Date: Wed, 16 Mar 2005 22:00:55 +0000 From: Darren C Subject: Life Starts Again Chapter 4 Well, Im not doing the warning thing again, its the forth chapter, if you like gay relations you do, if you dont, you dont. either way, I hope this addition is pleasing. _____________________________________ Chapter Four: Fury The weekend was going well for both Justin and Drew; they had taken time to really talk things out over Saturday afternoon and had come to an understanding with each other after Justin had explained the whole story to Drew. It was getting late into Saturday evening before either got a chance to eat; they both took a seat at the table, Justin surprised his father hadn't been called in for overtime like he usually was. His mom was once again rambling on and on to Drew who actually seemed to be enjoying it. She talked about everything from the family trip to Europe to why Drew would walk all the way to our house in the rain. As we hit that subject I realized then that I hadn't yet told her about the incident the day before. "...And you walked all the way here? Why would you do such a silly--" Beth was cut off by Justin who figured it was best that he tell her, as it was his mother. "He was mad at me because I didn't tell him I was gay. He found out the hard way and well, we've worked things out. He's fine with it" Justin blurted out. "Really?" She smiled at Drew and patted his hand lightly with hers. "I'm glad you accept him as he is, his last friends didn't and he could really use a friend like you now" she said, knowing full well why Drew had walked over. "Well you don't have to worry, nobody picks on my friends and gets away with it" Drew replied, sending a wink and smile Justin's way. "...I stand by my `I don't need a bodyguard' statement" "Dude, I'm six-two and over two-hundred pounds, mostly muscle, one look at me and they'll run like hell" "...Or fall to the floor drooling over you..." Justin retorted with a chuckle. "Like you did?" Drew cocked an eyebrow. "Touche Drew, Touche " Just then, Justin's father interrupted the conversation in his low powerful voice. "Its Drew right?" Drew merely nodded as to allow Mr. Ellis to continue. "I have to admit that I haven't met any guy like you so far, you are a very admirable person to be so open and comfortable around my son, and please ignore him and guard him... he really does need it, whether or not he realizes it." "That was my plan actually," Drew laughed, bringing a smile to Mr. Ellis' face. "Really, I can take care of myself" Justin said, almost pleading. "Sure, whatever you say Justin" Drew said patronizingly. That night when Justin and Drew had gone to bed, all Justin could do was stare at the ceiling and think. It was odd having a friend like Drew, in fact, it almost seemed impossible...but here he was, living proof that not everyone is out to get homosexuals. Justin knew that this would be a very sleepless night if he didn't ask Drew something very... personal. " awake?" He asked in a whisper. "...Yeah, finding it hard to sleep. I'm assuming you are too?" "Yes I am..." Justin sat up in his bed and looked down at Drew. "Could I ask you a favor, a really, really big favor?" "I suppose, what is it?" "Could I sleep with you? I don't mean have sex or anything, I just..." He looked away and gave a slight chuckle. "Just what?" Drew stared at him for a moment, wondering what Justin could possible be thinking. "Just want to be close to someone" Drew thought for a moment, wondering if it were a good idea as the situation might elevate Justin's feelings for him, but decided it wouldn't matter in the long run, if Justin really did love him, it wouldn't matter what Drew did to stop it, it wasn't his choice. So he waved Justin over and lifted the blanket up, allow Justin's smaller figure to slip under the sheets. Drew repositioned himself on his side and brought Justin's back to a rest against his chest, and wrapping and arm around Justin to hold him in place. What Drew hadn't realized was that Justin was in tears, silent tears. His emotions were rampant, surging from an infuriated hatred of Matt to strident happiness to be near Drew. What Justin hadn't told Drew was that the reason he didn't mention anything about Matt when he learned who had stolen his drawings was that he was in shock; it was almost a parallel situation to what had happened at his old school, in his old town, in his old room. He remembered it well, Mark had taken his drawings and shooed them to his friends, and it crushed every one of them, especially Alex his very best friend. That same night Alex had confronted him about the drawings, except, Alex had the drawings with him, and a rage he had never before witnessed. Alex told him right then and there that they would never be friends again, he had used so many derogatory terms that Justin couldn't keep up with