The LeFleur-Winfield Men Introduction

Disclaimer of Liabilities

All characters appearing in this work are fictitious. Any resemblance to real persons, living or dead, is purely coincidental.

This work of fiction contains graphic depictions of gay sex amongst minors and adults. By proceeding to the aforementioned literary work, YOU agree to be bound by the Terms, Laws and, Conditions as set by your jurisdiction regarding obscenity and decency and to agree to the terms listed in this document in its entirity.

YOU understand and agree that I, nor NIFTY and any of its subsidiaries or affiliates shall in no event be liable for any direct, indirect, incidental, consequential, or exemplary damages, including, but not limited to, imprisonment.

Additional note to United States users:

Although this story contains graphic sexual encounters between minors and minors and adults, it is still very legal to produce, read, and publish, according to the First Amendment.

Various laws such as CDA or CIPA have tried to curtail our individual rights and freedoms as artists, humans, and American citizens; luckily, the Supreme Court functioned properly by striking down some of the more restrictive parts of these laws.

In short, this story can be published and read legally in the United States, unless you live in a jurisdiction that actually has laws against this enjoyment.