, yadayadayada." "Say it like you mean it." "No!" I replied. "I'm going through your stuff." he said. That bitch! "Hmm... what's this? NBA Stats 2002-2003? Why don't we just take a look inside..." There was silence for a few moments. "Can I come in?" I asked. I heard a click, meaning the door was open. I turned the doorknob and saw Ryan with tears in his eyes. "What's wrong?" I asked. "Nothing. Absolutely nothing. It's just that everything is so right." Inside my stat book I saw the picture of Ryan I'd left in there. It was a picture I'd taken after he'd got his hair cut. On the picture, I wrote 'I love you'. "Too bad," he said. "Why?" I asked. "Because I love you more." The next week of summer was pretty brutal. I was struggling in Chemistry, and I had tons of work to do because of it. Ryan is a really intelligent guy, so he helped me through a lot of it. He has a 93% average so I don't doubt his abilities in Chemistry. Summer school was only 1 month long to teach 5 units, so there was a test every few days, and a quiz every single day. I wanted to do well in this course, but I knew that I'm wasn't the brightest. "Mr. Clark, do you think you can demonstrate the bonding between hydrogen and oxygen?" asked the teacher. "Umm... I believe it's ionic bonding, sir." "That's correct. Please continue." "Umm... the two hydrogens give up their electrons and the oxygen takes them. The hydrogens become negatively charged and the oxygen becomes positively charged. It makes hydrogen oxide, or water.." "Incorrect, Mr. Clark. The hydrogens become positively charged, and the oxygen becomes negatively charged because electrons are negatively charged, Mr. Clark. Every dimwit knows that." "Sorry, sir." "Don't be sorry for me, Mr. Clark. Be sorry for yourself." Even the easy questions I got wrong. Chemistry has a lot of math in it, and if you know me, you know that I'm no good at math. I don't like doing things systematically, I like finding my own creative solutions to problems. "Hey, Kyle. If you need help, you can come to me. I know Mr. Pikul can be dry, so I'm here if you need me." said a girl. "I'm Barbara, but you can call me Barbie." I almost laughed out loud at what she said. I tried my best to not laugh, and replied, "I'm Kyle, but don't call me Kylie, please." "Hehe, you're funny Kyle. And like I said, if you need help, I'm here for you." Barbie was... well very much like a Barbie doll. She had long blonde hair, blue eyes, slim body, and she could definitely be a model. Over the next few weeks, she helped me out a lot. She was right there in class, so she helped me out on the spot, so I didn't need to go to Ry for help anymore. We became pretty good friends, and even hung out after school. "You wanna go out? To dinner?" she asked one day. "Oh, I dunno, I've sorta got plans tonight?" I said. "With who?" I paused, before saying, "A good friend of mine. We've been planning to just chill downtown tonight." "Then you won't mind if I tag along?" "Actually... I dunno if you'd wanna come. My friend and I have known each other for a long time, you'd probably feel left out if you came." "Well okay, if you insist." I could sense that Barbie had a thing for me. She was coming to my school in September, because she'd just moved from another city. She was constantly touching my arms, looking into my eyes, and complimenting me on my good looks. I decided to discuss this issue with Ryan, but I knew he wouldn't be too happy. "Well is she hot at least?" he asked. "Well, yeah, she's a Barbie!" "Oh. Well, maybe if you just tell her you're taken." "She's coming to OTHS this year. She'll know I'm lying because everyone thinks that I'm single at our school." "Well we gotta something!" "Maybe we should just let things flow." "Or you could just tell her that you're not her type." "I'll tell her that when things get worse." Things did get worse, but for some reason, I just couldn't tell her that she wasn't my type. Ryan was right, I should've told her before she really started to like me. Barbie and I walked down the stairs after school, as I was expecting to meet Ry outside. "Kyle, babe, I gotta tell you something, okay? So don't leave just yet." "What is it?" She put her hands on my shoulders and kissed me. Her tongue started to probe my mouth, and she grabbed my ass cheeks which were covered by my jeans. I tried to pull back, but her hands were firmly planted on my butt so she moved with me. She finally broke the kiss to take in some air, and I used the opportunity to tell her that I couldn't do it. "Barb, I can't do this." "Why not, Kyle? You obviously like me. I can tell from the way you were kissing me." "No, Barbie, I'm just not your type. You should find someone who's... uh, more deserving." "You're everything I've ever wanted, Kyle." She kissed me again, and this time I knew she wouldn't let go. She was friggin strong! I opened my eyes and saw Ryan staring at us from across the street. He looked crushed. He turned and ran the other way. "No!" I hollered. "Kyle, what's wrong?" "I gotta go, Barb. I can't do this with you." She, too, looked crushed. I felt sorry for her too. But I had to go after my boy. I knew he was faster than me. By the time I turned onto the street he was on, he was nowhere in sight. Where could he go? He didn't bring his car. We rode in together in mine. I drove around the area looking for him. Then when I couldn't find him after an hour, I drove to his place. When I got there, there was a bicycle in front of his front door that obviously wasn't his. It looked battered and old. He must've stolen it to get home quicker. I knocked on the door. "Ryan, open up!" No response. "Ryan, please, I'm sorry!" I took out my cell and called his number. No one picked up, but I called and called again until there was no ring at all. He must've pulled out the phone cord. I decided to let him cool off and just call him later. His phone cord was still off the hook when I called him that evening. He must've been really pissed off. School the next day was pretty rough. Barbie refused to even speak to me, so I started to struggle again in Chemistry. After school, I