them all and all but shut down. He suffered a mental breakdown that night and hospitalized himself after the whole ordeal took its toll. TO make sure this didn't happen again, he suppressed everything within him when drew confronted him, he wouldn't allow himself to be a victim again, he would stand his ground, repressing his emotions and facing whatever his future held for him. He awoke from his thoughts and waited for his tears to dry as he felt the warm flow of breath coming from Drew behind him before maneuvering around to face him. Once again Justin let his feelings overcome him and leaned in and gave Drew a quick, gentle kiss on the lips, and whispered a thank you. He buried his head in Drew's chest, this time feeling the warmth of the skin on his face, which put Justin back to sleep in moments. Monday had come around and once again it was raining outside. "Ah man, does it ever stop raining here?" Justin asked as he threw his shirt on, approaching the table. "Yeah, but not often. It seems to always rain here, maybe it just reflects the mood of the community..." Drew replied. "Well, its time to go now, bus will be here really soon" "What? You haven't even eaten breakfast, or made a lunch" "Thank you for reminding me mom..." Justin said rolling his eyes and slipping on a black raincoat. "Funny. Very funny" Drew said as he walked over and slipped on the other raincoat that was hanging in the closet. "Rarely eat at school anyways, come on, we have to get going." "You sure your father wont mind me borrowing this?" Drew asked before they stepped out the door. "Positive" Drew and Justin walked through the tall glass doors of the school into the main lobby area where the students gathered in the morning to gossip and prepare for first class. As they both entered, the room shifted to them one by one, and a silent hush fell over the crowd, before Justin could even think of a reason why everyone was staring he noticed a poster on the wall, it was his artwork. His throat constricted and his stomach fell to the floor and then he heard it, it was but a whisper in the crowd at first, before it became clearer. `Fag'. Drew, never having faced a problem like this and not initially hearing the comments didn't know what was going on and turned to Justin for answers. "Justin, what's going on?" He whispered, "Why are they all staring at us?" Justin hung his head and replied, "Matt" It didn't take anything more then that for it to register to Drew, and his anger shot through the roof. He grabbed Justin by the wrist and pulled him along as they plowed through the crowd of students, Justin trying to block out all the comments he was hearing along the way. He tried to shut his emotions off again, but it wasn't working, he couldn't contain himself, hatred, sadness, anxiety, and confusion, every possible feeling inside him stirred. As they shot through the doors to the cafeteria Drew's grip loosened and finally let Justin go as he approached Matt. "You son of a bitch!" Drew yelled as he made a fist, and, putting all his body weight and power into the punch, flung his fist. Matt turned around to see Drew, coming at him hard and fast, but before he could do anything, Drew's punch had hit its mark, landing a punch to Matt's jaw and sending him flying across the room before slamming into a table and falling to the floor. Drew was coming at him again, when he felt someone's hand clutch his wrist, stopping the attack. He turned to see Justin, his eyes pale and lifeless, as if nothing but a shell that walked the earth, slowly releasing Drew's hand Justin shuffled past him and approached Matt who was just beginning to sit up. Justin hadn't blocked out his emotions, he was now embracing them, the onslaught of fury that had gathered inside him was no one focused beam, aimed towards Matt. "I hate you" Justin said in a monotone voice. He reached down and grabbed Matt's shirt and pulled him up to face level. "I really hate you, you only did this because you are insecure about who you are, you pride yourself on destroying other peoples lives. Its people like you who drove me out of my last school" and with that Justin raised his fist and plowed it into Matt's face, sending him flying back down to the floor. "MR. ELLIS!" Came a voice from behind him. Justin turned around to see the principal standing in the doorway to the cafeteria. "Yes?" Justin replied, once again in the monotone voice. "Come with me, as well as you" He said pointing to Matt, "And you." He continued, looking at Drew. Justin, Drew and Matt all sat in the principal's office separated only by a few feet of tile. Justin was still in a daze, and didn't pay much attention to what the principal was saying until he was snapped out of that daze when the principal addressed him. "...So Mr. Ellis, Why was it that you were fighting in the cafeteria this morning?" Justin