Date: Tue, 13 Jan 2015 02:43:44 +0000 From: kuragari 129 Subject: Little Life of Nolan Parks - Chapter 11 Little Life of Nolan Parks is a story written and owned by the author under the pen name Kuragari129. This tale is completely fictional and any similarities to yours, or someone you know, life is coincidental. It will contain sexual acts, both consensual and forced, between underage males. If it is illegal for you to read this in your location stop now. Don't forget to donate to Nifty! They are a non-profit organization which provide you with this site for FREE! The least you can do is send in a couple of bucks at Looking for other stories by Kuragari129? Here is a list with links! Life's Expectations: Where Life Takes Us: Colby's Life Expectations: Life's Little Lies: My Life Started at the End of the World: To contact me, email me(, Like and message the facebook page( or ask me questions via Okay it's time to start LLNP with more than one POV a chapter! I'm going to try and get the chapters a little longer but I don't know how well that will go. This chapter you'll get a POV from Nolan and Henry. I know you've been in their heads before but oh well. LLNP has an end in sight now, but don't worry it's not for another 14 chapters. LLNP is going to be 25 chapters long, plus an epilogue. So 26 all things considered. The content of the story is pretty much filled in, but I'm always open to suggestions. This chapter though, is going to set things back up. Last chapter a new character, Stirling, came into play. He's flat out a bully and is going to be a problem for Nolan and the crew. But you don't see that this chapter. Nolan is going to look back on things and Connor is in for a not so pleasant surprise. LLNP – Chapter 11 – Old Memories – September Nolan's POV What happened earlier today? Who is this Sterling guy and why was he bugging us? Back in my hometown I was the root of bullies all the time. Mostly Paul's group of friends. They would always call me a loser, faggot, all kinds of names. Harrison and Paul would lead them in their assault. Paul was always the worse. Nolan's POV (A year ago) "Come on cum face, we're going to be late for school," It didn't help the fact that I just took Paul's load down my throat. I quickly followed him to Harrison's car. Harrison was growing impatient. You could tell from him tapping his car wheel. He looked over at us, "What the hell took so long!?" Paul rolled his eyes. "Cum for brains didn't want to suck me properly this morning." Harrison shot me a dirty look and started to drive off. I remained quiet in the back seat until we got to the school. It was only my first few weeks at the local high school and I was still uncomfortable with it. There were bullies around every corner and I had no friends yet. I was still in that dead zone of trying to find a group to hang with. I've tried to blend into a few groups. The jocks laughed at me and walked away, the nerds ignored me, and even the other outcast kids told me to go away. I was alone in the world that was high school. The second year of high school, it was going to be different. I was going to find my spot in the school, somewhere. That kind of changed when I saw Greyson Payne for the first time. He was being led around my Skylar Scott. To put it simply, Skylar was already a crush of mine. Greyson though... he just looked so unusual and unique. He had white hair and red eyes. Greyson acted like a normal human being even though he was blind. He was the centre of my attention during breaks at school. Then I was informed that we were moving. "We're moving in a week." Mom told me one morning. "What do you mean we're moving?" My first thought was I wasn't going to be able to tell Greyson how I felt. Mom sat me down, "I found a better job, somewhere I can afford the rent better than here. I know its sudden Nolan, but its for the best. I'm going to spend the next few days packing while your at school." And just like that it was set in stone, I was moving. Then it came to that Friday, the last day of school. And to add to it all Greyson got carried off towards the IE wing of the school. I followed because Skylar was nowhere to be seen. The bell had gone off like 5 minutes ago and the wing was already in full swing from the workshops. Greyson had managed to find his way into the bathroom already. In fact a kid had run off scared of him I think. The kid came by me saying, "The blind kid is fucking creepy." under his breath. I quickly moved. Greyson had barely taken a step before I pulled him into the bathroom again. He stared right at me, "Ummm Hi?" Then I couldn't help it, I kissed him. He even kissed me back. He placed his hands on my chest and pressed against it. That scared me, so I grabbed his hand and brought him to his class without saying a thing. For the rest of the day, I felt so guilty. I kissed him without his consent. It felt like I had just rapped him. I had to tell him it was me. I found Skylar on facebook and messaged him: Do you know Greyson's number? I need to talk to him. He replied: Yes, what do you need to talk to him about? It's private... Can I get it off you? One sec. I had waited for a few minutes before he spoke again: 555-555-2828. He's expecting your call. I immediately dialled the number into my phone. Greyson answered it quickly. "Nolan?" "Ya..." I took a breath and blurted out, "I'm sorry I kissed you in the bathroom today!" I sniffled and felt tears forming. "Nolan don't cry." The sincerity in his voice made me want to cry even more. "Nolan, why did you kiss me?" I had to think of what to say to him... "Ever since school started I thought you were cute. I couldn't leave without kissing you. But when I did I was too scared to say anything so I ran off." "Were you the kid in the bathroom