Date: Mon, 7 Jun 2010 04:28:30 -0500 From: Joey Weaver <> Subject: Joey's Tale - Chapter 1 Hello everyone! My name is Joey (not really, I'm sorry, but you know how it is) and this is the very first time that I have decided to write something so you may imagine how nervous I am. I really hope you like it. It is a little based on true events and a little fiction, but all in all I think it is a pretty decent story. I would greatly appreciate if you wrote me comments and suggestions to I will do my best to reply each one I get in a quick way. I will decide to continue with my story depending on how good a response I get from you guys. So, here it is, the tale of my life. Enjoy and comment! Love, Joey -------- Joey's Tale Chapter 1 Half an hour before my alarm clock was set to go off I was already wide awake. I took the extra time to carefully select my outfit for the day. I'm not exactly a God physically, but as I looked in the mirror I must say I felt rather confident with what I saw. I have my father's strong features, a prominent chin and a small nose, and my mother's intense brown eyes. My mother always says that when I am very upset or really happy my eyes turn the darkest shade of green like hers. My hair is different than the rest of my family's; it's the thing about me that I like the most. It is a chocolaty brown kind of color, although in the sun it appears to be almost red. I loved to keep it a bit long back then, shoulder length at the most, and let it cover parts of my face at times. It falls naturally in a curvy way that is almost hypnotic. "Joey! You better be ready to go in 5 minutes or I swear to God I will never offer you a ride ever again!" My sister Mary shouted from the first floor and I snapped from my mirror view. She's a couple of years older than me and had just received her car as part of her sweet sixteen presents. As I reached her at the bottom of the stairs she looked me over up and down. "You look good bro" I had selected a mint green shirt that made my eyes pop and a tight pair of grey shorts that show off my cute bubble butt. "Thanks, I really want to make a good first impression" I responded nervously. "You will, don't worry. By the end of your freshman year no one will remember anything about what happened in Jr. High." She said while patting me gently on the shoulder. I cringed when she mentioned Jr. High and my mind furiously started to remember all the horrible things that happened... People have the ability to reach incredible cruelness. "Come on, let's go" She said as she realized I was day-dreaming again. The drive to the school went by pretty fast. Faster than I would like, because as I stood in front of the door I felt a knot on my stomach and an irresistible urge to turn around and run as fast as my slim body could muster. As I was about to run for my life's worth I feel a loving arm hug my broad shoulders and a hand place itself warmly at my right arm. I turned to Mary and saw her smile, it was just what I need to gather my nerves and open the door confidently. The place was so much bigger than my previous school so I showed Mary my schedule to have her tell me where most of my classes were. She had already showed me around so I didn't have to ask anyone where to go. Mary told me that sometimes the seniors messed with the new kids and gave them all the wrong directions. "What's your first class?" Mary asked "I have Spanish with Ms. Oliviero" "Cool, well you know where that is, so I'll catch you later Joey. Remember I have my cell, so anything you need just call me" She said while ruffling my hair and smiling at my panic stricken expression. I saw her run up to her boyfriend of 6 months, Steven. Steve Bianchessi is an amazing person. He is the most caring and lovable guy that I have ever met and it doesn't hurt that he's extremely good looking. His chiseled body, product of countless hours at the gym, and his gorgeous blond curls that looked so soft and bounced a little as he laughed that beautiful laugh were just topped by his incredible almond eyes. He waved at me with a big grin and left off with my sister on his arm. I must say that he got the best part in that deal. My sister is the most incredible person that walked this earth. She is the most loyal friend, the most loving sister and overall a great person. She is a younger version of my mother, who used to be a pageant queen at her age. Mary was quite tall, with my mom's beautiful dirty blond hair and the same intense brown eyes as me. I must admit that puberty treated her kindly, because she developed into one of the hottest girls of this school, which started to be a problem because of all the guys that perved after her, but Steve put a stop to that, and for it my family and I will be forever grateful. The warning bell rang so I quickened my step to arrive to Spanish class. I would hate to be late to my first class in High School. As I rapidly turned around the corner in the language department I harshly bumped into someone. The impact caught me off guard and caused me to fall abruptly to the ground on my butt. My things were scattered a bit and I quickly started to gather them while telling the person how sorry I was. Mary had warned me about messing with the seniors and their love for public display of strength and superiority over the younger ones. "No, I'm sorry. I wasn't looking where I was going" He said. His