looked up and stared back at the principal, "Because I felt like hitting him" "So you get an urge to hit someone and you do?" He snapped. "No. Only those who deserve it" "Well I hope you realize that I have contacted your parents and they're on their way here now" "I don't care, they'll stand beside me, after I explain what happened to them. But until then, I'm not saying another word." And Justin closed his mouth and looked away. "I agree, I know you contacted my parents as well, and until they arrive, I refuse to speak as well" Drew followed, leaving only Matt to talk. The whole time waiting for parents to arrive, Matt had made up an elaborate story for the principal, playing the role of victim. `More like bitch' Justin thought to himself many times. Beth strode into the classroom where the parents, the principal and the three guys were gathered to have a meeting and quickly took a seat beside her son. Around the table were Drew and his mother and father, and the other two parents, a Mr. And Mrs. Carter, with their son, the principal sitting between the other two families. "My husband wasn't able to make it" Beth said sternly. "That's no problem, we can still have this meeting, as long as you are here. Apparently, from what Matt has told me, Drew and Justin both attacked him in the cafeteria this morning. They appeared to be very volatile and when Matt tried to calm them down, they both took turns beating him up. Mrs. Ellis, Mr. And Mrs. Wilson, your sons have not spoken since the incident, they refused until you all arrived." "We'll talk" Said Justin. Giving the principal a malevolent stare. "So Justin, why did you attack that boy" Beth asked, Her anger seeping through. "Because he stole my private artwork, used it against my best friend, photocopied it, and posted it all over the school for people to look at" Justin furiously said. "On top of that, he has started what happened at my old school, and I'm tired of peoples bullshit" Beth glared at Matthew, "You stole my sons artwork? How dare you even go near his belonging---" Beth was cut off by Mr. Carter. "Don't talk to my son in that tone of voice. That little fag of yours shouldn't even be in school" "My son may be gay, but I love him and with all my heart, don't you dare insult him like that, or you may soon learn that we are very much alike, my son and I" She took a moment to calm herself and started again as she didn't want this to get out of control. "As for him being in school, he has every right to be here, he is a human being too..." It took almost an hour to settle everyone down, but eventually the story had come out and everything became clear to the parents. Beth had put aside her temper for the time and listened attentively while everyone took turns speaking. She was surprised when Drew spoke, as he spoke highly of her son, something no other high school student had done before. When everything was settled the principal had to address the situation of punishment for all three boys. Matt was to have a week's suspension, a week's worth of detention and `community service' for stealing the art, copying it, and posting it, as well as slandering someone's name. Drew and Justin had a week's suspension as well, and two detentions when they returned for attacking Matt. The principal ended the meeting and let the Parents who wanted to stay mingle for a time. Beth had never met Mr. And Mrs. Wilson before and took the time now to get some introductions. And Matt's parents had left on the spot, as if disgusted with the other parents. As Justin and Drew being on suspension starting immediately, they left the school and went for a walk. "Matt's such an asshole..." Drew grumbled as He and Justin walked down the street. "Yes, He is, but there's no reason to get angry about it now...I ...I cant believe I did what I did." Justin rambled. "You had more then the right too, he shouldn't have touched your work" Justin stopped for a moment and looked off into the distance, the rain coming down lightly. Drew turned around and walked back up to him. "Justin?" "Can you ever love me?" Justin whispered. "Can I ever have you?" "What...?" Drew said as he stepped in closer. "Can you ever love me, Drew" Justin repeated, speaking up. The rain fell gently to the ground as the two men stood there in raincoats, the confession of love being drowned out by the heavenly tears, and how was Drew to reply? He had never fell in love with another man before, he liked Justin, but could he ever be what Justin needed? "I will always be there for you, whenever you need me." Drew leaned in and gave Justin a light kiss on the lips; they were so soft, so sweet... _____________________________________ So what do you think? Good? Bad? Horrible? And how about that ending, I left you hanging once again, please dont hate me, It makes for an interesting story! Darren