I asked for help?" Greyson asked me. "No... I was just outside the bathroom when you asked. The guy you asked was 'a follower'." The type of kid who follows the popular ones hoping to be just as 'cool'. "Okay... Thanks for telling me Nolan. My mom is on the phone with the principle flipping out." SHE'S WHAT!?!?!?! I tried to recover quickly. "I'm sorry! I really am!" Greyson took it really cool though. "It's fine Nolan, I've got it covered. Do me a favour okay?" "Sure, what?" "Don't be afraid in your new school. Try and be confident, the bullies will go away." "Thanks Greyson..." I didn't know what else to say. He knew nothing about my life besides the bullies at school. But just him saying that made me happy and even more scared. I quickly said, "Good-bye" and dropped the call before bursting out into tears. My brother and Harrison are gone now... We're facing a new bully, I should be strong for Greyson. NO! I should be strong for myself and my friends. I have to be strong now. I have to try at least. Henry's POV I was heading to my last class of the day when I saw Sterling and another kid come out of the bathroom laughing. "Shit man, who knew he had so much piss stored up." Sterling croaked out. "That kid is gonna be scarred for life!" The other kid chuckled out. Class started in like a minute, but I needed to see who that had done something to. I entered the bathroom and heard sobbing coming from one of the stalls. I looked underneath them to find out which one. The kid stopped as I found him. It was really quiet as I spoke, "What happened to you?" "Henry!?" It was Connor on the other side of the door. He opened the door slightly, his eyes were red and his cheeks had tears running down them. "What are you doing here?" "I could ask you the same thing. What happened?" "I really needed to pee, so I came into the bathroom. Sterling and his friend were already in here and they wouldn't let me go. So I ended up pissing my pants right in front of them." His tears started to flow again. I had to think pretty quickly. "Okay, Ummm... I got it! Connor get your pants and underwear off. I'll go to my locker and grab you my gym stuff. You can change into that and we can do our best to wash your clothes." He nodded, "Okay Henry." "I'll be right back buddy." I bolted it to my locker and grabbed my gym stuff. I made it back in record time. "Okay Connor, here is my stuff. Hand me yours." I passed the bag underneath the stall door. Connor passed out his very wet jeans and briefs. I put the briefs in the sink and started the water. Connor came out wearing my sweat pants. "I wore your sweats to make it look like I wasn't going commando... Thanks by the way." I smiled, "No problem that's what friends are for!" Washing out his briefs was the easy part, the jeans were another story. Over the course of twenty-five minutes, I managed to wash most of the jeans. A few kids passed by while we were in there. Connor blushed every time. They were gone pretty shortly after they arrived by nonetheless. When I was just about finished Connor spoke again, "Sterling is gonna do this kind of stuff to you too..." "No, he won't Connor. And even if he does, someone will be there to do the same for us as I am doing for you. Like I said, that's what friends are for." I grinned over at him. "After I'm done here we're heading to the office." "What no! We can't!" "Why not?" He just shook his head, "If we do that he's just gonna come back with more force. It's gonna make things worse for us. You have to trust me. Sterling has been doing this kind of stuff to me for years." "Wait, years?" He nodded, "Sterling and I shared a elementary school. He might be 2 years older than me but we still took the same bus to school. Even when he was going to high school. "I told the teachers on him a few times and every time things got worse for me. It would turn from punches to kicks. Pushes to swirlies and even worse. The sooner you learn to take what Sterling dishes out the better." I snorted, "I'm not gonna stand down to him Connor. I'm gonna stand up for myself and my friends. Since this happened to you though, this is your call. If you don't want to inform the principle, we won't. Next time though, that might change." Connor nodded, "Thanks again Henry." I took the rest of my gym stuff out of my bag and shoved Connor's stuff into it. "Bring the bag and my pants back tomorrow, okay?" "Definitely." We got out and headed straight to Connor's class. Mine was on the way anyways. The teacher was just ending the lesson by the time we got there. "Why are you so late Mr. Buick?" Connor blushed. I answered, "There was an incident that has been taken care of. It resulted in Connor's tardiness. It's my fault, and I apologize on his behalf." "Get to your seat Connor. Henry, what ever the incident was you better hope you can make it up to your friend." I smiled; "I hope so too, sir." and I shot off towards my class. Man the teacher was pretty mad at me but whatever. Connor was in need of help and I wasn't going just to ditch my friend. No one who I call my friend would do that to them and get away with it... No one. Chapter end. I know it's kinda short, but it has a scene in it that I've been waiting to share!! The Henry and Connor bathroom scene. Check out my facebook page for a picture that inspired the event! Next chapter is all about Connor, well half chapter anyways! In fact the next few chapters will be about certain characters. With all the focus in the past being on Nolan, I thought I would get some background on the other characters in here too. So chapter 11.5 all the way to chapter 16 will do two things. Bring in the back story of characters and push the plot forward a bit. After that though, big things for Nolan! BIG things. Well thanks for reading!!