voice was so deep and masculine that it quickly caught my attention. I carefully lifted my gaze to look up at his face. He had his hand out for me and a lightly embarrassed smile on his face. He was the most beautiful specimen of a human being I have ever seen. In the one second I allowed myself to feast over his body I noticed how much taller and wider he was than me. He had the most strong and manly arms I had ever seen and not an ounce of fat existed within his muscles. His shirt covered what his chest and abdomen looked like and my mind could only imagine what wonders it was hiding from me. "It's okay, don't worry" I struggled to say. He had the most incredible blue eyes that just seemed to smile directly at my soul. The starting bell rang so I finished gathering my things and ran for my classroom. Just as I was about to close the door behind me I saw him still standing there smiling over here. As he saw I was looking back he blushed and quickly turned away and left. Oh my God, he is so cute when he blushes. "Llega tarde señor. Por favor tome asiento." Ms. Oliviero ordered. I saw an empty seat at the back of the room and took it. "No voy a tolerar ese comportamiento en mi salón de clases, jóvenes, así que si alguien decide llegar tarde a mi clase, start considering another language." She signaled to the door as she said this. The guy next to me quietly laughed and I looked at him and rolled my eyes to the teacher. He giggled. "I'm Joseph Weaver, but my friends call me Joey" I whispered to him. "Hey" he said as he took my hand in his. "I'm Alex Culp, nice to meet you" The rest of the class I talked to Alex quietly while the teacher explained how she expected us to behave our best in her class and her zero tolerance policies. Turns out Alex knew some people from my Jr. High and we had been at the same party without noticing each other. He seemed really cool and we were starting to hit it off when the bell rang, signaling the end of the class. "It was really nice meeting you Joey, I'll see you around" Alex said with a smile on his face as he walked from our room. I said goodbye to him and started to walk to my next class. I had the basic idea of where I had to go, but all the cute boys in the halls seem to distract me. I have known I was gay since just recently. I don't have a cute story of a best friend that I secretly desired and when I finally confessed he told me my feelings were reciprocate and consummated our love with passionate love-making. My first love was, troublesome at best. I shiver still at the thought of those dark days some years before High School. But anyway, my love for boys is undeniable and my eyes just could not get enough of them. I found the room for my next class and was disappointed that I hadn't bumped into my blue-eyed angel with his spiked jet black hair. I entered my Pre-Calculus classroom only to see Alex waving at me from the back of the room. Turns out we have most of our classes together, including our lunch break. I internally sighed with relief of not having to deal with the cafeteria alone. When lunch came I waited for Alex before getting in line and buying my food. Surprisingly, everything looked delicious, unlike most places I hear about. As we took an empty table, some of Alex's friends came over and he introduced me to them as his friend Joey. Chris and Lacey were a couple since Jr. High, Dylan was a year older than us and smiled as he greeted me, and finally Sarah with whom I instantly clicked and had History class with. We enjoyed ourselves during that hour, and decided to meet here every day for lunch. I felt incredible about having made such amazing friends on my first day. This really was a 360 degrees change from the past. At the end of the day I was waiting for Mary in the parking lot, as I was checking out the cars there. I saw many that looked great, and like Mary's, brand new. I saw one pulling out and drive up to where I was standing, but was still a bit far so I couldn't recognize the driver. I heard my sister call me and turned to see her and Steven waving me to go over to his car. As I walked to them I heard the car (a brand new white BMW that was so, so, SEXY) and slightly turned my head to catch a glance of the driver. I recognized those blue eyes instantly as he made eye contact and gave me a little smile and a wink before speeding out of the school's parking lot. I was smiling when I got into Steve's car, who was driving me home because Mary had to organize the cheerleading auditions, her being one of the top cheerleaders in the school. Steve looked at me and smiled when he saw me sheepishly smiling like a puppy. "Who's the hottie?" He asked with a smirk on his face. He and my sister have known about me for a while now but it still made me blush because of his lack of subtlety. "I don't know his name yet. But I will soon." Not soon enough, I thought to myself. The rest of the ride home I told Steven about how my day went and how I felt this was going to be the most awesome year yet. ---------- Well here you have it! I hope you enjoy what you have read so far and are interested to know more about Joey and his friends. If you did enjoy it please send me your comments, and if you didn't, I strongly appreciate constructive criticism and would love for everyone to send whatever (respectful!) suggestions you may have to Can't wait to hear from you! Love, Joey