went outside to look for Ry, but he wasn't there. I went over to the McDonald's to look for him. I went in and asked if he'd already left. They said his shift was over, but that they were supposed to tell me to meet him behind the dumpster. Well, at least he's in a talking mood, I thought. I got there, and found that it wasn't at all his intention. He stood there making out with another guy. A co-worker probably. I think I felt what Ryan felt when he saw me with Barbie. My own eyes started to tear, which rarely happens unless I get something in my eyes. "Ryan!" I said loudly. The boys continued to make out. "Ryan, this is childish." I decided to just leave. I went home, got on my computer to check my messages. There was one from an unknown user. It read: You know what's childish? You and your Barbie doll. Well guess what? I got my own Ken. I cried for the rest of the day and into the night. I didn't mean to hurt him. I had no control over Barb, she wouldn't listen to me. I didn't even like her. Summer school ended with me passing with a 53. It was a gift from God, I'm sure. If it weren't for Barbie and Ryan, I would've failed for sure. I hadn't talked to either of them since the incident. That was 2 weeks ago. I became depressed. I was so used to having Ry with me that I felt empty without him. If I could talk to him, I would tell him that I was sorry. I would tell him that it was my fault, because it was. I would tell him that I'm a good-for-nothing piece of shit because that's what I am. I knew that if I called him, he wouldn't pick up or his phone would still be off the hook. If I went to his house, he "wouldn't be home". So I applied to McDonald's. And I got accepted. But really, it takes no skill to be accepted by McDonald's. I made it a point to be in the same shift as Ryan. He must not have noticed that I was hired because he didn't change his shift time. I walked into McDonald's, wearing my tacky-looking uniform and feeling like an idiot. Remember, smiles are free, I thought to myself. Then, I saw him. He looked better than ever. In just over 2 weeks, I think he'd grown a bit and worked up some muscle. He looked at me, and for a split second I thought I saw him smile, but it must've been my imagination because he glared at me. My eyes fell to the ground, and I felt my heart fall with them. The supervisor went to Ryan, and told him that he was going to train me. Ryan protested for a bit, but finally gave in. "What are you doing here??" he asked, trying to keep his voice down. "I'm sorry Ryan. That's what I wanted to say." "There, you've said it. Now you can quit." "Why are you doing this to me? I said I'm sorry." "And I don't want to see you." "But I want to see you." "That makes you a stalker then, doesn't it?" "Is there a problem, Jameson?" asked the supervisor. "No, sir, no problem." Ryan told him. "Here, this is how you make a Big Mac." Ry said, speaking to me. He took a bun, placed a beef patty inside, topped it with lettuce, tomatoes, and the "special secret sauce" with ketchup and mayo. "Now you make one," he said. I got a bun, then went over to the grill to get a patty. FUCK! Oww oww oww... I burnt myself on the grill. "You idiot! Can't you do anything right? You can't even get a beef patty without fucking up. You're so stu-" He stopped. Then he gave me a sympathetic look, and said, "Let me see your hand." He examined me, and seeing that I wasn't bleeding or anything, said, "We'll have to get you some oven mitts." And then he smiled. My heart fluttered then, and I knew things would be better again. I went to the supervisor and said, "Thanks for the job opportunity, but I really don't think this is for me. But thanks for accepting me. I'll go change right now and bring you my uniform and cap." The supervisor looked at me dumbfound and as I was walking into the washroom, he yelled, "This institution desperately needs you! Please don't quit!" Ryan followed after me, but the supervisor stopped him. "Your shift ends in an hour." "No, actually it doesn't. It ends now. I quit." said Ryan. Now it was my turn to be surprised. The supervisor wasn't very happy. In the washroom, Ryan and I had a nice, long chat. "I can't believe you quit for me!" I almost yelled excitedly. "I can't believe you were hired and quit for me on the same day!" he said equally excited. "I missed you." "I missed you too," he said blushing. "Let's never fight again." "I'm sorry." "No, Ry, I'm sorry. It's my fault." "No, Kyle, you're just stupid." "What?" "You're stupid for coming back to me. After what I did to you, and after ignoring your phone calls and sending you hate mail, you still came back to me. You gotta be stupid to come back to me after that. I'm not worth it." he said. "Yes, you are. I may be stupid, but I'm still in love with you." I put my arms around him and kissed him on the forehead. Then I saw his wrist. There were cuts. Fresh ones that could've been done the night before. "Why did you do that?" I asked. "I didn't think I could live without you. I knew I messed up." "Don't ever cut yourself there again." I said sternly. "Not while you're still here." "Not EVER." I said in my most serious tone. "But-" "No, Ry. Please promise me? Promise me that you won't try to kill yourself or hurt yourself." "I promise." "Good." We changed our clothes and returned our uniforms and caps to the supervisor. He glared at us, probably muttering about how much he would love to kill us. As we were about to leave the "restaurant", I looked at the supervisor thoughtfully, and said, "What's wrong, mister? I thought smiles were free here!" Ryan laughed his ass off, and we both left, happy to be back together again. ______________________________________________________________________________ Wow, if you've read both chapters by now, you really need to give yourself a pat on the back! Thanks to all those who emailed me after the first chapter. Any ideas would be greatly appreciated. If you want to tell me anything, you can email me at Feel free to add me to MSN messenger using the email address that I just wrote. The third chapter will be up very soon, so stay tuned.